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YAMAHA’ disklavier Owner’s manual (apuie=oNT- YX 860m FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.) 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: 00 NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed, as indicated inthe instructions contained in {his manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authorly, granted by ‘he FCC, to use the product 2. IMPORTANT: Whon connecting this productlo accessories and/or another praductuse onlyhigh quality shielded cables, Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used, Follow ll installation instructions. Fallue o follow instructions could void your FCC ‘authorization to use this product in the USA. 3. Note: ‘This product has boon testod and found to comply withthe cequrements listed in FCC Regulations, Pat S5for Class “B* digital devices. Compliance wih these reuuiroments provides a reasonable level of assurance thal your use ofthis product in are- sidential environmen! will not result in hare intererance with other electronic devices. This equipment used according to {he instructions found In the user's manual, may causo interference harmiul to the operation of other electronic device Complicance with FOC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all interfaronco, which can be de- termined by turaing the unit “OFF” and "ON", please try to eliminate the problem by using ane of the folowing mesures: Relocate ehner this product or the device tnt is being aftocted by the Imerterence, Utilize power outlets that are on diferont branch (clout breaker or fuse) cccuts or install AC tne fiers. In the case of radio of TV interference, relocate/reorient ihe antenna, ithe antenaa leads is $00 on ribbon lead, change the lead-in t.co-axlal type cable, \ these corrective measures do net produce satistactory esull, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this {ype of product. you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contac: Yamaha Corporation of America, Electronic Service Division, @600 Oragethorpe Ave, Buena Park CA, 80620, ‘This applios only to product distributed by YAMAHA CORPORATION OF AMERICA. SUPPLEMENTAL MARKING INFORMATION SPECIAL MESSAGE SECTION ‘Yamaha Electronic Keyboard Products will have either label similar to the graphic shown below or amolded/ stamped facsimile of the graphic on its enclosure, The explanation of these graphics appears on this page. Please observe all cautions Indicated, CNT DO NOT OPEN ‘CAUTION: TD REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. ‘0 NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK), NO USERSERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. FEFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL fn this manual FOR U.S.A. ONLY The Exclamation point within an equilateral triangle ts intended to rt the user to the presence of im- portant operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the litera ture accompanying the product, The lightning flash with arrowhead ‘symbol within an equilateral triangle fs intended to alert the user of the Presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product's enclo- ‘ure that may be of sufficient magni- tude to constitute a risk of electric shock. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE (RF): Your Yamaha Electronic Keyboard Product has been type tested and found to comply with al! applicable regutations. However, itis instalied in the immediate proximity of other electronic devices, some form of interference may occur. For additional RFI information see FCC information section located IMPORTANT NOTICE: This product has been tested and approved by independent safety testing laboratories in ‘order that you may be sure that when it is property in- ‘stalled and used in its normal and customary manner, all foreseeable risks have been eliminated. D0 NOT ‘modify this unit or commission others to do so unless speciticalty authorized by Yamaha. Product performance andicr safety standards may be diminished. Claims filed under the expressed warranty may be denied i the unit |smas been modified. implied warranties may also be affected. SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The Informa tion containes in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing. Yamana reserves the right to change or modify specifications atany time without notice CF obligation to update existing units. NOTICE: Service charges incurred due to a lack of knowledge relating to how a function or effect works (when the unit is operating as designed), are not covered bby the manufacturer's warranty. Please study this manual caretully before requesting service. NAME PLATE LOCATION: The graphic below indicates ‘he location of the Name Plate on your Yamaha Electronic Keyboard. The Model, Power requirements, etc., are in- dicated on this plate. Serial Number is on the Name Pl or adjacent to it. You should note the model, seriat umber and the date of purchase in the spaces provided below and retain this manual as a permanent record of your purchase. Namo Plate we Mosel eee eee eee ee SerlalNo. Purchase Date IMPORTANT SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INFORMATION RELATING TO POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY, ELECTRIC SHOCK AND FIRE HAZARD POSSIBILITIES HAS BEEN INCLUDED IN THIS LIST, WARNING — When using electronic products, basic prec autions should always be followed, including the following: 41, Read all Safety and Installation Instructions, Supple- ‘mental Marking and Special Message Section data, and assembly instructions (where applicable) BEFORE us- lng your Yamaha electronic keyboard. Check unit weight specifications before you attempt to move this instrument 2. Main Power Supply Verification: Your Yamaha elec- tronic keyboard has been manufactured specifically for the main supply voltage used in your area. I youshould move, oritany doubt exists, please contact your des {or instructions. The main supply voltage required by your electronic keyboard is printed on the name plate. Forname plate location see graphic in Special Message Section. 3. This product may be equipped with apolarized ine plug (one blade wider than the other). If you are unable to Insert the plug into the outlet, contact an electrician to have your obsolote oultet replaced. Do NOT defeat the satety purpose of the plug. Yamaha products not having polarized plugs incorporate construction methods and designs that do not require line plug polarization. 4. WARNING — Do NOT place objects on your electronic, keyboard's power cord or place the unit in a position where anyone could trip over, walk over, or roll anything ‘over cords of any kind. Do NOT allow your electronic + keyboard or lis bench to rast on ar be installed over cords of any type. Improper installations of this type create the possibilty of a fire hazard and/or personal Injury. 5. Environment: Your electronic keyboard should be in- stalled away from heat sources such as a radiator, heat registers andior other products that produce heat. Ad- ditionally, the unit should not be located in a position that exposes the cabinet to direct sunlight, of alr cur- rents having high humidity or heat levels. 6. Your Yamaha electronic keyboard should be placed so that Its location or position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. 7. Some Yamaha electronic keyboards may have benches that are elther a part of the product or supplied as an ‘optional accessory. Some of these benches are de- signed to be dealer assembled. Please make sure that, the bench is stable before using it. The bench supplied by Yamaha was designed for seating only. Noother uss are recommended. 10. 1 1. 13, 15. ‘Some Yamaha electronic keyboards can be made to ‘operate with or without the side panels or other com- ponents that constitute a stand, These products should be used only with the components suppiled or a cart (oF stand that Is recommended by the manutacturor. ‘This product, elther alone or in combination with an _amplifier and headphones or speakers, may be capablo ‘of producing sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. Do not operate for a long period of time ata high volume level or ata level thatis uncomfortable. you experience any hearing loss or ringing in thee: you should consult an audiologist. sctronic keyboard near water aswimming Donotuse your Yamal oF in wet environments. For example, ne pool, spa, or in a wet basement. Care should be taken so that objects do not fall, and liquids are not spilled, into the enclosure through openings. Your Yamaha electronic keyboard should be serviced fied service person when: supply cord or plug has been damaged: ». Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilied Into the product; or ©. The produet has been exposed to rai 4. The product does not operate, exhi change in performance; or ‘8. The product has been dropped, or the enclosure of the product has been damaged. When not in usa, always turn your Yamaha electronic keyboard “OFF”. The power-supply cord of the product ‘should be unplugged from the outlet when itis tobe left ‘unusedtor along perlodoltime. Note: Inthis case, some units may lose some user programmed data. Factory programmed memories will not be attacted. Do not attempt to service the product beyond that de~ scribed in the user-maintenance instructions of this ‘Owner's Manual, All other servicing should be roforred ‘to qualified service personnel Electromagnetic Interference (RFI). This series of ‘Yamaha electronic keyboards utilizes digital (high tre~ quency pulse) technology that may adversely alfect Radio/TV reception or the operation of other devices that uillize digital technology. Please read FCC Infor- ‘mation (on the page 1) for additional information. PLEASE KEEP THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! Warnings with Regard to Use of Your Disklavier Location Avoid using your Disklavier in the fol- lowing locations as this may lead to malfunctions or damage. +Near windows or other places exposed to direct sunlight. «Extremely hot locations such as next to heating appliances. * + Extremely moist or dry places. + Locations exposed to dust or vibrations. ‘AC Power Connection Disconnect the Disklavier from the AC power source when notusing it for an extended period of time. Floppy Disks Handle floppy disks with care. (See page 14.) Do Not Take off the Rear Panel of the Disklavier control unit, the Fall Board, the Front Boards or the Top board. If necessary, contact the dealer where you purohased. Handle With Care! + Do not use excessive force when op- erating switches and buttons. Avoid applying pressure on the cabinet. + Do not place anything on top of the cabinet. + Take care that cords and cables do not get stuck under the Disklavier Piano. + Be sure to turn off the power when connecting or removing cords and cables. +In order to prevent short circuits and wire breakage, always disconnectcords by pulling them out by their plugs. Beware of Lightning! During thunderstorms when there is a danger of lightning strikes, disconnect the power plug. in Case of Water Leakage... If the Disklavier has been rained upon or has had a vase spilled on it, dis- connect the power cable and contact your dealer. (Relocation When relocating or moving the Disk- lavier, be sure to disconnect all cords and cables so as to avoid short circuits or wire breakage. Cleaning wJJ + Clean the exterior with a soft, dry cloth + Wiping the exterior with benzene, thinner or. similar chemicals or using aerosols near it May damage the finish and should be avoided. Interference Noise in Other Appliances - The Disklavier uses digital circuitry throughout so it may cause interference noise in radios, television sets, etc., when these are used very close to the unit at the same time. Theretore be sure to keep the Disklavier at some distance from such appliances. Check Again! If you think there is something wrong with the Disklavier, please check the items listed on page 35 under “Trouble- shooting". You may have made a mistake during operation that can be corrected easily. Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha Disklavier. This newly developed device is a highly musical performance system that combines Yamaha's advanced electronics technology with cour decades of experience in manufacturing musical instruments. In order to be able to make full use of the Disklavier's large variety of functions and superior performance as well as {0 obtain many years of trouble-free enjoyment, please read this in- struction manual carefully. FEATURES Using micro-tloppy disks as @ recording medium, this digital device plays the piano seit during playback, thus ensuring that tonal irregularities, noise and distortion are completely avoided, Even tha most delicate nuances of touch, from pianissimo to fortissimo, and etfacts using the sustain pedal are faithfully recorded and reproduced. During playback, volume and tempo adjustment as weil as transposition can be carried outas desired. Changing the tempo does not infiuence the pitch. speedy music selection as well as “Forward” and “Reverse” operations, repeat functions, etc are possible. laying simultaneously with the playback of recorded music is possible. ‘Soparate recording and playback of parts for the left and right hand are also possible. MIDI functions are builtin. This means that an oxterna\ MIDI instrument may be played automatically during playback as weil as allowing a large variety of MIDI control configurations using sequencers and rhythm ma- chines. Contents .. Introducing the Disklavier Piano Names and Functions «0 Display oe sccnenenrern Remote Control Unit Floppy Disks Playback (Basic playback procedure) . Playback (Additional Operations using the Remote Control Unit) Recording (Basic Recording Procedure) ... Recording (Lett and Right-hand Recording) Edit Functions .. Disklavier Record Data Compatibility . MIDI Functions MIDI Implementation Chart Error Messages Troubleshooting Specifications Introducing the Disklavier Piano The Disklavier Piano consists of a piano and a Control Unit. The piano is equipped with a sensor unit for recording and a drive unit for playback. The Contro! Unit consists of a unit which controls recording/playback functions, etc., and a front panel from which various operations can be per- formed. Sowa an sat Set Pedal Sensor Unit Pedal Source Unit ‘Connect the cable to the CONTROL CABLE on the Control Unit Rear Panel. @Plug in the Disklavier Piano. @MIDI jacks These jacks are used for MIDI connections. When you want to control other MIDI equipment from the Disklavier or control this unit from other MIDI equipment, these jacks enable MIDI signal communication. (Please refer to the section "MID! Functions” for more information on MIDI functions.) @ Connect tne cabiote the Conttol Unit Rear Panel @® Plug in he Olshtavier Piano ® Controt Unit Rear Panel ‘CONTROL CABLE ot aces onrot cable FOR USA ONLY FCC INFORMATION IMPORTANT: Wen connecting this product fo accessories andlor another product use only high quality shielded cables, ‘Cable's supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA. Names and Functions Each function is explained (—7> page [==] eocS T viak sia GP | [ rnd an 5 Dak ject button (7 Volume tover (47> Rec. buton (327 Music Number indleation (J?! ieee quid Crystal Daptay (> Tune SelectReverse:Forward buttona (77> —ptayrPause button ay Rear Panel e Sagal T Controt cable MIDI Jacks See the section on “MID! Functions” on page 30~33. Display The lay shows the current status © The following section introduces the main displays. (Details are explained in each section.) VALSE NO.4 VALSE BRILLANTE © Music Number Indication ~’ Displays the number of the song being played back or recorded. % Up to 60 songs can be recorded. Crystal Display (LCD, ‘© Playback function Music Tilo (This i displayed using two Hines. When other information appears inthe dleplay, art of the Music Title will be omitted) VALSE NO. (1) | vatsé BR’ ‘Shows the time that has elapsed si ayone (a7) VOLUME O os il : —_—— © Part Cancel Te] | AR bo 12> | | SBIBSE Bases lenbeeddetess! © Repeat Functions §=— [7 / 0 eter 1a Pree ete (eee ee eeeeeeeeeeay ie = | #lkey normal | ! <00:12> | PeSeeE eee eo © Transpose Functions 99 9q QI © Tempo Functions @ Basic Operation ——— Vasa VAMANA eee | [## DISKLAVIER #4 | eee eet This message is displayed when the power switch is pressed Iesiectuei eel ay eal | DISK NOT READY! |» Insert a floppy disk into the Disk Slot. TEE ree i 1] ; WAIT A MOMENT! |_____, Wait a moment until the next message Is displayed. L + Do not press the Eject button when this display is ‘shown. Doing so during a recording operation will destroy the data that has been recorded. © Disk title, Music title € Display scroits. ‘After the floppy disk has been inserted, the display arene will show the title of the floppy disk. Tile of oppy dik a (Rep vepiunty eee Displays the Music title. | VALSE NO.4 t [| VALSE BRILLANTE | See Music tile and/or composer @ Recording functions Jow the time that has elapsed ‘Shows remaining memory space availabe for recording, ince recording was stated — i This display changes during recording <00:00>FREE 100% Saavonopo0og0000 Hinata te ee tacts other UNFORMATTED DISK This message is displayed when an unformatted disk has been inserted. See the section on “Format” on — page 16. Papeete Cancel the disk's memory protect function by sliding DISK WRITE PROTECTEDE i back the erasure protection tab before using recording eee functions. © Other error messages are displayed occasionally See “Error Messages” on page 34, 0 Remote Control Unit © Part Cancel buttons '@ Repeat buttons @ Transpose buttons D Tune Select buttons © Stop button Pat © StartiPause button REMOTE CONTROL TRANSMITTER PPR-10 YAMAHA Functions controllable only by the Remote Control Transmitter @ Part Cancel buttons When playing back music recorded separately for the left and right hand, it is possible to cancel either the left-hand or right-hand part by pressing the corresponding Part Cancel button. In other words, pressing the button "L” causes only the sound of the keys played by the right hand to be heard, while pressing “R” means that you will hear only the part for the left hand. This function can be used only with pieces of music which have been recorded as explained In “Recording Music Separately for the Left and Right Hand” on pagé 25. This button is also used to select the part you want to play back in the case of ensemble music. @ Repeat buttons Use these buttons to make playback repeat. " © Transpose buttons When you want to transpose (change the key of) a piece of music for playback, press these buttons in stop mode, during playback or playback pause. ® Tempo buttons When you want to adjust the tempo of a piece of music for playback, use these buttons in stop mode, during playback or playback pause. @ Tune Select buttons The function of these buttons is to select the music number in stop mode, during playback or in record stand-by mode. Each button is equivalent to the corresponding button on the control unit. ® Volume buttons These buttons adjust playback volume level. They can be operated in stop mode, during playback or playback pause. @ Return-FF buttons ‘These buttons are for fast forward and rewind. They can be operated in stop mode or during playback. Fast forward or rewind continues until the respective button is pressed again. ® Stop button This button stops all operations such as playback and recording, fast forward or rewind. © Start/Pause button Press this button when you want to start playback or recording. Also use it when you wish to temporarily stop (pause) or restart a piece of music during playback or recording. (If this button is pressed during fast-forward or rewind, playback will resume from that point.) @ Rec. button Has the same functions as the Rec. button on the front panel + Software for the left and Right Hand Software that can use the Part Cancel function is being sold for lessons and listening as Disklavier Piano Soft™. Please refer to the Disklavier Piano Soft™ catalog tor more details. 2 Infrared sensor Intrares wansmiter When operating the remote control, make sure that the infrared transmitter is aimed at the infrared sensor on the front panel. The remote control unit is very convenient for recording and playback, and also has functions of its own which are not found on the front panel, such as Part Cancel, Repeat, and Tune Select. Inserting the Batteries Remove the battery cover from the bottom @ Insert the two batteries, making sure that of the remote control (+) and (—) are correctly aligned. @ Reinstall the battery cover. Notes: © Please make surethatthe(+)and(—)poles © Replace the batteries with two new ones of the batteries correspond to the schematic, of the same type. drawing in the battery compartment. © When not using the remote control unit for '* When the remote control no longer works extended periods, remove the batteries in when used at a distance, replace the bat- order to prevent damage from leakage. t 8 Floppy Disks Floppy disks are a data storage medium using a film coated with magnetic material. Since this magnetic surface is very delicate, please take care when handling floppy disks. © There are various types of floppy disks available. When purchasing floppy disks for recordings with your Disklavier, please ask for double sided, double density, double track 3.5 inch floppy disks, (We recommend MF2DD disks.) © Floppy disks must be inserted in the correct direction with the right side up. Please insert them ‘as shown in the illustration on page 15. © Floppy disks which have been formatted on the Disklavier can be used for recording up to 90 ‘minutes of music per disk (depending on the recording conditions) * Do not slide open the shutter and touch the disk’s magnetic surface. Also protect the disk from ‘smoke and aerosols. If the magnetic surface gets soiled or damaged, the disk may become unusable. © Please use the disk in a comparatively dust-free environment. * Avoid placing disks near television or radio sets, speakers or other devices generating magnetic. fields. ‘* Disks can be used in the environmental temperature range from 4°C (40°F) to 52°C (125°F). Please do not store them where it gets colder than 4°C (40°F) or hotter than 82°C (125°F). Recording Erasure Protection Ifthe erasure protection tab is slid in the direction shown by the arrow in the following illustration, recording becomes impossible with that floppy disk. You can thus protect valuable music data recordings trom accidental erasure. By returning the erasure protection tab to its original position, you can record again on that disk. BE Erasure protection “ 1. Inserting Carefully insert the supplied floppy disk into the Disklavier in the direction of the arrow with the label facing upward. 2, Removing Press the Disk Eject button in order to remove the disk. o [pl 6 In order to be able to use newly purchased disks with the Disklavier, they first have to be “formatted”. It is not necessary to format the supplied pre-recorded dish and Piano Soft™ disks for Disklavi (Doing so would erase the recorded music!) (=e r 1 Insert the floppy disk. —— | UNFORMATTED DISK | [ ESSSSSonanassnnansnBnnnnac| Reconfirm the above question by again pressing the Play/Pause button. Ye = | FORMATTING Nove | l J 2 After inserting a disk, press the Rec. button while keeping the Stop button depressed. You can release these buttons when the display reads “FORMAT OK?". OF j FORMAT OK? | | 5 After a tew minutes, formatting is completed and the display will change as follows. ail j 3 In answer to the above message, press the Play/Pause button, FORMAT OK?? If you decide not to proceed with formatting, press the stop button when the display shows "FORMAT OK?" or “FORMAT OK? Playback (Basic playback procedure) 1 2 ‘Switch on the power Insert the floppy disk. — ap WAIT A MOMENT! | Hee ieee eet eZ =e Wee -— | YPO-1201 SAMPLE | __ wD Lt ( | VALSE NO.4 | G1] | VALSE BRILLANTE | DISK NOT READY! [Tune Setect/Reverse-Forward ] Tune Select Reverse-Forward © Press [44] [se] buttons and select the © Press [4] [2] buttons in Playback mode, piece in Stop mode. Press the same button to start playback again. © Reverse and Forward stop at the beginning and end of song. You can select the piece by the TUNE SELECT/RETURN-FF buttons on the remote control unit, Pedal Playback ‘The sustain pedal will not visibly move, but the internal mechanism will function. ” 3 4 Ifthe Play/Pause button Ladd Play/Pause button to | | PresstheStop buttontostopthe | 5 prosed during play. eed eee back, playback stops. | VALSE NO.@ (VaLse no.a Pore red bnelAcoeed rd DA VALSE BR'<00:00> || | [G7]! VALSE BRILLANTE || feteneyeocn wn" Volume Control [x] >) Caj]Ce}] = {1} Ter it : Volume Nome eer aa noises when normal/soft mode is switched. FaaLOE OEE in Soft mode, but this is not a malfunction | oe | ‘® Using the remote contro! unit to adjust the LH J volume will not move the volume lever on * In order to adjust the playback volume, move the lever and select your favorite volume within 8 levels. © Normal mode is —2 to +1. Soft mode for quiet playback is -6 to ~3. © The nearest playback level to the original is volume 0 (Standard). © The soft mode mechanism motor makes Key notes may be uneven during playback the front panel. 1" Playback (Additional operations using the Remote Control Un [ Playing back music Separately for the Loft and Right hand (Part Cancel) | When playing back music that has been recorded separately for the left and right hand part, it is possible to use the Part Cancel function. This function allows you to omit the sound of the left or right hand part during playback. The L part is usually played by the left hand (lower notes), The R part is usually played by the right hand (higher notes). (When using the L button) L a | MAZURKA Te\ | =R<00201> | (nti that te tt nae pats Cancellog wlth pedal spayed (once) i ca | MAZURKA 2]! '#R<00201> — inaeates that both the ot nand rt ana the peda playback ate tewice) st iietiit iets ileum oa MAZURKA | wy 72 | LR<00:01> | Indicates thet both the left hand part and the pedal playback are played back [Part “cancel ‘released (three times) (When using the R button) Three selections (L—,L, LR) are available, just as they are for the left hand. Operation and displays for music played separately forthe left and right hand. ‘Operation Lop | Lett part of Aight part of keyboard P&C8! “keyboard tfc rR ° ° (© __|L: Lott part of keyboard enabled 2f - ° ° %__ | P: Right part of keyboard enabled af. * ° x x___ | ~: Pedal operation (internal drive} Kt = > 7 enabled silietth = = OT] #: No pedal operation aie x z qT | However, 4% indicates that only the nag : . x | keyboard operates 0: Yes 7{[* * ° * Otte ae == x ° Separate Music for Left and Right Hands © This refers to Disklavier Piano Soft™ which permits music for practice and/or lessons to be played back separately by either the Left or Right hand one at a time. ® Software which sets and records split points can also be used as music played separately by the Left and Right hands. » REMOTE CONTA PPR YAM (© Repeating all music on a disk Pressing the All Repeat button in stop mode or during playback causes all pieces on the present disk to be repeated until stopped. 7 Era ' MENUETTO { [alicret “<00:01> | In order to turn off the repeat function, press the All Repeat button once again. @ Repeating single pieces Pressing the Repeat button in stop mode or during playback causes the piece with the currently selected music number to be repeated until stopped. smote es peer eer eee wy | MENUETTO In order to turn off the repeat function, press the Single Repeat button once again. © A.B Repeat A-B repeat means that the part in a piece of music between the two designated points A and B will be repeated. Yerrigtacreernine roi ASB { MENUETTO. | , (once) [Arset <00:01> | vette es gg MENUETTO | ‘on lpn coche pot fs (oie) | aB-rpt — <00:01> Every time point B is reached, the piece will be “rewound” to point A. Press the Play/Pause button to start. Se G7 LLZEEIZZZZEEZEA © Return and Stop By designating only point A with A-B repeat, it becomes possible to use the Return and Stop function. The Return and Stop function, which is started by pressing the[s<] button, rewinds to point A and stops there. By pressing the Start button, the playback starts. Playback mp LLZZIZEZIIL| )\ZZZIEEZIZZIZEEZIZ| 4 PPPZIZE a) Return © Cancelling the repeat function In order to cancel the repeat function, press the A-B Repeat button once again. aapatog Playing Back Transposed Music You can transpose the key of a piece for playback. In stop mode or during playback press the transpose button "+" or "—" Key becomes higher + (Peper j *Hkey normal | <00:01> 4 — ; cTkey normal | <00:01> ‘@Range displ ‘example 2 ost down a 1 ost down o2 = 8 key down oe —Skey down 6 ~4 key down e = key down A = 2 key down Bt = they down 8 normal key up or 2 key up ° key up oF 4 key up E Skey up F 6 key up Ff +1 00t up oe +2 oct up 05 a % 4 a Key becomes lower { 4 & erunwer I Ss Altering the Tempo © Tempo can be altered during playback. To do so, press the Tempo button In stop mode or during playback, then change the tempo with the “~" or “+” button. © Tempo becomes faster ca Faraosetl j ermal | 405% __ £002 01> '® Tempo becomes slower 5 + +10% @ Range Return to Normal PI hk Mode © To restore the normal setting of trans, tempo, or volume If the function is set to a positive (+) value, press and hold the corre- sponding "~" button to return to the normal setting. If the function is set to a negative (—) value, press and hold the corre- sponding "+" button to return to the normal setting. Recording (Basic Recording Procedure) 1 2 3 Insert a formatted floppy disk | | PresstheRec. buttontoenter into the drive. Press the Play/Pause but- record stand-by mode. ——_ mp Display of ready for recording Display a [WAIT A MOMENT? | Start recording when you cay eee eee pe | <00:00>FREE 100% hear the beep tone begin. a7] OocgonocooononOD Pee PEE Eee a | <00200>FREE 100% Indicates the next music oonoogsosonog9N9 EE eet Pe cd | number if several pieces L have already been re- rn e corded. Se [op © See pages 14~16 for information on floppy disks used for recording ‘© Please use 3.5 inch 2DD type disks. ‘© A floppy disk which is being used for the first time must be formatted before recording. Formatting The process of Formatting is similar to the process of drawing lines on a sheet of paper before writing music. “7H+E Formatting New floppy disk Formatting completed : 5 4 Now start playing 12> PREE100% onl anagooonagas | Ef eeerneeemeeeeee When you begin playing, the time display count will start and recording will begin. Press the Stop button to stop recording. mga eae | WALT A MOMENT! Cs<] C=] Ce} Ce] 1 Co} oe aa Press the Play/Pause button to halt the recording tempo- rarily. vw Pressing the Play/Pause but- ton again in this mode allows you to restart recording. Recording (Left and Right-hand Recording) uding Music S¢ for the Left and Right Hand Designating a split point (i.e. the position on the keyboard dividing the sections for the left and right hand) in record stand-by mode lets you record music separately for the left and right hand, If music was recorded in this manner, you can listen to either part individually during playback. 4 2 3 Press the Rec. button three | | Press the L or R button to| | Press the Rec. button once times to get the Recording | | enter the L/R recording | | more. Mode Select display. mode. ao L R nee, oc yw mm ya x3 7 - aor ! RECORDING MODE i dT RECORDING MODE | i RECORDING PART { NORMAL i | L/R RECORDING i L<- 88 KEY ->R 4 5 Designate the split point. Start recording iieseseiosesttsvezsiase RECORDING PART [_ bes 47 KEY ->R The key number can also} | Pressing the Play/Pause be selected with the L/R | | button starts recording. buttons on the remote con- trol transmitter. Press the Stop botton. to [ <00:00>FREE 100% a ag jognggongg5: 7 @ Key number for the split point The split point designates the highest note which can be played as the left hand part. Edit Functions How to input a Music Title (you use up to 32 characters) 1 4 Press the Rec. button, Use the piano keyboard, the pedal or the remote control unit to input the mu: yo tH - [03] ee 2 : lected music numb Select the song whose title you want to input Sees ea nuac mumbet or change. ‘See the example of inputting characters. 5 . End of input Say Press the Stop button. cal 3 Gis Press the Rec. button once again to enter Musie/Disk Title Input mode. sm oa) Lumar moves trward Cursor moves backward Character oi Far ras Sra a 7H | | a) a a Upper mode nochonl Key number (Numer Uppercase) (or ele IL: L-E ESE EISOUTRSPEEERET TL Lower mode (Conercase {EEE CEE Go oem Sott pedal (Usedto switch tothe lower Sustain pedal mode) (Used to input characters) 1 Press the Rec. button twice to enter Disk Title Input mode. = EP x2 or 1 2 Hold down the Song Select button until the blank display appears. Until the music number disappears. foe) O_ : | Input the title. Use the plano keyboard, the pedal or the remote control unit to input the Disk title. 4 After the title has been input, Ge - = (press the STOP button, and wait for about 10 seconds. © Character Selection with Remote Control Unit Character can be selected with the LR buttons. The character on the display changes in the order of the piano keyboard. © Example of Input title Use the piano keyboard, the sustain pedal and soft pedal to input the music title. The illus- tration on the previous page shows the char- acters that can be input by each key and by the pedals. You can input a title of up to 32 char- acters. If for example you want to input “Prelude 1", proceed as follows. (1) Press key 53 to display a capital “P”, then push down the Sustain pedal to input this character. fret™~*=«@Yd: ire | itis ene (2) Next, input a small *r", Press the soft pedal to activate the lower case mode, and again press key 55 corre- sponding to “r”. = | SE eee, (8) In the same manner, press key 42to display a small “e” and push down the Sustain pedal for input. (4) Finally input the remaining characters “u", "d" and “e” in the same way. | Preludee | i é L B i] a beckova forward Character can be confirmed with the single repeat button, Character is confirmed. im Pressing the A-B/All buttons moves the cursor forward and backward. co backward ae aa forward 3. 4 Press the Tune Se- || Press the REVERSE | | Press the Play but- || Press the Play but- lect button to select | | button whilekeeping | | ton. ton again. the piece you want || the Stop button de- to delete. pressed. ae =) ea Select using the Tune aera Sate! ton (aowsesiee—} || fameae = || manne pam open | (Sens titvey | SeeeP eee eee ation is completed, the eainhiee display wil shew the name ove rextlece ‘* The formatting operation will delete all the songs on the disk. »* Ifone song is deleted, the music number is also deleted and the following numbers are moved up. Example: [THER ber 4 2 Wting| 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 Press the Press the Tune Select Press the Play Stop Rec. button. button to select the Play/Pause piece you want to button. re-record = )| El aa a j [eee Disklavier Record Data Compatibi The Disklavier stores data on disk in Yamaha E-Seq format. This format is compatible with other Yamaha E-Seq compatible devices, such as the QX3 Digital ‘Sequence Recorder. if you wish touse the Disklavier to playback data that was recorded on another Yamaha E-Seq device, you will have to use the following Convert operation. 1. Insert the floppy disk recorded by another E-seq instrument into the Disklavier. pee | faté NoT FouND! | RE-CONVERT DISK? I 2. Press the Play/Pause button while keeping the Stop button depressed, until the display shows “CONVERT OK?" CONVERT OK? 3. Press the Play/Pause button. = oe 4, Press the Play/Pause button again. Conversion has completed and you can play back the floppy disk on the Disklavier. MIDI Functions The Disklavier has two connectors, MIDI OUT/IN. You can create an ensemble by connecting with other MIDI instruments. (See the manuals of the other instruments.) Examples of using MIDI OUT 1, Connecting a MiDI-compatible keyboard or tone generator. Playback MIDI keyboard, tone generator, ete Set to MIDI channel, © The other instruments will sound in syn- chronization with the playback of the Disklavier. 2. Using the disk for the Left and Right Hand Playback the disk for nena ‘MIO keyboard, tone generator Hand. tis yboard, tone generator ‘The lett (right) hand partis sounded when channel 1 (2) is received, Use the Part Cancel function to cancel the part which is to be played by the other in- struments. Examples of using MIDI OUT 3. Playing other instruments at the same time from the Disklavier. Recording or Recording Stand-by mode Ainsert a ask) MiDi our (MIDI keyboard, Tone generator ete Sas Set to channel Fisticittemaenemaemenmene ‘| %* Press the Rec. button to enter the Stand-by mode for recording a piece of music. Examples of using MIDI IN 1. Playback using a sequencer ior [Stop mode N Sequencer MIDI our =, eae 2. Synchronous playback using a sequencer, other instruments and the Disklavier, you wantto sound other instruments from a sequencer with the Disklavier, link the instruments using the MIDI OUT connector of the Disklavier. (shown in the figure) mipi [Stop mode ] io iN ouT Sequencer [MDI Keyboard, Tone generator. ete SSI 0 ‘Sot to channe! a Block Diagram MIO! IN O other —O=P 0 Playback MIDI OUT * ORecording 500msec OStop Delay Buffer © Floppy disk Oj © Other = ee. ey lavier aa>O Playback amt i * Recording O Other OStop ud 1% Popo Playback © Recording OStop %* The operation mode is selected automatically. Timing adjustment and MIDI OUT 500msec delay buffer It takes the Disklavier 500msec to produce a sound from the input of the data into the MIDI IN terminal. This function is used to set the interval between the start of the key action and actual sound to 500msec, When an external MIDI instrument is connected to the MIDI OUT of the Disklavier, it is neccessary to set the delay to 500msec. For this purpose, the MIDI OUT delay buffer is set to 500msec, MIDI IN timing is always set to DELAY IN during playback. Relation of Input/Output Switching for Each Operation and 500 mseg Delay Buffer Operation 1N out | 500 msec Delay Playback x ° ON Recording x ° OFF Stop. ° ° ‘ON ©: Transmission enabled x: Transmission disabied ON: 500 msec delay OFF: No 500 msoc delay MIDI Implementation Chart [DISKLAVIER} Date: 89,12.16 Model MX80 MIDI Implementation Chart Version: V1.0 Funetion ‘Transmitted Recognized Remarks: Basic Detault 1 1 Channel __ Changed (12) x UR hand Default 3 3 Mode Messages x x Altered aR RRR RE EEE x Note 21-108 21-108 Number: True voice HORA RR RR EE 21-108 Velocity Note ON (0 9nH, V = 1~ 127 Ov= 1-127 Note OFF x Ont, V = 0 “110 After Key's x x Touch x at| x Pitch Bend x at| x 64 ° ° 6 ° ° Control Change ea Prog * at| x Change i Truelf KARR RR RE ‘System Exclusive x wil x : Song Pos x x Common _: Song Set x x :Tune x x system +: Clock x x RealTime: Commands x x ‘Aux : Local ON/OFF x x All Notes OFF x ° Messages —_: Active Sense ° ° Reset x x Notes All recognized data are transmitted 500msec later if controller mode is STOP or PLAY. 1 All data are enabled to transmitted as record data if other E-seq disk is used and mode is PLAY. Mode 1: OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2: OMNI ON. MONO ©: Yes Mode 3: OMNI OFF. POLY Mode 4: OMNI OFF. MONO x: No Error Messages This Diskiavior will display error messages on its LCD when operation has been incorrect or other problems. have arisen. Should this happen, please take the appropriate measures after determining the problem by referring to the table below. Please note that some of these problems are easy to mistake for malfunctions though they are actually very easy to solve by yourselt.. Display Cause What to do... isplayed when power DISK NOT READY! turned on. SassEESESSESSIONSEN Floppy disk contents are pro- | When recording or entering a music DISK WRITE tected (disk title, cancel the dist’s me PROTECTED! ‘mary protect function by sliding = back the erasure protection tab, Unformatted disk has been in- ) When you want to record on a new UNFORMATTED DISK serted. disk, you must first format it. Disk that has been used with | In order to use a disk that was pre CONVERT DISKE ‘ther system has been in- | viously used with anothar system, sorted. it must be converted. Disk defective. Replace the aisk ERROR OCCURED! ! Hardware problem. ‘Presa the Stop button to cancel the (PUSH! STOP KEY!) ‘rror mossage. I this message ap- ears frequently, contact your dealer or a service center, Error occurred during playback | Reconvert, then rerecord FILE NOT FOUND! —— RECEONVERT DISK! During rerecording, the disk’ | Reconvertand record ona different memory capacity nas been ex. | disk coeded Disk defective Replace the dick CANNOT FORHAT? Disk fll capaciy. Record on a diferent alex DISK FULL! Replace the disk. CANNOT CONVERT! ‘A purchased disk contains a CANNOT RE-RECORD pace of music which cannot be ‘rerecorded. This message appears when- fever internal processes take some time during which ternal operations not possibie. Please do not remove the disk 1s long as this message is dis- WALT A MOMENT! played. ‘Aitempt was made to record a | Themaximum number of pleces that CANNOT RECORD 61st piece of music on a disk. | can be recorded on a single disk is HORE SONGS 60. Fa] [Te onithas not been operated | Press any buton to conve oper READY Ef for 5 minutes. ° ation. FE Troubleshooting Whenever you have trouble operating the Disklavier, please refer to the table below. If you are still not able to solve the problem or if a malfunction not listed in the following occurs, turn off the power, unplug the power cord and contact your dealer or the nearest Yamaha service center. ‘cable has not been connected prop- erly. Problem Cause What todo... No pow ‘The power cord or the connection | Plug in firmly. cable has not been connected prop- tly, ‘Recording not possibte, “The power cord or the connection | Plug in firmly ‘Mistaken operation was atiempled, ‘See previous section on “Error Messages”, the original recording. Playback not possible. The power cord or the connection | Plugin firmly. cable has not been connected prop- erly. Mistaken operation was aliempted. | See previous section on “Error Recording was not carried out be- | Rerecord. causo recording operation was mis- takenly intarrupted. Playback lerepeatedover and | The repeat function is on Cancel the repeat function. over again. Playback Is portormed at @ Resetthe settings for volume, tempo different volume, a diferent and transposition to “normal tempo or a different pitch than, ‘A note that should not be Your fingers slipped during record. Rerecord the piece, playing more up the lower rear part of the plano's keys. If the playback volume is too low, the sound of the drive unit touching the back part of the keys may become audible. played Is reproduces. ing. precisely. ‘A grating sound is heard from | Due to the Disklavier’s design, the the piano during playback. | solenoid drive unit internally pushes Certain notes are not played 1m pleces containing triplets, wile or back at all, other fast passages, the koys are sometimes hit repeatedly before they have been able to return to their ori- gina position. In such cases, carialn Notes may not be reproduced during playoack. The tempo sotting is t00 fast. Reduce the tempo. The volume is set io0 iow. Raise the volume, The fouch of the performance during | Rerecord the piece, playing more recording was too weak. precisely. ‘The accentuation during | The touch of the performance auring | Rerecord the piece, playing more Playback is different than the | recording was too weak. precisely ‘one recorded. Specifications Control unit ® Dimensions © Panel buttons *1co © LED display © Disk drive © Jacks © Media Sensor Unit _® Polyphonic voices © Key sensor © Pedal sensor Drive Unit © Polyphonic voices © Key drive © Pedal drive Power supply © Power requirement © Ambient temperature Standard equipment © Wireless remote control unit © Prerecorded floppy disk © Blank floppy disk W 43.5 em (17.1 in) D 19.2cm ( 7.6in) H 47cm ( 1.9in) 7 (Power, Volume, Record, Stop, Forward, Reverse, Play/Pause) Dot matrix (16 characters x 2 lines) 7 segments x 2 digits 3.5 inch micro-floppy disk drive MIDI IN/OUT Double sided, double density, double track 3.5 inch microtloppy disks Memory capacity: 628 kbytes Number of pieces: 60 Music titles: 32 characters Disk titles: 64 characters 6 88 keys Max number of notes at a time: 16 notes Sustain pedal 16 88 keys Max number of notes at a time: 16 notes Sustain pedal Local AC voltage 4°C (40°F) ~ 40°C (104°F) + Specifications and exterior design are subject to change without notice. YAMAHA’ YAMAHA CORPORATION OF AMERICA

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