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Total Criminal Charges and Convictions* for the FY 2019 YTD** ERO Detainers Lifted with Lift Reason

of Declined by Law Enforcement Agency for North Carolina

Criminal Criminal Total

NCIC Criminal Charge Category
Charges Convictions Offenses
Total 1,020 407 1,427
Traffic Offenses Including Hit and Run, Transporting Dangerous Materials 107 185 292
Assault 259 26 285
Traffic Offenses - DUI 136 73 209
Dangerous Drugs 101 22 123
Obstructing Judiciary, Congress, Legislature, Etc. 64 11 75
Larceny 41 17 58
Obstructing the Police 48 5 53
Sex Offenses (Not Involving Assault or Commercialized Sex) 37 - 37
Weapon Offenses 23 7 30
General Crimes 22 6 28
Burglary 22 4 26
Immigration2 5 21 26
Family Offenses 19 5 24
Damage Property 15 3 18
Fraudulent Activities 14 3 17
Robbery 14 2 16
Sexual Assault 16 - 16
Kidnapping 15 - 15
Public Peace 10 4 14
Threat 12 - 12
Stolen Property 9 3 12
Liquor 5 5 10
Invasion of Privacy 8 - 8
Stolen Vehicle 6 1 7
Flight / Escape 5 - 5
Forgery 1 3 4
Homicide 2 - 2
Extortion 2 - 2
Conservation - 1 1
Commercialized Sexual Offenses 1 - 1
Arson 1 - 1
*ICE tracks and reports on criminal history using the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Uniform Offense Codes. NCIC is
the United States’ central database for tracking crime-related information, is maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and
is interlinked with federal, tribal, state, and local law enforcement entities. Please note that aliens may have more than one criminal
conviction or charge.
**FY 2019 YTD data is current as of August 17, 2019.

NCIC Traffic Offense codes include (besides Traffic Offense – DUI which is listed separately): Hit and Run (5401), Transport
Dangerous Material (5402), and Traffic Offense (describe offense) (5499).
NCIC Immigration Offense codes include: Illegal Entry (0301), False Citizenship (0302), Smuggling Aliens (0303), and
Immigration (0399).

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