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Technology Is Making Humanity Less Intelligent'.

If not, the Oxford Advanced

Learner's Dictionary defines the word ‘atrophy’ as: 'the condition of losing
flesh, muscle, strength, etc. in part of the body because it is not being used or
because it does not have enough blood.' Man's increasing dependence on
technology has literally atrophied his intelligence. Not only intelligence, the
effect of technology is visible on all aspects of his life. Machines, gadgets,
vehicles, smart-phones, tabs, laptops, ac, blower, geyser, and whatnot, man
cannot live for a second without technology.
there are advantages as well as disadvantages of Technology but according to
my concern there are more disadvantages then its advantages one of them is
that it decreases human intelligence. now a question arises how ?
the answer is very simple that
, By relying on the computer, We stop training our minds, And we stop filling
our memory banks. By doing so, I believe we diminish our ability to solve life's
problems unaided, And we become more and more dependent on machines.
When the machines give us answers, We seem superficially smarter, But we
really are dumber, Because we're not building the networks in our brains to
solve a whole host of problems.
We are certainly becoming less intelligent, if some reports are to be believed.
Two indicators of IQ are attention span and reaction time. Microsoft in Canada
published research showing that since 2000, attention spans had fallen from
twelve to eight seconds. They say a goldfish has an attention span of nine
seconds. Now, it’s important to say that all work in this area is highly
controversial and widely open to interpretation.

In the last 100 years we can say confidently that reaction times have
increased, from about 186ms to 250ms.

From observation, we don’t seem to be smarter, given the way we spend our
time pointlessly addicted to social media and email. We interact with our
mobile device around 250 times a day, it seems, with the young doing so even
more frequently. This is having a dramatic effect on our ability to
communicate verbally, face to face.

We certainly think we’re smarter, yet take away the technology and we’re
pretty much toast. There isn’t a single person on the planet who could make,
say, a computer mouse, using only their own knowledge, or that acquired
from the literature.

The present signs of his decadence do not augur well! If this over dependence
on technology is not checked, our children may become imbecile, utterly
incapable of surviving any longer on this planet. The ever increasing indexes of
patients in the hospitals of the world is a red Not only intelligence,
dependence on technology is making humans physically weaker also. We
must learn to use technology wisely and appropriately. After all excess of
everything is always bad! Let's use technology wisely, not foolishly

. the only way to stop this is to know the difference between exploitation of
Technology and over exploitation of Technology there is a very thin line
between these two things.
if we get to know the difference and also understand the difference then we
will surely make use of this technology as a boon.
As Dalai Lama once said, without technology, humanity has no future
,but we have to be careful that we don’t become so mechanised that we lose
our human abilities.

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