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Information Letter – Research Project


Dear ___________________
My name is Sage Blackmore. I am a pre-service teacher in the Bachelor of Education
program in the School of Education, University of South Australia. I am studying in
the course Professional Experience 4. This course requires me to plan, implement
and document a series of experiences with students in the school setting. I am
hoping you will agree to me documenting learning experiences and for him
to be a part of my research project, which ultimately will help me learn about teaching
strategies, planning and assessment in a school setting. Please note that full
approval has been provided by your school site and that your consent is entirely

The research project looks at refocusing strategies for students during Literacy
lessons. Through the students being involved in my research we will be looking at
different refocusing strategies such as the use of Mindfullness, flexible seating,
moving closer to me during instructional and learning time, and also other strategies
such as self-management and self-reflection, which allows the students to think about
how they went in terms of being focused during the specific Literacy lesson.

The documentation and data collected will be done through note taking, observations
and also the students self-management and reflections. It should be noted that all of
this data and any records of your students learning/work will be completely
anonymous with names blocked out, and pseudonames will be used.
All documentation will be seen and approved by the Supervising Teacher or Site
Coordinator and will require nothing extraordinary from the children/students. The
data collected is also purely for my university studies, and will only be looked at by
myself, Ethans classroom teacher, and my tutors at university. Please also note that
this research is for my own personal development and understanding of how
students learn best.

If you would like more information you can phone my Course Coordinator Susie
Raymond on 8302 4223. If you wish to withdraw after saying yes, please phone the
Course Coordinator to let her know and I will destroy any documentation and data
collected that include your child. If you are willing to give consent, please sign and
return the section below, so that myself and the University is aware that you have
consented and are fully informed.
Child’s name:___________________________
My name is ______________________________. I consent to
_________________________ documenting my child’s learning, for the purposes of
planning experiences/curriculum in the course Professional Experience 4. I have signed
the consent form and I have asked any questions I wanted to and received acceptable
answers. I also understand that I can withdraw my child’s participation at any time.

Signed _____________________________ Date ____________________

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