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The Philippine Myth about the


According to a local myth, the sun was designed to be on earth. To begin with, it was
supposed to light up the Earth. So, how come the sun ended up in the sky?

In the beginning, according to this myth, the Earth was so dark because there was
nothing in the sky that could give light to it. Hence, there was no day. All throughout the day,
24 hours daily, there was only night time. So what the ancients did, says this myth, was to
make bonfires to light up their surroundings, dry clothes on, and keep warm, aside from
cook food, boil water, or burn debris. Sometimes, they had to build huge fires to light up
whole surroundings on special occasions and community rituals. But they eventually
realized, the myth adds, that bonfires, no matter how huge, were not enough to provide
enough heat and light drive for all of them. Bonfires were not enough to sustain any kind of

So the people thought of ways to remedy the situation. The myth continues that they
knew there had to be some kind of a continuous supply of heat and light from a permanent
source that didn’t need human supervision. The supply had to be self-sustaining. So what
did the people do? What they usually did. They resorted to what they discerned to be gods
and goddesses that they believed controlled nature, the myth says.

After some worship rituals and offerings, finally the god of fire purportedly came
down from above, according to the myth, and answered their supplication—a perpetual
source of heat and light. The god was said to create a very big ball of fire. The myth says,
the giant ball of fire was enough to warm and light up the whole surroundings—and even
beyond. Miles upon miles of land was amply lighted up by this ball of fire. But it merely
rested on the Earth. The myth continues, it was so big and hot that everybody had to stay
inside caves to avoid being burned. Even the ground where it rested started to melt.

Seeing this, the god of fire threw the ball of fire to the sky. It was hurled away so
strongly that it reached the sky and stayed there.

The local myth about the sun shows us that mere human efforts at life survival and
progress is not enough. The sustaining power of nature and belief in a superior force or
presence is needed.

Reflection: Philippine myth should be taught to children from generation to

generation so that it will remain, preserve and never be forgotten because it is part of
Filipino culture.
Mariang Makiling
Mt. Makiling,Laguna, Philippines

Long ago,in Mount Makiling,there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling.
She is beautiful,kindhearted and loving. She had a long shiny black hair and she often wear
black pearls and gold jewelry. She often shows off herself to people living at the foot of the
mountain as a human. Many times,people would climb up to the mountain and pick some
fruits but when they came down,fruits changed into gold. People thanked her for it.

But one day,some people robbed her jewelry. Some hunters climb up the mountain
and hunted for wild animals,cut down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain
denuded. At that time,one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love
with. She discovered that that hunter already have a mortal as his wife. After those things
happened,Mariang Makiling was very angry that it thundered and rained hard that night and
her voice was heard by all people leaving at the foot of the mountain saying "I have
provided you food,treasures and shelter but it wasn't enough for you!I have given you
everything you want but still you aren't contented. I loved you more than myself but still you
searched for mortal love. Now,feel my anger! And wait for my revenge! From now on,you
shall stand on your own feet and you will never see me again. I swear!" And she laughed so
hard that it brought an earthquake.

After her large voice was heard, she never showed herself again to those mortals
who abused her kindness. Today,it is still believed that MAriang Makiling is still living there.

Reflection: Filipino legends are the origin of everything. It is one of the

legendary stories of Filipinos that should be loved and be proud of.
The Lion & the Mouse
A L i o n l a y a s l e e p i n t h e f o r e s t , hi s g r ea t h e a d r e s t i n g o n hi s
p a w s . A t i m i d l i t t l e M o u s e c a m e up o n h i m un e x p e c t e d l y, a n d i n he r
f r i g h t a n d h a s t e t o g e t a w a y, r a n a c r o s s t h e L i on ' s no s e . R o u s e d f r o m
h i s n a p , t h e L i o n l a i d h i s h ug e pa w an g r i l y o n t h e t i n y c r e a tu r e t o k i l l
h e r.

" S p a r e m e ! " b e g g e d t he po o r M o u s e . " P l ea s e l et m e go an d s o m e

day I will surely repay you."

T h e L i o n w a s m u c h a m u s e d t o th i n k th a t a M o u s e c o ul d e v e r h el p
h i m . B u t h e w a s g e n e r o u s a n d fi n a l l y l e t th e M ou s e go .

S o m e d a y s l a t e r, w h i l e s t al k i n g h i s p r e y i n t h e f o r e s t , th e Li o n
w a s c a u g h t i n t h e t o i l s o f a hu n t e r ' s n e t. U na b l e t o f r e e h i m s e l f , h e
f i l l e d t h e f o r e s t w i t h h i s a n g r y r o a ri n g . Th e M o u s e k n e w t he v o i c e a n d
q u i c k l y f o u n d t h e L i o n s t r u g gl i ng i n th e n e t . R u n ni n g t o on e o f th e g r e a t
r o p e s t h a t b o u n d h i m , s h e g n a w e d i t u n t i l i t p a r t e d , a n d s o o n t h e L i on
was free.

" You l a u g h e d w h e n I s a i d I w o u l d r e p a y y o u , " s a i d th e M ou s e .

" N o w y o u s e e t h a t e v e n a M o u s e c a n h el p a Li o n ."

R e f l e c t i o n : Fables are stories I love to read because I

can get moral lessons from it that I can apply in my daily
How Did You Know
Gary Valenciano

I remember so well
the day that you came into my life
you asked for my name
you have the most beautiful smile
My life started to change
i wake up each day feeling all right
with you right by my side
makes me feel things
will work out just fine

How did you know
i needed someone like you in my life
that there was an empty space in my heart
you came at the right time in my life
i never forget how you brought the sun to shine in my life
and took all the worries and fears that i had
i guess what i'm really trying to say
it's not everyday that someone like you comes my way
no words can express how much i love you
(Repeat Chorus)

Reflection: Filipino love songs are full of love and emotions that
can be proud of globally. It is one way of expressing one’s
feelings through a song.
Lullaby and good night

Lullaby and good night

Now the daytime is over

Time to slip up to your dreamland

I will keep you safe and warm

Lullaby and good night

There is nothing to fear

Lullaby and good night

When you wake I’ll be near

[ Repeat ]

Reflection: Lullabies are the best song and the first

song I heard from my mother since I was a baby that makes a
great mark in my heart expressing the love and care from my
parents. I love Filipino lullabies and may this song will never be

1.Don’t count your chickens before they

2.Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
3.Actions speak louder than words.
4.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
5. Birds of a feather flock together.

Reflection: Proverbs are best advices that serve as guide to

us teenagers as we continue our journey in life. It helps in our
decision making so that we will become wise to determine
whether the things we do are still right or wrong.

1. What belongs to you, but other people use it more than

Answer: Your name

2. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

Answer: In the dictionary
3. What room do ghosts avoid?
Answer: Living room
4. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
Answer: A Penny
5.Can you name three consecutive days without using the
words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, or Sunday?
Answer: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Reflection: Riddles help us to become wise and critical

thinker because the answer of it is not literally stated but needs
critical thinking.
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