Oral Comm Prelim Exam

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Read the following statements.

Write I if the speaker’s purpose is to Inform, P to persuade and E to


___________1. “Our store has the lowest prices and the best selection of all the stores in the town. Visit
us today!”
___________2. Practicing healthy lifestyle could help us to live longer.
___________3. This headache medication will get rid of your headache for five hours with just one
tablet and has fewer side effects than other similar medication. Try it now!
___________4. “When you fall, I will be there to catch you.” –With love, the floors.
___________5. The proper segregation of garbage will contribute to the preservation of our
___________6. The resource speaker discussed the different parts of the newspaper during the school
paper training.
___________7. The “Pabebed” mattress is the most comfortable bed you will ever sleep on. You’ll feel
as if you are sleeping on a cloud. Give the bed a try today!
___________8. “The best teachers teach from the heart , not from the book.”
___________9. The blue whale is considered as the largest mammal in the world.
___________10. The smoking ban was implemented in accordance to the president’s proclamation.

In each of the following sentences, two verbs are written in parenthesis. Locate and underline the one
that agrees with the subject.
1. An electric computer (solves, solve) difficult problems quickly.
2. The company (vote, votes ) for the next president next month.
3. The computer building, including all of the laboratories, (close, closes) its doors promptly at
4. The clairvoyant, along with many fortune tellers, (predict, predicts) the future.
5. The Ford truck with the tinted windows and diamond plate rail caps (need, needs) to be
6. The superintendent, together with the school board members (study, studies) budget cuts.
7. Workers, forced to use computers and subjected to working in impersonal situations, (require,
requires) enhanced skills.
8. One of the English students at Harvard University (write, writes) much better essays than the
9. Everybody (is, are) expected to comply and follow all the school policies.
10. The customers (was, were) satisfied with the services of the coffee shop.

EAPP exam
Rearrange the following sentences to form a good story. Write them in paragraph form.

________They simply dried newly stripped animal skins and wore those with their
hair on.
________The earliest people had no covering other than their skin.
________Finally they rubbed fat into the skins, thus making rough leather which
was better than untreated skin.
________The men used leaves of plants as clothes to keep out heat and animal
skin to keep out the cold.
________Later they scraped off the hair and hung the skin in the smoke of fires.


________The peasants sitting around the pool pushed her away and would not let
her drink.
________One day the goddess Leto was thirsty and wanted to drink from a pool.
________They threatened Leto with sticks.
________She asked why she could not drink but still they refused to let her drink.
________Angrily Leto told them that they would live near the pool forever. The
peasants were immediately changed into frogs.

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