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We are gathered here today to remember the life of Mark Rhoneil, and

celebrate what he meant to us all. For anybody that doesn’t know me,
my name is Daniel Padilla.I was Rhoneil’s best friend for 13 years. I
would like to thank you all for coming here today to mourn the loss of
Rhoneil with me and his family. Rhoneil was the youngest of 3 children.
He is the cutest and the only curly haired boy in the family. He was a
huge videogame lover. He always play in his Ps4 or on his PC. We
always try to get him out of his house to play outside but he always
chose his games. He likes to dance with his pets all the time. When we
went to enchanted kingdom he will go and ride everything he sees I like
him a lot for that because he is a daredevil some of our friends are
starting to throw up but he is still smiling and wants to ride them all. He
is a huge anime lover too I always see him watching naruto and
different anime. He always sing even though his voice is a little horrible.
He wants to be a graphic designer like his brother that is currently
working in Tagaytay. He is a jolly person I never saw him getting angry
at anybody because he said that anger will make your life unpleasant.
He always put his feet in the table and almost all of his teachers are
getting angry because of that. He has the kindest heart. When he sees
someone is down he never leave them alone till he is satisfied or the
person cheered up. He never took life too seriously. He was always
pulling pranks and cracking jokes. He always saves his money he
doesn’t buy anything that will never be use for him but he is also
“kuripot”. His birthday was Nov 19 He is still smiling and very happy
about his gifts. I wish I could see it one last time his goofiness, Smile,
Dance, jokes, and a lot more about him. He is still a 10th grade student
so I don’t know why he chose to take his own life away. I always see
him smiling so I never know that his depression is starting to kill him.
Rhoneil is a wonderful guy but his suicide doesn’t take away the pain it
gives it to someone else. He will always be my best friend and brother.
Depression lies. It tells you that you are nothing, that you can do
nothing, and that you have nothing to give to those you love. We know
this cannot be true. Rhoneil gave us all so much, and we are all already
longing for the incredible friendship that has now ended. “There are
wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful
than anything that bleeds “it’s the wound in his heart that are never
cured and cost him his life. Understand that now Rhoneil’s painful
struggle is finally over and he may finally find the peace he sought with
such effort in life.

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