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English Stylistics

Seminar 1: Stylistics as a Branch of Linguistics.

The Concept of the Norm in
the English Literary (Standard) Language
Discussion Problems:
I. General notes on style and stylistics. The subject matter and the aims of the
course of stylistics.
1. Galperin I. (1977) p. 9-10
2. Арнольд И. (1990) стр. 7-11
3. Screbnev Yu. (2000) p. 3-10 (Z)
4. Maltzev V. (1984) p. 13-15
5. Kukharenko V. (1986) p. 5-10 (Z)
II. The general concept of style. The concept of style in language. Linguostylistics
and style in literature.
1. Galperin I. (1977) p. 11-14
2. Maltzev V. (1984) p. 4-5, p. 5-7
3. Screbnev Yu. (2000) p. 18-20 (Z)
III. The structure of stylistics. Stylistics and other linguistics disciplines. Stylistic
phonetics, stylistic morphology, stylistic lexicology, stylistic syntax. Practical
stylistics. Incoding stylistics, decoding stylistics.
1. Galperin I. (1977) p. 13-17
1. Screbnev Yu. (2000) p. 24-30 (Z)
2. Кузнец М., Скребнев Ю. (1960) p. 3-9
3. Арнольд И. (1990) стр. 7-24
4. Kukharenko V. (1986) p. 8-10 (Z)
IV. A brief outline of the development of the English literary (standard) English.
1. Galperin I. (1977) p. 41-57
V. The problem of the norm. The concept of the norm. The norm as an invariant
embracing all variants with their most typical properties.
1. Galperin I. (1977) p. 18-21
2. Screbnev Yu. (2000) p. 21-22 (Z)
3. Арнольд И. (1990) стр. 54-62
VI. Varieties of language: the spoken and the written. Individual Style.
1. Galperin I. (1977) p. 35-41
Questions and Tasks
1. What are the main tasks of stylistics?
2. What are the aims of the course of stylistics and stylistic analysis?
3. What is the origin of the word “stylistics”?
4. When did the word “stylistics” first appear?
5. What are linguistic disciplines stylistics is connected with?
6. What is the difference between general phonetics and stylistic phonetics
7. What does stylistic lexicology study?
8. What does stylistic syntax investigate?
9. How does Dolinin K.A. define style?
10.What is R. Quirk’s idea about our language habits?
11.What is social symbolism as a cultural mechanism based on?
12.What are the three kinds of translation that Ch. Peirce names?
13.What are the main stages in the development of the English Standard language?
14.Name the two conflicting tendencies in the process of establishing the norm.
15.What does the literary language constantly enrich its vocabulary and syntax from?
16.What does the notion of norm imply?
17.Can we state that there are as many norms as there are sublanguages?
18.What is Prof. Galperin’s definition of the concept of norm?
19.The functioning of the literary language in various spheres of human activity and
with different aims of communication has resulted in its differentiation, hasn’t it?
20.Which of the varieties of language is most expressive, do you think?
21.What is Prof. Galperin’s definition of the concept of individual style?
22.In every individual style we can find both the general and the particular, can’t we?
23.Do all writers have individual styles? Is it always easy to guess the writer by
his/her style?

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