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Table of Content

CHAPTER 3 : ENGINEERUNG SURVEYS.........................................................................................................................2

3.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

3.2 CHAINAGE SURVEY ........................................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 SURVEY MONUMENTATION ............................................................................................................................ 2
3.4 BASELINE SURVEY ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.5 BENCHMARK SURVEY ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3.6 CENTRE LINE SURVEY........................................................................................................................................ 3
3.7 CROSS-SECTION SURVEY .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.8 TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3.9 DATA COMPUTATION AND SURVEY PLOTTING ................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER 4: AIRPORT INVENTORY SURVEY .................................................................................................................4

4.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

4.2 INVENTORY SURVEY ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2.1 Terminal Building ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2.2 Drainage ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2.3 River Training at Kali Gandaki River............................................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER 5 :SOIL INVESTIGATION ...............................................................................................................................5

5.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

5.2 SOIL INVESTIGATION ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2.1 Visual Survey ................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2.2 Soil Investigation .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Test Printing ..........................................................................................................................................................6 In-Situ-Tests ..........................................................................................................................................................6
5.3 FINDINGS OF SOIL INVESTIGATION................................................................................................................... 7
5.3.1 Assessment of Subgrade Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 7
5.3.2 Assessment of Subgrade Drainage Characteristics ...................................................................................... 7
5.3.3 Assessment of Forest Penetration/Soil Freezing .......................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 6: CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL INVESTIGATION ............................................................................................9

6.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................................. 9

6.2 INVESTIGATION OF MATERIAL RESOURCES...................................................................................................... 9
6.2.1 Reconnaissance Survey and Screening of Material Sources ........................................................................ 9
6.2.2 Description of Material Sites ...................................................................................................................... 10 Kali Gandaki River ...............................................................................................................................................10 Dhumba Khola ............................................................................................................................................................10 Hemta Hill Rock Quarry ..............................................................................................................................................10 Lanlathan Rock Quarry ........................................................................................................................................11 Lupra Khola .........................................................................................................................................................11 Syang Khola .........................................................................................................................................................11
6.2.3 Laboratory Test Results.............................................................................................................................. 11
6.2.4 Quality Assessment of Material Sites......................................................................................................... 11 Kali Gandaki River ...............................................................................................................................................11 Dhumba Khola.....................................................................................................................................................11 Hemta Hill Rock Quarry.......................................................................................................................................11 Lantang Rock Quarry ...........................................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 10: PAVEMENT DESIGN ........................................................................................................................... 14
10.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
10.4.1 Soil Characteristics ....................................................................................................................................... 14
10.4.2 Drainage Characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 15
10.4.3 Frost Penetration/ Soil Freezing ............................................................................................................ 15
10.6.2 Flexible Pavement Alternatives, Evaluation and Recommendation ...................................................... 17
10.6.3 Rigid Pavement ...................................................................................................................................... 18
11.6.1 Drains .................................................................................................................................................... 21
11.6.2 Drop Structures ...................................................................................................................................... 22
11.6.3 Culverts .................................................................................................................................................. 22
11.6.5 Inlets/Outlets ......................................................................................................................................... 22
11.6.6 Drainage Outlet ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Outlet Channel of C1 ...........................................................................................................................................22 Outlet Channel of C2 ...........................................................................................................................................22 Outlet of Drain D-21............................................................................................................................................22


Existing surveys were carried out to prepare topography maps and to provide ground details for
design of proposed upgrading works at Jomson airport. The survey covered the entire area of the
airport. Jomsom bazaar in the periphery of the airport and portion of Kali Gandaki River relevant to
the airport.
The engineering survey consisted of the following work:

- Chainage survey
- Survey monumentation
- Baseline survey
- Benchmark survey Centre line survey
- Cross-section survey
- Topography survey
Methodological procedures used in various surveys are briefly given in the following sections.


The chainage survey was carried out along the centre line of runway, taxiway and apron to enable
reference marking for surveys and investigation. The survey interval was fixed depending upon
site condition. The chainage survey also marked the location of structures, drains, culverts etc. to
facility airport inventory survey.


Permanent benchmarks (BMs) as shown in the table 3.1 were monumented covering the survey
area. The BMs monumentation included the following as appropriate:

• Cast in-situ concrete posts, 10 cm square. With an iron bolt flushed with concrete on the top.
• Concrete iron nails driven on engraved points in stable rocks.

• Paint marks with iron nails driven at centre on other permanent structures (e.g. building,
parapet of culverts etc.) available at site.

These monuments were established at safer place, easily visible and away from potential
disturbance due to construction activities. The monuments also severed as the baseline station for
horizontal ground control. At intermediate location additional temporary benchmarks (TBMs) and
transverse points (TPs) were fixed, to facilitate survey work. The description card of permanent
BMs is given in Appendix – A of the report.


A closed traverse survey of benchmark monuments and traverse points was carried out by EDM
starting from set of GPS control points available at each airport. Reciprocal linear measurements
and two seats of angular measurements were taken between two consecutive baseline stations /
traverse points.


In order to provide vertical control of survey work benchmark was carried out by auto level
instrument by running a double run- second order split level circuits. These arbitrary levels were
correlated to reduced levels of GPS reference points to enable a uniform system.


Centerline survey of runway and taxiway was carried out by auto-level. The survey interval was
adjusted to abrupt change in slope and ground condition. Levels were referred and closed to
nearby BMs.


Cross-section survey was carried out by spot leveling extending to full width of runway, side strips,
drains and fence boundary. As in centerline survey the cross-section survey was adjusted to
abrupt change in ground condition and slope. Levels were referred and closed to nearby BMs.
In the case of cross-section survey of major drainage channels, and river training sites in Kali
Gandaki River at Jonsom airport, the cross-section were extended beyond the edges of river


Detail topography survey of whole airport and adjoining area including drainage and river training
site was carried out by tachometry method using electronic theodolite/ EDM. All topographical
details along with existing features (runway, taxiway, apron, buildings, transmission mast, fence
lines, drains etc.) were recorded during the survey.

The survey details were sufficient to prepare topomaps in 1:500 scales for whole area including
portion of Kali Gandaki for river training sites.


Field checking of survey was carried out in the field itself. Data computation and plotting was done
manually. Longitudinal and cross-section were prepared in the following scale where as topo maps
were prepared in scales as above.

L-Scetion X-Section
1:500 H 1:200 H

1:100V 1:100 V


Inventory survey of physical facilities pertaining to proposed upgrading works at Jomsom airport is
carried out in order to identify existing problems and propose improvement, maintenance, and
rehabilitation measures, as appropriate. The inventory survey mainly covered – terminal buildings,
drainage, utilities and river training works, as deemed relevant to scope of upgrading works at this

Main items of the inventory of existing physical facilities pertaining to each project airport are
summarized in the following sections, whereas the detail of inventory survey is presented in
Appendix-2 of the report. Likewise, existing problems and proposed measures for relevant
physical facilities are dealt in detail in corresponding chapters.


The inventory survey at this airport included the following physical infrastructure:

• Terminal Building
• Drainage
• River Training

4.2.1 Terminal Building

The included terminal/building and related structure such as Battery House, Generator House and
Transmission Masts, which might require relocation.

4.2.2 Drainage
It included existing internal and external drainage at this airport:

• Interior Drainage

- Runway side drains

- Drains at Terminal apron area
- Cross drains at runway
• Exterior Drainage

- Outlet of cross drain

- Outlet of runway side drain
4.2.3 River Training at Kali Gandaki River
This inventory included existing river training works along Kali Gandaki River flowing along nortn-
east side of this airport.


The findings of inventory survey of existing physical facilities relevant to upgrading works at
Jomsom airport are summarized in table 4.1.


Soil investigation was carried out to characterize AND assess sub-soil condition for pavement
design required to upgrade existing earth runway and apron surface at jomsom airport.
Table 5.1 summarizes the type of surveys and investigation carried out for soil investigation at this

Table 5.1 : type of survey and investigation at carried Jomsom Airport

Survey and investigation

Visual Survey

• General visual assessment

Soil Investigation

• Test Pits

• In- situ Tests

- Field CBR test (DCP test)

- Unit weight test

• Laboratory tests

• Assessment of subgrade freezing/frost penetration


5.2.1 Visual Survey
A visual survey of existing runway, side strips was undertaken to enable general assessment of
existing situation with respect to surface (e.g. profile, camber), drainage etc.

No systematic condition survey was deemed necessary, as existing surface is not paved and
would require upgrading to hard surface for which necessary ground details were covered by
centerline cross-section and topography surveys. Likewise, drainage condition survey was
separately undertaken as part of airport inventory survey.
5.2.2 Soil Investigation
The soil investigation of runway, side strips and apron was carried out to:

- Determine type and strength of subgrade soil

- Assess soil freezing/frost penetration
- Assess subsurface drainage condition

The soil investigation included:

• Test Pitting
• In- situ Tests
• Laboratory Tests Test Printing

Test pits were excavated in runway and apron area to explore sub-soil condition and to observe
soil freezing/frost penetration and ground water table.

In the case of runway, test pits were excavated along the centre line and alternately in row to
determine horizontal and vertical variation in subgrade soil across the width. Spacing of test pits
was dependent on soil variation, whereas the depth was guided by position of groundwater table
and type of materials.

Test pit logs were prepared along with visual classification of soil by USCS and record of depth to
soil freezing/frost penetration and position of groundwater table. Representative samples of
subgrade materials were collected from test tips for laboratory test. The test pits were properly
backfiled after in- situ tests and sampling.

In total 18 number of test pits were excavated with 14 on runway and 4. at apron. Location and
elevation of test pits were taken by topography survey. In-Situ-Tests
The following type of in-situ tests were performed in runway, side strips and apron area:

• Unit Weight test

• Field CBR test
(a) Unit Weight Test
In-place unit weight of subgrade soil was determined by digging small pits of known volume at
layers of material change in test pits. The materials recovered from these pits were weighted at
site to avoid changes due to loss in moisture content during transportation to laboratory in
Kathmandu. The test was concentrated in case of fine grained soils, which are susceptible to
forest penetration.

(b) Field CBR test

DCP tests were performed on runway, side strips and apron to determine in-situ CBR of subgrade
soil. A continuous CBR strength profile to a depth of 900 mm was prepared at test location unless
test was obstructed due to boulders, rock encounters. Tests were conducted in a row
encompassing runway, side strip and side runway and apron to access variation in soil strength.
Altogether 49 number of DCP tests were performed of which 41 were located on runway and side
strips and rest on apron. All tests were started from existing ground surface.

(c) Laboratory Tests

Laboratory tests were performed on samples of subgrade materials from test pits. These include:
- Moisture content
- Dry unit weight
- Grain size analysis
- Specific Gravity
- Compaction
- Soaked CBR


Subgrade characteristics of runway are summarized in Table 5.1 whereas these for runway side
strips and apron are shown in Table 5.2. Likewise, Table 5.3 presents the results of laboratory
tests of subgrade samples from this airport. Details of soil investigation at this airport are
presented in Appendix-3

5.3.1 Assessment of Subgrade Characteristics

The airport is situated at the foothill and on an old terrace of Kali Gandaki River. Its construction
involved huge volume of earthwork comprising gravel and boulder mixed soils and rock cutting
from side hills. Hence, the subgrade at the airport comprise heterogeneous mixture of sand,
gravels, cobbles and boulders (=ch 0+000 to ch 0+400); soil from terrace cultivation (=ch 0+400 to
ch 0+630) and terrace gravels (=ch 0+630 to ch 0+739). Depending upon occurrence the soil is
classified as GM, SM, SW, SC and GW in accordance with United Soil Classification System. The
soils are non-plastic in nature.
In- situ CBR results indicate strong subgrade strength in runway, side strips and apron area.
Soaked CBR values of subgrade soils determinded in the laboratory were found to range very
widely from 9 to 100 percent.
Dry unit weight of soil was found very widely from 10.95 to 19.56 Kn/M3. The compaction results
showed maximum dry density (MDD) ranging from 19.5 to 23.9 Kn/m3 and optimum moisture
content (OMC) from 5.3 to 12.7 percent. The moisture content was found to vary with depth in test
pits where groundwater table was not encountered.

5.3.2 Assessment of Subgrade Drainage Characteristics

Groundwater table was encountered in test pits excavated between ch 0+400 to ch0+730 and at
old pond/ swamp area (around ch 0+250). The groundwater profile was found to vary from 0.60m
depth at apron to 0.25m depth around ch 0+530 and as deep as 1.75m in test pit on right side strip
at ch 0+630. Apron and runway area bounded between ch 0+400 and ch 0+630 are regarded as
critical with respect to subsurface drainage problems. The soil characteristics in that area also
being poorly drained verify the problem.
The drainage problem area was dealt specifically in the design of pavement works.
5.3.3 Assessment of Forest Penetration/Soil Freezing
Observations were made for forest penetration/soil freezing in test pits excavated for soil
investigation at this airport. Accordingly, frost penetration/soil freezing of subgrading was observed
in almost entire area of runway and taxiway.
The depth of forest penetration/soil freezing was found to vary from 80 mm to 210 mm with many
of area showing 150 mm deep penetration.
Climatological data available for this airport for last 10 years were analyzed to determine duration
of air freezing in winter season. Minimum temperatures were seen to drop below 0oc quite often in
winter but maximum temperature was not found to record below freezing. Although the
climatological records do not indicate air freezing, the area being close to Annapurna and
Dhaulagari ranges of Himalaya, experiences snow fall for a number of times each year. But snow
melting occurs quickly as information gathered from field survey. The airport being prone to
drainage problem, frost effects of shorter duration is thus common during peak winter time.
The grain size analyses of subgrade soil indicate "low" or "high" degrees of frost susceptibility
(frost group F2 TO F3) as per FAA.
With consideration of above the pavement design at this airport should include provision of sub-
surface drainage and counter measures for frost penetration effect.
This chapter presents the findings of construction material resources investigated for Jomsom
The proposed upgrading works of the project airports will require materials suitable for paving
(wearing course, base course and subbase); and sand, aggregates, stones and boulders for other
airport construction works.
Appropriate construction material resources were explored in the vicinity of the project airports.
Major construction materials resources were explored in the vicinity of the project airports. Major
concentrations in exploration were given in the existing quarries and borrow areas in safe
environmental condition and economic haulage distance. The material exploration was carried out
in riverbeds, alluvial deposits and in prospective quarries.
The investigation of construction material followed a number of steps as below:
- Reconnaissance survey of material sources/sites
- Preliminary assessment and screening of material sources/sites
- Detailed investigation
The reconnaissance survey included site visits and preliminary assessment of potential
construction materisl source/sites.
Screening of material source/sites was then carried out to select the most potential sites for
detailed investigation using the following criteria.
- Type of material available
- Quality of materials
- Size of deposit
- Access
- Proximity to project airport
- Land rights issues
- Environmental impact
The detailed investigation included visual observation and surface mapping of material
deposit, sampling of materials and laboratory testing for quality assessment.
- Laboratory tests of material samples were carried out at the Soils and Materials Testing
Laboratory of GEOCE Consultants (p) Ltd. In Kathmandu.
- Material sites investigated for Jomsom airport are briefly described in the following
sections. While relevant details of the construction material sources are provided in


6.2.1 Reconnaissance Survey and Screening of Material Sources
- A reconnaissance survey of potential material sites lying in the vicinity of Jomsom airport
was undertaken. This enabled preliminary assessment and screening of following material
sites for investigation:
- Kali Gandaki River
- Dhumba Khola
- Henta Hill Rock Quarry
- Lanlathang Rock Quarry
- Moreover, site visits and preliminary assessment were conducted on few other alluvial
material sources such as Lupra Khola and Syang Khola lying in the vicinity of the airport.
However, these sites were found less potential for the airport due to various reasons;
Hence, detail investigation was not carried out for these material sites.

6.2.2 Description of Material Sites Kali Gandaki River
(i) Location
The material site is located on alluvial deposit of Kali Gandaki River. The material source on Kali
Gandaki River starts from about 0.5 km upstream of wooden bridge and extend forther about 5km
towards north.
(ii) Accessibility
The material site is accessible from right bank by tractor able track extending upstream of wooden
(iii) Geomorphology
It is an alluvial deposit of Kali Gandaki River, which is a perennial river flanked by hills and terrace
encampments. Average width of deposit is about 300 m. The river has formed braided channels.
The river materials comprise cobbles, boulders, gravels and sand. Sand bars have been formed at
(iv) Site Investigation
The site was investigated by surface mapping, observation of stream cut horizons. The coarse
particles are characterized by rounded to sub-rounded and angular quartzite, lime stones tectonic
breccias etc. The material deposit is deep with 1 to 2 meters easily workable thickness.
Samples were collected for laboratory testing, which consisted of sub base materials and cobbles
and boulders for testing on base course and wearing course materials.
The investigated area is about 60 ha and falls within the boundary of Jomsom VDC Dhumba Khola
(i) Location
The material site is the alluvial deposit of Dhumba Khola located at south-east direction at about
2.5 hours walking distance from Jomsom airport. It falls under the boundary of Jomsom VDC.
(ii) Accessibility
The material site is accessible by foot track which gets obstructed during flood season.
(iii) Geomorphology
The material deposit is surrounded by hills and terraces. Dhumba hill, which is a obstruction at
south –east side on Jomsom airport lies on its left bank. The deposit contains cobbles and
boulders of sandstone, limestone in sand matrix. Occurrence of gravels is minimum.
(iv) Site Investigation
A stretch of Dhumba Khola was investigated by visual survey and sampling. A sample of cobbles
and boulders was taken for laboratory testing.
The site is not generally used for material extraction due to far location, which creates difficulty in
transportation. Hemta Hill Rock Quarry
(i) Location
The rock quarry is located on right bank of kali Gandaki River and at about 2.5 km north of
Jomsom airport.
(ii) Accessibility
The site is accessible through river beds of Kali Gandaki River.
(iii) Site Investigation
The site is a rock quarry of Hemta Hill, which is formed of jointed and thin to thickly bedded
quartzite and limestones. Stones are available in block size. A sample of rock materials was taken
for laboratory testing from this site.
The rock quarry is frequently used by local people for building stones. Lanlathan Rock Quarry
This is another rock quarry site located in the vicinity of jomsom airport. It falls under Marpha VDC.
The rock materials comprise quartizite and limestones.
The site is presently utilized for material extraction for resort/hotel construction on hill above
Jomsom airport. Lupra Khola
It is located at northen border of Jomsom VDC with Eklebhatti VDC and at about 1 hour walking
distance from Jomsom bazaar. The material site is a small alluvial deposit of seasonal Lupra
The materials contain sand with gravels, cobbles and some boders. Syang Khola
The material site is located at about 20 minutes walking distance from Jomsom airport. Sand and
gravels are available in limited quantity from this material source. Which lies in Marpha VDC?
6.2.3 Laboratory Test Results
The laboratory test results on material samples from various material sources in the vicinity of
Jomsom airport are summarized in Table 6.1, whereas rock characteristics of selected material
deposites are given in Table 6.2

6.2.4 Quality Assessment of Material Sites Kali Gandaki River
This is the most potential resource which generally contains good materials suitable for subbase,
base and warning course, cement mortar and concrete etc. the river materials are generally well
graded in nature. The sand is mainly medium to fine and semi-well graded. Coarse particles are
mostly hard and durable. It is a big deposit with huge quantity of materials available for extraction.
Along with other advantages such as close proximity and easy accessibility the site is the most
potential material source for the airport. Because of diverse geology of river catchment,
characteristics of material may vary to some extent. Dhumba Khola
Although the materials are of suitable quality its potentiality is low as compared to Kali Gandaki
River due to various reasons such as long haulage distance, difficult access etc. Hemta Hill Rock Quarry
In general, the rock quarry is a good deposit of block stones suitable for building and gabion
works. Lantang Rock Quarry
It contains rock materials, which are generally suitable for building construction and aggregates.
10.1 General
According to scope of work a major input of proposed upgrading works will be in improvement of
existing airport to paved runway, taxiway and apron surface. At present drainage problems,
surface condition and geometric deficiency have created constraints to the serviceability of this
airport not only during wet season but also after snow falls in winter.
Due to observation of subgrade frost penetration and presence of high ground water table, the
situation of frost –penetration effect was given more attention in pavement design at this airport as
compared to other stol airports (i.e. Lukla and Jumla) under DAUC in addition, Problem or sub-
surface drainage is also need to be tackled. The drainage improvement aspects are described in
chapter 11 of this report
The design of pavement at this airport involved the following steps:
Selection of design criteria and standard
- Estimation of annual departures of design aircraft
- Assessment of subgrade
- Design consideration
- Design of pavement
- Design of pavement drainage
- Pavement alternatives, evaluation and recommendation


Similar design criteria for pavement as in case of other STOL airports under DAUC were used at
this airport. These include
Design aircraft as DHC-6
Design life as 10 years (i.e. upto year2010)
The standards given in FAA and ICAO were generally followed. In addition, pavement design was
checked for loading capacity of MI-17 of equivalent helicopters.


The airtraffic demand forecast for this airport area described in chapter 2. Accordingly, annual
aircraft movements in this airport are projected as 13187 by the air 2010. This will give average
daily aircraft movement of 36, Twin Otter (DHC-6) or similar stol airplanes. Based on this
equivalent annual departure of design aircraft are determined as 6594.


10.4.1 Soil Characteristics
The findings of soil investigation are given in chapter 5 of this report. Accordingly, existing runway
formation of could be broadly divided into the following categories of subgrade:

Chainage Category General Description of soil

Ch o+ooo to ch o+400 I Sand, gravel,cobbles and boulders
Ch o+400 to ch 0+630 ii Soil from terrace Cultination
Ch o+400 to ch 0+739 party terrace gravels of Kali Gandaki river
bank and party soil from terrace cultivation

The subgrade in apron area falls under category II. Because of heterogeneous nature, the
subgrade strength is found to vary widely. CBR tests on gravelly materials are difficult to interpret.
Labotary CBR tests on gravel often yield CBR results, which are too high due to the confining
effects of the mold. The assignment of CBR values to gravelly subgrade materials may be based
on judgement and experience.
Subgrade in Category I consist of heterogeneous mixture of sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders
derived from side hill/terrace cuts and laid in random sub layering in existing formation. Whereas
subgrade in category II consist of soil from hill terrace cultivation overlaid by coarser materials of
varying proportion. But the materials in the sublayers were not found as coarse as in category I.
In category II, the subgrade consists of soil partly from terrace cultivation and partly sandy gravels
of kali8 Gandaki river terrace deposit. Because of thin overlaying of other materials, original soil
belongingto terrace cultivation are exposed at shalloe depth or even on surface at few places
especially on central portion of runway between ch 0+630 and ch 0+660 and on lift side strip
between ch 0+660 and ch+0+739 ane on right side strip between ch 0+630 and ch 0+739. The soil
originating from cultivation consist of sand, silts and clay (TP-16, TP -18).Due to higner pro portion
of sand and non-plastic fines, these soil are found to have low dry strength.
With consideration of variable nature and composition of subgrade and new fill materials required
to raise the existing formation at many areas for geometric improvement CBR strength of 9
percent is a is assigned as the design CBR value for pavement design at this airport.

10.4.2 Drainage Characteristics

Because of heterogeneous nature of materials used in existing runway and apron formation the
subgeade soils are found to possess differential drainage characteristics. Soil in such occurrence
is often found to be poorly draining as seen in many places in the present case.
Groundwater table encountered in test pits were observed as perched water table in many
instances. Previous swamps, water ponds incorporated in airport construction might contribute to
subsurface drainage problems as seen in central and left side strip area of runway between ch
0+240 and ch +0+310. Runway and taxiway area bounded between ch 0+400 and ch+0+630 are
critical with regard to drainage problems. The grownwater profile in that area was found to vary
from 0.60 m (TP-11, TP-14; APRON AREA) TO 0.25 M TP- 13 left side trip, ch 0+530). While at
test pits (TP-6 and TP-19) excavated in previous swamp area between ch 0+240 and ch 0+310
groundwater table was encountered at 0.3 m and 1 m depth respectively. Whereas groundwater
table was noted at 1.75 m and 1.5 m depth in TP-15 ( right side strip, ch 0+630) and TP-17 (
runway centerline, ch 0+730) respectively. These test pits fall in category IIIsubgrade. Occurrence
of ground water table in wide spread area of runway and taxiway also indicate sub- surface flow
which may be way up from Jomsom bazaar area.

10.4.3 Frost Penetration/ Soil Freezing

Frost penetration of subgrade was observed almost over the entire area of the runway and taxiway
(Table 10.1). Variation in depth of frost penetration / soil freezing was noted from 80 mm to 210
mm with 150 mm deep penetration in much area at the time of soil investigation in January, 1999.
The subgrade soils are classified as having "low" or "high" degree of frost susceptibility (i.e. frost
group, F2 to F3 as per Unified Soil Classification System or FG -2 to FG-3 as per FAA).
Evidence of average daily temperature below freezing was not seen in records of climatological
data available for latest 10 years at Jomsom to establish depth of frost penetration based on air
freezing index. However, frost penetration / soil freezing at least of short duration during peak
winter was found to exist as seen from field investigation. Presence of groundwater table will
further increase the extent of subgrade frost penetration. Hence, measures were considered in
pavement design to alleviate these problems.


Evidence of subgrade frost penetration / soil freezing was sufficient to justify the need for frost
resistant design of pavment at this airport Hence following minimum measure were considered in
Use of non-frost susceptible materials in pavement layers
Pavement materials should not contain more than 3 percent fraction less than 0.02 mm in size.
Use of filters for drainage
To pavement infiltration of frost susceptible subgrade into overlapping coursces during and
following the frost melting period a filter layer of 150-200 mm thickness will be provided at the
interface with subgrade. Wheresubbase cource was required according to design, lower 150 mm
layer of subgrade materials will have proper gradation to act as a filter. It required the thickness of
subbase will be increased to meet minimum requirement as above. While in area where subbase
course is not required in accordance with design but frost-prone materials exists in subgrade, a
150-200 mm thick filter layer will be provided between basecourse and subgrade. Alternatively
synthetic filter fabrics such as geotextiles may be used to separate the frost-susceptible subgrade
and overlaying layers.
Non-use of stabilization
Stabilization of base or subbase of subgrade was not considered as stabilized layer frequently
cause problems due to shrinkage cracks. These cracks may permit water to enter layer causing
rapid degradation.
Improvement of Drainage
In areas organized as critical with respect to subsurface drainage problems appropriate
subsurface drain is considered below the pavement edge. The sub-surface drain will lower the
depth of groundwater table to acceptable limit and then prevent soil mass freeze and from ice
lenses to cause detrimental frost action. In addition, proper surface drainage of runway, taxiway
and apron will be ensured.
Both flexible and rigid pavement options were considered in design.
For the sake of edge protection one meter wide shoulder with similar p
avement structural capacity was considered on either side of runway and taxiway pavement and
around apron pavement.


Using appropriate design curves of FAA, AC 150/53.20-6D a 318 mm thick flexible pavement was
designed for 9 percent design CBR value.
Minimum thickness requirements for wearing course and basecourse are 50 mm and 150 mm
respectively. For aircraft with tyre pressure less than 0.4 MPa wearing course may be designed as
a cold-mix surfacing (A5G-19, AK-68-12).
According to design the following composition of pavement was thus derived:
Wearing course 50mm thick
Basecourse 150mm thick
Subbase 118 mm thick
The pavement materials should meet the requirements of non-frost susceptible materials as
specified above. Other quality requirements of subbase, base and wearing course materials will
Type CBR% Maximum Aggregte Maximum Los Angles
crussing value Abraison
Wearing course - 27 40
Base Course 80 30 45
Subbase 25
In order to avoid the effect of frost penetration in subgrade the following additional measures were
incorporated in design of flexible pavement.
200 mm thick filter drainage below basecourse from ch 0+300 to ch 0+650
150 mm thick filter drainage below basecourse from ch 0+000 to ch 0+300 and ch 0+650 to ch
• Taxiway
− 150 mm thick filter drainage below basecourse.
• Apron
− 150 mm thick filter drainage below basecourse.
Lower minimum 100 mm thickness of subbase layer should have materials having proper
gradation to act as a filter.
The subbase thickness was increased to meet above layer requirements. The thickness of filter
drainage was considered based on depth of forest penetration observed at this airport.

10.6.2 Flexible Pavement Alternatives, Evaluation and Recommendation

For the sake of comparative study alternative pavement composition were considered in flexible
pavement design. Major alternatives considered were in base course and wearing course and
binders – hot bitumen and emulsion. These include:
Wearing Course
• Hot mix
• Cold mix
• Penetration macadam with hot bitumen or emulsion
Base Course
• Crushed stone base
• Penetration macadam base
• Emulsion aggregate mix

Material type was converted using equivalency factors as below:

Layer type Conversion Factor

Bituminous premix (hot/cold) 1.00

Emulsion aggregate mix 0.75
Penetration macadam 0.60
Crushed aggregate base 0.40
Gravel subbase 0.25
Alternative pavement composition were compared considering various factors such as stability
construction methodology, availability of local materials, ease of construction and maintenance,
cost etc. on the basis of comparative analysis the following types of materials were recommended
for flexible pavement composition:
− Hot mix wearing course
− Crushed aggregate base
− Gravel or aggragate subbase
The option for cold mix surface was left out due to various reasons such as difficulty in assuring
quality of emulsion and stability of emulsified materials in frost/ freezing condition.
10.6.3 Rigid Pavement
As per FAA AC 150/5320-6D thickness for rigid pavement to serve following weights include
127 mm aircraft weighting 12500 IBS (OR 5700 KG)
150MM aircraft weighting between 1251 IBs (5700 kg) and 30,000 IBs (13,000kg).
Maximum take-off weight of DHC-6, Sr 300 is 5670 kg whereas for other stol aircraft (e.g. Domier,
Do-228) presently operating at Jomsom airport it is 5980 kg. Similarly, maximum TAKE-OFF
WEIGHT OF mi-17 type helicopter is 13000kg. Hence, 150 mm thick nigid pavement was selected
in design.
The thickness will require to increase to 190 mm at edge of pavement. Where aircraft would move
into or off the pavement. A minimum CBR of 20 percent will be required for strength of subbase
layer to support the slab. Alternatively, gravel filter drainage layer meeting similar bearing strength
will be required as supporting pad. The thickness of subbase/gravel filter drainage layer will be 150
to 200mm, which will provide similar frost penetration measures as in case of flexible pavement.
Cost comparison showed rigid pavement more than 3 times expensive as flexible pavement.
Because of very high cost rigid pavement alternative was not thus recommended in design.
Typical cross- section of pavement for runway, taxiway and apron are shown in figure…

This chapter deals with hydraulic revive and assessment of drainage condition, design of surface
and sub-surface drains, cross drainage structures including drainage outlet.


Existing airport drainage system is inadequate and poorly functioning, which is one of the strong
reasons for rendering unserviceability of airport during rainy season and after snow fall. At present,
airport drainage includes:
• Partly functioning earth ditches in runway and apron area.

• Stone masonry lined runway side drain along north-weatern and with steep untended
outfall to Kali Gandaki River.

• RCC slab culvert of inadequate size across runway at ch 0+357.5 without proper outlet.

Problems related to existing drainage system are many such as deformed existing side drains,
lakeness of proper drains, flow of strom water from outside (i.e. Jomsom bazaar) inadequacy
of drain outfalls, etc.

Because of topography and existing layout of airport and adjouning Jomsom bazaar, the
airport drainage system is influenced by drainage from outside. Due to slope of topography
towards the airport, drainage from Jomsom bazzar area tend to flow to the airport. Thus the
airport drains have become outlet of drains from Jomsom bazzat and strom run-off from hills at
the backside. Moreover sewage from houses are seen discharge directly into the airport

It is unlikely that existing situation will change in future. Therefore the drainage planning for
airport required consideration for both interior and exterior drainage as one system.


The design discharge for side drains and cross-drainage structure were calculated using the
rainfall intensity, duration and frequency relationship. Base assumptions in discharge
calculation were:
− Peak of run-off coincides with peak rate of rainfall.

− All portion of watershed contribute to the peak rate of rainfall, and

− Rainfall intensity is uniform over the entire sub-catchment.
On the basis of existing landscape, slope of land, landuse the entire catchment area pertinent
to airport drainage system are divided into 21 sub-catchment units are shown in Figure 7.9 and
table 7.12 in chapter 7 of this report. Total catchment area of drainage is computed as 0.9 sq.

The design of drainage is based on following criteria:

− Floods of 10 year's return period for runway side drains and all other drains.

− Flood of 25 year's return period for cross-drains (i.e. culverts) and drainage outlets.

The discharge capacity for all type of drains has been computed using Manning's formula with
manning Roughness coefficient as 0.018.

The culvert is designed by assuming that 80% of the sectional area is filled with water.


Hydraulic capacity of existing side drain and cross-drainage structure was checked and those
structures which are in good condition were retained in design with necessary repairs and
The invert level of existing runway culvert (at ch 0+357.5) provided the basis for layout of all
interior drainage system. Because of inadequate size, additional culvert across the runway was
deemed necessary.
With consideration of remoteness of site and high cost required in transportation of materials to
be imported from outside, emphasis was given in design for:
− Minimum use of cement
− Maximum use of local materials
Earth ditches were not considered appropriate with consideration of topography, frequent
maintenance requirements, etc. Hence, lined drains are proposed in design. In order to make cost
effective, lining in airport drains and drainage channels are proposed as below:

• Drains

− Dry stone lining on sides with cement pointing

− masonry lining on bed
• Dranage channels of outlet drain

− Gabion mattress lining

− Dry boulder rip-rap
For outside drains (i.e. at Jomsom bazzar), masonry lined drains are proposed in design with
consideration of utility and maintenance requirements. The side drains along the main line of

bazaar will be open with slab crossing provided at house fronts.

Shape and size of drains and drainage structures have been optimized to discharge requirements
and with consideration of ease of maintenance.
Sub-surface drains have been provided below the pavement edge with consideration of sub-
surface flow and occurrence of high groundwater table and soil freezing.


The drainage system is planned for the airport with following main considerations:
− Airport interior and exterior drainage from a combined system
− Drainage layout is optimum which best fit with the airport plan
The proposed drainage layout plan is shown in Figure 11.1. The main feature of the proposed
drainage system is briefly given as below:
− Strom run-off from hills at the back side of jomsom bazaar pertinent to airport will be
collected through drains D-1, D-2 and D-6 partly to pass into airport collector drain D-7
through junction j1, and drain D-5 and partly to pass through drains D-19 and D-21 for
direct outfall to Kali Gandaki River.
− Drainage from Jomsom bazzar will be collected through drains D-3 and D-4. Flow from
drain D-3 will discharge directly into D-19 and that from D-4 to D-7 through junction J1,
drain D-5 and junction J3.
− Airport collector drain D-7 flows into interior drainage system through drains D-25 and D-10
passing junction J5. Drain water flowing through drain D-10 are divided partly to culvert
C1and partly to C2 through drains D-11 and D-18.
− Drainage for new terminal building area is through drain D-24, which starts outside of
junction J4 and through drains D-8 and D-9. Drain D-24 flows to drain D-9 at junction J6
whereas drain D-8 is connected to junction J5.
− Apron drainage is through drains along its periphery. Drains D-8 and D-9 originate halfway
between terminal and apron area and drop to junctions J5 and J10 respectively. Part of
apron area drainage is provided by drains D-11 and D-18 which are drop to junction J10.
− Runway drainage will be through side drains D-13 and D-14 which terminate to junctions
J8 and J13; drains D-11 and D-18 which flow to culvert C2 through junction J10; drains D-
15 and D-16 which terminate to junctions J13 and J14 at outlet of C1 and C2 respectively;
and drains D-20 and D-17 which drop to C2 at junction J10 and junction J 14 respectively.
− Runway cross-drainage includes existing culvert C1 (at ch 0+357.50) and proposed new
culvert C2 (at ch 0+575).
− Cross-drainage for taxiway include culvert over its full width at ch 0+470.
− Outlet of the drainage will be through proposed outlet channels each starting from junctions
J13 and J14 and existing drain D-21 all draining out to Kali Gandaki River.



11.6.1 Drains
Two types of drains have been designed for the airport on the basis of location and level of
discharge. These include
− Rectangular drain
− Trapezoidal drain
The drains will be of stone masonry using following types of construction:
Rectangular drains of cement masonry in MM5
Trapezoidal drains of dry stone lining with MM7.5 cement pointing on sides and MM5 cement
masonry lining on bed.

All drains will be open except drains D-5, D-7 and D-24 which will be covered type with RCC
precast slab covers.
Incase of trapezoidal drain the thickness of lining are 200mm on sides and 250 mm on bed. Whist
rectangular drains will have uniform thickness of 250mm on sides and base except drain D-5
under track/road crossing, which will be 450mm on sides and 400 mm at base including 200mm
thick stone soling.
Type and size of drains are given in Table 11.1. Similarly, typical details of different drains are
shown in Figure 11.2.
11.6.2 Drop Structures
Drop structures have been provided in design to adjust large elevation difference due to
topography variation. These are simple stone masonry structures with inclined face to enable
smooth transition of flow. Incase of large drops base have been strengthened with plum concrete.
Whereas for small drops bed is protected with masonry lining.
Drops structures provided in airport drainage system are listed in table …

11.6.3 Culverts
As discussed earlier cross-drainage of airport drainage system are provided by existing culvert
C1and proposed culvert C2 across runway and a taxiway culvert.
The culverts are designated as slab culverts with stone masonry abutments and precast or cast in-
situ slab covers, as appropriate. The bed will be protected with PCC layer over stone soling.
Size of existing and proposed culverts includes:
Culvert CI
Width 0.90m and height 1.00M

Culvert C2
Width 1.00m and height 1.15m
Taxiway Culvert
Width 1.50m and height 0.80m

Other details of culvert are given in table 11.3

11.6.5 Inlets/Outlets
Inlets are proposed in design for junction with drop structures and railway culverts. Existing inlet
structure at culvert C1is modified to design requirements. Outlet structures are provided for
culverts C1 and C2 to regulate/channelize flow to drainage outlet.

11.6.6 Drainage Outlet

The outlet of the airport drainage system consists of the following:
Proposed outlets channels and drain out falls of C1 andC2
Out fall of existing drain D21 Outlet Channel of C1
It will consist of trapezoidal channel with 2m base width and 0.75m height. Length of channel is
about 100m. The bed slope is 1% it is proposed to be lined WITH 300MM thick gabion mattress.
At out fall the channel is provided with gabion check structures and outlet protection as shown in
Sheet No. 5/7 Drawing No. 14 in volume 10B. Outlet Channel of C2
It will consist of trapezoidal channel of 2m base width and 1m depth. The channel will be about
73.5m in length and lined with 400mm thick stone rip-rap. At outfall it is provided with gabion check
structure and bed protection as shown sheet No 6/7 of Drawing 14 in Volume 10B. Outlet of Drain D-21
Existing outfall of drain D-21 is direct to Kali Gandaki River through untended gully, which is partly
A gabion cascade structure is proposed for outlet of this drain. It will be protected at outfall with
500mm thick gabion mattress.


Sub-surface drains are proposed in design below the pavement edge. The depth of sub-surface
drain will be to maintain the ground water level at least 300mm below the base of subbase layer.
The primary function will be avoided formation of ice lenses during frost period and saturation of
sub-grade due to capacity action during rainy season.
The sub-surface drain will consist of perforated HDP pipes wrapped with geotextile and placed in
trench backfilled with graded filter material.
Two types of sub-surface drains are proposed in design, which include:
− 200mm diameter drain for runway and taxiway pavement except on left side of pavement
between ch 0+650 and ch 0+739
− 160mm diameter drain for apron pavement.
The sub-surface drains will terminate or outfall into runway and apron drains, as appropriate.

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