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English for Business Communication A modular short course on ssocialising telephoning presenting CS nateclet or wane pCr-xOLeETOT eta Contents Introduction Module1 Cultural diversity and socialising Unit 1 Building a relationship Cross-cultural understanding (1) Welcoming visitors ‘Small talk: keeping the conversation going Unit2 Culture and entertainment Cross-cultural understanding (2) Inviting, and accepting or declining Eating out Module2 Telephoning Unit3 Could I leave a message? Preparing to make a telephone call Receiving calls ‘Taking and leaving messages Asking for and giving repetition ‘The secretarial barrier Unit 4 Good to hear from you again! Cross-cultural communication on the telephone (1) Making arrangements Changing arrangements Ending 2 call Unit5 Unfortunately there’s a problem . Cros ition on the telephone (2) Problem solving on the telephone Complaints cultural communii Module3 Presentations Unit 6 Planning and getting started Presentation technique and preparation The audience Structure (1) The introduction Unit 7 Image, impact and making an impression Using visual aids: general principles ‘Talking about the content of visual aids Describing change iv Beam s 51 51 53 57 Unit 8 The middle of the presentation Holding the audience’s attention Structure (2) The main body Listing information Linking ideas Sequencing Unit 9 ‘The end is near ... this is the end Structure (3) The end Summarising and concluding Questions and discussion Module4 Meetings 10 Making meetings effective What makes a good meeting? Chairing a meeting Establis ng the purpose of a meeting Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but ... ‘The structure of decision making Stating and asking for opinion Interrupting and handling interruptions Unit 12. What do you mean by ... ? Asking for and giving clarification Delaying decisions Ending the meeting Module5 Negotiations Unit 13 Know what you want ‘Types of negotiation Preparation for a negotiation Making an opening statement Unit 14 Getting what you can Bargaining and making concessions Accepting and confirming Summarising and looking ahead Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want ‘Types of negotiator Dealing with conflict Rejecting. Ending the negotiation File cards 1A to 19 File cards 1B to 19B File cards 20 to 33 62 62 64 66 68 72 72 7 74 80 80 81 83 86 86 87 89 95 95 96 98 104 104 105 107 ui ui 114 116 120 120 122 124 127 CORE CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND SOCIALISING 1 Building a relationship > Cross-cultural understanding (1) > Welcoming visitors > Small talk: keeping the conversation going 1 Cross-cultural understanding (1) Look at the picture. In groups, discuss the situation, Decide what you think the people are talking about. Suggest various topics. Say what you think they are definitely not talking about. Then spend a few minutes acting out the conversation. 2. Read the text below. Identify the basic message implied by the text. Eye contact In many Western societies, including the United States, a person who does not maintain “good eye contact is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a ‘shifty’ character. Americans unconsciously associate people who avoid eye contact as unfriendly, insecure, untrustworthy, inattentive and impersonal. However, in contrast, Japanese children are taught in school to direct their gaze at the region of their teacher’s Adam’s apple or tie knot, and, as adults, Japanese lower their eyes when speaking to a superior, a gesture of respect. 10 15 tionship Latin American cultures, as well as some African cultures, such as Nigeria, have longer looking time, but prolonged eye contact from an individual of lower status is considered disrespectful. In the US, it is considered rude to stare — regardless of who is looking at whom. In contrast, the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict attention to a speaker, to listen carefully, and to blink his eyes to let the speaker know he or she has been understood as well as heard. Americans signal interest and comprehension by bobbing their heads or grunting. A widening of the eyes can also be interpreted differently, depending on circumstances and culture. Take, for instance, the case of an American and a Chinese discussing the terms of a proposed contract. Regardless of the language in which the proposed contract is carried out, the US negotiator may interpret a Chinese person's widened eyes as an expression of astonishment instead of as a danger signal (its true meaning) of politely expressed anger. Adapted from Managing Cultural Differences, Fourth Edition, by Phillip R. Harris and Robert T.Moran. © 1996 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Used with permission. Allrights reserved. 3 If necessary, read the text again. Then comment on the following: a) observations about many people from the United States b) observations about the English ) an observation about Japanese children 4) the meaning of lowering one’s eyes in Japan ¢) why looking at someone for a long time may be considered disrespectful f) the meaning of widened eyes in Chinese culture. 4 Before receiving a visitor from a foreign country ~ or before travelling abroad — you need to think about the cultural issues that may affect the relationship. a) Suggest some basic research that you should do before receiving your visitor, or before travelling. What issues should you think about? Note: After suggesting your own ideas, compare your ist with the Skis Checklist at the end of this unit b) Listen to the recording. An Englishman, Peter Welch, who is a Director of an international company, talks about what he thinks is important in preparing for business contacts with people from other cultures, He mentions several key areas to find out about. Identify six of them. Did you think of any of the same issues? Discussion In what way is the advice in this section useful when doing business? Look again at the Skills Checklist on page 7. Unitl Building a relationship 2 Welcoming visitors What happens when a visitor arrives with an appointment to visit a company? What are the typical stages of the first meeting? What conversations take place? 1 Listen to the recording in which Klaus Ervald arrives for a meeting with Lars Elstroem and Louise Scott of Evco S.A.,a Swedish advertising agency. a) Is the meeting between Klaus Ervald and Evco formal or informal? Give reasons for your answer. b) Do they know each other quite well? ) Klaus has a problem. What is it? © Listen again. Think again about how Louise and Lars talk to Klaus. She interrupts him at the start. Is this acceptable? ‘They use first names. Is this right, given the situation? Lars begins to talk about the programme for the day. Is this appropriate at this stage? ©) 5 Listen to the recording of Peter Marwood’s arrival at SDA Ltd., in Sydney, Australia, He has to wait a few minutes and asks Stephanie Field for some assistance. Identify two things he needs and three things he does not need. = a Needs Does not need a) °° b) 4) e) Unit 1 Building a relationship Practice 1 Make a dialogue based on the following flow chart. If you need help, look at the Language Checklist on page 7. Visitor Receptionist Introduce yourself. Say you have an appointment with Sandra Bates, Welcome visitor. Explain that SB will be along shortly. Offer a drink / refreshments — Decline ~ ask if you can use a phone. es | Offer fax as well Decline ~ you only need the phone. ae Thankhim/he, <— SS (a few minutes later) .ow visitor to the phone. Thankassistant, Reply — offer any other help. ‘Ask how far itis to station. <== —————> Two miles ten minutes by taxi. ole to Book one. Accept offer — suggest a time. > Promise to do that— say that SB is free now. Offer to take him/her to SB’s office. Now listen to the recording of a model answer. 3 Small talk: keeping the conversation going Unit Building a relationship is | [=] ©) 1 Ruud Hemper from the Netherlands is visiting a customer in India. He is, talking to the Production Manager of a manufacturing plant in Delhi. Listen to the recording of an extract of their conversation. sanacer: — Is this your first visit here? ewer: No, in fact the first time I came was for a trade fair. We began our Southeast Asian operations here at the 1995 Exhibition. sanscrr: Shall we have a look round the plant before lunch? 2) What is wrong with what the production manager says? The answer is, of course, that it breaks a ‘rule’ of conversation. Generally, if you ask a question you should comment on the answer or ask a supplementary question. i ———— Answer Comment or Supplementary question b) Now suggest a better version of the same conversation. There is a recording of a model version. 2 Provide a suitable sentence in the spaces in the following dialogue. Have you been to Edinburgh before? sanis: No, it’s my first vi Perel PETER: a) janis: I'm sure I will. verer: And ... er, is the hotel all right? janis: Yes, it’s very comfortable, b) So, do you have much time here in Scotland? Are you staying long? JANIS: No, I have to go back tomorrow afternoon. PETER: ©) You'll have to come back again! a) So what time's your flight tomorrow? Early evening, 18.35. Well, I can book you a taxi f you like, to get you there in good time. JANIS: ¢) . perer: No problem at all. Was it a good flight today? Janis: No, it wasn’t actually. peTeR: f) +8) £ janis: [twas raining — quite hard. There was a lot of turbulence. rerer: h) Unit 1 Building a relationship >) 3 Listen to the recording of four conversation extracts. 2) Match each of them to one of the four pictures below. b) Listen to each one again. In each ¢ , suggest how you think the conversation might develop ©) Do you think any of the topics particular culture that you know about? included would be unacceptable in a Practice 2 Look at the four pictures above and use each of them for two or three minutes of continual conversation with a partner. Note + there should be no breaks of more than three seconds in your conversation * listen carefully to what your partner says and pick up on specific points + keep the conversation flowing. Role play 1 Working in pairs. Student A should look at File card 1A and Student B should look at File card 1B. Role play 2 Keep the same A and B. Student A should look at File card 2A, Student B should look at File card 2B. Transfer Look at the Skills Checklist and prepare ideas on these topics in relation to a country you know well either through work or pleasure. Discuss the country you choose with a colleague. Unit 1 Building a relationship Language Checklist Cultural diversity and socialising (1) Welcoming visitors Welcome to Myname’s. Arriving Hello, My name's ... from . Pvean appointment to see Sorry —'ma little late / early. ‘My plane was delayed ... Introducing someone This is ... He/she’s my Personal Assistant. Can | introduce you to ... He/she's our (Project Manager). I'd like to introduce you to ... Meeting someone and small talk Pleased to meet you. It’s a pleasure. How was your trip? Did you have a good flight / trip / journey? How are things in (London)? How long are you staying in (New York)? Thope you like it. Is your hotel comfortable? Is this your first visit to (the Big Apple)? Offering assistance Can I get you anything? Do you need anything? Would you like a drink? If you need to use a phone or fax, please say. Can we do anything for you? Do you need a hotel / a taxi / any travel information / etc.? Asking for assistance There is one thing I need .. Could yon get me ... Could you book mea car / taxi / hotel / ... ¢ Could you help me arrange a flight to ... ? Can you recommend a good restaurant? Td like to book a room for tomorrow night. Can you recommend a hotel? Skills Checklist Socialising (1) Before meeting business partners and fellow professionals from other countries, you could find out about their country: + the actual political situation + cultural and regional differences «+ religion(s) + the role of women in business and in society as a whole + transport and telecommunications systems + the economy + the main companies + the main exports and imports «+ the market for the industrial sector which interests you + competitors. You might also want to find out: + which topics are safe for small talk + which topics are best avoided. If you are going to visit another country, find out about: + the conventions regarding socialising ttitudes towards foreigners «+ attitudes towards gifts + the extent to which public, business and private lives are mixed or are kept separate + conventions regarding food and drink. You might also like to find out about: + the weather at the relevant time of the year + public holidays + the conventions regarding working hours + leisure interests * tourism + dress + body language + language. 2 Culture and entertainment 1 The following text is about cultural diversity. Read it through once and decide which of the three statements (A, B or C) given below the extract offers the most accurate summary. The impact of culture on business Take a look at the new breed of international managers, educated according to the most modern management philosophies. They all know that in the SBU, TQM should reign, with products delivered JIT, where CFTs distribute products while subject to MBO. (SBU = strategic business unit, TQM = total quality management, JIT = just-in-time, 5 CFT = customer first team, MBO = management by objectives.) But just how universal are these management solutions? Are these ‘truths’ about what effective management really is: truths that can be applied anywhere, under any 4 circumstances? ze Even with experienced international companies, many well-intended ‘universal’ ot applications of management theory have turned out badly. For example, pay-for- performance has in many instances been a failure on the African continent because there are particular, though unspoken, rules about the sequence and timing of reward and promotions. Similarly, management by objectives schemes have generally failed within subsidiaries of multinationals in southern Europe, because managers have not wanted to 15 conform to the abstract nature of preconceived policy guidelines. Unit 2 Culture and entertainment B Even the notion of human-resource management is difficult to translate to other ing as it does from a typically Anglo-Saxon doctrine, It borrows from economics the idea that human beings are ‘resources’ like physical and monetary resources. It tends to assume almost unlimited capacities for individual development. In countries without these beliefs, this concept is hard to grasp and unpopular once it is understood, International managers have it tough, They must operate on a number of different premises at any one time. These premises arise from their culture of origin, the culture in which they are working, and the cultu h employs them. In every culture in the world such phenomena as authority, bureaucracy, creativity, good fellowship, verification and accountability are experienced in different ways. That cultures, con of the organisation wi we use the same words to describe them tends to make us unaware that our cultural biases and our accustomed conduct may not be appropriate, or shared. From Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Divs:sity in business by Fons Trompenears, Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd, London, 1993, A There are certain popular uni successfully be applied in various cultural contexts, B Cultures are so varied and so different throughout the world that management has to take account of differences rather than simply assume similarities. ersal truths about management which can C Effective management of human resources is the key to everyone achieving their full potential. 2 Read the text again. Identify the following: a) the problem wi b) an example of the failure of pay-for-perform: h ‘universal’ management solutions nce c) an example of the failure of management by objectives schemes d) the problem with human-resource management ¢) three cultures affecting international managers f) six areas in which different cultural terpretations apply. 2 Inviting, and accepting or declining What kinds of social activities in your town could be appropriate ways of entertaining visitors from other countries? Unit 2 Culture and entertainment =](©) 1 Listen to the first example on the recording. You will hear a conversation in which someone invites a business associate to a social event. Identify: a) what is being suggested b) the response ©) what will happen next. =] (©) 2 Listen to the second example, where someone else invites a different business associate to a social event. Identify: a) what is being suggested b) the response ©) what will happen next. ©) 3 Listen to the recording of three short extracts, where hosts invite their "visitors to take part in a social activity. The invitations are rejected. a) Identify each suggested activity. b) Give the reasons for each rejection. ©) Do you think each rejection is appropriate? Explain your answer. Reason for rejection Comments 2 3 4 Work in pairs. Use the advertisements below to invite your partner to something, He/she should respond. Then change roles so you both get to invite and accept or reject in each situation. Bight our Sy cat oan elie Ula wide De eed 3 wocnt © Wosnesday ang "aay Hello Snappy Conmrooan comedy rm he rtabonaleonasy “Toupe win? petomarsttom & orn counties. mas dees, eres ao, and pny cage ‘Unmiosable a once inate experince Fe 10-17 Mae 000 Telephone 347741 City University Hall "The Flerroy Quartet Beans! Op Nod ERA HOUSE erry Teen tg et “rit MAGIC FLUTE rere ow porta ona New dimen in operate splendour” Da vr many examples as you can of the i , language indicated below. Wy Fes f guigeindicated below yr Group one recommending what to eat expressing preference ordering Group two commenting on the food —_asking for the bill offering to pay Group three insisting on paying inviting thanking 2 Divide into fresh groups of three and together in your new groups share all the examples you have of different ways of saying the nine functions above. Complete the grid below with possible phrases: Recommending what to eat | Expressing preference Ordering Commenting on the food Asking for the bill Offering to pay | insisting on paying Inviting Thanking Unit 2 Culture and entertainment [=] ©) 3 Now listen to a conversation recorded in a restaurant. The recording contains parts of a conversation between Patricia Cork and Sandra Malcolm. They are colleagues in a joint venture between two American companies. Note any similarities between your suggestions and the language in the recording, Note also any phrases used on the tape that you did not suggest. Role play 2 Student A should turn to File card 4A and Student B should turn to File card 4B, Transfer ‘Think of any professional or business contact you have with other countries. Think about any conventions that are different to those in your country and may affect your dealing, with people from these countries. Consider for example: + conventions of dress + conventions regarding alcohol and food + socialising + shaking hands + physical contact + gestures + eye contact + humour «+ the relationship between work and pleasure « the relationship between family and work family matters. Saying whar’s on and what's available There’s @ (good) film / play / concert / on at ... We have a good theatre in the city ... There are some ... ~ interesting museums / public buildings ... = good restaurants Are you interested in ... ~ eating out? ~ visiting / seeing Inviting ‘Would you be interested in going to see Tdlike to invite you to have dinner this evening. Is that a good idea? Responding to an invitation ‘That would be very nice. Tike that, ‘Thank you. That would be a pleasure. Declining an invitation Tdllike to, but I’m afraid ... ‘That would be nice, but unfortunately ... ~ I'm rather tired ... = J have an appointment this evening ... = 'm rather busy ... ~ Ihave some work to do ... Stating preference like (Japanese) cuisine very much ... “think Yd like to ... Ithink I'd prefer... Iparticularly like (classical) music ... Looking at a menu ‘The (fish) sounds nice ... Ithink I'd like to try ... think I'l have .. Shall we have a bottle of Commenting on an evening out Iesbeen a lovely evening. Wsbeen very nice. Thank you very much for your hospitality. enjoyed it very much. Culture and entertainment Skills Checklist Socialising (2) Before receiving visitors to your company Be prepared to talk in English about your professional field and/or your company and business: ~ the professional field you are involved in ~ your professional activities — current research and other projects ~ future plans — the history of your company — company organisation ~ who owns the company ~ the number of employees ~ the international involvement of your company ~ products and services — the market — competition. Be able to talk about: — your country and your town ~ history — tourism — museums and public buildings — entertainment ~ cultural and religious centres of interest. You may wish to talk about: — education — transport systems — the economy = companies — exports and imports. COO TELEPHONING 3 Could! leave a message? 1 Preparing to make a telephone call 1 Look at the cartoon. What do you imagine they are saying? Say what the problems are and how problems like this can be avoided. 2 Listen to the recording of Clare Macey, a director of Inter Marketing, suggesting ways to prepare for telephone calls. Then tick the suggestions that she makes that are included in the list below. Do not try to guess what the other person will say. Think about your objectives from the call — any questions you need to ask or things you need to say. Ifsomeone calls and you are not ready for them, ask them to call back later. Desk preparation: prepare the desk — paper, pen, any relevant documentation, computer files. Check recent correspondence, know the situation. Have your diary on hand, so you can fix appointments. BBE OD ob a Unit 3 Could I leave a message? 3 Different people have different objectives in a telephone call. What do you think are the objectives of the people in the situations below? The first is done for you as an example. a) A Purchasing Manager who has received an incomplete delivery. * to tell the cupplier that the delivery ie incomplete. * to arrange to get the rest of the delivery sent as 00h as possible. + (possibly) to complain about the poor service. ©) A Sales Representative for a furniture manufacturer making a first call to Moda Design, a company which sells office furniture. 2 Receiving calls @) 1 Lookat the picture as you listen to the recording. Say what the problem is and how problems like this can be avoided. Unit 3 Could [ leave a message? © 2 Listen to another short extract from the recording of Clare Macey. Here she is. talking about being prepared for incoming calls. Tick what she recommends. Send a fax suggesting someone calls you ~ then be prepared for their call a If you expect a call, think about what the other person will say or what they will ask a ‘Check any relevant documentation or correspondence. a If you are busy or not ready when they call, ask them to call back later. 1 3 Taking and leaving messages [=]©) 1 Listen to the recording and complete the mi g information on the message pads below. a) Ss Telephone Message For: Time of cal Caller: Company: Phone number: Message: b) eS Telephone Message For: Time of call: Caller: Company: Phone number: Message: Discussion Compare the styles of the callers in the two conversations you have heard. How are they different? Comment on how the people answering the calls handle cach caller. Unit 3 Could I leave a message? Now listen to two more examples and complete the message pads below. ey Telephone Mevrage To: Time of call: °) From: Message: d) For attention of: Time of call: (i Caller: Department: Extension number: Workstation: Problem / enquiry: Notes: \ Discussion uss the style of the various speakers in the last two conversations. How does the style change according to the speaker and the situation? Is the style used always the right one? Practice Use the following flow chart to make a complete telephone conversation. If you need to, listen again to the recordings you have heard and refer to the Language Checklist on page 24. Unit 3 Could | leave a message? Caller Receptionist ‘Good morning, Gorliz. and Zimmerman,” Intreduce youn <—<—$—=$—= Ask to speak to Mr Conrad Bird. a Mr Bird is not in. ‘Ask when you can contact him. —— — Explain that he is away - ae offer to take a message. You want Mr Bird to call you. Repeat your name. Give your number. a Confirm the information. End call. —— eee End call. [=] ©) Now listen to the recording of a model answer. 4 Asking for and giving repetition [=J© 1 Listen to the recording of a conversation between a woman who calls the Personnel Office in the Singapore branch of Michigan Insurance Inc. She has to attend for a job interview. a) The first time you listen, say why she calls. b) Listen again. Notice that there are four requests for repetition. Why? 2 Ineach request for repetition, the person asking for the repetition also acknowledges it. It is important that any repetition is followed by an acknowledgement. Look at the following example that you have heard: ‘I beg your pardon. I didn’t catch that.’ Request for repetition en “To Allan P. Maul, or Mall — Personnel Department.” Fic — Repetition Acknowledgement [=] © Listen again. Identify two other ways to acknowledge repetition. unit3 Could [leave a message? [=] (©) 3 Look at the following situations and listen to the recording for each one. In cach case, suggest why someone might ask for repetition and suggest a suitable phrase. Role play 1 Work in pairs. Student A should turn to File card 5A. Student B should turn to File card 5B. Role play 2 Keep to the same A or B. Student A should turn to File card 6A and Student B should turn to File card 6B. 5 The secretarial barrier Unit 3 Could | leave a message? 1 Frequently a Sales Representative may make a ‘cold call’ toa purchasing manager or some other influential person in a company. Imagine the following situatio Dominique Peron is Personal Assistant to Jacques Le Grand, Production Controller in Tarbet Garonne Compagnie (TGC), a French manufacturer of paints and varnishes. M. Le Grand has asked not to be disturbed by uninvited sales calls, Walter Barry from London would like to speak to M. Le Grand. a) Listen to the tape and say what Dominique is trying to do. What is her objective? b) Dominique Peron finally makes a suggestion to the caller. What does she say? ©) 2 Listen again. Complete the script below by writing down all the phrases used by Dominique Peron to block the caller. ‘TGC: Bonjour, ici La TGC. WALTER BARRY: Good morning, Walter Barry, here, calling from London. Could I speak to Monsieur Le Grand, please? ree: Who's calling, please? WALTER BARRY: I'm sorry — Walter Barry, from London. 6c: a eae WALTER BARRY: — Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant. My own company, LCP, Liquid Control Products, chemical processing. I would like to speak to M. Le Grand to discuss ways in which we could help TGC protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time. a leader in safety from leaks in the field of 16e: Yes, I see. Well, M. Le Grand WALTER BARRY: Can you tell me when | could reach him? T6C: He's in New York. So it is difficult to give you a time. WALTER BARRY; — Could you ask him to ring me? rac: I he’s ee WALTER BARRY: — Could I speak to someone else, perhaps? 6c: Who in particular? WALTER BARRY: A colleague for example? rac: You are speaking to his Personal Assistant. I can deal with calls for M. Le Grande. Unit 3 Could I leave a message? warrer parry: Yes, well ... er... yes ... could I ring him tomorrow? Toc: No, = = - __. Listen, let me suggest something. You send us details of your products and services, together with references from other companies and then we'll contact you. WALTER BARRY: Yes, that's very kind. I have your address. roc: Very good, Mr er er... WALTER BARRY: Barry. Walter Barry from LCP in London. roe: Right Mr Barry. We look forward to hearing from you. warren narny: Thank you. Goodbye. Bye 3 Listen to the beginning of another conversation. A Sales Manager for a Dutch tools manufacturer, Reuter, is telephoning Dixon Auto, a British car components company. a) Who does the caller ask to speak to? b) What is the result? ©) Why is the caller successful / not successful here? Role play 3 Work in pairs. Student A should refer to File card 7A and Student B should use File card 7B. Role play 4 Keep to the same A or B. Student A should refer to File card 8A and Student B should turn to File card 8B. Transfer Think about any of the following — whichever is most likely for you now or in the future. Prepare the call (maximum three minutes preparation!). Explain the details of the situation to acolleague or to your teacher, then practise the call, 1 Ring a company to ask for product details or prices. 2 Ring a hotel to book a night's accommodation. 3 Ringa travel agent to ask about flights to a city you need to visit. Ifpossible record your conversation. Unit 3 Could Leave a message? Language Checklist Telephoning (1) Introducing yourself Good morning, Aristo. Hello, this is ... from Hello, my name's calling from Saying who you want I'd like to speak to ..., please. Could I have the ... Department, please? Is... there, please? Saying someone is not available I’m sorry he/she’s not available Sorry, he/she’s away / not in / in a meeting / in Milan. Leaving and taking messages Could you give him/her a message? Can I leave him/her a message? Please tell him/her ... Please ask him/her to ring me on ... Can I take a message? Would you like to leave a message? If you give me your number I'll ask him/her to call you later. Offering to help in other ways Can anyone else help you? Can help you perhaps? Would you like to speak to his assistant? Shall | ask him to call you back? Asking for repetition Sorry, I didn't catch (your name / your number / your company name /etc.).. Sorry, could you repeat your (name, number, ete,). Sorry, 1 Sorry, I didn't understand that. Could you spell (that / your name), please. jdn't hear that. Acknowledging repetition Okay, I've got that now. (Mr Kyoto.) [ understand. I see, thank you. Skills Checklist Telephoning: Preparation for a call Reading — background information Desk preparation Have the following available: + relevant documentation / notes + correspondence received + computer files on screen pen and paper + diary. Check time available How much time do you need? How much time do you have? Objectives Who do you want to speak to? In case of non-availability, have an alternative strategy: + call back / be called back — when? «+ leave a message + speak to someone else + awrite or fax information, Do you want to: + find out information? «+ give information? Introduction Do you need to refer to: + a previous call? + a letter, order, invoice or fax? + someone else (who?) + an event (what? when?) Prediction What do you expect the other person to say / ask you? How will you respond? Language Key phrases (see Language Checklist) Pronunciation Spelling 4 Good to hear from you again! 1 Cross-cultural communication on the telephone (1) ©) 1 Listen to the three recorded extracts. Match each call to the appropriate i he three recorded ich each call to thi i picture below. In each case there is a communication problem. What is the problem, and how could it be solved? Conversation | Picture Problem Solution. Conversation 2 Picture Problem Solution Conversation 3 Picture Problem Solution Unit4 Good to hear from you again! 10 15 20 25 30 2 Look briefly at the text. Before reading, say: a) what it is about bb) what the message of the cartoon opposite is, c) what you think the text probably recommends. 3 Now read the text. Identify the following: a) something that is important before telephoning b) advice on how to use your voice c) advice on checking your understanding d) examples of ‘explicit’ cultures ~ what does this mean? e) examples of ‘subtle’ cultures ~ what does this mean? £) a possible problem about the phone that you would not have face-to-face. Telephoning across cultures Many people are not very confident about using the telephone in English. However, good preparation can make telephoning much easier and more effective. Then, once the call begins, speak slowly and clearly and use simple language. Check that you understand what has been said, Repeat the most important information, look for confirmation. Ask for repetition if you think it is necessary. Remember too that different cultures have different ways of using language. Some speak in a very literal way so it is always quite clear what they mean, Others are more indirect, using hints, suggestions and understatement (for example ‘not very good results’ = ‘absolutely disastrous’) to put over their message. North America, Scandinavia, Germany and France are ‘explicit’ countries, while the British have a reputation for not making clear exactly what they mean. One reason for this seems to be that the British use language in a more abstract way than most Americans and continental Europeans. In Britain there are also conventions of politeness and a tendency to avoid showing one’s true feelings. For example if a Dutchman says an idea is ‘interesting’ he means that it is interesting. If an Englishman says that an idea is ‘interesting’ you have to deduce from the way he says it whether he means it is a good idea or a bad idea. Meanwhile, for similar reasons Japanese, Russians and Arabs — ‘subtle’ countries — sometimes seem vague and devious to the British. If they say an idea is interesting it may be out of politeness. The opposite of this is that plain speakers can seem rude and dominating to subtle speakers, as Americans can sound to the British — or the British to the Japanese. ‘The British have a tendency to engage in small talk at the beginning and end of a telephone conversation. Questions about the weather, health, business in general and what one has been doing recently are all part of telephoning, laying a foundation for the true purpose of the call. At the end of the call there may well be various pleasantries, Nice talking to you, Say hello to the family (if you have met them) and Looking forward to seeing you again soon. A sharp, brief style of talking on the phone may appear unfriendly toa British partner. Not all nationalities are as keen on small talk as the British! Being aware of these differences can help in understanding people with different cultural traditions. The difficulty on the telephone is that you cannot see the body language to help you. ‘Adapted from Faxes, phones and foreigners by kind permission of British Telecommunications plc. Unita Good to hear from you again! ZIPCO arericary ae tN ae \\ 7 y %, E Z SS How's business? How's it goin are 4 Marvellous! Really busy! ( 4 Choose the closest definition of the following words from the text. a) rude pleasantries (1.25) a) questions literal (1.7) a) direct and clear understatement (1.8) a) kind words deduce (1.15) a) reduce b) full of literary style ¢) abstract and complicated b) less strong way of talking c) clever speech b) work out c) disagree vague (118) a) unclear devious (1.18) b) unfriendly) insincere c) clever b) dishonest b) requests c) polite remarks Unit4 Good to hear from you again! 2 Making arrangements 1 Listen to the recording, Two colleagues, Bob and Lara, need to meet because a third colleague, Leon, has resigned. As you listen, write the details of the appointment they make in Bob's diary. March i Uist GAP # 14 Monday Toes | FAK rs 1 199225 15 Tuesday Raves, 10:30 1 Meeting RA 1850? 47 Thursday __________——. [4:00 phone Creston 6 Wednesday (@) 2 Here Vladimir Kramnik from Moscow calls Joanna Hannam of Swallow Exports Ltd., in London. He wants an appointment with Ms Hannam. Complete the details of the arrangement made in Ms Hannam's diary. a [ une ital, may —— se a 3 Monday —_ 27 Monday _ ——_—— as A Toosday 28 Tuosday a 5 Wednesday 29 wednesday —_ee 6 Thursday 30 Thursday ia 7 Friday 31 Friday > 8 saturday 1 Saturday 2 3 Compare the two recordings. a) Identify three ways in which Ms Hannam’s secretary offers to help Mr Kramnik. b) Comment on the performance of the staff working for Swallow Exports. c) What style differences are there between the two conversations in 1 and 2 above? Why are they so different? Practice 1 In the following conversation, a Singaporean exporter plans to send goods from Singapore to Greece. He wants to have a meeting with a Greek shipping company, Intership. Unita Good to hear from you again! Ey Unita Good to hear from you again! Suggest suitable phrases for each step in the conversation, then practise the dialogue with a colleague. Caller (Computech) Called Person (Intership) ‘Intership, good morning.’ Greeting. ee leu yourself, epee Chane Confitm | correct. | Ask what it’s about. Explain that you want to << discuss transport of goods from Singapore to Athens. — Acknowledge — ask when would be a good time. Suggest next week. ae Reject — Mr Dionis is away. Suggest beginning of next month. ee Te Suggest Monday 3rd. a ere ag: Reject On Monday Mr Dionis is busy all day. t Suggest Tuesday. Agree. Suggest 10.00 a.m. Need for change ‘tm » Treally can’t | (3) Fixing new arrangement “Can we ? (4) Confirmation ‘See you Role play 1 Work in pairs. Student A should turn to File card 9A. Student B should use File card 9B. Role play 2 Keep to the same A or B. Student A should turn to File card 10A. Student B should look at File card 10B. Unit Good to hear from you again! 4 Ending a call 1 You will hear a recording of Catherine Welsh,a Communications Consultant, talking about telephoning and, in particular, ending phone calls. Before you listen, suggest what she might say about the following: a) ways to avoid misunderstandings b) a way to check that there's nothing left to say c) the importance of small talk 4) ways to get off the phone when the other person keeps talking and you are very busy. [=]©) 2 Nowlisten to what Catherine actually says. Compare her suggestions with what you suggested above. Discuss these and other suggestions. [=]©) 3 Hans Rossler is an Export Manager for a German company in Munich. An agent, Hassam Akhtar from Morocco, is planning to visit him. You will hear two versions of how Hans ends a phone conversation with Hassam. Notice how they are different. a) What is wrong in the first version? b) Which key phrase is in the second ending that was not in the first one? [=]©) 4 Listen to the next recording of a conversation between two colleagues, Celia Walton and Gerd Hoffmann, who work for a Swiss toy manufacturer. a) What is Celia’s problem? b) How does she resolve it? Practice 3 Sit back-to-back with a colleague and have a telephone conversation about any small talk topic. One of you should try hard to keep the conversation going. The other should politely try to get off the phone. Reverse roles and repeat the exercise, Transfer 1 Work in pairs, A and B, to devise and practise two role plays. First, each of you should think “about your own work or real life situation. Choose a situation where you need to call “someone to arrange a meeting. Explain the situation to your partner. Then practise first one “conversation, then the other. Remember to end the call appropriately. Transfer 2 Next time you have to arrange a real meeting by telephone, use the language and tecommendations made in this unit. Prepare the call, think about the call structure (see Skills Checklist) and think about how to end the call. Unit 4 Good to hear from you again! Language Checklist Telephoning (2) Stating reason for a call ’'m ringing to I'd like to I need some nformation about .. Making arrangements Could we meet some time next month? When would be a good time? Would Thursday at 5 o'clock suit you? What about July 21st? That would be fine. No, sorry, I can’t make it then. Sorry, I’m too busy next week. anging arrangements We've an appointment for next month, but ... Pm afraid I can’t come on that day. Could we fix an alternative? Confirming information $0... Can I check that? You said .. ‘To confirm that . Can you / Can I confirm that by fax? Ending a call Right. I think that’s all Thanks very much for your help. Do call if you need anything else. Hook forward to ... seeing you / your call / your letter / your fax / our meeting. Goodbye and thanks. Bye for now. Skills Checklist Telephoning (2) Voice + speed + clarity + volume Structure + background information «+ key information «+ repetition, emphasis and confirmation + possible confirmation by fax Style + formal / informal cold call / new contact / established contact + in-company vs. customer supplier outside agent colleague / friend / business associate / public company image Structure of a call Beginning introduce yourself get who you want small talk state problem / reason for call Middle ask questions get / give information confirm information End signal end thank other person small talk refer to next contact close call check that there's nothing else to say 5 Unfortunately there's a problem... 1 Cross-cultural communication on the telephone (2) 1 The following text gives some advice about telephoning between different cultures. Before you read it, quickly answer these questions about the organisation of the text: a) What is the picture about? b) How many paragraphs are there? ©) How many main points are probably in the article? 2 Read the text, then mark the sentences that follow as True (T) or False (F). Insome countries, like Italy and Britain, conversation is a form of entertainment. There isan endless flow of talk and if you break the flow for a second someone else will pick it up. In other countries there is a higher value placed on listening — it is not only impolite to break in but listeners will consider what has been said in silence before responding. 5 Finland and Japan are examples. If you are talking to people who are also speaking English as a foreign language, they are likely to leave gaps and silences while they search for words or try to make sense of what you have just said. So be patient and try not to interrupt, as you would hope they would be patient with you. Every country has its own codes of etiquette. For example it is common for Anglo- ‘Saxons to use first names very quickly, even in a letter or fax or telephone call, Such instant familiarity is much less acceptable in the rest of Europe and Asia where even. ‘business partners and colleagues of many years’ acquaintance address each other by the equivalent of Mr or Mrs and the last name or job title. § So stick to last names unless you specifically agree to do otherwise. Don't interpret the other person's formality as stifiness or unfriendliness. On the other hand, if business partners with an Anglo-Saxon background get on to first name terms straightaway, don't besurprised. Units Unfortunately there’s a problem ISED To MEET YOU Fe Ae «ER ABAKHAN. €2..ABI..ER.. BHAI. Above all, one should remember that people do not usually mind if their own codes 20 are broken by foreigners as long as they sense consideration and goodwill. This is much more important than a set of rules of etiquette. Adapted from Faxes, phones and foreigners by Kind permission of British Telecommunications plc. a) For the British and the Italians it is normal to interrupt the other speaker during the conversation. b) A special importance is attached to listening in Japanese and Finnish cultures. ©) One should interrupt and try to help speakers who may have difficulty in saying what they want to say. 4) It is unusual for Americans and British to use first names early in a business relationship. ¢) It doesn’t matter if you break you are s ertain social rules if it is clear that sitive to other people. £) Etiquette is the critical point in telephoning between different cultures. 3 Which do you think is the most important point? 2 Problem solving on the telephone [==](@) 1 Lee Summerfield is a telecommunications equipment retailer from Los Angeles. Listen to the recording of a conversation he has with a supplier, Yoshinaga Takafumi. He works for AKA Company, a Japanese telephone systems manufacturer. a) Identify the problem and the suggested solution. b) Listen again. Do you think Yoshinaga Takafumi provided good customer service? In what ways? c) Notice how the conversation follows the structure shown here: Go Go a a Customer Supplier Introduction and getting who you want. a Greeting and small talk. Small fe Stating problem. a ‘p ~ Suggesting solution. hehe ei ioe Confirmation, ——— ae pe End call. Practice 1 Work in pairs, A and B. Create a dialogue based on the prompts below. A is the Client Services Manager of Keene Investments who calls B, a financial adviser. A is B’s boss. Eric/Erica King (A) Charles/Charlotte Heppel (B) Answorthe phone Lise mien ——— theresa problem, Respond —ask what? Respond — explain problem: A client ~ Sandra Henson — has phoned. She expected CH to vist yesterday. No one came, Respond ~ the client has made a mistake. The appointment is for next — ek Respond appropriately. Ask CH if (s)he wrote with details of the visit ies. ter to call a Henson, End call (small talk). a ind cat Now listen to a recording of a model answer. Units Unfortunately there’s a problem ... Ee Units Unfortunately there's a problem 3 Complaints ©) 1 Hamid Nadimi of Ahme |-Hamid & Co. in Riyadh telephones Peter Carr, from ( f Ahmed Al-Hamid vyadh teleph fi Stella Communications PLC, Birmingham, with a complaint. a) Listen and identify the problem. Problem? Mr Nadimi complains that b) Listen again and write \ the remaining key information on the flow chart: Response? Mr Catv anys Action decided? a ~- Mr Carr promises ___. Discuss how Peter Carr handles the call. Do you think he said the right things? 2. Work in pairs to create a new version of the above conversation beginning with the same basic problem, Provide better customer service in your version. 3 Imagine you are Peter Carr. Following the above phone call and then a conversation with Mr Bains, write a fax to Mr Nadimi. Tell him Mr Bains will return in four days with the parts and the system will be repaired within five days. Use the fax template below: 9 STELLA COMMUNICATIONS PLC PO BOX 45,27 PARKWAY, HALL GREEN, BIRMINGHAM BHS6 TR ENGLAND Phone: 44 121 312 769/221 Fax: 44 121 312 593 Fax To: Hamid Nadim’ From: Peter Carr ‘Ahmed A-Hamid & Company Fax number: 968 1 367933 No of Pages (inc. this one): 1 Date: 4 March, 19— ATTN: Hamid Nadimi—Operations Director Re: Following our = lampleased to tell you that Mr Bains ——— = and, within five cays. It mere is any way | can be of further assistance, please -. ‘Once again, please accept Furthermore, let me assure you of __.-.... future. Best regerds, he Com Peter Car ‘Customer Service Unfortunately there's a problem ... Practice 2 = © ‘Suggest what the person complaining and the person handling the complaint could say in the following situations. Then listen to the recordings of model answers. 1 A printer purchased three months ago has broken down for a fourth time. 2 Anorder from a hospital for 500 x 100 ml of medicated gel has not arrived. 3 A travel agent promised to send out an airline ticket for departure tomorrow. It has not arrived. Unit 5 Unfortunately there's a problem ... Practice 3 Use the flow chart below as the basis for a telephone conversation involving a complaint. Berraondo S.A. ‘Tao Loon Company (Sales Office) | ee ee as, Greeting. Introduce yourself. Offer to help. V Explain problem. Order HF5618 for 20 printers. Only 17 have arrived. Express surprise. \ ‘This is second time you have received an incomplete delivery. Suggest possible error in order administration. \7 ‘Agree — say you need the other three printers urgently. Delays are costing you goodwill — unhappy customers. / Explain stock problems. Ask for a promise of delivery date — ASAP. Promise next Monday. V\ Complain - you want despatch now. | Express regret — not possible. Ask for fax to confirm despatch. I\ Agree ~ apologise. End call. (©) Now listen to the recording of a model answer. Units Unfortunately there’s a problem ... Role play ‘ Work in pairs, A and B. Student A should look at File card 11A and Student B should look at File card 11B. of examples of where you have needed to resolve a problem on the telephone, haps with a colleague (an internal problem) or with another company (an external 1). the problem involve a complaint? hat the situation was and what problem occurred. jn any difficulty you had and say how the problem was resolved. 2 re a conversation typical of the sorts of problems or complaints you are faced with in ur working life, Explain the situation and the roles involved to a colleague and then m the conversation. Uni Unfortunately ther Language Checklist Telephoning (3) Stating reason for the call I'm ringing about ... Unfortunately, there's a problem with ... I'm ringing to complain about ... Explaining the problem There seems to be ... We haven’t received ... The ... doesn’t work. The quality of the work is below standard. The specifications are not in accordance with our order. Referring to previous problems It’s not the first time we've had this problem. ‘This is the (third) time this has happened. Three months ago ... We had a meeting about this and you assured us that... Threatening If the problem is not resolved ... we'll have to reconsider our position. we'll have to renegotiate the contract. welll contact other suppliers. the consequences could be very serious. Handling complaints and other problems Asking for details Could you tell me exactly what ... 2 Can you tell me... ? What's the ... ? Apologising P'm sorry to hear that. ’'m very sorry about the problem / delay / mistake ... Denying an accusation No, I don’t think that can be right. P'm sorry but I think you're mistaken. I'm afraid that's not quite right. I'm afraid that can’t be true. Skills Checklist Telephoning (3) If you receive a complaint der your company’s reputation + express surprise + ask for details + suggest action + promise to investigate + make reasonable suggestions, offers to help. + 01 Consider your customer and: + show polite understanding + use active listening + reassure customer. If you make a complaint: + prepare for the call + be sure of the facts + have documentation available + decide what you require to resolve the problem ~ at least partially ~ or completely. Who is to blarne? Who is responsible? Are you talking to the right person? Was your order or your specifications correct? Were you partly responsible for arrangements, which went wrong, e.g. transport? Does responsibility actually lie elsewhere, ie. with a third party? If you do not get what you want: + keep control — state what you need calmly + do you need to continue to do business with the other side? + if you do, keep a good relationship + express disappointment — not anger «+ don’t use threats — unless you have to! To PRESENTATIONS 6 Planning and getting started 1 Presentation technique and preparation 1 Look at the picture. Discuss or make notes on the characteristics of a good presentation. Think about both the content and the way the speaker presents information. Sa : 7 a | M74 = Unit 6 Planning and getting started 2 This article, from the Financial Times, is about presentation technique. Scan the text to identify seven examples of bad technique and five characteristics of good technique. You do not have to read the article in detail or understand every word to do this. When incompetence is ‘tantamount to fraud’ Not long age, I went ta two-day conference, ‘The fee, travel, and hotel accommodation cost nearly £300, ‘The conference offered 20 papers. Of those, ‘ine were rendered partly or wholly incomprehensible by poor design or inept ‘handling of visual aids. OF the 20 speakers, 12overran ther allotted time, so the programme ‘on both days fell behind schedule. To cope with this, the chairpersons asked some speaks to ‘cu short their planned prescaiations. They did. With the other paying customers, I shall never ‘know what I missed. Ido know, however, that I did not get the full 20 presentations I was cniitled to expect Incompetent presentation is tantamount to fraud, Here are extracts from my notes on that conference. ‘Speaker 1 Get slides ou of sequence with talk, listactingly putting them up before she reached the relevant point inher script. Read inexorably through the script, stumbling over written word- clusters she could not articulate. ‘Speaker 2 Put up transparencies on overhead projector, with comment: “You won'the able to, wad these." Correct! Had an electronic watch that beeped at 15 minutes; commented that the beep meant time was up; Went on speaking. (Overran by 10 per cent. ‘Speaker 3 Used firs five of allocated 15 minutes {tell an anecdote relevant to talk. Overran by 27 per cent. ‘Speaker d was wamed twice by the chair shout time to stop; so he spoke twice as fast to uy 10 finish with sides whistling to and fro ata rate that made reading impossible. He confused himself as well asus by putting up a. stide that ‘should not have been there" Overran by almost third. ‘Speakers 2.3 and 4 all began by stressing what ‘hey could not doin 1S minutes, thereby reducing substantially wit they could do. 2s got worse, One speater began by belting himself and insulting us: “Twill just Vocabulary notes tantamount to fraud = almost the same as dishonestly taking someone’s money inept allotted rubble = chaos incapable, amateurish made available, given by John Kirkman ‘put up this slide to keep you occupied while | othroagh the boring facts’ He offered an ‘example, bu could not find it: “Thave some figures somewhere... tumbled in notes) .. but ‘can’t find them, never mina. Day two brought no relief We were offered vethead transparencies mate by photocopying ‘Ad pages in a small typeface. One illustration, 11 columas five rows of figures was put up swith no comment other than: “There are the figures.’ Tas siting about halfway back, 50-60 {eet from the screen. The figures were utterly unreadable. The edifice of the speakers argument ‘came crashing down. My comprehension never emierged from the rubble, ‘One speaker's monotonal mumble defeated. ‘even the halter microphone he was asked to wear because we could nothear him He misunderstood the chairs warning about ime, and stopped three ‘minutes early. Blessed relie?? ‘Another speaker did not know whether or not he had a slide to ilustrate his point ‘I think we have a slide for this. Its slide six. Oh no, sorry. Wel, we will go on.’ How were we suppased to follow. if he himself was lost? ‘My notes have favouratle comments on only thuve speaker, and those notes make an important Doint: the value of being simply competent. My ‘comments on speaker eight ilustrate that point: Argentina > .. power and... Feru a ames ee WHY? ANA .» factors and ©) 2 Listen again and this time notice how the speaker links different parts of the presentation. Write in the missing words. a) new topic Let's Argentina, which Venezuela in that it hasn't enjoyed such ... | old topic b) old topic That’s Argentina. Now Peru, For many ... new topic 3 old topic Now, Peru, | now want other opportunities in Latin America (fade). new topic 3. Suggest other language that can be used to make links between different parts of a presentation. Practice 2 Choose one of the situations on page 67 to present a short extract from a presentation. Use linking expressions to connect the different parts of the talk. Units ‘The middle of the presentation Situation 1 You area Project Manager of Sasi, a Dutch electronic components manufacturer. You have to give a presentation to colleagues explaining the company’s decision to build a factory in Indonesia. ni Important factors influencing the decision are: a) local employment conditions: well-trained workforce, skilled in oil industry, experienced in chemical engineering b) local economic factors and market potential: strong growth in Indonesian economy, wealth of Java, good location, access to Southeast Asia market ©) economically strong area 4d) available subsidies, tax concessions: government wants inward investment. Situation 2 You are a design consultant working for Land Inc.,a New York-based financi services company. The company plans to build new offices for its European headquarters in Brussels, There are three tenders for the design. Present an overview of each tender to senior executives of the company. a) Fox Lee Associates: British b) Shikishima: Japanese — $4.0m — $5.8m ~ conventional air conditioning ~ ultra-modern and heating system ~ solar energy-based heating — Neo-classical design and air-conditioning c) Harald Khaan Group: Dutch = $6.0m 20% more office space low-running costs, conventional heating modern design exceptional energy conservation 1 Unit 8 ‘The middle of the presentation 5 Sequencing a (©) 1 Listen to part of a presentation about a construction project in Seoul, South Korea. Number the stages in the project in the right order. Put out tenders for construction Technical consultation to determine design needs. Purchasing procedure. Building. Put out a call for tenders to architects, Select the best proposal. Commission research to find best location for plant. Period of consultation with architects over details. OB8o0008o00 ‘=](©) 2 Listen again, this time focusing on the language used to indicate the sequence of events. Identify seven words or phrases that are used in this way. Pe ee ele TP bN_ OW ese eS eee ee Se ee a) The ne ee | Ta et —— 3 Suggest other words and phrases that indicate the sequence of events. Practice 3 Describe any simple process or the diagram below using sequencing language. Product life cycle saturation decline maturity Sales introduction development (2) Now listen toa recording of a model description. Unit 8 ‘The middle of the presentation Practice 4 Use the information below to give a presentation of about seven minutes. Use listing, linking and sequencing where necessary. You have been asked by GUBU Inc., a Boston-based toy manufacturer, to advise them on a business plan to reverse falling sal . Make a presentation to GUBU executives. Tell them your recommendations. Sales of GUBU toys Introduction 1, Global decline in sales 1992 1996 12345 678 9 011 1213 1415 16 Comparison between combined sales for 1992 and 1996 for 16 products. 2. Reasons for decline in sales — poor investment in new products ~ old products losing appeal, not fashionable ~ declining marketing budget Proposed action to reverse trend ~ drop half of existing product range — new product investment — new marketing strategy with heavy marketing investment { 4. Prospects, Marketing investment income from sales break even, point T 2 3 4 years Units ‘The midale of the presentation Transfer Prepare an informal presentation on a topic of your own choice. + It does not have to concern your work or studies but should be a topic which interests you. * Think about having a clear introduction (see Unit 6) and a clear structure. + Include visual aids (see Unit 7) if you like. Give the presentation to your teacher and / or colleagues. Unis ‘The middle of the presentation = Language Checklist Structure (2) The main body Signalling different parts in a presentation: Ending the introduction So that concludes the introduction. ‘That'sall for the introduction. Beginning the main body Now let’s move to the first part of my talk, which isabout ... So, first ... To begin with ... Listing ‘There are three things to consider. First ... Second ... Third ... There are two kinds of ... . The first is ... The second is ... We can see four advantages and two disadvantages, First, advantages. Oneis... Another is ... A third advantage is «Finally ... On the other hand, the two disadvantages. First ... Second Linking: Ending parts within the main body ‘That completes / concludes ... That's all (I want to say for now) on ... Linking: Beginning a new part Let's move to (the next part which is) ... So now we come to... Now I want to describe ... Sequencing ‘There are (seven) different stages to the process First / then / next / after that / then (x) / after x there's y, last... ‘There are two steps involved. The first step is... . The second step is ... ‘There are four stages to the project. At the beginning, later, then, finally ... T'll describe the development of the idea. First the background, then the present situation, and then the prospects for the future. Skills Checklist Structure (2) The main body Organisation of presentation + Logical progression of ideas and/or parts of presentation. + Clear development. + Sequential description of processes. + Chronological order of events, i.e. background —> present —> future. Topic Main parts Sections _—_ Subsections A i a b. ii, B i a b. ii, iii, a. b. © i. a b. ii, Internal structure of the main body of a complex presentation Signalling the structure + Use listing techniques + Link different parts. + Use sequencing language. Signalling the structure... ~ makes the organisation of the talk clear ~ helps the audience to follow ~ helps you to follow the development of your talk, 9 Theendis near... this is the end Structure (3) The end > Summarising and concluding > Questions and discussion 1 Structure (3) The end 1 What does the end of a presentation contain? 2 What is the difference, if any, between a summary and a conclusion? Unit 9 ‘The end is near ... this is the end aap 3 Comment on the different approaches used by the two speakers in the cartoons, Can you suggest reasons for the different endings? ee So, I think thats all. Now, any questions? 4 Inwhich of the following situations do you think a discussion is more appropriate than questions? ~ + A sales representative's presentation of a new product. + A Chief Executive's statement on corporate policy. + A politician’s speech on transport policy. + A team leader's talk to colleagues on the next phase of a project. + A manager’s proposal to a group of senior executives on improving productivity. 2 Summarising and concluding [=] (©) 1 Listen to the end of a presentation by Ben Ingleton, Marketing Director of Foss Ltd., an agricultural machinery manufacturer. His talk is about company valuation. What is his key message? [=]©) 2 Listen again. Is this a summary or a conclusion or is it both? Explain your answer. [=] (©) 3 Listen again and complete the following phrases. a) ‘Td like to witha short of the 5 b) So, what are that can from this? I think most importantly, we build up...” Unit 9 The end is near ... this is the end Practice 1 Look at the following overhead transparencies used in a presentation on safety procedures on an oil platform. Use them to reconstruct the end of the presentation. Begin as follows: “That concludes the main part of my talk. Now I'd like to...” Summary Conclusion 1. Three incidents in the year show 1. Training must place more emphasis communication problems on communication procedures. 2. 85% of incidents in the last § years 2. Programme of regular revision of contain some degree of ‘communication procedures should be ‘communication problem, introduced, 3. Existing communication procedures are not considered satisfactory. Now compare your version with a recording of a model answer. 3 Questions and discussion unit 9 ‘The end is near ... this is the end (@) 1 Listen to a recording of two different ways of ending the same sales presentation by Marisa Repp about an automatic warehouse system, the Storo. Decide if they: + invite the audience to ask questions + area lead-in to a discussion + invite the audience to ask questions and have a di + request comments. sion 2. Suggest alternative endings for the presentation you have just heard. Listen to three examples of possible endings to other sales presentations. Match each one to the comments below. ‘A Ahard sell approach, mainly interested in selling the product. B Weak, as if the speaker lacks confidence. C Customer-friendly, wants to help the customer. 4 Read the following text and identi ) a potential problem at the end of a presentation b) three ways to avoid the problem. Open for questions: The silent disaster A nightmare scenario is as follows: the speaker finishes his talk with the words ‘Any questions? This is met by total silence. Not a word. Then an embarrassed shuffling, a cough ... . How can this be avoided? A possible answer is that if the presentation has been good and the audience is clearly interested, someone will have something to say. Another way to avoid the nightmare of utter silence is to end with an instruction to the audience, This should ensure immediate audience response. Giving an instruction is often useful in sales presentations and where the audience has special requirements. Here are two examples: sales presentation After talking about his or her products or services, the speaker wants the audience to explain their needs and says: “Okay ~ I’ve told you about the ways Snappo can help companies like yours. Now for us to do that, we need to know more about the way you work. For example, tell me about your particular situation, tell me what in particular may interest you... This places a responsibility on the audience to respond — unless of course they have a completely negative view of both the presenter and the message! Assuming they are well-disposed towards the potential supplier, it is probably in their interests to offer some information and begin discussion. ooo ur The end is n A Training Manager Speaking to an audience of Department Managers, vice-presidents, or potential trainees, the ‘Training Manager has outlined recommendations and explained what is available. He/she can end with: ‘Right! P’ve told you what we can offer. Now tell me what are your impressions, what are your priorities and what else do you need to know now? Another option is for the speaker to have a question prepared. Ask something which you know the audience will have to answer. This often breaks the ice and starts discussion. It may be possible to single out an individual who is most likely to have a question to ask you or a comment to make, or it may be apparent from earlier contact perhaps during the reception or a coffee break, that a particular individual has something to say or to ask. =1© 5 Handling questions is thought by many speakers to be the most difficult part of a presentation. Why do you think this is? How do you think difficulties can be minimised? Listen to Penny Yates talking about the difficulties that can arise in dealing with questions after a presentation. As you listen, tick any of the following pieces of advice that she gives. Be polite. Listen very carefully. Ask for repetition or clarification. Keep calm. the truth (most of the time!). Don't say anything you'll regret later. Check understanding if necessary by paraphrasing Agree partially before giving own opinion: Yes, but... ooooo0o000 [=]©) 6 A Conference on Land Development in Europe included presentations on Financial Support for Business. Listen to four extracts of different speakers? handling of questions and discussion. Use the table below to mark which extracts are examples of good (/’) or bad (X) technique, Give reasons for your answers. Technique (//X) Why? 1 2 3 Unit 9 The end is near ... this is the end Practice 2 Imagine that you have given a talk on Marketing in Japan at a conference on business trends. What would you say in these situations? 1 At the end of your presentation, move to comments / discussion / questions. 2 Amember of the audience suggests that you said that many small retail outlets, small shops, had actually closed down in recent years. In fact, you said this process has been going on fora long time. Politely correct the other person. 3. Ask the audience for comments on why this has happened. 4. Agree with someone’s suggestions, but suggest other factors. One is the increasing number of take-overs of smaller companies, 5 Amember of the audience says the following: ‘I... understand that a report showed that 700 new sojt drinks came out in Japan in 1990 and one year later 209% had failed. That’s a pretty amazing figure ... ’ Paraphrasing this, ask if in the USA or Europe that could not happen. 6 Someone suggests that in Japan there has always been an emphasis on quality and on products. In the West market research has been more developed. ituation is changing. Agree, but say the s 7 A speaker says something you don’t understand. What do you say? Practice 3 Divide into groups of four. Each person should prepare, in about two to three utes, part of a short presentation on any topic he/she knows well. Describe just one or two aspects of the topic in some detail for about three to four minutes. Then end what you say with a brief summary and/or conclusion. Finally, move to questions/comments or discussion. Your colleagues should: + ask questions isk for more details + ask for clari ication / repetition + paraphrase part(s) of what you said + offer more information based on their knowledge and / or experience. For each contribution, respond appropriately. Repeat the exercise until everyone in the group has been in the hot seat. Transfer Give the end of a presentation on a topic of your choice. Include either a summary or a conclusion and move to questions and/or discussion. Unit 9 The end is near ... this is the end Language Checklist The end of the presentation Ending the main body of the presentation Right, that ends (the third part of) my talk. ‘That’s all I want to say for now on ... Beginning the summary and/or conclusion Td like to end by emphasising the main point(s). Pd like to finish with ... ~ a summary of the main points. — some observations based on what I've said. — some conclusions / recommendations. ~ a brief conclusion. Concluding ‘There are two conclusions / recommendations. What we need is I think we have to ... I think we have seen that we should .. Inviting questions andlor introducing discussion ‘That concludes (the formal part of) my talk. (Thanks for listening) ... Now I'd like to invite your comments, Now we have (half an hour) for questions and discussion. Right. Now, any questions or comments? So, now I'd be very interested to hear your comments. Handling questions Understood but difficult or impossible to answer ‘That's a difficult question to answer in a few words. = Itcould be... — In my experience ... = Iwould say... — I don't think I'm the right person to answer that. Perhaps (Mr Holmes) can help ... ~ I don’t have much experience in that field ... Understood but irrelevant or impossible to answer in the time available I'm afraid that’s outside the scope of my talk / this session. If 1 were you I'd discuss that with... Vil have to come to that later, perhaps during the break as we're short of time. Not understood Sorry, I’m not sure I've understood. Could you repeat? Are you asking if Do you mean ...? I didn't catch (the last part of) your question. IF [have understood you correctly, you mean ... ? Is that right? Checking that your answer is sufficient Does that answer your question? Is that okay? Unit 9 ‘The end is near ... this is the end Skills Checklist Structure (3) Ending the presentation A summary + Restates main point(s). + Restates what the audience must understand and remember. + Contains no new information, + Isshort. Aconclusion + States the logical consequences of what has been said. + Often contains recommendations. + May contain new and important information + Isshort. Questions + Inviting questions implies that the audience are less expert than the speaker. + Beware of the ‘nightmare scenario’ ~ total silence! Have one or two prepared questions to ask the audience. + Keep control of the meeting, Discussion «+ Inviting discussion gives the impression that the audience have useful experience, so is often more ‘diplomatic’ + You still need to control the discussion. Inviting discussion and questions + Often the best solution. + Keep control, limit long contributions, watch the time. Handling questions «+ Listen very carefully. + Ask for repetition or clarification if necessary. + Paraphrase the question to check you understand it. + Give yourself time to think ~ perhaps by paraphrasing the question. + Check that the question is relevant. If not, don’t answer if you don't want to. + Refer questioner to another person if you can’t answer. + Suggest you'll answer a question later if you prefer. + Check that the questioner is happy with your answer: eye contact and a pause is often sufficient. + Keep control. + Don't allow one or two people to dominate. + Be polite. «+ Signal when time is running out ~ ‘Time for one last question’ + At the end, thank the audience. COR MEETINGS 10 Making meetings effective ~ What makes a good meeting? > Chairing a meeting ~ Establishing the purpose of a meeting 1 What makes a good meeting? | ae ee Some comments on business meetings: “Two or more people getting together for a specific business purpose?” Gower Publishing Ltd, 1988. Extracted from The Gower Handbook of Management, p. 1185. “The fewer the merrier? © Milo 0. Frank 1989. Extracted from How to Run a Successful Meeting in Half he Time published by Corgi a division of Transworld Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Unit 10 Making meetings effective 7 =1©2 2 Chairing a meeting What makes a good mecting? Suggest what you think are the characteristics of a successful meeting. Listen to the recording of Allan Case, an engineer, talking about the characteristics of successful business meetings. He makes five of the eight points below. Identify the correct order of these points. Oo ‘There is a written agenda. Clear objectives — known to everyone. Respect for the time available / time planning, Good chair — effective control. Emotions are kept under control. Good preparation. Everyone gets to say what they need to say. Reaching objectives. ooooo0o00 = “Mr. Skelton, can I go out and play now? What do you think the functions of the chairperson are during a meeting? El©: Listen to a recording of a meeting at Hilo Co.,a small subsidiary of a multinational company. The meeting is to discuss the decline in profits. Listen once. Say which of the following are given as reasons for the fall. Prices are too high. Yes/No ‘The company has wasted money on research and development. Yes/No Sales are down. Yes/No The sales budget is too low. Yes/No No one likes the Chief Sales Executive. Yes/No ‘The products are old. Yes/No Listen again, paying attention to the role of the chair in the discussion. ‘Tick (/) which of the following functions the chair performs at this meeting. ‘Thanks people for coming. Starts the meeting on time. States the objective. Refers to the agenda Changes the agenda, Talks about a previous meeting. Introduces the first speaker. Prevents interruptions. Makes people stick to the subject. Gives a personal opinion. Summarises. Asks for comments. Decides when to havea break. oo000000 oo000000 Closes the meeting. Unit 10 Making meetings effective 3 Suggest phrases which could be used by a chairperson in the following situations ina meeting. a) To welcome the participants to a meeting. b) Tos ¢) To introduce the agenda. d) To introduce the first speaker. e) To prevent an interruption. f) To thank a speaker for his/her contribution. g) To introduce another speaker. h) To keep discussion to the relevant issues. i) To summarise discussion. j) To ask if anyone has anything to add. k) To suggest moving to the next topic on the agenda. 1) To summarise certain actions that must be done following the meeting (for example, do research, write a report, meet again, write a letter, etc.). m) To close the meeting. ate the objectives of the meeting, Practice 1 Work in groups of four. Decide on a chair and have a brief meeting using one of the situations below. After a few minutes’ preparation, the chair starts the meeting, introduces the agenda, invites the first speaker to make his/her proposal, prevents interruptions, brings in other speakers, summarises, etc. Situation 1 Meeting ‘To identify ways to reduce company costs. ‘Time: Finish: Place: Participants: Agenda 1. Staff cuts. 2, Reducing the research budget. 3. Cutting salaries and running costs. Situation 2 Meeting ‘To decide on training needs and how to spend $100,000 on training, Tim Finish: Pla Participants: Agenda 1, Decide prioritie marketing / information technology / languages. 2. Allocate costs. 3, Decide outline programme. Unit 10 Making meeti 3 Establishing the purpose of a meeting [==] ©) 1 Below is an incomplete agenda for a meeting of an Environmental Research Unit. Listen to the recording of the start of the meeting. You will hear the opening remarks from the chair, Victor Allen. Note the objectives of the meeting by filling in the spaces in the agenda, Environmental Research Unit Quarterly Meeting 24th May 19— Room A 32, South Side Science Park Participant : Victor Allen (Chair), Sonia Sandman, Vince Hamden, Russell James. ‘Time: 10.00 Finish: 12.00 Agenda 1 @ present projects 1.1 Hydroclear 1.2 PCB reduction 2. tb) a 3. ©) — government — United Nations / World Health Organization ~ Industry Practice 2 1 In groups, work outa brief agenda, with an appropriate order, for a meeting of the marketing department of Axis Finance Ltd., a medium-sized financial services company. Your agenda should include the points listed here: any other business new products minutes of previous meeting _ marketing plans for next year date of next meeting review of marketing performance in the personnel changes current year chair’s opening address apologies for absence. 2 In pairs, prepare a brief opening statement by the chair to introduce the meeting above: + think about what the opening statement from the chair needs to say + use your agenda as a guide + refer to the Language Checklist + practise in pairs. Unit 10 Making meetings effective Role play Work in groups of four. Ash & Whitebeam is a manufacturing company, The Board has decided to set up a subcommittee to examine the four problems contained in File cards 20-23. Your group is that subcommittee and you are meeting to discuss these problems and to make recommendations to the Board. Read through the information on the File cards. Decide in groups who should lead discussion on each of the four topics. Each group member should prepare his/her introduction. When everyone is ready, begin the meeting. If possible, also choose an overall Chair for the meeting. Transfer 1 ‘Think about the role play meeting that you have worked on in this unit and your role in it. Evaluate the meeting by considering the following: ‘What were the objectives? What was your role in the meeting? Did you use any visual supports? What was the result of the meeting? How did you feel about this result? What action or follow-up was agreed? Transfer 2 If you were the Chair of the meeting, again think about your role. Consider all the above questions but also the following: What were the objectives? How long did it take — was this too long or too short? Were you an effective Chair? Did you summarise the meeting? How could you haye chaired the meeting better? Transfer 3 If you know of any meeting that you are going to participate in, think about your preparation for that meeting. What do you need to consider? Unit 10 Making meetings effective Language Checklist Chairing and leading discussion Opening the meeting Thank you for coming ... (It’s ten o'clock). Let’s start We've received apologies from ... Any comments on our previous meeting? Introducing the agenda You've all seen the agenda On the agenda, you'll see there are three items. ‘There is one main item to discuss ... Stating objectives We're here today to hear about plans for Our objective is to discuss different ideas .. What we want to do today is to reach a decision ... Introducing discussion The background to the problem is ... This issue is about ... The point we have to understand is ... Culling on a speaker I'd like to ask Mary to tell us about . Can we hear from Mr Passas on this? I know that you've prepared a statement on your Department’s views ... Controlling the meeting Sorry Hans, can we let Magda finish? Er, Henry, we can't talk about that. Summarising So, what you're saying is Can I summarise that? You mean .. So, the main point is ... Moving the discussion on Can we go on to think about ... Let’s move on to the next point. Closing the meeting I think we've covered everything. So, we've decided ... I think we can close the meeting now. That’s it. The next meeting will be ... Skills Checklist Preparation for meetings Chair + Decide objectives. + What type of meeting (formal or informal, short or long, regular or a ‘one off’ internal / external information giving / discussion / decision making)? + Isa social element required? + Prepare an agenda. + Decide time / place / participants / who must attend and who can be notified of decisions. + Study subjects for discussion. « Anticipate different opinions. + Speak to participants Secretary + Obtain agenda and list of participants. + Inform participants and check: — room, equipment, paper, materials, — refreshments, meals, accommodation, travel. Participants + Study subjects on agenda, work out preliminary options. «+ If necessary, find out team or department views. + Prepare own contribution, ideas, visual supports, etc, The role of the Chair + Start and end on time. + Introduce objectives, agenda. + Introduce speakers + Define time limits for contributions. + Control discussion, hear all views, + Summarise discussion at key points. Ensure that key decisions are written down by the secretary. + Ensure that conclusions and decisions are clear and understood + Define actions to be taken and individual responsibilities. 11 Sorry to interrupt, but... The structure of decision making 1 Read the following extract and answer these questions. 2) What kind of meetings is the text about? b) What structure does the text describe? ¢) What key point is made about communication? 2 Read the text again. Do you agree with: a) the first sentence? Give reasons for your answer. b) Hayne’s suggestions for the steps involved in decision making? ©) the view that communication must be a two-way process? 4) what the writer says about consensus in the final paragraph? Unit 1 Sorry to interrupt, but ... 20 25 The reason for having a meeting is to make a decision. Information may be given in a presentation followed by questions or discussion, but it is to get a consensus that the meeting has been arranged in the first place. Achieving this in the most time- and cost- effective manner possible is a goal that everyone attending (the meeting) must share. Marion Haynes (1988) maintains that decision making meetings need to follow a specific structure. The rational decision process includes the following steps: + study / discuss / analyse the situation define the problem + set an objective + state imperatives and desirables * generate alternatives + establish evaluation criteria + evaluate alternatives + choose among alternatives. One other aspect of decision making is the necessity for participants in the meeting. to be aware of one another's needs and perceptions. If these are not effectively communicated, if there is an insufficient degree of understanding of one another's requirements, then an acceptable conclusion is unlikely to be reached, There are four essential elements in decision making: awareness, understanding, empathy and perception. It is only when we accept that communications are a two-way process that any form of communication, including decision making, will become genuinely successful and effectiv. Decision making is not always an identifiable activity. Frequently the discussion can evolve into a consensus which can be recognised and verbalised by the leader without the need to ‘put things to the vote. ‘Adapted from Bemice Hurst The Handbook of Communication Skills (London: Kogan Page, 1991). 3 Find words or phrases in the text which mean the same as the following: a) common agreement b) economical use of resources ©) aim 4) fixa goal ¢) what one must have £) what one would like to have g) consider other options h) way of seeing things i) seeing things as others see them j) develop k) express through speaking. 2 Stating and asking for opinion 1 Quickly suggest as many ways of asking for opinion and stating opinion as you can. Two examples are given here: I think ... What do you think about .. Do you have any opinion on ... ?~In my experience ... Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but .. [=] ©) 2 Listen toa recording of directors of a pharmaceuticals company discussing - buying new production control equipment. They have to choose between two alternative suppliers, A and B, As you listen, refer to the graph below which shows the market share development of suppliers A and B. Market actual market share Cornyaioon share 25 forecast A of projected = — — forecastB market share: 20 Companies AandB 15 10 Now Years a) In technical terms, which system is the best? b) Which is the cheapest? c) Which system seems to be the best choice? Why? -_ © 3 Listen again. Ident a) ask for opinion b) state opinion. fy examples of language used to: Did you think of these in Exercise 1? Practice 1 Below area series of topics. Ask colleagues for their views and note if their opinions are weak, strong or neutral. If asked, give your views on the subjects — either quite strongly or fairly weakly. 1 Arms trade 2 Testing cosmetic products on animals Your opinion Your opinion Others’ opi ee Others’ opi Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but .. 3. Expenditure on space research 4 Exploitation of the rain forests Your opinion Your opinion Others’ opinion .. Others’ opinion ... 5 The quality of television broadcasting 6 Nuclear power Your opinion . Your opinion ...cecneneene Others’ opinion ... Others’ opinion .... 3 Interrupting and handling interruptions You LisTEN To M WHEN | INTERRUPT! = Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but ... Oe Listen to the recording of a discussion in the European sales office of an American off-road automobile manufacturer, Amass. It concerns the advertising plans for the launch of a new truck, the Rodeo 4 PLUS. The marketing manager, Matt Haslam, is explaining his ideas. Mark the following statements as True (T) or False (F). a) The truck will be sold to professional users of off-road vehicles. b) It is not going to be used as a mass market on-road vehicle. c) Matt wants to keep the same agency they have always used. 4) Matt used his own research to help him make decisions. e) Changing advertising agency would cost 50% more. oooo00 Listen again, Number the following interrupting phrases in the order in which you hear them. a) Yes, but Matt, if] can interrupt you again. We're talking serious money here. We've got to be careful b) Er, excuse me, Matt, just a moment. That's a big claim ... ©) It’s the most important thing d) One moment! Can we start with a few basies? ional market first, then the mass market, e) Yes, so, a select, profes an on-road vehicle. f) But why? CMA have been okay in the past. g) Let’s just clarify where ... who the audience are, what's the target group... h) What! Most agencies charge a lot more than CMA. i) You plan to use our usual agency, CMA‘ o00 00 oooo a) Discuss the style of the Amass meeting. b) How does Matt handle the interruptions? Does his approach change at any point during the extract? ¢) Did you think the interruptions are appropriate? Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, bu Da 4 Interruptions can have different intentions: * to ask for clarification to add opinion to ask for more details to change direction of the discussion + to disagree. a) In pairs, suggest examples of each of these. b) Below is part of a discussion between directors of an oil company talking about a fall in sales. In pairs, suggest appropriate interruptions to complete the dialogue. A: The fall in sales is mainly due to the recession affecting world markets. A: Well, i's a general fall of around 5% in sales for most product areas. Also, specifically in the oil processing sector, we have much lower sales, mainly because we sold our UK subsidiary, Anglo Oils. a: Well, no, I'd rather not go into that. We discussed that in previous meetings. I'd prefer to talk about future prospects. The outlook is very good just now ... a: P'm very surprised you say that. In fact, sales forecasts are much better now. Anyway, let me tell you ... a: New markets? Yes, but can we talk about new markets later? | have some important information on that. But first ... B: A: Take a break? We've only just started! 5 There are different ways of handling interruptions. a) In pairs, suggest one or two appropriate phrases for the following: 1 promise to come back to a point later politely disagree with an interruption say the interruption is not relevant or that time is short, politely accept the interruption and respond to it before continuing rejecting a suggestion. we wn b) Listen to a complete model version of the dialogue in Exercise 4 above. In pairs, match each of the five examples of handling an interruption to one of the ways listed above (1-5). Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but .. 6 Use the skeleton outline below to recreate the entire dialogue with a partner. Choose alternative interruptions and ways of handling interruptions. “The fall in sales is mainly due to the recession affecting world markets.” i Interrupt: ask for clarification. Polite response. eee (5% / most product areas / especially oil processing / also due to sale of Anglo, UK subsidiary) a Interrupt: a ask why Anglo was sold. Reject interruption: No time / discussed before. ‘Try to move on to future prospects (good). ——, Interrupt: disagree. Ro i Forecasts are much better. 5 Interrupt: you want to talk eo about new markets, Promise to discuss this later. But first ... ta Interrupt: suggest a break: Reject the idea, Practice 2 This task is based on a discussion about investment in public transport. Work in pairs, A and B. Student A should look at File card 13A. Student B should read File card 13B. Role play This role play consists of an internal company meeting. It is designed to cover the objectives of this unit and also chairing meetings and leading discussion from Unit 10. Work in groups of between four and six. The chair of the meeting should look at File card 24. Other participants should look at File cards 25-29. Unit 11 rry to interrupt, but jos Introduction ~ for all participants You are directors of a food processing company called Adel Passam Ltd, (APL). The company has been linked with a scandal involving a businessman and property developer called Jordi Cass. It has been revealed that six years ago Cass bought land from the local city authority at 20% of its true market value. He sold the land one year later at a 500% profit. Cass was an adviser to APL at the time as a property consultant. The press have suggested that directors of APL knew of the scandal, but said nothing because the company and in particular the founder and managing director, Mikel Adela, stood to profit from Cass's deal. Also Cass was ~ and still is ~a friend of Mikel Adela's son, Sam Adela, a director of the company. Mikel Adela died a year ago. Another APL director, Marta Lucas, is married to the man who was leader of the ruling Democratic People's Party on the City Council when the land was originally sold to Cass. Situation ‘The Board of APL meet to discuss what action they should take. They are worried that the reputation of the company will be damaged and that its excellent relationship with the local community and its employees will suffer. Participants Sam Adela (Chair) Jay Worthy (Legal Adviser to APL) Marta Lucas (Director) Anton Hassim (Director) Pat Joyce (Director) Bernie Callam (Accountant) Transfer 1 Summarise your impressions of the Adel Passam meeting you have taken part in. Classify it according to one of the following types: + decision making meeting + information giving meeting = discussion meeting. How effective was the meeting? How effective was the chair? How could the meeting have been better? In what ways did the work covered in this unit help with the meeting? Transfer 2 If you have taken part in a decision making meeting recently — or if the Adel Passam meeting was a decision making meeting ~ can you identify any clear structure to the decision making process, which was: + similar to that described by Hurst + similar to the DESC model in the Skills Checklist + ofa different kind? If so, what? Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but Language Checklist Discussion in meetings Stating opinion It seems to me... Ttend to think Inmy view... We think / feel / believe ... There's no alternative to It’s obvious that ... Clearly / obviously ... Asking for opinion I'd like to hear from Could we hear from What's your view? What do you think about ... 2 Do you have any strong views on ... ? Any comments? Interrupting Excuse me, may I ask for clarification on this? If I may interrupt, could you say ... 2 Sorry to interrupt, but .. Do you think so? My impression is ... What? That’s impossible. We / I think ... Handling interruptions Yes, go ahead. Sorry, please let me finish .. If may finish this point Can I come to that later? That's not really relevant at this stage ... Can we leave that to another discussion? Skills Checklist Participating in meetings Types of meeting Decision making meeting Information giving meeting Spontancous / emergency meeting Routine meeting Internal meeting Customer / Client / Supplier ~ first meeting — established relationship Structure of decision making meetings study / discuss / analyse the situation define the problem set an objective state imperatives and desirables generate alternatives establish evaluation criteria evaluate alternatives choose among alternatives The DESC stages of a meeting D_ Describe situation E__ Express feelings S Suggest solutions © Conclude with decision Goal of decision making meetings Objective: to get a consensus in a time-efficient and cost effective manner Importance of communication + Two-way process + Participants must be aware of others’ needs + Full communication and understanding is essential + Four elements in communication: awareness ~ understanding ~ empathy ~ perception Reaching a consensus + Discussion leads to consensus + Consensus is recognised and verbalised by leader + Decisions checked and confirmed 12 What do you mean by ...? 1 Asking for and giving clarification =O: =I©2 Listen to part of a meeting in which Victoria Lenning, a director of an Anglo-American company, is talking to colleagues about a possible site for locating a factory in the Basque Country in northern Spain. She is explaining the historical background to sats in the region. Listen once and identify the fol a) two historically important industries in the region b) the status of these industries now. Victoria is twice interrupted by requests for clarification. Listen to the extract again and follow the structure for the first part of the exchange. Then write in the phrases used for the same functions in the second part. Victoria Lenning Other participants The main industries were ... (sates idea oropinion) ——__ Er, sorry, can I ask something? (request for clarification) Yes, of course, In fact... ¢@——— (clarifies information) { So ... is that clear? (checks that everything is now clear) Yes, thanks. a (conliemation) Now, to get back ... (b) ) Unit 12 What do you mean by ...? Practice 1 Work in pairs to complete the following mini-dialogues. Extract 1 ‘A: Brunei has a tropical climate. Excuse me, by ‘tropical’? a , it’s hot almost all the year, with heavy rainfall in the rainy season. 2 B: » L understand, Extract 2 a: Every new product needs a USP. 8: USP? A: Unique Selling Proposition, Er, can you what that is? a: USP the special characteristics of @ product which make it different and desirable ~ so consumers will want it. Er, that now? Yes . Thanks. [=]©) Now listen to a recording of these dialogues. 2 Delaying decisions Listen to another extract from the meeting about a possible site for locating a factory in the Basque Country. The speaker, Victoria Lenning, is giving more details about the infrastructure of the region. [==]© 1 Listen once, Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given. a) Infrastructure for the region is: mostly good excellent tiie not very good z b) The main improvements in infrastructure are in: Vitoria in the south Bilbao San Sebastian Infrastructure — Links «Roads +Infermational . Railways «lnter-urban + Motorways Local c) Between these cities there is: a complex road system a fast train link : an airport i: eAtrport 4) The airport in Bilbao «Sea port has been: i rebuilt [te Dry, port closed down i made bigger i Unit 12 What do you mean by ...? 2 Belowis part of the tapescript that you have heard. Use your own words to complete the phrases, all of which suggest that a decision needs to be delayed, or more time is needed. vicrorta: (a) Well, le’s not think it would be a bad idea to assume we're going to choose a city. (b) It to think about locating to one of the smaller towns. FRED: ... smaller places, yes. So, should we get details on the possible places? vicroria: (c) We could do that, but we think, a few things. For example, tax benefits, grants and anything like that — for locating to a smaller place, not one of the main cities. Then we could make a better decision. youn: — (d) Yes, Lagree, but also, « (pause) Er... you've talked about the improved transport links, the trains, the airport, the port in Bilbao. What about the rail links, to these er ... the smaller towns? If it’s 2 mountainous or hilly region, it could take an hour ~ or more ~ for a truck to get toa main road. (e) So at this stage. | think we need to look specifically at the train and road links for smaller towns ... (©) Now listen to the recording again and compare your answers. Practice 2 You are at an internal meeting to discuss increases in the price of your products. ‘With a partner, use these prompts to make a dialogue, Try to use new language from this unit. Participant A Participant B Ask if the meeting can Teach a decision on this. Respond that we need more information, Ask for clarification, > Say we need to know more about the effects of a price increase. Suggest doing market research, 4 > Agree. Suggest contacting Hamid (a friend) who knows about market consultancy firms, Reciibaten pense | experience of price rises ~ then later going to a Marketing Consultancy. + Ask for general agreement. Moye to next item for discussion. (©) Now listen to a recording of a model dialogue. Unit 12 What do you mean by 3 Ending the meeting THAT BRINGS THE MEETING TO A CLOSE! & 1 Read the following text and identify: a) three recommendations on how a meeting should end b) what should happen aftera meeting. Regardless of the type of meeting (information or decision making), it is important to close with a restatement of objective, a summary of what was accomplished, and a list of agreed action that needs to be taken, After the meeting, itis essential to follow up with action. A brief memorandum of conclusions should be written and distributed. Inform appropriate people who did not attend the meeting about essential decisions made. Finally, each meeting should be viewed as a learning experience. Future meetings should be improved by soliciting evaluations and deciding what action is required to conduct better meetings. From Marion Haynes, Effective Meeting Skills (London: Kogan Page Ltd., 1988). [=J© 2 a) You are going to hear a recording of the end of the meeting about a possible decision to locate a factory in the Basque Country. Before listening, briefly discuss what you have already heard from this meeting. Then suggest what the end of the meeting will include. b) Now listen to the recording. Choose which of the following, A, B or C, is the best summary of the meeting. ‘A The meeting agreed to locate a new plant in the Basque Country in Spain as infrastructure is very good. B Concerning possible location of a plant in the Basque Country in Spain, infrastructure is good, but more work is required on financial implications of choosing a city or a small town location. C Discussion of possible location of a plant in the Basque Country, good infrastructure, no decision yet on where to locate new plant. Unit 12 What do you mean by ...? 3 Think about the recording you have just heard. Do you think this ending follows the rules suggested by Haynes above? Suggest ways that this ending could be improved. Practice 3 In pairs use the outline below to create a chait’s closing remarks for a meeting. ‘To make this more realistic, add names and other details as required. Practise your closing remarks together. Indicate that the meeting is almost over. | Check that no one has anything else to say. | Restate the purpose of the meeting. Introduce a summary of the decisions taken. | Ask if everyone is happy with your summary. | Indicate that (a colleague) will organise a presentation next week. | Fix a date for a new meeting. | ‘Thank people for coming. [=J© Now listen toa recording of model closing remarks. Practice 4 Work in groups of four. Each group should close one of the situations below. Groups should prepare closing remarks, including a summary based on one of the sets of notes presented here. Be sure to mention any follow-up action that needs to be taken. After five minutes’ preparation, form fresh groups so that everyone presents his/her closing remarks to learners who have worked on a different set of notes. ‘The chairs of four different meetings made these notes during discussions: Unit 12 What do you mean by Merger of Atlas North with Dransfield No decision taken More financial info. needed Depends on local markets t subsidiary to pr report in 3 mont! Meeting in L.A. December | of Jane Kee Accept blame Offer compensation of $50,000 Personnel Dept. to produce confidential internal report on new guidelines for employe contracts Three weeks to complete report New training courses fi el alee otal Allow £10,000 budget Peter to identify three possible ining companies Next meeting: 14th March 2 p.m. ital Management Commit Purchase of new Ultrasound Scanner for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Commission report on al Redirect funde from Radio. Decision by March at the lat Joan to find 0} staff No meeting fixed Unit 12 What do you mean by ...? Role play SOLA Holidays one of our 200 Sola Hotels lifetime balloon trip!l! Take a family break in any and have a FREE once ina Any family booking a Sola Holiday weekend break (two nights, full board) will qualify for a trip in a hot air balloon ~ normally worth over £200!!! Sola Holidays will send you an application form for your balloon trip. All you have to do is visit your local travel agents and book a Sola Hotel weekend break for any time between now and the end of December, or fill in the coupon below! Daytime telephone number: Send to: Sola Holidays Balloon Offer, Freepost PO Box 1090, London WIA 7RW Don't delay! No need to use a stamp! We'll pay the postage. This role play is an opportunity to cover work from the entire Meetings module, including this unit. During preparation, look again at the Skills and Language Checklists for all three Meetings units. Unit 12 What do you mean by ...? Workin groups of three or four. Read the flyer for Sola Holidays above, then decide on your roles from the alternatives given. Study your File card information, the background information below and the agenda which follows. Spend ten minutes preparing for the meeting. Decide who has which role: Jan Lubitsch (Managing Director and Chair). See File card 30. Andrew / Andrea Eastman (Marketing Director). See File card 31. Fred / Freda Cavani (Director) See File card 32. Eric / Erica Whitehead (Director) See File card 33. Background Sola Holidays is a holiday company specialising in short domestic holidays (not abroad). The company owns a string of luxury hotels. Sola ran a summer promotion in which any family booking a weekend break in a Sola Hotel automatically qualified for a free balloon trip. (See the promotion leaflet on page 101.) The balloon trips normally cost around £200 and Sola had an arrangement with a balloon company, Blue Balloon, to buy 1,000 trips at £80. Unfortunately, the promotion was incredibly successful and instead of the forecast 1,000 balloon trips, over 4,000 customers applied and qualified for their free trips. Here is the agenda for the meeting: SOLA Holidayo ‘Memo: To Marketing Meeting: Wednesday 26th June 19— 10.00 am.— 11.00 a.m, Place: Sola Holidays Head Office Participants: JL, AE, FC, EW AGENDA 2. Report on Promotion for Sola Weekend Breaks tion Transfer Evaluate the Sola Holidays meeting and in particular how it ended. Consider what you have learned from this unit and how it links in with the rest of the module. Reflect on what you have learned from the entire Meetings module. Identify areas where you think you have made progress and where you think more improvement is needed. Unit 12 ‘What do you mean by Language Checklist Ending the meeting Asking for clarification Could you be more specific? Can you explain that (in more detail}? What do you mean by ... ? Clarifying This means .. What I mean is What I want to say i To explain this in more detail ... Checking that the clarification is sufficient Is that okay? / Is that clearer now? Referring to other speakers As Peter has already told us ... I’m sure Mr Kowski knows about this ... Later we'll hear a report from Neil on ... Professor Gilberto is certainly aware of ... Delaying decisions I think we need more time to consider this. I think we should postpone a decision . Can we leave this until another date? It would be wrong to make a final decision ... Ending the meeting + Summarising [think we should end there. Just to summarise ... We've covered everything, so I'd like to go over the decisions we've taken ... So, to conclude ... we've agreed . © Confirming action We'll contact John will ... We've got to. We need to look at * Referring to next contact Welll meet again next month ... We look forward to hearing from you ... It’s been a pleasure to see you today and I look forward to our next meeting ... Skills Checklist Ending meetings Two general rules Meeting should end on time! Decision making meetings should end with decisions! The Chair should close the meeting with: a restatement of the objectives a summary of decisions taken a summary of the action now required reference to any individual responsi After the meeting + Amemorandum should be sent to all participants summarising the decisions taken and the action required. + The memorandum should be sent to any interested individuals who were unable to attend, + The Chair should seek feedback on the meetings to try to improve future meetings. Improving meetings Motivation to change | Gather information on present situation Identify specific areas needing improvement Identify alternative courses of action Practise new techniques Improvement model. Adapted from Marion Haynes, Effective Meeting Skills (London: Kogan Page Ltd. 1988). MOpaae NEGOTIATIONS 13 Know what you want 1 Types of negotiation What do you understand by the term ‘negotiation’? In pairs, work out a short definition. [==]@) 1 Listen to the recording of a conversation between two friends. Identify: a) the first suggestion b) the counter suggestion ©) the agreement. 2 Here is a representation of the typical structure of a negotiation. Compare this with the conversation you have just listened to. Suggestion Counter suggestion Agreement [\/ Confirmation In pairs, suggest a short business conversation with the above structure. Unit 13 Know what you want =] (@) 3 a) Listen toa recording of three extracts, each part of a different type of negotiation. Match each one to the correct picture, A, B or C. b) Listen again, Match each negotiation to one of the three types described below, X, ¥ or Z. X ~ A business negotiation be similar to a discussion between friends fixing a social engagement. Two parties have a shared objective: to work together in a way which is mutually beneficial, Proposals and counter proposals are discussed until agreement is reached. Both sides hope for repeat business. This is an agreement- based negotiation, sometimes referred to as a win-win negotiation. Y - Two other types of negotiation are Iss founded on mutual benefit, but on gaining the best deal possible for your side. In the first type, both teams negotiate to independent advantage. This means that each team thinks only about its own interests. In this type, a seller typically seeks to sell a product but is less concerned about repeat business. Z~A third type is the negotiation to resolve conflict, for example in a contractual dispute. Here, it is possible that each party regards the other as an opponent and seeks to win the argument. This is a win-lose negotiation. Discussion ‘Suggest other situations which match each of the three types of negotiation described here. Think of examples from your own experience. 2 Preparation for a negotiation What considerations are important in preparing to negotiate? In pairs, suggest as many as you can. [=]©) 1 Listen to the recording in which a Management Communications Consultant, Diana Ferry, talks about preparing for a negotiation. Mark the seven points below in the order in which she mentions them, The first is already marked as ‘an example. Identify your minimum requirements. Prepare your opening statement. Qa Decide what concessions you could make. Qa Know your own strengths and weaknesses. Qa Know your role as part of a team, a i oO oO oO Prepare your negotiating position — know your aims and objectives. Prepare any figures, any calculations and any support materials you may need. unit 13 Know what you want 2 Match each of the four aspects of good preparation on the left with why they are important on the right. If in doubt, check your answer by listening again to the recording. a) Knowing your aims and objectives i) means you can support your argument. b) Knowing your own strengths and _ii) helps clear thinking and weaknesses purpose. c) Preparing any figures, calculations __ iii) creates reasonable and other materials expectations, ) Preparing an opening statement iy) helps you to know the market, the context in which you want to work. Practice 1 1 Lookat the cartoon and think about these questions. + How could the negotiation have been more successful? + How would a sales representative need to prepare for a meeting in which he/she planned to ask for a pay rise? + What would the sales manager need to think about? 2 Divide into two groups, A and B. Read the notes for A or B below. In groups prepare a negotiation position. Then choose a partner from the other group to negotiate with. Try to reach a better solution than the one in the cartoon above. Group A You are sales managers in a large automotive components manufacturer. You are having a meeting with the leader of your team of sales representatives to negotiate new contracts, Sales have not increased in the past year and so you do er the reps’ pay or their commissions. not want to increase Group B You are the leader of a team of sales representatives. Your pay and commission have not increased for three years. You have a meeting with your sales manager to try to renegotiate your contracts. ‘When you have finished, report the results of your negotiation. Unit 13 Know whet you want 3 Making an opening statement Most formal negotiations begin with an opening statement from cach side. What do you think an opening statement should include? ©) 1 Listen to a recording of part of a meeting between a small Singaporean software company called LP Associates and a possible partner, Kee Ltd.,in a joint venture. You will hear part of an opening statement from Stella Wang, the Production Manager at LP Associates. Tick (/) four of the eight statements below which best represent what she says. LP Associates want to reach a final agreement in this negotiation. ‘These are preliminary talks. The two parties want to resolve a conflict. ‘They want to agree on a name for the joint venture. LP Associates would like to consider joint product development. ‘They would also consider licence agreements. LP Associates want to agree a complete sale of their ideas. oooo0o0o0n0ng ‘They want to consider working on a consultancy basis. [=] ©) 2 Listen again. Complete the following phrases from Stella’s opening statement. a) Well, thank you b) May I begin by c) First of all, we see it very much as a first meeting, a to in which we can perhaps ... d) There are two, possibly three, ways in which we e) I'd like to these under three headings. 3 Compare Stella Wang's opening statement with the suggestions you made at the beginning of this section. What did she include that you also suggested? ‘What other things did she include? Practice 2 1 Suggest phrases for each of the following at the start of a negotiation. a) Welcome the other side b) Develop small talk (trip, weather). ) Mention plans for lunch ~ make your visitors feel welcome (see city centre / local restaurant). d) Suggest you start talking about the main subject of your meeting. ¢) Introduce a colleague (Luke Fox, Marketing Department). f) Explain general aim or purpose of the meeting. (preliminary / exploratory) g) Say what your side wants from the meeting. (Establish beginnings of a partnership / learn about supply systems / price variations and supply costs.) 2 Try to bring all the phrases above together in a single opening statement. Unit 13, Know what you want Practice 3 Choose one of the following two situations to prepare an opening statement in anegotiation. Remember to include welcoming remarks and some general comments on your expectations for a successful meeting and an agreement which leads to a lasting Situation 1 Your company, Ultra Compo, is meeting representatives of OHTA Inc. from Tokyo. OHTA Inc. wants to set up an agency in your country to distribute its electronic components. Objective Exploratory talks to: i) know more about the products ii) find out about OHTA’ existing international distribution network iif) discuss in general the terms under which the two companies could cooperate. Independent objective: to internationalise your own company's activities and extend your product range. Situation 2 You are interested in buying some land in a suburb of Lima in Peru, where you want to establish a distribution warehouse to serve the Andean Region of Latin America. You have a meeting with the lawyers acting for the landowner, Puertos Callao S.A., a port authority in Lima. Objective Exploratory talks to find out: i) more about the land, its exact location relative to the port, airport, city centre, etc, ii) the cost of the land iii) the present condition of the land ~ existing buildings, ete. Independent objective: to secure the land on the lowest possible terms, either by buying it now for cash, or getting a deal spreading costs over a longer term at low interest, or to lease the land. Unit 13 Know what you want Role play This role play has three parts: to prepare for a negotiation; to prepare an opening statement; to make an opening statement. ‘You will work in teams. Everyone should contribute to the first two parts and agree on one or two people to actually present the opening statement prepared by the group. Divide into teams of up to four people, Team(s) A and Team(s) B. In your preparation, you will need to think about how to establish a good working relationship with the other side from the very start. ‘Team A should look at File card 14A. You are representatives of Coen Brothers, manufacturers of prefabricated industrial buildings. Team B should look at File card 14B. You are representatives of Fratelli Taviani, an Italian agricultural feeds manufacturer. Transfer Fither think of any kind of negotiation that you may be involved in at work with colleagues, with your boss, or with another company. + How do you need to prepare for the negotiation? + What is your objective in the negotiation? + Assuming you will not get everything you want, what is your best realistic alternative? + What is the level at which you could realistically settle? Orconsider a negotiating situation in your private life, for example in negotiating with your bank or with a company trying to sell you a major consumer item, such as a car, a holiday, a house, furniture, etc. Consider the same four questions as above. Unit 13 Know what you want Language Checklist Skills Checklist Negotiations (1) Negotiations (1) Making an opening statement Planning and preparation Welcoming Type of negotiation Welcome to «.. + towards agreement Pm sure we will have a useful and productive meeting ... First meeting We see this as a preparatory meeting . We would like to reach agreement on One of a series of meetings Following previous meetings we have agreed ‘on some important issues. Today we have to think about ... We have reached an important stage ... Stating your aims and objectives Pd like to begin with a few words about our general expectations ... May I outline our principle aims and objectives today ... We want to clarify our positions ... We have a formal agenda We don’t have a formal agenda, but we hope to reach agreement on ... There are three specific areas we would like to discuss. These are... We have to decide ... Stating shared aims and objectives ‘Together we want to develop a good relationship We agree that . It is important for both of us that we agree on... Handing over I'd like to finish there and give you the opportunity to reply to this. P'd like to hand over to my colleague ... has something to say about ... » who ~ both teams try to suit joint interests + independent advantage ~ each team aims to get best deal + conflict — a team aims to win and make the other team lose Purpose of negotiation + exploratory (possible areas of interest) + conciliatory (resolving differences) Targets + scale (e.g. 1-10) + decide realistic maximum and minimum acceptable scores Facts and figures + prepare statistical data + know facts + prepare visuals Strengths and weaknesses + list your bargaining strengths + know your possible weaknesses + calculate your bargaining position Possible concessions + plan your bargaining strategy + list essential conditions — impossible to concede + list possible concessions Opening statements + state general objectives + state priorities + state independent (not joint) objectives + be brief 14 Getting what you can 1 Bargaining and making concessions key principle in negotiating isto give alittle and get a litte at the same time. TY youde us 5%. Werthink 2% j = — but youcan have doys'credit, and if transport, Sa ete de) Oe if you pay for transport, me) Unit 14 Getting what you can 1 Read the following extract. According to the writer, are these statements about negotiating true (1) or false (F): a) Decide on the most important and less important issues. b) Try to guess what the other side thinks ) Note answers to the questions you ask. d) Deal with issues in isolation, one at a time. e) Make concessions and get a concession in return. f) Tough bargaining can combine with a spirit of cooperation. g) If there are problems, you have to accept or reject what is on offer. oo000000 wore oearee Effective negotiating requires clear thinking and a constructive approach It is necessary to have a clear understanding of what for you are the most important issues and at the same time what for you are less important. Try to identify aspects in the second category where the other side will be very happy to gain concessions. Give what is not so important for you, but is valuable for the other side. 5 Todo this, you have to do the following: + Check every item of what the other side wants. Ask how important items are and look for flexibility. + Do not guess their opinions or motives - you could be wrong, or they won't like your speculation. 10 * Note the other side's answers, but don’t immediately say what you think. + Avoid being forced into considering one issue alone, consider two or three at once ~ aim for an agreement to a package. If there are big differences between the two parties, you have a choice of these options: to accept, to reject, or to carry on negotiating. If you decide to carry on, then the options in 15 thenext round are: + to make a new offer * to seek a new offer from the other party + to change the shape of the deal (vary the quantity or the quality, or bring in third parties) + begin bargaining. 20 Your bargaining should be governed by three principles: be prepared, think about the whole package, and be constructive. In preparing, you must identify the issues, and prepare your bargaining position. You need: + an essential conditions list — issues where you cannot concede anything * a concessions list — issues where you can make concessions 25 * to grade the concessions from the easiest to the most difficult, where you need most in return, ‘As for the package, you must look for agreement in principle on a broad front. When the time comes for compromise, each party will concede on one issue if they win a concession on another. 30 The final principle is to be positive and constructive. You should be fair and cooperative, even during difficult bargaining. This approach is most likely to move the negotiation. towards a settlement that both sides feel is to their advantage. ‘Adapted from ‘Negotiating; by Bill Scott. Gower Handbook of Management (London: Gower Publishing Ltd., 1988). Unit 14 tting what you can fis | . Identify the following: a) how to respond to what the other side wants b) three ways to change a deal ¢) three actions to prepare for bargaining. [=] ©) 3 Listen to a recording of part of a negotiation between Arco, a German-owned manufacturing company in Ireland, and an Irish research company called Central Auto Systems, CAS. ‘Twelve months ago Arco and CAS agreed a joint development programme to manufacture an engine designed by CAS. However, Arco has recently carried out a major restructuring of its activities. The company has decided not to proceed with the joint venture for the new engine. ‘The negotiation is about ending the joint venture and agreeing compensation for CAS. In the extract, you hear Dietmar Topfer and Erich Rinalder of Arco talking to Celia Spencer of CAS. Listen once and mark the following as true (T) or false (F): a) The reversal of rights is linked to the compensation agreement. b) Dietmar Topfer thinks Arco's work on the fuel system must be considered. ©) It will be difficult for CAS to find a new partner. GB wu 4 Listen again. Identify examples of language used to link agreement on one g ig! issue to agreement on a different issue. Complete the spaces in the sentences below: a) We want compensation to our work b) Yes, we to that, we can accept your compensation demands. ©) So, we need to the question of rights to compensation. 4) The problem is that revert all rights, we keep the compensation within Practice 1 ‘Make sentences which include concessions based on the prompts below. The first is done for you as an example. a) a better warranty / quicker payment terms We could offer a better warranty if you would agree to quicker payment: terms. b) free delivery / larger order ©) free on-site training / small increase in price ) 5% discount / payment on delivery e) extra £50,000 compensation / agreement not to go to law £) promise to improve safety for staff / agreement on new contracts g) better working conditions / shorter breaks cat Unit 14 Getting what you can Practice 2 Work with a partner. Choose an item that one of you owns and the other would like to buy, for example, a house or car. Work separately to prepare a negotiation based on the sale of the item you choose. Decide on various bargaining points, including price, extra benefits, guarantees, payment terms, delivery time, part exchange of other item(s), etc. After brief preparation, begin your negotiation, each making an opening statement before beginning bargaining over the details of the agreement. ‘Note: You must reach agreement! 2 Accepting and confirming An essential requirement in negotiating is to be absolutely clear what the other party is proposing and to state clearly what is being agreed. Inevitably, this involves a degree of repetition and paraphrasing, In the recording you are going to hear there are examples of this kind of repetition. ©) 1 Before listening to another part of the negotiation between Arco and CAS, recap what was being discussed in the first extract. In this next extract, Dietmar Topfer and Erich Rinalder of Arco and Celia Spencer of CAS are discussing compensation to CAS, and a royalty payment to Arco on future production of the engine. Identify: a) why compensation is important to CAS b) the final agreement reached. (©) 2 Listen again. As you listen, write in the missing words. a) CAS accepting the principle of a royalty: We a royalty, because once we're paying a royalty we've got an income to support it. b) Arco insisting on a 10% royalty and agreeing payment of two years’ compensation: Well, @ 10% royalty, that — the two years’ compensation. ©) CAS accepting this: Okay, in principle 10% — = compensation based on two years’ projected sales. d) Arco confirming what the parties have agreed: Yes, okay. So, confirmation, to we are agreeing ... we agree a two year sales forecast compensation. jetting what you can Practice 3 You and a partner are representatives of Beck Instruments and Ojanpera Inc., a machine tool maker. Ojanpera is in discussion with Beck Instruments to buy a machine, the BI25. Use the flow chart below to negotiate some aspects of an agreement for the sale of the BI25. Ojanpera Beck Instruments Offer to buy the machine : if BI can give you a good price. es Sey thilyeueprices ae are very competitive. Ack for a discount. Ree aay a itcarcon be possible if Ojanpera agrees to pay for end shipping costs. Agree, if the discount is attractive. oo Offer 4% discount. Ask for 6, <—— > Unfortunately, you can’t agree, unless Ojanpera Sek mmmerrarie for the installation. Agree. > Confirm your agreement. (©) Now listen to a recording of a model dialogue. Unit 14 Getting what you can 3 Summarising and looking ahead (©) 1 Listen to a recording of discussions towards the end of a negotiation between Jill Kearne from Gibson Trust Ltd., a property developer, and Neil Finch, a government official responsible for the sale of a former railway station. a) Complete the labelling of the plan of the area involved in the negotiation. b) What is not included in the sale? ©) What will happen on May 15 and in September? N 2 Listen again. a) How does Jill Kearne introduce what she wants to say? Complete the following: Well, ~ go over the on, Is that okay? ces Well, is... b) How would you describe the atmosphere in this negotiation? Unit 14 Getting what you can 3 The following letter is from Gibson Trust Ltd. to the Ministry of Urban Development summarising the points agreed in the negotiation between them and outlining the next steps. Complete the spaces in the letter with appropriate words from the box. enclosed developed specified examined excluded signed drawn up confirm included agreed GIBSON TRUST LIMITED Units 9-12 East Side Monks Cross Industrial Estate BRISTOL BS!4 6TR Telephone 01272 547777 Fax 01272 547701 Neil Finch Ministry of Urban Development 140-144 Whitehall London WC! 4RF May 2 19— Dear Neil, Re: Meeting in Bristol, April 30—‘Railway Land Sale’ Jam writing to (a) _____ points (b) ____ in the above meeting, held to discuss the sale of government owned railway land to Gibson Trust Limited ‘We would like to confirm through this letter and the (c) ______ drawings that the property (d)_______in the above sale consists of the land presently occupied by ee station buildings and also the former car parks to the east of the station, the offices to the west and the warehouses alongside the tracks. The government- ‘owned housing on the north side of the railway lines is (e) : We also agree that the station will be renovated by the Transport Department and that the government will be responsible for running an eventual museum and paying a ren of 100000 per year fo Gibson Trust. The remaining land wil be "by Gibson Trust and later sold off separately. The development is, intended to be for commercial and residential use. The eventual use of the land should be (g) in the contract. Our next meeting will be on May 15 at 10 a.m., at which development plans will be (h) Soon after this, contracts will be (i) Then we will need time to consider the contracts but hopefully they will be (j) _____ by the end of September. Do contact us if ~~ have any comments or alterations you would like to make to this summary. Thank you once again for a very constructive meeting and we look forward to seeing you again on May 15. Yours sincerely, if Skew Jill Kearne Chief Encs. (1) Unit 14 Getting what you can Practice 4 Imagine you are a participant in a subsequent meeting between Gibson Trust Ltd. and government officials responsible for the sale of the former railway station. You have made the following notes during your meeting. Use them to summarise and conclude your meeting, looking ahead to future steps. | 1. Station Renovation and Use * approve plans to renovate station ao a muscum-links to local City Museum * Museum-operated by government / all year round * Gift shop * Study Centre-supported by University and City Library 2. Other land to be developed by Gibson Trust / agreed commercial 50% and residential 50% - specified in the contract Next steps: Finioh contracts Next meeting: exchange contracte-June 25 tbc. Now listen to a recording of a model summary. Transfer Role play Conduct a negotiation, involving bargaining and making concessions and accepting and confirming. Work in pairs, A and B. With your partner, choose one of the following topics: a) negotiating advertising space at football matches b) negotiating purchase of a luxury flat in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district. If you choose the first topic, look at File cards 15A and 15B. If you choose the second topic, look at File cards 16A and 16B. When you have finished one role play, either switch roles and repeat the exercise using the same topic, or change A and B and do the other topic. This way, both parties in the pair can practise buying and selling, See who gets the best deal. ‘Think of a negotiation you were recently involved in. What kind of negotiation was it? How do you think it went? Did you keep to the Concession Rules included in the Skills Checklist on page 1197 If you have the negotiation again, would you do things differently? u Language Checklist Negotiations (2) Bargaining ‘We can agree to that if . ‘on condition that ... so long as... ‘That's not acceptable unless ... without... Making concessions If you could .,. we could consider ... So long as ... we could agree to... On condition that we agree on ... then we could ... Let's think about the issue of ... We could offer you ... Would you be interested in ... 2 Could we tie this agreement to Accepting We agree. That seems acceptable. That's probably all right. Confirming Can we run through what we've agreed? Pd like to check what we've said / confirm I think this is a good moment to repeat what we've agreed so far. Summarising I'd like to run through the main points that we've talked about. So, I'll summarise the important points of our offer. Can we summarise the proposals in a few words? Looking ahead So, the next step is ... We need to meet again soon. In our next meeting we need to ... So, can we ask you to... ? Before the next meeting we'll .. We need to draw up a formal contract. 4 Getting what you can Skills Checklist Negotiations (2) — Bargaining in Negotiations Concession rules “A key principle in negotiating is to give a little and get a little at the same time? + Ask for concessions + Alloncessions are conditional + Conditions first ‘If... them...” + ‘Ie’sa package’ + Give what's cheap to you and valuable to them. During the negotiation Main speaker * Create a joint, public and flexible agenda. + Question needs and preferences. * Don't talk too much, * Listen. + Don't fill silences. + Build on common ground. + Explore alternatives ‘What if... ? * Be clear, brief and firm. * Follow concession rules. Support speaker + Wait till the Chair or your main speaker brings you in. Be clear, brief and firm. Follow the concession rules. Support your main speaker ~ Agree (nod, ‘That's right ...) —Emphasise (‘This point is very important’) — Add forgotten points (‘And we must remember ...’) ~ But don't make concessions for your main speaker. — Listen. ~Don't fill silences. 15 Not getting what you don't want The delicate art of negotiation Try to remember the three different types of negotiation described in Unit 13. We may also speak about three types of negotiator: the fighter, the creative negotiator and the one who looks for independent advantage (see the Skills, Checklist for this unit). To find out which one you are, answer the following questions and check your answers with the key at the end. Unit Not getting what you don't want r= What type of negotiator are you? 1 Your aim in a negotiation is ... a) to find the greatest area of agreement in the joint interests of both parties. b) to win and to make the other side lose. ¢) to find the best deal for your side. 2 When the other side is talking you ... a) use the information you are hearing to identify weaknesses in the other party. b) plan what you are going to say next. ©) listen with maximum attention. 3 You think that ... a) part of the available time must be spent socialising and getting to know the other side, | b) goodwill is important but the speed of the meeting should be quick and businesslike. ) the meeting should get down to business as soon as possible and reach quick decisions. 4 When you speak in a negotiation you ... a) make bold and forceful statements, possibly banging the table, b) make carefully considered statements in a calm, controlled voice. ©) are occasionally forceful and inflexible. 5 If the other side disagree with you, you ... a) try hard to find a creative position by modifying your position. b) repeat your demands and will not concede — your objective is to make the other side give in. c) reshape your offer without fundamental changes. 6 If the other side state an opinion you disagree with, you ... a) tentatively suggest an alternative. b) ask for clarification and explanation. ©) ridicule it with sarcasm. a2uaryj un6 e 186 pynoys nod / ueys 507 jaaayby @ a2e MOK Q1- -a6equeape uopuodepuy 03 ayers069u N04 y| 11 soxenobou aanyeas> e240 nok 240W40 $4 94025 NOK, LOzgele9 2OLgEes Zea ey lozaeee eOzauez zezaeer “worshs Buynoyjo} 249 uo paseq ye1o snok ayejnoje>'axe nok soveNOBDU Jo PUY YIYIS OL Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want ‘i ‘li 2 Dealing with conflict r 7 USTEN Ton R PR RICE if What causes conflict in a negotiation? 1 Read the text below. How many ways are suggested to reduce conflict in a negotiation? v Match each of the following to a phrase in the text with a similar meaning: a) highlight the disadvantages of failing to reach a deal b) think of new benefits for both sides ) alter parts of what is on offer d) take a break to consider positions ¢) have the negotiation in a different place £) change the individuals involved g) ask an independent person to come and help you reach agreement h) have an informal meeting to talk things over. Conflict may sometimes be an unavoidable step on the road towards agreement. However, in some cases conflict leads to the breakdown of negotiations as one or both sides realise that agreement is not possible. In many cases this is better than agreeing to something which would be against the interests of the people concerned. When conflict arises, there are several possible actions which may help to resolve conflict in a negotiation: + leave the problem, go on to a different topic and return later to the point at issue + summarise progress and areas of agreement emphasise the benefits available to both sides. 10 + emphasise the loss to both sides of not reaching agreement + restate the issue and wait for a response change the package invent new options for mutual gain offer conditional concessions adjourn to think and reflect fix an off-the-record meeting + change location change negotiator (personal chemistry?) bring in a third party (mediator?) 20. * consider walking away. ‘Adapted from The Pocket Negotiator published by Gottschalk Hartley-Brewer (1989) Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want [=] © 5 Listen to a recording of five different statements. All of these are ways of dealing with conflict. Match each statement with one of the following strategies. a) Adjourn to think and reflect. b) Summiarise progress and areas of agreement. ¢) Leave the problem, discuss something else, come back later to the problem. ) Emphasise the loss to both sides of not reaching agreement. €) Offer a conditional concession. o00 00 4 In pairs, use the given prompts to suggest a response to the statements. Situation 1 ‘The problem is that we have never offered the kind of warranty you are looking for. Suggest leaving the point and returning to it later after discussing other issues, ie training for technical staf. Situation 2 ‘There's a number of issues on the table. We seem to be a long way from an agreement. Suggest changing the package on offer (variables include price, shipment costs, payment terms). Situation 3 The price you are asking is rather high, quite a lot higher than we were expecting. Send a signal that you could offer better payment terms Situation 4 ‘There are several problems. We think there is quite a lot of negotiation ahead before we can agree on a common strategy. Suggest advantages of reaching agreement: more global influence, better prospects for the future, [=] ©) Now listen toa recording of model answers. Practice 1 A year ago an advertising consultancy, SAR Services, agreed to design and run a twelve-week magazine advertising campaign for KPack Ltd. using specialist journals. KPack are not happy with the campaign. The first advertisements were a month late, missing two important trade fairs. The advertisements did not appear in two key industry journals. Now KPack are refusing to pay the whole fee for the campaign. Construct part of the dialogue using the flow chart below. 124] Unit 1 Not getting what you don't want SAR Services ‘KPack Ltd. Offer to run the campaign for four extra weeks, Summarise the problem ge _~ check your summary with SAR. Say delay not entirely your fault ~ KPack changed penal ae SAR were late with proposals. KPack only asked for small changes. You think the campaign missed two key trade fairs. | You want a free campaign for next year or you pay only half the fee. Repeat above offer. foe Suggest 20% reduction plus four weeks’ extension to the campaign.“ Repeat your concerns, explain that missing the trade fairs cost you business. Partly accept that, but oe responsibility is on both sides. > Respond ~ suggest new solution: 4——_ 40% cut in fee or free repeat campaign. Explain your position = Full free campaign impossible, =~ Respond. eet dl [=]© Nowlisten toa recording of a model dialogue. Suggest an adjournment. 3 Rejecting “The good news is ... we think your products are the cheapest on the market. The bad news is ... we also think they are rubbish: i110) Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want 1 Group Image, a commercial photographic company, is planning to buy new processing equipment. For two days they have been negotiating with Photolab Ltd.,a supplier of photographic processing equipment. Photolab have made an offer. Listen to a recording of a final summing up from Peter Cawood of Photolab Ltd. and three alternative responses from Group Image. + Comment on each response, * Decide which is the most appropriate. * Give reasons for your decision. 2. Complete the following phrases with suitable words. [fin doubt, listen again to the last two responses in Exercise 1 above. ) Thank you for your proposals, but very b) We do not at this stage to your offer. ©) Obviously, we have it very carefully. d) We are not entirely that the technical advantages the high cost. ¢) We hope you'll us again with future offers. £) [think we are to give you a formal today, but we will to you and tell you of our ina day or two. Then we'll what the next step should be. So, thank you very much. 3 Match a phrase on the left with a phrase on the right which could be used in a similar situation. a) Not just now. Pm afraid not. b) Not really. Not at the moment. c) Ishouldn't think so. P’m afraid we just couldn't do that. d) 'm sorry but that’s not realistic. 1 doubt it. Practice 2 Below are four offers or requests. Reject each one, using the information in the prompts. Situation 1 Let me make a suggestion. If you agrce to buy 100 units every month for the next twelve months, we'll agree a 10% discount. You don’t know how many units you will need in six and twelve month. It might be more or less. Unit 15 Not getting what you don't want Situation 2 The price we are offering excludes installation costs but does include a twelve months’ guarantee. Other suppliers offer free installation and a two year parts and labour warranty. Situation 3 I think the absolute minimum investment in advertising must be $40,000, otherwise we cannot reach enough of our market. It's not much to ask for. You cannot spend more than your budget. Situation 4 Now, some excellent news: we'd like to increase out order. Right now you are sending us 350 boxes a month. We need at least 500, demand is very high .. Your order books are full, the plant is working at capacity. Now listen to a recording of model answers. Practice 3 Abacus Ltd. is an automobile parts distributor. They want to buy exhaust pipes from Kroll Auto GmbH, a German manufacturer. Construct a dialogue based on the following flow chart. ‘Abacus Ltd. Kroll Auto GmbH Ask for 200 exhaust pipes — pertnumber DR5769032, “ee No problem! Ask se oem) Phenthey ae needed. Immediately. Ask for 10% dlicoune eme Refuse. Prices are already discounted. ie pe <——— > pis. Offer DM135, <== Refuse. Suggest 2.5% discount if payment is made at time of order. Refuse. s<——" Ask for 5% with 60 days to pay. : he Bay matin are very ta Comment. Say you will call again tomorrow. You expect a better offer Sb inn pris we ear coniore Say goodbye. Now listen to a recording of a model dialogue. Unit ot getting wh 4 Ending the negotiation (©) 1 The words below offer a clear indication of the result of a negotiation. Work with a partner and decide which of these words would indicate a positive ‘outcome and which a negative outcome. unfortunately another time no agreement not ready fruitful partnership problems very good satisfactory sorry useful ‘Now listen to the recording to check your answers. [=]©) 2 Listen again to the five extracts from the end of negotiations. Complete the grid below. Extract Agreement reached? ‘Next step? 1 2 3 4 Bs Practice 4 Suggest what you could say in the following situations. Situation I ‘After a long negotiation, you have reached agreement and now plan a meal in a local restaurant with the other party in the negotiation. Situation 2 Your efforts to reach agreement have been unsuccessful. It is late. End the negotiation but offer some hope that in the future you might manage some cooperation with the other side Situation 3 A colleague has asked you to cooperate on a project, but after long discussion you feel you cannot participate because of fundamental disagreement. It is important that you continue to work together in other areas. Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want =1© Transfer 1 Situation 4 You want to repeat an order with a supplier but they are trying to increase prices by 20%. You cannot agree to this. End your discussions. Situation 5 A customer is asking you to supply goods in a month. This is physically impossible. End the discussion. Now listen to a recording of model answers. Role play Work in pairs, A and B. A should turn to File card 18A, B should turn to 18B. Each File card contains four different negotiating situations. Negotiate each of them. Let each negotiation follow its course and see if they are successful or not. Use some of the language you have heard for ending negotiations. Think of examples of conflict in negotiations that you have been involved in. + What kind of negotiation was it? + Who was involved? + What caused the conflict? + How was the conilict resolved? + Were you happy with this solution? + Do you think the conflict should have been resolved in another way? Transfer 2 Think of another negotiation you have been involved in. Was the negotiation a success or a failure? Why? How would you assess the negotiation in terms of: + your objectives, targets and limits + your planning * the strategy + team roles and individuals + the issues + strengths and weaknesses. Unit 15 Not getting what you don't want Language Checklist Negotiations (3) Dealing with conflict I think we should look at the points we agree on ... ‘We should focus on the positive aspects ... We should look at the benefits for both sides .. It is in our joint interests to resolve the issue ... What do you think is a fair way to resolve this problem? We hope you can see our point of view ... Let us explain our position ... Could you tell us why you feel like that? I think we should look at the whole package, not so much at individual areas of difficulty. Perhaps we could adjourn for a little while. I think we need to consider some fresh ideas ... Rejecting P'm afraid we can't... Before agreeing to that we would need ... Unfortunately ... I don’t think it would be sensible for us to ... I think if you consider our position, you'll see that .. Ending negotiations So, can we summarise the progress we've made? Can we go through the points we've agreed? Perhaps if I can check the main points ... So the next step is ... What we need to do now is .. It's been a very useful and productive meeting. We look forward to a successfull partnership. Breaking off negotiations I think we've gone as far as we can. I'm sorry, but I don’t think we're going to agree a deal It’s. pity we couldn't reach agreement this time. Unfortunately we appear unable to settle our differences. It would be better if we looked for some independent arbitrator. Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want Skills Checklist Negotiations (3) Dealing with conflict + Show understanding of the other side’s position + Highlight advantages of agreement Don't... Do... * be sarcastic + ask questions + attack * listen * criticise * summarise + threaten + build on common ground + blame + explain your feelings Types of negotiator Hard Principled Soft negotiates to win looks for common benefits looks for agreement makes demands makes offers accepts what's on offer Independent Creative Fighter advantage negotiator win ~ lose win-win looks for agreement Rejecting + Ask for an adjournment. * Discuss options. + Remember your limits, + Decide if your interests are being met: if not, reject the proposal on offer, or suggest alternatives. After the negotiation + Compare the result with your objectives, targets and limits. + Examine the process of the negotiation: the planning ~ the strategy ~ team roles ~ the issues. * Learn from failure: = what went wrong and why? ~ identify weaknesses and errors — discuss and plan ahead. + Build on success: ~ recognise success — praise people ~ develop teamwork and partnership. 1A File cards 1A to 19A ‘You work for D.EM., a London-based pharmaceuticals company. You are expecting an overseas visitor with an appointment to see your colleague, Rowena ‘Stanton. Ms Stanton has just used her carphone to tell you that there has been an accident on the Motorway ~she will be delayed for perhaps an hour, Explain the problem. Say that another colleague, Karen Pochard, can show the visitor around your laboratories ~if he/she would like. : Make small talk ~ Karen Pochard has not yet arrived either fbutyen Goat have isi e along in a te ‘minutes. Offer to help your visitor in various ways. 2A You work for Caldos, a multinational company. You have arranged to visit a potential partner in a German company. You have received an outline programme forthe day, finishing at 5 pm. When you arrive, introduce yourself ‘and say you nave: an appointment. ‘Also: es © You would like to make a Webpbont call, “+ Unfortunately — you ‘only discovered this yesterday ~ you need to leave at you have ie catch (to ee at 5.30. You would like to have 3A ‘Your partner isa visitor to the town where you live and/or work. You would like to invite him/her to a social event or provide some entertainment. Think about the possibilities, then find out his/her preferences and make an arrangement with him/her. Suggestion: Look in a local What's On guide or newspaper to see if there are any special attractions on now. rt File cards 1A to 19A restaurant. Either use japncaed from local restaurant, written in your own language, or use the menu below. Talk about it, choose what you would like to Hes alle about the restaurant. . Ask questions about thet town and what there is to Finally when au bilarives, ‘ie to pay. ant comments on the meal, Decide mith pict $peathte MENC Haste AnpioecaeenieACMeaaie emtonscoromber ary sod rte Roasted Piedmont Peoprs aso From Northern fay. Two halves of red pappe fled wit sun ‘ied tomatoes and archoves. Fished with bal nd ac ish Soup e400 ‘Arion broth of fah sock wah whole prawns. aquidand muses Deep Fried Squid 400 ‘Seu ingens hard bata and xerved with alight snd Field Mushrooms with Gare 1450 ‘Aa Fala speciaity Astearing hot ih of quay pore in ‘of and pric. ‘Salmon and Dit e450 ‘ANorwepan vant Smoked sainen tom te northern ford Served ith all anda chunk fron ‘Cream of Vegetable Soup Fresh vegeables ina rch broth topped with cream. ‘Tomato Salad with Gartic and Herbs Succulent tomatoes drestedin extra vir ole of wit ‘cvs aban Mixed Basque Salad 14.00 From the Basque region of Spain. Aspanngs neue, tormtcen, ‘Onion and queanolvertoppad with chan of ina eh ane ep aso 800 Mary Course Fb Gre pe A enw “ ety Arey whe fe oka noma n ce whan code Sve ons em Rainbow Trout with Herbs ‘c1s.00 Frh rou bed nthe oven with roemary and ym Served wich new pomtoes or ree. Hae with Cockdes 415.00 Fresh hake steak ried oll with coll and parley sing ‘the tpi sala verde of the Bssgue region of Sain “Thal Fish Cakes with Curry Sauce £15.00 ‘Att ard spicy wes trom Thaland. Whe fan cooked with lime, prger and eran gras and served with a spy sauce Gilad Seafood ‘A mitre of griledprewes colar, mutel shrimps and sud tered with gre bred and ead 1780 Meat Siron Sina. 13.00 rbd oo ote your pecteion pred wah ee end prey Ses Cahn poomoe Fite Steal «700 Griled file stk cooked to your spetiations and pished ‘with butter and parsey Serves with new potatoes, Roast Lamb 41500 ‘Oven taka shoulder or ley ofanb with fark ne rosemary ‘Served wit new pottoes Spiced Lamb and Cashew Kababs 1400 Birtecied chk of ab with onions peppers and cashew nt Served ee Rabbit Hot Pot 1400 ‘Aauperd stew of bbl cooked earch broth of onion. stout tnd panes Served wih baked poxatoes Chicken with Sherry Vinegar and'Tarragon Sauce 14.00 ‘A chasse French recipe, ed and serve in deep earthenware ‘dahon sew potatoes (Chichen Sti fry 1600 ‘Cheer brea it edn rehire of cpp eget Kigpatasiag Pigeon! with Asparapis ou Grotn 41490 Freak po nehaperge onda chew oping Roasted Vegetables with Cous Cout 21420 ‘Acolork szortmect ol rsh wegetabes served with fern ‘cheese ona bad of caus cove ‘Spaghett with OM, Chill Peppers and Parmesan £12.00 ‘Aciaisk pasa dh from aly, with parc endanced ole ol sauce, speed with cried dls Served wh fresh Parmesan cheese, Lasagne Bake £14900 “The dsl vege sage wih vers of fresh pasta whe sauce wih med veguables monzardia and Parmemn cheese, Daesveré All desserts £450 ‘Seawberry rarigve mi) cere ‘Apple and ecco tare Sues rs cheer (Chocolate eke wither Cara fn Frac of the day Frosh fs lad File cards 1A to 19A cz +he Visiting Cards from those presented below. You are the person Card. You have been invited to a conference in San Diego, California. You need to speak to Andrea Koss, who is arranging the conference You want to talk: about the Programme. 5A Naomi Singh R Kaller Product Support Development 4 wr Systems eae 7451 HO Holten Tel (91) 548 7856 1633 ‘Nathertende Fax (31) 548 212187 Pittsburgh Someone calls you about a visit to your company. You would like to mect the caller but cannot make any arrangements today ~ offer to call back tomorrow. 6A Find out who the caller is and how you can reach him/her. Select one seen identities below and call Hamwell Ltd. You want to speak to the Production Controller, Robin Freeley. Introduce yourself and your 5 company. You want to arrange an pepoiarient to talk about your products. 7A Hh systems ‘Yutaka Sumi ! “aro Product Support Development Carlos Ieronymidis Wn Sue hd 20-240 Washington D¢ 20500 ‘thors USA, +1 202 44879797 Greece Tel +4301 4562243 File cards 1A to 19A “You are the Pers ant to your boss, Ken Siam. A caller rings to speak to him. Take down any deiails you need and promise to call back next week. Your 8A boss is on Learn antl want to say nr You are a Quality Control Manager for Comcosol, a software engineering company that supp! > manufacturers with control systems. Ring one of your A cients Salco Serv and ask to speak o the Proton Manage: You want _ Here is a page fro1 fous October ee October am Jone Bp. W tas Sales meeting Marketing. 18 Tuesday i def commer ip to Bristol to see MIKE 19 Wednesday 20 Thursday 5 actory (0/ a ee } Ruraa ties same Oval Control sinew joe Comcosol. You are in your office 1 0 A when the etelephone rings, i File cards 1Ato 9A 135] You are an Order processor for Office Universe Limited, a London-based stationery and office equipment company. A customer rings with a problem VIA over an invoice. Heres a copy of theim ; * Office Universe Limited 3 F 430-4 Upper Richmond Road London SWIS STY England Telephone 0171 434 7272 Fax0171 4345285 Argustte Galloway industria estate North side Greets Your ref. 0002219 Aberdeen AB24 STR Burret RO2A728 Porteet | ay | tem Price 23se-1 | 190 | A&Zoom Copy Paper @ £2.20 22000 4563-1 | 2 | packs Marker pens © £5.80 111.60 2156-2 | 1 | Staples 5000 pack £5.20 21348 | 20 Rule @ £0.80 £16.00 35722 | 100 | Coloured ring binders @ £2.10 210.00 2482-1 | 100 | Pack of aividers @ £0.55 a2 | Subtotal £473.00 Les cisount 5% 2365 Subtowl £448.35 vat @17.5% oes suosoral 1527.99 + Carriage and packing £20+ £350 VAT 17.5% 123.50 TOTAL 55149 “Terms: 30 days from invoice date. Thank you for your custom, Telephone or fax your orders t0 julie 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Notes: + You have checked with the original telephoned order and can find no mistake: the customer did order all the goods you have sent. You do sell cheaper copy paper and cheaper ring binders, but with different part reference numbers, + You accept the customer should have received a 10% discount and free carriage and packing - offer to send anew invoice. + Your company recently altered its terms to 30 days for all customers and all were notified in a separate letter. + You cannot take back the order but if the customer is unhappy he/she can return the goodsand no fee will becharged. + Offer to send different quality (standard, notaser quality) copy paper and different ring binders (plain coloured). 1A 10 19A Describe this graph to a colleague. Say what the subject of the picture is, then explain the details of the graph and highlight one or two key facts. 12A Sulphur dioxide emissions Nitrogen oxides emissions Black smoke emissions 0 1951 1961 1971 1981 71989 Source: Social Trends 1992. Crown Copyright 1992. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of HMSO and of the Office for National Statistics. Later your partner will describe the pie chart below for you. You complete the missing details, asking questions if necessary. © Greenpeace Communications Ltd 1990, Reprinted from Global Warming: ‘The Greenpeace Report edited by Jeremy Leggett (1990) by permission of Oxford University Press. 13A 1A 10 19A. Your position in the discussion is basically to support investment in public transport, Do this by referring to: j + environmental benefits + improvements in quality of life + public transport is cheaper + cars are heavy consumers of raw materials * people want improved transport. In the discussion: + accept some interruptions but make sure you get all your arguments across + defend your arguments + be polite but firm + repeat if necessary. You Start. 14A ‘Team A: Coen Brothers. You are representatives of Coen Brothers, manufacturers of prefabricated industrial buildings. You are planning to launch a major sales drive in Italy, a new market for your company. The market. The Italian market for prefabricated industrial buildings is very competitive, and since you are based in London and the Netherlands you have transport costs to add to your manufacturing costs. However, you know that on average your prices are 10% lower than Italian competitors, though at the top of your product range, your prices are a little higher than the average, but the quality is also better. ‘The product. Your buildings are highly functional, and can be adapted toa range of industrial needs, They are built according to strict Scandinavian design quality and use the best available materials. You supply all materials. You also take care of the actual construction, including connections for electricity, water systems, insulation and heating. You can also supply the buildings at finished quality, in other words, fully decorated according to the customer’s wishes. Different qualities are available: basic, standard and ultra, which includes a full range of services at residential quality. 15A File cards 1A to 194, You are a sales representative for an advertising consultancy. You are responsible for selling perimeter advertising for sports arenas in Italy. You sell 25 metre dlectronic advertising at Italian Serie A (first division) football matches. + Price: on live television: = corner position: $120 per flash (one minute) — half way line of behind the goal $240 per flash (one minute) + You can offer discounts of up to 20%, but only for deals of three matches or more. + You can offer two free flashes at non-televised games instead of a discount. Notes: You have no space on the half way line (middle of the playing area) in January and February. ‘A deal must be for a minimum of 10 flashes per match. 16A ‘You represent an international company with business links in Tokyo. You urgently need to buy a brand new luxury apartment in Tokyo's Shinjuku district. You could spend up to Y250m, but you would prefer to spend only about 150m because you would also like to buy a second, smaller apartment in Hachioji — but this is not essential, Notes: + Shinjuku is one of the most famous and prestigious districts in downtown Tokyo. + You would like the apartment to be near Shinjuku Gyoen Park, or close to Shinjuku station. + Hachiojlisa suburb — you are not sure exactly where. + You need the apartment to be ready in less than three weeks. + You want the inside decorated to your specific requirements — you will pay extra for this + You would like an apartment with a swimming pool and tennis courts. + You want a large apartment — about 200 sq.m. + If you cannot have any of the above, you would like to pay less. 1A to 19A ‘Team A: Coen Brothers 17 A. Thenegotiation. Clearly you would like to supply all three buildings to Fratelli Taviani, but be sure not to give away too much in terms of discount. Against this, it is very important that you enter the Italian market. ‘There are certain extras that you can provide at little extra cost: you can decorate the finished buildings and you can agree to an extended warranty of up to ten years, This means total building replacement in the event of structural faults developing, Ordinary maintenance and wear and tear is not included. Discount 2% 4 points : 5% 3 points 8% 2 points 10% 1 point >10% 0 points Delivery and Completion of Work 30 days 0 points 60 days 1 point 90 days 3 points ‘To pay all of delivery costs 0 points ‘To pay half of delivery costs 1 point ‘To pay no delivery costs 2 points | Payment over 12 months = point | Payment over 6 months 2 points Payment on completion 3 points To offer complete free decoration ~ point Extended 10 year warranty — point File cards LA to 19A 18A Situation 1 You work for a translation agency. You can translate legal contracts into any language: * Cost: $300 per 1,000 words + ajob of more than 5,000 words will take a week + if it is more urgent than a week, the cost will be a lot higher. Situation 2 You are in Hamburg. You urgently need to rent four vans from a local car and van rental company: + you expect to pay about DM180 per day per van + you have to have the vans today or tomorrow. Situation 3 You are the Conference Organiser for Lake View Hotel. You rent conference space: + cost: normally $1,000 per day for facilities for five people * 50% non-refundable deposit six months before the conference date (this is negotiable) + bed and breakfast conference rate — another $1,000 per day for five people + no deposit required for bed and breakfast. 19A Team A: HBT Rexis Ltd —a subsidiary of HBT Inc. Your company has recently developed an anti-inflammatory drug to treat arthritis. You plan to market the drug within two years. You want to include your sister company, HBT Short Ltd., in the project because they have more experience in testing and marketing this type of drug. They already produce Arpan, an anti-arthritis drug with a large market share. You: * would like to set up a Project Team, based at Rexis, You think the team. should consist of three members from Rexis and two from Short. + expect the final development of the drug, including the trials and salaries (calculated in employee-hours) of Project Team members, will cost US$900,000. + have to apply for a patent for the drug and for it to be licensed by the American Food and Drug Administration. You expect approval within two years, Note if you cannot reach agreement, you plan to develop the drug alone. File cards 1B to 19B You have just arrived at D.F.M., a London-based pharmaceuticals company. You haye an appointment to see Rowena Stanton in the Research Department, You are very busy and have another appointment this afternoon and one in Manchester tomorrow. It would actually suit you to spend some time preparing for these appointments. Note: + Be prepared to engage in a few minutes’ small talk with the person looking after you. "+ You would like to prepare for your meeting this afternoon. + You would like a recommendation on what would be a nice gift for your partner (male or female) back home. * You would like to send and receive a confidential fax. 2B 3B You are expecting a visitor from Caldos, a multinational company with a plant in Germany. You have arranged a meeting to talk about the products and services you offer. You have sent your visitor an outline plan for the day. Welcome the visitor and spend a few minutes making him/her feel relaxed. There are at present strikes affecting trains and buses in your region of the country. The roads are likely to be congested. Finally suggest that you go to meet one of your colleagues, Bert Trautman. You are visiting your partner in the town where he/she lives and/or works. He/she wants to arrange some social event or entertainment for you. Make an arrangement with him/her. File cards 1B to 198 ‘You receive a visitor to the town where you now live, or to your birthplace. 4B You agree to have a meal in a restaurant. Either use a menu from a local restaurant, printed in your own language (explain in English what the various | dishes are), or use the menu below. Talk about what there is to eat, choose what to have, comment on the. restaurant, talk ities cepey eee mums of. visitors, tourism, places of interes, e etc, Ifyou ike, develop small talk about b ines, work or there of the country’s __ economy and/or business prospects, eS Andalus Gazpacho 250 | sien Seon 41500 ‘Asibar mat from Soto pin A cot soup ich in | Grd atom cooks te yor speciation and gamed, fonutoes comer pry in pric | wet eterand per ered cane pon, Roasted Piedmone Poppers 250 | Filler Steak £17.00 from Rertbrn tly Two fle fe poppe wh at oie ie tak coslad you specbadansand ers ed toraton ed ners Frases wb nd ph ‘hurr ad parse Served wth new poston | Fh Soup x e400 | nowt bam aso ech bot fh tod wth we pave sogdand mas. | Orn aid Seer nfl wi pk none pases aoe | redone pom Seater edn anen tcrant nondeh ntgeatt | spled Lamb nd Cathe Katte 1480 Field Mushrooms with Gartic rece Sree a enlace leeaeiers ‘oe geal A seaming hot iho ey po in sane ee Rabbit Hoe Pot e100 Apert oro nie socked oa ch bot onion mint ‘amon and Di, ‘prone Sore ned pent ‘A Nonwegar et Smoked stron rm te nether fords Serve wth ard uk even {Chicken with Sherry Vinegar andTaragon Sauce £14.00 ‘Ache Frerch ep hed td eredina Sep martheware {Cream otVeqotable Soup xt bese Fra egal: nih bre oped wth cam | sak Geacas tian BE £16.00 ‘Tomato Saag with Gartc and Herbs 200 | Ghent ity din th tro ___ Scent ematoes ered or eB th ee So hes and ba Vigelasian Mixed Basque Salad £400, | mugscon wth eu Groen 1400 from te Buu region of Spin Algnageaticetomcnn, | Ft pasta maar sods ee COP | ‘nln a8 queen les lopped whch a had oe | = Roasted Vegetables with Coue Coun cu tg Cosas || Accor aioraen of th veges eve ween flew | Gene ona bedofeou cour tish ‘Spaghets with Ol, Chil Peppers and Parmesan C12.00 | a ‘c1z99. | Aca pata i fom tat wena prte enced reo | Rootes hie teks Gaal bien Stina woh ed Seen ea Parmemncnse ‘rien ule lumen nd cords fermton beste, | (ae pate ‘tien Rainbow Trt wlth Harb 41590 |The dauicveraran ne wh ter offhpaan wte { Pere meinen asec ee | shice wah ted egeatin mesa snd Prmsca ese | F ‘Stradi sew potsoe Se | Ses Pate wien Coches 415.00 oth abe teh fed in wth cokes ad pare gig | Anco te Aiqpetcmmenstacaega nga | cis aac “hal Fish Cals with Curry Sues seo donee are ‘Att and spy reat om Thaland, Whi fh cooted with | nee ____ ged prasad wih py sce eae as sen: | | Gre Seales «1790 frat eco | Kena af te pre cox nua, rng sd es a a ‘a sered wh pre brad and sand ‘cern File cards 1B to 19B, Someone calls to talk to your boss, Andrea Koss. Ask the caller to spell his/her name / company name so you can write it down. Andrea Koss is not available ~ 5B sheis ina meeting and cannot be disturbed. Offer to take a message or say she will call back — later today. If you plan to ask Andrea to call back, get a phone number. Choose one of the identities given below, Call your partner to ask if you can visit him/her and try to make an arrangement today. You want to talk about 6B hismer company’s products. ago ior bers ee ‘ hn Dinos Compo econ Manage Daman apy Mawes BA. Boece Hoos tundeh Noveey AT oxa0e Pox a 4bn0028 apa Tl(6 90 243779 Falcon ice ‘You are the secretary to Robin Freeley, Production Controller at Hamwell Ltd. Your boss is busy and cannot be disturbed. Deal with the caller and do not 7B “aireuso your toes Choose one of the identities shown below: a 8B Alexei Ruble ___—— Katie Jensen Solera a2? Ve Moscow (O71 Bygtoy Ale 90" FEDERATION @ RUSSIAN Tel ++ 47 497 2005 +7065 230076 Tew Fons 230766 Japanese contact called Ken Siam. You would like to meet him to talk he p of your products. File cards 1B to 19B You are Production Manager at Salco Services. A supplier, Comcosol Ltd., 9B telephones you. Here is an extract from your diary. October mesting 10), 17 Montay _—_Suaaee +P eater Co og interviews: enn 10/5. Flerning 19 26 Wednesday 20 ‘stay ; 27 Thurs t City ta Uist herr 29 Saturday 30 Sunday You are still the Production Manager at Salco Services. A day after your conversation with Comcosol, you learn that you have to go to Japan on urgent 1 0B business to discuss a legal problem. ete you must change your appointment with Comcosol. ‘Telephone Comcosol. Try to fix an appointment for the following week - when you have no commitments. Write a fax to confirm the new arrangement. 11B File cards 1B to 19B, ‘You have bought office equipment and stationery supplies from a company called Office Universe Ltd. Unfortunately there have been problems with the service. Here is a copy of the invoice they sent you for the last order: Office Universe Limited 430-4 Upper Richmond London SW15 STY Englang ‘Telephone 0171 434 7272 Fax 0171 434 5286 e Bai td Gaffoway industrial Estate North Side Unit ts Your ret; 00U22:10 : ‘Our ret: R342 . tem | Price ‘AA Zoom Copy Paper @ £2.20 | £22000 pcks Marker pens @ £5.80 e160 ‘Staples $000 pack | £520 Rulers @ £0.80 11600 Coloured ring binders @ €2.10 fees Pack of dividers @ £0.56 1120 Sub-total £473.00 Less discount 5% 2365 Sub-total £449.35 var @ 17.5% eae ; Subtotal s52798 + Cartage and packing 20+ £350 VAT @ 175% 2350 TOTAL ess149 ‘Terms 30 days trom invoice date ‘Thank you for your custom. “Telephone or fax your orders fo Julie 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. Note: + The company normally give you 10% discount and normal terms are 60 days from invoice. + The OU Catalogue offered ring binders at £1.50 and Ad copy paper at £1.45. + They do not usually charge for carriage or packing on orders of over £200.00. + You did not order any staples. + You have used OU in the past and have had problems with wrong deliveries. + Ask for your order to be despatched again and the wrong order taken away. + Ask for a new invoice. ++ Be prepared to say you will use other suppliers in future. File cards 1B to 19B Listen to your colleague describing this graph. Write the missing information. 12B Ask any questions you want. 0 1951 1961 1971 1981 1989 Source: Social Trends 1992, Crown Copyright 1992. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of HMSO and of the Office for National Statistics, Now you describe this pie chart. Begin by saying what the picture represents, then explain the details. Highlight any especially important information. Oth: Carbon dioxide 13%. 49% FONT and CFC-12 14% Nitrous oxide 6% Methane 18% © Greenpeace Communications Ltd 1990. Reprinted from Global Warming: ‘The Greenpeace Report edited by Jeremy Leggett (1990) by permission of Oxford University Press. 13B ards 1B to 19B Your position is to defend the freedom of private car ownership. You think: + quality of life depends on freedom of choice * people want personal space ~ cars make this possible + people want to leave and to arrive when they want + public transport is massively expensive, through taxation + the car industry employs many thousands of people. In the discussion: — * oppose simplistic arguments for the expansion of public transport + interrupt when you think your colleague says something simplistic or wrong + present the arguments above + be polite, but firm. Your partner will start, 14B ‘Team B: Fratelli Taviani. You are representatives of Fratelli Taviani, an Italian agricultural feeds manufacturer. You have a mecting with Coen Brothers, a London-based Anglo-Dutch company. Your requirements. You need to build a new office and storage buildings at your Asti plant in Piedmont, in Northern Italy. There are many suppliers of prefabricated industrial buildings. You need two standard quality storage buildings with electricity, water and air conditioning systems. You also need an office building of the highest quality. You expect to have the buildings decorated at extra cost by a local decorator. You want the buildings to be supplied and erected within 30 days, but you could allow 60 days. ‘The market. You would like to use a local supplier, Daniele Edili, who supplied some of your existing buildings. Unfortunately they are on average 10% more expensive than Coen Brothers. Coen products are also better quality. On the other hand, Coen isa new company and you need assurances on their quality and ability to meet deadlines. 15B File cards 1B to 19B You represent an international fashion house with a major youth market, especially in Italy and Spain. You want to advertise at Italian Serie A (first division) football matches. You have a budget of $10,000. You would like the following: + electronic advertising at matches on live television only + a minimum of ten flashes in every game (a flash = one minute) + you prefer half way line positions (they are most often seen by the TV cameras) + you don’t want behind the goal unless you get a good discount + you would like to advertise at between four and six matches in the early part of the year (January-March), ‘You represent an international property company. You are selling luxury tments in Tokyo. 16B Costs: Shinjuku district Y100m to Y200m Ueno Y70m to Y80m Hachioji Yoom Chofu 80m + Apartments in Tokyo are small:land is very expensive, + 70.sq.mis normal, 100 sq.m is large by Tokyo standards. + Itis virtually impossible to provide a swimming pool or tennis courts. + You have two new apartments in Shinjuku: = 100 sq.m at Y120m = 150 sq.m, near the Shinjuku Gyoen Park,Y200m. + Shinjukuis one of the most famous and prestigious districts in downtown Tokyo. + Prices are negotiable — but no more than 20% less. + Hachiojiis a suburb, about 40 minutes by train from the centre, * You have an excellent apartment in Chofu (nearer the centre) for sale atY120m. * The apartments could be ready in 5 to 6 weeks, + Special interior designs can be arranged — cost about Y20m. ile cards 1Bto 19B ‘Team B: Fratelli Taviani 17B_ The negotiation. You would like to buy all three buildings from the one supplier, but if you do this you expect a good discount and favourable delivery and payment terms. You have received the following confidential information: © fratelii tavianispa. C) INTERNAL MEMO—CONFIDENTIAL To: Purchasing Dept From: DA Daniele Edile prices are up 10% on last year — a common trend in the Italian prefabricated building sector. Consider buying outside Italy — quality guarantees ‘must equal those available in Italy ~ i.e. 3 years’ free maintenance. Suggest looking for this in any contract agreed with Coen Brothers. Discount 2% 1 point 5% 2 points 8% 3 points 10% 4 points Delivery and Completion of Work 30 days 3 points 60 days 1 point 90 days O points To pay all of delivery costs 0 points To pay half of delivery costs 1 point To pay no delivery costs 2 points Payment over 12 months 3 points Payment over 6 months 2 points Payment on completion =I point 1 year warranty 0 points 2 year warranty 1 point 3 year warranty 2 points 10 year warranty 3 points File cards 1B to 198 18B Situation 1 You want a legal contract translated into English: * itis 6,000 words long + you expect to pay between $1,200 and $1,500 + you nced it in two days — three days maximum, Situation 2 You are a car and van rental company in Hamburg: + van rental costs DM200 per day + 109% discount for orders over DM1,000 + no vans are available today and only two tomorrow. Situation 3 You want to rent conference space at the Lake View Hotel: + find out the cost for ten people for your two day sales conference in eight months’ time ask for a discount ask if you have to pay a deposit insist that it is refundable. File cards 1Bto 19B Team B: HBT Short Ltd.—a subsidiary of HBT Inc. QB. Your colleagues in a sister subsidiary, HBT Rexis Ltd, have asked you to participate in the development and marketing of a new drug to treat arthritis. ‘You: are experienced in this sector of the drug industry presently market Arpan, which has 25% of the domestic market and a growing export market would like to cooperate with Rexis, because you do not want to compete with them in the arthritis drug market need to be flexible in negotiating with them do not believe a single Project Team is required. You think there should be one team in charge of the tests, based at Rexis, and one team in charge of marketing, based at Short think that US$500,000 dollars is the absolute maximum that should be spent on developing the drug are sceptical about its market potential. You feel that it could simply take sales away from Arpan. The following memo was written following a meeting of your Product Development Executive: HBT Short Ltd.: Internal Memo CONFIDENTIAL Re. Arpan/New Rexis Anti-inflammatory drug This Rexis product could be a threat to ARPAN. Development should avoid high investment, especially by Short. Some commitment is acceptable, but ... keep costs down! Product Development Executive + think further tests will take at least three years before the American Food and Drug Administration give approval + would prefer that Short take responsibility for the trials and in exchange you will provide information about potential markets once the tests have been completed. File cards 20 to 33 aq Paper recycling Annual volume of waste paper: 50,000 tons Increasing pressure to recycle. Present situation: — Production Dept. does recycle / chaotic / no supervision — Human Resources Dept — irregular quantities — little interest to local recycling companies. We need company policy. Benefits: financial, good public relations, a High turnover of staff in Daycare Centre Total employees: 300 170 women 45 are mothers with young children, ‘Company daycare facilities for children are used: i, after school before end of working day (5 p.m.) ii, school holidays. Mothers unhappy because: ~ very high turnover of staff in Centre — no continuity — poor organisation of Centre. Unauthorised use of company fax and telephone lines Accounts: Big phone bills / unauthorised use of phones / fax. Solutions? — enforce a total ban on personal use of faxes / phones? ~ produce a statement about their use? How to reduce costs without creating bad feelings? a5 Driver with bad accident record Karl Stutt ~ 20 years lorry driver with Ash & Whitedeam, — always excellent service. Recently: 5 accidents in one year. Police charge of dangerous driving re last accident: 90km/hour in 50km/hour zone near a school. No injuries so far. What action to take? File cards 20 t0 33 Ee ‘Sam Adela (Chair) 24 Youhave called a meeting of the Executive of Adela Passam Lid. to discuss the crisis surrounding the company. Prepare a brief agenda and short opening remarks, Refer to the Checklists in Unit 10 to remind you of your responsibilities as chair and some of the language you may need. You: + are the most heavily implicated in the scandal + area friend of Cass ; ‘+ are angry that the press allege that your late father, Mikel Adela, may have profited by up to $1m from Cass’s deal + think APL should sue the local papers for libel. Jay Worthy (Legal Advisor to APL) 25 You: | + are worried that the accusations may be true but you cannot say this, directly + think APL should wait and see what happens next + feel that the scandal really involved Cass and politicians but ... + you cannot say this too loudly because Marta Lucas is married to the former leader of the Democratic People’s Party. Note: From a legal point of view, probably no individual has been libelled because no ‘one has been named in the reports except Mike| Adela who is now dead and the dead cannot be libelled. Marta Lucas (Director) 26 ‘You: + have never heard of the scandal until very recently but your husband is deeply embarrassed + believe your position with the company is compromised if your husband is found to be corrupt + think that if you resign, it will look like an admission of guilt + may decide that on the other hand, your relationship with your husband is compromised + believe the company should fight to protect its— and your ~ reputation File cards 20 to 33 Anton Hassim (Director) 27 You: + fear that the public will make direct connections based on Sam Adela’s friendship with Cass and Marta Lucas’s marriage to the leader of the Democratic People’s Party + think that even if Sam Adela did not benefit personally, if people think Mikel Adela was guilty, then the company is in deep trouble + think the company should wait, admit nothing and deny nothing + think that to sue the papers for libel is risky and would cost a fortune. Pat Joyce (Director) You: 28 + feel that the allegations must be completely false because you knew Mikel Adela for forty years as a completely honest man + believe that APL never had any formal dealings with politics and politicians + think Marta Lucas’s personal life is her own affair + think the company should issue a statement denying the allegations, publish accounts from the period, etc. Berni Callam (Accountant) 29 we + are new in Adela Passam and you are shocked by the scandal naturally hope that the accusations are false and that the affair only involves the Council and Cass feel that a thorough independent investigation of the accounts should clear the company’s reputation want to avoid a legal battle fear that the public will always associate Cass with Adela Passam and with Mikel and Sam Adela + think that in time the damage will fade + think every company has its scandals. File cards 200 33 30 Jan Lubitsch (Managing Director and Chair) Introduce the background and the problem. Explain that the promotion has been oversubscribed (you forecasted 1,000 takers, and there are 5,000). You fear that the costs of meeting the extra 4,000 will be enormous. The problem is that Blue Balloon do not have the capacity and anyway are contracted only to provide 1,000 trips at £80. During the discussion, you want to establish what action should be taken. Set specific actions that must be done after the meeting. Andrew/Andrea Eastman (Marketing Director) You feel ultimately responsible because you decided to run the promotion. You insured Sola against over subscription but only up to 1,000 extra trips, not 4,000. You took advice from an advertising agency, Promo World. You feel they gave you wrong advice and Sola should seek compensation from them. 32 Fred/Freda Cavani (Director) You think Sola were wrongly advised and should receive compensation from the advertising agency, Promo World, who advised Sola on the promotion. You want to know what the legal position is on getting compensation. Eric/Erica Whitehead (Director) You think Blue Balloon should fix up more balloon trips at a cheaper price than £80, or that other companies could be approached to help out. You are concerned about the bad publicity around the promotion. You think Promo World should explain why they thought insurance for only 1,000 extra trips would be enough. However, you also think the situation cannot be so serious, as clearly many hundreds of people stayed in your hotels and may return for a second visit ~ so perhaps it has been a good promotion after all. You imagine that Promo World will say that, anyway.

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