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BIBLE 1st Quarterly Test (Reviewer)

JVC #28 Bronze: “Why I’m Significant”

• Explain what makes a person significant .
: Positively, a person is significant because he/she is a miracle. He/she is a miracle because
he/she is created by God’s power. Therefore, a person belongs to God because He made him/her.
Negatively, a person is never insignificant just because nothing in the world is going for him/her.

• List five seemingly insignificant things about you that God takes notice of based on the text.
: a. daily activities in life
b. ambitions in life
c. social responses
d. soul & spirit
e. physical assets or flaws

• A lot of people want to live a life that matters. They ask common questions that demand
answers, such as: “Why am I here?” What purpose is there in living?” “Where am I going?”
State the basic answer to all of these questions.
: You are God’s creation & you are significant to Him.

• Explain why young people, nowadays, get easily discouraged as if their significance cracks
into a million crumbly little pieces.
: A lot of young people depend on other people to give them these significant feelings.

• State the difference between finding your significance in trusting the Lord Jesus Christ as
Savior and mere dependence on other people to make you feel significant.
: Feelings of significance from mere people quickly change but the significance you find when
you trust the Lord Jesus Christ lasts forever.

• Psalm 139:14 – “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are
Your works, and that my soul knows very well.”
praise – thank You and tell You how much I love You
fearfully – awesomely, reverently
wonderfully – beyond human power, marvelously

JVC #25 Gold: “Try Smiling”

• List 3 practical applications we can do to help us order a day in our life.
: a. Develop a strategy (Praying & Bible reading)
b. Put a 100% effort into keeping my attitude right (Discipline)
c. I will constantly be on guard against a bad attitude (Choosing to have a right attitude –
Philippians 2:14)
• Give five practical tips on ordering one’s day aright that we can derive from the story of
Amalia and her mom.
: a. Use and respect agreed schedule or time
b. Listen and obey parents instead of arguing with them
c. Accept consequences and be more responsible
d. Apologize for mistakes
e. Pray to the Lord for smile and get on with life

• Differentiate between one’s daily circumstances and daily attitude.

: Many circumstances are out of our control. However, our attitude is always in our control. We
can make the choice to have a good one or a bad one.

• Explain the common reason why there are people who choose to have a bad attitude.
: There are people who choose to have a bad attitude because they want everyone around them to
feel as miserable as they do.

• Discuss what the Apostle Paul wrote about how our attitude should be.
: Our attitude should be the one that is obedient to Christ. To sum up that type of attitude in one
word – JOYFUL. It means to be at peace with the Lord, and with yourself.

• Explain the most possible reason behind a person continuously having a bad attitude.
: A person who does not know Jesus Christ as Savior doesn’t know what it means to experience
the joy only He can provide.

• 2 Corinthians 10:5 – “…casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against
the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…”
captivity – to capture

JVC #26 Gold: “Thinking It Through”

• Explain why thinking is a good thing to do (especially when faced with a choice).
: Thinking is a good thing to do because it’s something needful when you are in the process of
making a choice. More importantly, the Bible talks a lot about thinking. Thinking is something
that God wants us to do.

• List other synonyms for the word “think”.

: consider
understand CRUMP
• Enumerate the 3 “think-it-through guidelines” that can be gleaned from James 1:19.
: a. Swift to hear – means quick to listen to what is being said.
b. Slow to speak – means thinking through what you say before you say it.
c. Slow to wrath – Don’t be in a hurry to get angry.

• James 1:19 – “ So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak,
slow to wrath.”
light – prompt, quick, ready
wrath – anger

JVC #31 Gold: “The Teen Stands Alone”

• Discuss how God answered Elijah’s problem of being alone.
: First, God assured Elijah that he was not really alone, that there remained 7000 followers in
Israel who still had refused to worship the false god of Jezebel. Second, God sent him back to
deliver a message from the one true God.

• Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light so shine before men , that they may see your good works and
glorify your Father in heaven.”
light – knowledge of God, truth
glorify – honor, praise

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