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Technologies often seen for many undomesticated people as a normal kind of

invention that help humans to lessen workloads in school, jobs, personal, and in social, it

is indeed the very purpose of this kinds of inventions. But most especially these

technologies help to elevate the capacity of a human thinking and ability to create or

produce further ideas that leads to more useful and amazing productions of various kind

of inventions. And with all of this latest and newest invention that are and keep producing

many skilled programmers has lot of doors of opportunities awaits.

Does this newest and latest trend of technologies promote programming?

Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, accomplished products of

collected techniques, skills, processes, and methods by which produced for the good and

services of people, it is useful in a way how we humans create and put what we want

them to use for and do for us. For example, gadgets to be specific cellphones. It is a kind

of technologies that humans invest so much time to develop using different types of

codes, methods, tools and equipment, until in such time, today humans are benefiting in

it, but in this kind of invention, inventors tend to create this by putting all of their ideas

on how it works for humans. It’s our second self, through codes that human put in this

device to enhance and develop, it can bring answers in some of our question, also it has

the features of connecting to others that we cannot meet or communicate with. In this

kind of big and useful achievements, we, humans are tended to create more and more of

these inventions using the ideas that are used in our latest current technological trends.

Technologies now a day are so beneficial in personal’s social life, companies’ sakes,

countries’ security and communication, and also world’s legacy to our future generations.
Can a human can handle this newest and latest trends in technology?

There are kinds of technologies that through the human complex mind has created. These

technologies are called the A.I or the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it is a

human-like kind of invention, that is applicable in every advance technology, social

media platforms, games, even in house and in businesses for creating and enabling smart

ways operations, it can recognize voice, face, finger prints and even locate your location.

By this kind of technology humans benefited to it in terms of time flexibility and easing

work that are needed to be done. But in the nature of human beings once achieving a

great success they needed more advancement or enhancement, in this case, so far human

did develop a Narrow Artificial Intelligent which was believe to be the pure foundation of

idea that is needed in creating the Superior A.I. In the near future using the Quantum

Computer which is by this time is under development in harnessing it “power” engineers

and programmers believe that creating Super A.I will be the last man greatest invention

of all time. By that time when that Super A.I completes it has the immeasurable

intelligence to humans.

What if that Super A.I doesn’t harness well by the humans, what if it learns to lie for

its own selfish reasons or come into solution that the answer to starvation or economic

problem is to kill humans. Would it be right if this is the last man’s invention?

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