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Test I

I. Choose the correct answwer A, B, C, or D for each number.

1. Lala : Dia, you are a chef in an Italian restaurant,aren’t you? What are your duties exactly?
Dian : I supervise the preparation and the service of the food from the kitchen to the dining
room,arrangethe menu, and ...
A. Carrying away the dirty dishes to the pantry
B. Takes care of the cleanlinnes of the kitchen
C. Served drinks to the table in the bar
D. Takes the food for correct seasoning
2. Mendya : Chandra, what does your mother do?
Chandra : She is a nurse. She ...
A. Helps doctors take care of patients
B. Perform surgical operations
C. Examines patients
D. Makes medicine for patients
3. Marsya : Have you thought about what to do after you finish your study?
Keisha : Yes, I have. I thinki’d like to be a journalist because ...
A. I’m good at persuading people
B. I really like working with people
C. Ilove writing articles for magazines
D. I like composing music

Questions 4 to 8 are based on the following text.

A chef’s job is much more than a job. Food is much more than a biological necessity. In the right hands,
it’s an art from meant to be savored. You can’t taste a photograph or smell a symphony, but good food is meant
to be consumed and appreciated with all your senses.
The culinary artists, or as we call them chefs, have mastered the medium of food, producing dishes that
can comfort us and remind us of our dear moms, or energize and inspire us. A good chef can nourish the body
and please the palate, leaving us satisfied and wanting more at the same time.
Of course, it is not easy to be a good chef. Specialized training and dedication are key ingredients in the
recipe fo success. The time you spend in a culinary school will help you develop your natural talents and
prepare for a successful culinary career.
4. The main idea of the text above is ...
A. A good chef
B. The work of chef
C. The art of culinary
D. It is not easy to be a chef
5. The culinary artists have mastered the medium of food.
The synonym of the underlined word is ...
A. Skilled
B. Taught
C. Learned
D. Tried
6. The time will help you develop your natural talents ...
The antonym of the underlined word is ...
A. Supernatural
B. Unnatural
C. Made
D. Artificial
7. Based on the text, what is the key to being a successfulchef?
A. Developing natural talents
B. Having specialized training and dedication
C. Preparing food well
D. Spending time in a culinary school
8. What does the second paragraph talk abour?
A. The culinary artist is called a chef
B. Chefs an inspire us through their chef
C. A chef can remind us about our moms
D. A chef must have mastered the medium of food
II. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful paragraph.
1. Anita isa chef in a Chinese restaurant
2. It isfurnished with modern utensils
3. However, she doen’t work alone
4. She prepares food for customers
5. They work in a big kitchen
6. The happiest moment for her is when customers like the food
7. She has some assistant to help her

III. Make a paragraph about your jod description in a future.

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