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Subject: Mathematics

Time: 1:30-2:20 _____day

Add two 1-digit numbers having sums of 14

Values: Love of Nature; Teamwork


Adding Two 1-Digit Numbers Having Sums of 14

Ref: BEC I.B.1.3 p. 8, Mathematics 2000, Textbook pp. 204-208, TM pp. 149-150

Materials: flashcards, real objects, pocket chart, pictures, cut-outs


A. Preliminary Acivities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F’s (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Sums of 4 to 10 on flashcards
3. Review: Sums of 11 to 13
4. Checking of Assignment
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation: God made many plants and trees which give us shade, flowers
and fruits. How can we thank God for these gifts? What can we do to take
care of them?
2. Presentation: Let the children bring out 8 of their objects. Then let them
count another 6 objects. Ask them to lay their objects on the table and put
them together. Ask: How many are there in all? (14) Let a child write the
addition sentence on the board. (8+6=14)
3. Discussion: Using the same objects, let them discover other addition
combinations with sums of 14 following the same procedure. Let them list
all the addition combinations on a chart and each group will present their
work in front.

C. Generalization: How many addition combinations are with sum of 14?

D. Application: Teamwork: Work in fours. Find addition combinations with sums
of 14 using stones.
E. Fixing Skills:
Tell how many objects are there in all.

7 + 7 =
Write the sum on your paper.
9 + 5 = _____


Write the missing numbers.

1. 8 + _____ = 14

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