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Course title: SEE

Course code: 616
Submitted to: Prof. Dr Usman Farid
Submitted by: Moazzam Ali
Ag no: 2017-ag-7865
BSc Hons Environmental Engineering
4th Semester

MARCH 15, 2019

Role of Modeling And Simulation in Environmental Engineering


What is Environmental Engineering?

Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering that is concerned with protecting people
from the effects of adverse environmental effects, such as pollution, as well as improving
environmental quality.


Modelling is the process of representing a model which includes its construction and working.

input model output

For Example:

Fig 1.0

Types of Modeling:

There are three types of modeling:

1.Physical Modeling (Scale models, prototype plants.)

2.Mathematical Modeling (Analytical queueing models, linear programs, simulation.)

3.Emperical Modeling (Based on inductive passed observed data based approach)


It is a small unit which exists and operates in time and space through the interaction of its parts.

Fig 1.1


A simulation is an approximate imitation of the operation of a process or system; the act of

simulating first requires a model is developed. This model is a well-defined description of
the simulated subject, and represents its key characteristics, such as its behavior , functions and
abstract or physical properties.

Types of simulation:

There are five types of simulation:

 Task Trainer Simulation.

 Manikin-based Simulation.
 Standardized Patient Simulation.
 Virtual Reality Simulation.
 Tissue-based Simulation.
Difference between modeling and simulation:
Modeling is the act of building a model. A simulation is the process of using a model to study the
behavior and performance of an actual or theoretical system. ... While a model aims to be true to the

system it represents, a simulation can use a model to explore states that would not be possible in
the original system.

How to develop a simulation model?

The steps involved in developing a simulation model, designing a simulation experiment, and
performing simulation analysis are:
Step 1. Identify the problem.
Step 2. Formulate the problem.
Step 3. Collect and process real system data.

Step 4. Formulate and develop a model.

Step 5. Validate the model.
Step 6. Document model for future use.
Step 7. Select appropriate design for future use.
Step 8. Establish experimental conditions for runs.
Step 9. Perform simulation runs.
Step 10. Interpret and present results.
Advantages and Dis-advantages of Modeling and Simulation:

 Choose correctly
 Compress and expand time
 Explore the possibilities
 Diagnose problems
 Identify constraints
 Develop understanding
 Visualize the plan
 Build consensus
 Prepare for change
 Invest wisely

 Train a team
 Specify requirements
 Simulation results may difficult to interpret
 Model building requires special training
 Time
Environmental Modeling:

 To gain a better understanding of glean insight into environmental processes and their
influence on the fate and transport of pollutants in the environment.
 To predict future environmental concentrations of pollutants under various waste loadings or
management alternatives.
 To use in hypothesis testing relating to processes, pollution ,control alternatives, etc
 To use in environmental impact assessment pf proposed new activities that are currently
Applications of Modeling and simulation in environmental engineering:
 Water quantity Monitoring
 Waste water treatment
 Solid waste management
 Air quality monitoring
 Risk assessment

Water quantity monitoring:

 Modeling could be feasible in some situations where monitoring is not.

 Integrated monitoring and modeling systems could provide better information than
monitoring or modeling alone for the same total cost. For example, regression analyses
that correlate pollutant concentration with some more easily measurable factor (e.g.,
streamflow) could be used to extend monitoring data for preliminary planning purposes.
Models can also be used to determine preliminary probability distributions of
impairment that can help direct monitoring efforts and reduce the quantity of
monitoring data needed for making listing decisions at a given level of reliability.
 Modeling can be used to assess (predict) future water quality situations resulting from
different management strategies. For example, assessing the improvement in water
quality after a new wastewater treatment plant begins operating, or the effect of
increased industrial growth and effluent discharges.

Combined runoff and water quality prediction models link stressors (sources of pollutants and
pollution) to responses. Stressors include human activities likely to cause impairment, such as

the presence of impervious surfaces in a watershed, cultivation of fields close to the stream,
over-irrigation of crops with resulting polluted return flows, the discharge of domestic and
industrial effluents into water bodies, installing dams and other channelization works,
introduction of nonindigenous taxa, and over-harvesting of fishes. Indirect effects of humans
include land cover changes that alter the rates of delivery of water, pollutants, and sediment to
water bodies.

Direct and indirect environmental effects of human activities can include

 alterations in physical habitat,
 modifications in the seasonal flow of water,
 changes in the food base of the system,
 changes in interactions within the stream biota, and
 release of contaminants (conventional pollutants)

Fig 1.2
Waste water treatment:
Several different types of models which can be useful in describing the dynamic behavior of
wastewater treatment plants are discussed. Included among these are
(1) visual
(2) linguistic
(3) mental
(4) physical
(5) mathematical
(6) fuzzy models
Definition of the WWTP model purpose or the objectives of the model application
(control, design, simulation)
 Model selection: choice of the models needed to describe the different WWTP units to
be considered in the simulation, i.e. selection of the activated sludge model, the
sedimentation model, etc.

 Hydraulics, i.e. determination of the hydraulic models for the WWTP or WWTP tanks.
 Wastewater and biomass characterization, including biomass sedimentation
 Data reconciliation to a steady-state model Calibration of the activated sludge model
 Model un-falsification
 In this task it is determined whether or not the model is sufficiently accurate for its
intended purpose. If this is the case, the model is said to be unfalsified with respect to
the available data. If this is not the case, a number of the preceding steps need to be
repeated until the model is unfalsified.

Fig 1.3

Solid Waste Management:

Waste generation increases with population expansion and economic development.

Uncontrolled dumping and improper waste handling causes a variety of problems, including

Ground water contamination

Attracting insects and rodents

Flooding due to blocked drainage canals

Fig 1.4
The purpose of this Model:
To assist in selecting strategies that minimize the cost of waste collection, transportation,
operation, and disposal.

To extend earlier solid waste management models by considering a relatively new type of
waste disposal, in addition to other more standard disposal methods already included in a number
of optimization models.

Depending on climatic, demographic, social and economic factors, composting facilities can
divert 10-35% of the residential solid waste stream from the landfill alternative.

To includes the revenues produced by the sale of composting material generated by the facility.

To derive an overall solid waste strategy for a community, including the allocation of solid
waste to several alternative modes of treatment, such as recycling, incineration, landfill, and

To identify the optimum sites for a combination of these facilities.

Fig 1.5

Air Quality Monitoring:

Definition of air pollution

• The air we breathe may not be visible, but contains a variety of substances. Apart from the
nearly fixed concentration of nitrogen, oxygen, inert gases, carbon dioxide, it contains substances
like Particulate Matter, dust, toxic gases, smoke from vehicles, micro-organisms etc. change in
the values of these gases due to natural or human efforts is called air pollution.

Sources and Causes of Air Pollution

• Few of the common sources of air pollution have been listed below • Transport vehicles • Brick
kilns, steel factories and other industries • Thermal power plants • Household chullhas • Burning
of wastes, firecrackers, bonfires and forest fires • Soil erosion • Volcanoes • Cosmic dust • The
sources of air pollution vary a lot.

Fig 1.6


Design a tool which will-

1)Sense quality of air and display it in the form of percentage.

2)Sense how much Carbon Mono-oxide(CO) is present in air and display in the form of

3)Sense the temperature and display it in degree Celsius.

Air A Mic-
Sens T Contro
M-13 D (Atme1 Displ
M-7 Atmega

Fig 1.7


Roadside pollution Monitoring .

Industrial Perimeter Monitoring.
Site selection for reference monitoring stations.
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring.
To make this data available to the common man.
Future Scope:

 Interface more number of sensors to know detail content of all gases present in air.
 Design Webpage and upload data on webpage with date and time.
 Interface SD Card to store data.
 Interface GPS module to monitor the pollution at exact location and upload on the
webpage for the netizens.

Risk Assessment:
Risk and uncertainty are an inherent part of any situation in which a forecast is involved. The
assessment and modelling of these may be thought of as a natural extension of regular traditional
financial modelling.
Perhaps a better term for “risk” and “uncertainty” is “reality”, The modelling of risks and
uncertainties is really an attempt to capture the reality of a situation better than is captured by
traditional financial models in which one or only a few sensitivities or scenarios are considered, and
where some risks may have been excluded entirely.

Fig 1.8

Fig 1.9

 Agriculture risks
 Power risks
 Environmental risks
 Soil risks
 Health risks
 Financial risks
 Technical risks
Google Chrome: 12-03-2019
SEBOK: 12-02-2019
Wikipedia: 12-03-2019
Water resource systems planning and management (Daniel, P.loucks, Eelco Van Beek)
Air quality M&S and computational methods: 29-05-2013
M&S of waste water treatment (John F.Andrews)


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