Issue 3

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Issue 3/4: Ye a r

This week in year 4 we

continued learning about Tudor
times. Unfortunately we didn’t
go to the Tower of London
because of the security alert, so
we made shields and family
crests instead.

We cut cardboard into the shape

of a shield and then in groups
we started to cover it in glue.
Then we tore up paper and
covered the shield, back
and front.

We went to Brindishe Green to use

‘Broadcaster’ to create a radio
version of our Year 4 magazine. We
formed groups, researched and prepared
scripts. We practised till our ears dropped off,
until we were ready to record. Go to Fronter to
download our broadcast.

We also took part in the ‘Big Draw’.

Drawing every morning until
Friday when we went outside with
our partners from reception and drew
on prepared sheets all over the school.

B Fact Finder by Nadeen


R Where is Paris

Paris is the capital city of

France, it is located in the
How can I get my north of France, near the
child to tidy up his English Channel.

N room? - Fronter Mum

What is the largest bird

in the world?
Just tell him to tidy up his The largest bird in the
bedroom!!!!! Then he’ll have to do world is the ostrich, a

it. flightless bird that weighs
up to 160 kg and stands
almost 3 m high.

S Next Week: Alex Answers Send in your

questions via

What is the Big Apple?
New York (a city in the
USA) is known as the ‘Big


L Send in your questions via


Year4 Henry by Henry
Henry VIII
Born: 28th June 1499 in
Greenwich Palace, Greenwich

Father: Henry VII of England

Mother: Elizabeth of York

Died: 28th January 1547 (aged

55) at the palace of Whitehall,

Buried: St Georgeʼs Chapel,

Windsor Castle

Religion: Christian
My Hamsters B
My hamsters are called Fluffy R
and Max. There are 24
species of hamster but mine

are Russian Dwarfs, which
are small and very cute!

like this
r s l o o k
Our ham
t h i s i s Fluffy):

Sometimes Russian Dwarfs don’t like being picked up, but S

Fluffy and Max love being cuddled, stroked and played with.
This is because we handled them often when they were young.
Hamsters are nocturnal so sleep for most of the day, but they
also like exercising. Fluffy loves running around in his plastic
ball, and Max is very good at climbing the stairs. E
Here are some interesting E
hamster facts:

★ They can carry up to half their
body weight in food in pouches in
their cheeks This weeks team:
Agony Letter -
★ Onion, orange and lettuce are all Kurtis
A hamster ball
poisonous to hamsters Photographer -
★ Their teeth grow constantly Book reviewer -
throughout their life Feature writer -
★ When they are happy they make a Fact finder -
clicking sound Nadeen
Acknowledgement: Facts taken from Review of the
‘Dwarf Hamster’ by Eira Culverwell week - Wissam
Kensuke’s Kingdom
B Michaels family have moved on to a boat and they wanted to

sail round the world. On the way he falls over board and Stella
falls off too . Then they end up on a mysterious Island and they
sleep in a cave . The next morning

I they find food on the roof . They

don’t know who gave them it .

Then he finds glass and decides
to make a fire but a man
stops him . He doesn't know who

he is then he
tells him his name
is “kensuke”. Then he's

I angry with Michael for

lighting the fire and

draws a line in the sand
and said this is your
side and this is mine. He

was angry with kensuke.
It was hot so he went
to swim in the sea,

kensuke said the sea
was dangerous to swim
in and dragged him out.

L Then he decides to cross his line to

swim in his sea. Kensuke watched him

and he ignored him and continued to swim, then a jellyfish stung him he
tried to escape but he
couldn't . Then he smelt vinegar he thought he was home he woke up

E and kensuke was bending down and Stella was licking him. Soon they became
friends and he told him everything. How to fish and how to gather food. One

day when we were fishing he told me his story.
Then he wanted to go home to Japan and Michael wanted to go home too .
We built a fire and everyday we added more to the fire then Kensuke didn’t
want to go home then a ship came . He told Kensuke but Kensuke said it was
a bad ship and they gathered up the gibbons and one was missing. They
searched and searched but they could not find him so they when back to the
cave .When the killer men went they found the missing gibbon but they also
found 2 dead gibbons and they buried them . Then Michael went to the top of
the hill he saw a ship! He forgot the binoculars, he rushed down the hill he
got Kensuke and the binoculars and Kensuke looked through them and said
“you can light the fire “he lit the fire it was Peggy sue!! he rushed down the
hill and met his mother and father and went home.
Radio Days B
Last Wednesday Brinishe Lee year 4 walked to Brindishe R
Green with the help of some parents (Nassiba, Rebecca
and Alan) who kindly walked with us too.

Brindishe Green allowed us to use

the broadcaster suite for the whole
day. MR McWhirter showed us how
to use the broadcaster radio
First Connor and Nadeen
volunteered to record a short
interview to test Broadcaster.
We split into groups and started
recording our segments; The Jingles H
group and Christian (the presenter) with
his sidekick Kiana were the first to
record their parts. The children in

jingles group were... Wasim, Finlay,
Nadeen and
Marisa who

wrote and sang
the theme tunes.

After lunch we had the chance to use the E

football pitch on the roof; at the end of the
match the scores were 3-3. Rycharde was the
best player there!

After a busy and EXHAUSTING day we

came back from Brindishe Green to
join our parents who were waiting for
us at school.

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