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Sayas Sydney S.


“A significant experience in my life "

As we all know life is full of experiences and expeditions. Some of the experiences are really significant where as
others remaining unaffecting to our life.Once my friends and i decided to play computer games.we thought
playing computer games is more exciting and pleasant than playing basketball.

As i continue playing online games,my friend gifted me one of the most popular game in the world,it was CSGO,it
was a big game and our internet is really slow at downloading so i decided to sleep at my cousin house and
download it there,the next day i go home and play already,i play for almost 8 and a half hour,my mom was really
mad at me because i never listen to her command,the day comes my dad go home from australia,he saw me
really addicted at computer,he bought me a gaming pc and i dont know what to say and i dont even have a
reaction.big thanks to my dad buying me my dream pc.

Gaming will never seem again same to me,i have change considerably since i love playing computer games,it was
the most unforgettable experience i had in my life,i dont knnow why maybe because i love playing online games
and thats it for this,thank you for listening.

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