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A Nations Strength

Choose the correct answer for each from the given option:

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a/an _______ poet.

A: Scottish
B: American
C: English
D: Australian
They build a nation pillars______, and lift them to the sky
A: strong B: heavy
C: solid D: deep
Brave men who work while others sleep, Who dare while others____
A: escape B: desert
C: fly D: disappear
Men who,for truth and honor sake, Stand fast and _____ long
A: wait
B: suffer
C: endure
D: sit
Not gold,but only______can make, A people great and strong
A: Children B: people
C: men D: women
Besides a poet, he was also an essayist and a _____
A: Scholar B: Philosopher
C: professor D: novelist
Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in _____.
A: Boston B: Washington
C: Chicago D: New York
Ralph Waldo Emerson died in _____.
A: 1802 B: 1803
C: 1881 D: 1882
Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in _____.
A: 1802 B: 1803
C: 1804 D: 1805
The poem A Nation Strength was written by____.
A: Ralph Waldo Emerson B: Robert Louis Stevenson
C: William Ross Wallace D: Ellen M.H Gates

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