The Increase of Carbon Dioxide in The Atmosphere XII-AKL1 (FINAL)

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For Ms. Efa Rufaida, class XII

Teacher SMK Profita, Bandung
Members :
- Ayu Wulandari
- Dinda Jelita Handayana Putri
- Dini Trisiyah
- Fenny Riska Alviani
- Junia Rita Persada
- Raesha Wiharja
- Salwa Putri Densiani
- Tarissa Yuniar
- Tirsya Cahya Pratiwi
- Widi Putri Pratiwi


With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His love
and mercy, so that a paper entitled “The Increase of Carbon Dioxide in the
atmosphere” can we finish well and on time.

On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have
helped us in completing the writing of this paper, to Ms. Efa Rufaida S.pd. as a
teacher who giving us this duties, so we can learn more about Report.

We are fully aware that many flaws in the writing of this Report. Therefore,
we expect criticism and constructive suggestions to further refine the writing of
this report. Finally, we hope that the writing of this paper can be useful for readers.

Bandung, August 14, 2019

Table of Contents


Table of Contents...............................................................................................3

Background or Introduction...............................................................................4

Main Body.........................................................................................................5

Conclusion and Recommendation......................................................................6


Appendices........................................................................................................ 7

1.1 Background or Introduction

Carbon dioxide is the emissions produced by the activities that produced

pollutants such as industrial transportation, deforestation, and forest degradation.
The contribution of carbon dioxide emissions to the greenhouse effects is 48%,
which is higher than other emissions sources such as freon (26%), ozone (10%),
metan (8%), dinitrogen oxide (6%), and other gas (2%) ( pirkko and nyronen, 1990
). Increased consentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can withstand solar
radiation reflected by the earth in the form of heat, thereby increasing temperature
in the earth's atmosphere or more commonly referred to as the greenhouse effect.

Mitigation efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in the air have been undertaken
by an effective conservation approach known as REDD+. In REDD+ schemes
delivered emissions cuts can be done by reducing emissions from deforestation,
reducing emissions from forest degradation, by the role of the conservation forest,
sustainable management of forests and improved carbon reserves through

1.2 Main body

Carbon dioxide is a kind of chemical compound a gas on the temperature

and pressure from earth atmosphere. It’s colorless, adorless, less flammable and a
little acidic.

In April 2018, concentration Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere exceed

average 410 parts per million (Ppm) in just one month, according to observatory
Mauna Loa in Hawaii. The Scripps institution of Oceangraphy says that before the
Industrial revolution, the levels of carbon dioxide did not exceed 300 Ppm in
800.000 years ago. This has only gone up 30% since records began in 1958. The
first measurement was recorded with a capacity of 315 Ppm.

The major benefit of carbon dioxide is the process of photosynthesis of

plants, since photosynthesis requires CO2 and water to produce carbohydrates.
But, besides the benefit of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, human’s daily
activity, such as using of excees vehicles, the burning of fossil fuels, and tree
reduction in the forest, greenhouse effects, and others. It can be caused by carbon
dioxide substances that can trigger drastically climate changes, melting glaciers,
affecting the tides of seawater, and others.

1.3 Conclusion and Recommendation

The solution of the negative effects caused by carbon dioxide is to

reafforestation, reducing use of vehicles, decrease air conditioning usage, make
lots of new parks for the fresher air in the atmosphere, and others.

Carbon dioxide is also needed too for our life, but if it’s already over and too
much, we have to find a way to reducing the usage. Cause it will be danger for our
environment and our health.



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