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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

Optimal Control of AGC Systems Considering

Non-Gaussian Wind Power Uncertainty
Xiaoshuang Chen, Student Member, IEEE, Jin Lin, Member, IEEE, Feng Liu, Member, IEEE,
and Yonghua Song, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Wind power uncertainty poses significant challenges SBSP Scenario-Based Stochastic Programming.
for automatic generation control (AGC) systems. It can enhance SCP Stochastic control problem.
control performances to explicitly consider wind power uncer- SDE Stochastic differential equation.
tainty distributions within controller design. However, widely
accepted wind uncertainties usually follow non-Gaussian distri-
butions which may lead to complicated stochastic AGC modeling Indices/Sets
and high computational burdens. To overcome the issue, this
paper presents a novel Itô-theory-based model for the stochastic i, j, k Indices of units.
control problem (SCP) of AGC systems, which reduces the l Indices of branches.
computational burden of optimization considering non-Gaussian m Indices of areas.
wind power uncertainty to the same scale as that for deterministic n Indices in the series expansion.
control problems. We present an Itô process model to exactly
describe non-Gaussian wind power uncertainty, and then propose t, s Time.
an SCP based on the concept of stochastic assessment functions a, b, c Parameters of typical distributions in Table
(SAFs). Based on a convergent series expansion of the SAF, the V.
SCP is reformulated as a certain deterministic control problem ΩB Index set of buses.
without sacrificing performance under non-Gaussian wind power ΩE Index set of EUs.
uncertainty. The reformulated control problem is proven as
a convex optimization which can be solved efficiently. A case ΩL Index set of branches.
study demonstrates the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed ΩL
m Index set of tie lines connected to Area m.
approach compared with several conventional approaches. Adj(i) Set of buses adjacent to Bus i.
Index Terms—Automatic generation control, non-Gaussian
distribution, stochastic control, stochastic differential equation, Variables/Vectors
wind power uncertainty, Itô theory.
Pig Output of the i-th governor.
Pim Machanical power of the i-th turbine.
N OMENCLATURE Piref Power reference of Bus i.
Abbreviations Pik Power flow from Bus i to Bus k.
ωi Rotating speed of the i-th generator.
ACE Area control error. ∆f System frequency deviation.
AGC Automatic generation control. ACEm Area control error of the m-th area.
DAF Deterministic assessment function. Wt Vector of standard Wiener process.
DC Deterministic control. Zt Vector of stochastic resources.
ESGN Extended skew generalized normal distribu- Xt Vector of all state variables.
tion. Zt Vector of stochastic resources.
MCS Monte Carlo simulation. Ut Vector of all control variables.
MPC Model predictive control. St Vector of all state variables, control variables,
ODE Ordinary differential equation. and stochastic variables.
PDE Partial differential equation. X
ft , X ct Auxiliary vector of Xt .
PDF Probability distribution function. Zt , Zt
e b Auxiliary vector of Zt .
PI Proportion-Integration controller. Set , Zbt Auxiliary vector of St .
SAF Stochastic assessment function. J Objective function.
This work was supported by National Key Research and Development J˜0 , J˜1 Deterministic counterparts of the objective
Program of China (2018YFB0905200), Key R&D Program of Sichuan function.
Province (18SXYHZ0049), and National Natural Science Foundation of China
(51577096, 51677100, 51761135015).
lt 2nd-order partial derivatives of J0 with re-
X. Chen, J. Lin, and F. Liu are with State Key Laboratory of Control spect to z0
and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipment, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China(email: Functions/Operators
Y. Song is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Macau, Macau, China, and also with the Department of µ(·) Drift function in Itô processes.
Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. σ(·) Diffusion function in Itô processes.

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

p(·) Probability density function. uncertainty is modeled as a deterministic input based on the
Pr {·} Operator of probability. calculated prediction, and the prediction is revised over the
var{·} Operator of variance. control period. Therefore, MPC requires only the solution of a
Ex0 ,z0 {·} Expectation under initial condition x0 , z0 . deterministic optimization problem at each time step. Although
S1,m , u1 , u2 Auxiliary function when computing CPS1. the approaches mentioned above achieve success for many
Pα,β (t, x0 ) SAF. AGC problems, a key issue is that the probability distribution
α(·), β(·) Function parameters in SAF. of the uncertainty is not explicitly considered in the controller
v(t, x0 , z0 ) A simplified notation of SAF. model, which may limit the control performance. For example,
ven (t, x0 , z0 ) DAF. MPC uses a receding-horizon implementation to cope with the
αn , βn Function parameterse in DAF. uncertainty. To achieve better performance, a larger number of
∇2 Operator of taking 2nd-order derivatives. prediction steps and a smaller time step are needed, which will
∇2z0 Operator of taking 2nd-order derivatives over result in a heavy online computational burden [13].
z0 . Problems that explicitly consider the probability distribution
of the uncertainty in control systems are usually regarded
as stochastic control problems (SCPs). Generally, optimal
SCPs with Gaussian distributions can be solved via quadratic
Tig Time constant of the i-th governor. programming [14]. However, the wind power uncertainty in
Tit Time constant of the i-th turbine. AGC systems is usually non-Gaussian. In previous research,
Ri Droop coefficient of the i-th generator. the long-tailed characteristic of the wind power uncertainty
Hi Inertia of the i-th generator. has usually been modeled with a beta distribution or Laplace
Di Damping of the i-th generator. distribution [15]. SCPs with non-Gaussian uncertainty are usu-
bm Bias factor of the m-th area. ally solved via scenario-based stochastic programming (SBSP)
P̄iref Maximal value of Piref algorithms, in which the uncertainties are characterized by a
P̄iE Maximal value of PiE finite set of random realizations and the SCP is solved via a
ĒiE Maximal value of EiE deterministic optimization problem [16]. The SBSP approach
P̄ij Maximal value of Pi j. is widely used in intra-day applications of power systems
x0 Initial value of Xt at time t = 0. [16], [17]. Although a few studies have applied SBSP for
z0 Initial value of Zt at time t = 0. the assessment and control of AGC systems [18]–[21], it is
A, B, C Matrix coefficients of ODEs. still challenging to do so because the number of variables
φi Coefficient vector of the i-th constraint. is proportional to the number of scenarios, which is usually
γ Confidence level of the chance constraint. large to ensure good control performance [22]. Therefore, this
κγ Coefficient of inner approximation of chance approach is not typically applicable in the AGC context.
constraints under the confidence level γ. In summary, several challenges arise when dealing with
λACE , µACE Coefficients of ACE in the objective function. uncertainty in AGC systems: 1) The uncertainty is usually
ΛU Coefficients of control variables in the objec- non-Gaussian and dependent on time [15], [23]. 2) It is
tive function. challenging to explicitly consider uncertainty in AGC systems
while incurring a feasible computational burden. The authors’
I. I NTRODUCTION previous work [24] shows that a series expansion of Itô process

I N past few years, the penetration of wind generations has

been increasing rapidly [1]. However, the wind generations
are introducing much more uncertainty into power systems,
can be used for accurate AGC assessment under non-Gaussian
uncertainty, and provides an Itô-Theory-Based (ITB) algorithm
to assess AGC performance. However, it is still challenging to
and this uncertainty has severe impacts on the automatic apply the ITB approach in the optimal control problem. On
generation control (AGC) systems [2], [3]. The uncertainty the one hand, ITB in [24] can only deal with given control
brought by wind generations is usually non-Gaussian, which schemes, while the control scheme is to be determined in the
is challenging for uncertainty modeling and AGC design under optimal control scheme. On the other hand, the formulation
this non-Gaussian uncertainty. in [24] is non-convex, while the convexity is crucial in the
Techniques for handling wind power uncertainty in AGC optimal control problem.
systems include proportional-integral (PI) control [4], [5], Against this background, this paper extends the results
robust control [6], [7], and model predictive control (MPC) in [24], and proposes a novel Itô-theory-based approach to
[8]–[12]. PI AGC controllers are among the most popular compute the optimal control problem of AGC systems under
controllers in practice, and there have been studies on sev- non-Gaussian uncertainties. The key idea of this paper is to in-
eral variants thereof, such as fuzzy PI controllers [4] and troduce the concept of stochastic assessment functions (SAFs)
dynamic-gain PI controllers [5]. In robust AGC approaches, to express the expectation values in SCPs and then transform
the uncertainty is modeled using intervals or bounded sets, the SAFs into a few deterministic assessment functions (DAFs)
and the controllers are designed to guarantee the performance to significantly reduce the computational burden. Different
in the worst case scenario [6], [7]. In MPC AGC controllers from [24], this paper supports parameterized control schemes
[8]–[12], an open-loop optimal control problem is solved and formulates a convex optimization model of the optimal
repeatedly in a receding-horizon manner. In this approach, the control problem.

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

The major contributions of this paper include the following: Therefore, (1)
 can be simplified as 
1) An Itô model of an AGC system considering the the 1 

non-Gaussian stochastic characteristics of wind farms ω̇i = − Di + ωi − Piref − Z (i) + Pij 
Hi Ri
is presented, in which the wind power uncertainty is j∈Adj(i)
modeled in the form of Itô processes and the AGC (3)
system is described by a stochastic differential equation 2) Branch Flow: The branch flow Pij satisfy
(SDE) model. This formulation is applicable for various
distributions of wind power uncertainty. Ṗij = Bij (ωi − ωj ) (4)
2) Based on the Itô model of AGC systems, an SCP is with Bij being a constant defined as
formulated in which the expectation values are expressed |Vi ||Vj |
cos θi0 − θj0

as SAFs. We then reveal the SAFs into a series of Bij = (5)
DAFs with the proof of convergence. Unlike in the SBSP where Vi and Vj are the nominal bus voltages, xij is the
approach, no scenario and Monte Carlo simulations are line reactance, and θi0 and θj0 are the operating points of the
needed in this approach. The unknown control scheme is phase angles. The same model can be found in [26]. Note that
embedded as a parameterized form so that the theorem (4) omits the initial deviation Pij (0) in the branch flow. In
can be used in the optimization problem. This result practice, Pij (0) cannot be arbitrary but instead must satisfy
extends the results in [24], in which the control scheme
must be given. Pij (0) = Bij (θi (0) − θj (0)) (6)
3) A convex optimization formulation of the SCP is for- for some vector θ [27].
mulated based on the series expansion of the SAFs, 3) AGC Signals: Typical AGC signals which will be used in
which consequently achieves a good trade-off between objectives of control schemes include frequency deviation and
the accuracy and the computational burden. ACE. The frequency deviation ∆f is defined as the weighted
Following this introduction, Section II presents the mod- average of the local frequencies:
eling of wind power uncertainty and AGC systems. Section 1 G Hi ωi
∆f = Pi∈Ω (7)
III formulates the SCP for an AGC system via the concept 2π i∈ΩG Hi
of SAFs. Section IV presents the series expansion of an SAF The area control error (ACE) of area m is defined as
and transforms the SCP into a convex optimization problem. A X
ACEm = Pij − bm ∆f (8)
case study is presented in Section V, and Section VI concludes
the paper. m

where ACEm is the ACE of area m, ΩL m is the set of tie-lines

II. AGC M ODELING BASED ON I T Ô P ROCESSES connected to area m, and bm is the bias factor of area m.
This section models the AGC systems and stochastic re-
sources uniformly as Itô models. Similar to typical modeling
B. Wind Uncertainty Modeling Based on Itô Process
of AGC systems [25], a linear differential equation model is
used. In this section, however, the ODE model of AGC systems The distribution of the wind power uncertainty in an AGC
is embedded into an SDE model, which is consistent with the system may be non-Gaussian in practice, and thus, the model
model of stochastic resources. of the uncertainty sources should support different kinds of
probability distributions.
A. Power System Model We use an Itô process model to express the stochastic
characteristics of the wind power uncertainty. Specifically,
This subsection discusses the model of typical AGC units,
let Zt be the wind power uncertainty (as denoted in (1),
including generators, power flow models, and AGC control
but the bus number i is omited for convenience); then, its
characteristics are described by the following SDE:
1) Generators: Here we adopt a typical synchronous gen-
erator model [24], [25] dZt = µ(Zt )dt + σ(Zt )dWt (9)
g 1 g ωi ref where µ is the drift function that describes the determinis-
Ṗi = − g Pi + − Pi
Ti Ri tic characteristics, whereas σ is the diffusion function that
1 describes the stochastic characteristics. Wt is the integrand,
Ṗim = − t (Pim − Pig ) which is a standard Wiener process [28].
Ti (1)
  With different specifications for µ(·) and σ(·), the Itô pro-
1  X cess model can describe different probability density functions
ẇi = − Di ωi − Pim − Z (i) + PijL 
Hi (PDFs). It is proved that an Itô process model can describe
the uncertainties of arbitrary PDFs [24], and we provide the
In secondary frequency control, the time step is usually detailed proof and the µ(·)/σ(·) specifications for various
several seconds. Therefore, it is usually assumed that the distributions of the wind power uncertainty in Appendix A.
time constant of primary frequency control is negligible, i.e., The Itô process model can be naturally extended to cases
Tig = Tit = 0 [12]; consequently, we have where there are multiple stochastic resources with correlation.
Pig = Pim = Piref − ωi /Ri (2) We use the bold symbol Zt to represent the vector of stochastic

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

resources. Assume the covariance matrix of Zt is Σ, then we where x0 and z0 are the initial values of Xt and Zt ,
have √ respectively. For convenience, let Nx be the dimensionality
Zt = ΣZt0 (10) of Xt , and let Nz be the dimensionality of Zt . The major
difference between (15) and existing ODE-based AGC models
where Zt0 is the vector of independent stochastic variables, and
[8], [9], [12] is the model of the disturbance Zt , which is an
then we can model each element in Zt0 by (9).
Itô process model here. Therefore, the model used here is
The Itô process model provides an SDE form for an AGC an SDE model rather than an ODE model. This SDE model
system, which is important in the derivations throughout the describes both the stochastic characteristics and the dynamics
remainder of this paper. For this purpose, we use an Itô process of the SS in a unified way; moreover, it enables an analytical
for AGC modeling, as introduced in the next subsection. formulation of the SCP without scenario generation, as will
be discussed in the remainder of this paper.
C. AGC Modeling Based on Itô Process
1) Variable Sets: Now, we transform the models presented This section presents the SAFs to describe the objective
above into an SDE form. We first define some variable sets. function and constraints based on the model of Itô-AGC and
• Uncertain wind generations, denoted by Zt . Each element then formulates the SCP that will be studied in this paper.
of the vector Zt satisfies (9). For simplicity, we use the
following matrix form: A. Objective
dZt = µ(Zt )dt + σ(Zt )dWt (11) The objective
"Z function for AGC [12] is #
• Variables satisfying ordinary differential equations J =Ex0 ,z0 λACE ACEm 2
(t) + Ut> ΛU Ut dt

(ODEs), including ωi for i ∈ ΩG and Pij . These variables 0 (16)
are denoted by the vector Xt . + Ex0 ,z0 µACE ACEm
(T )

• Variables satisfying algebraic equations, including
ACEm for area m and ∆f . These variables are denoted where T is the terminal time, λACE is the coefficient of
by the vector Yt . Note that Yt does not need to exist in the ACE, ΛU is the coefficient of the control variable, and
the final model since it can be substituted with Xt and µACE is the coefficient of the terminal state. Ex0 ,z0 {·} denotes
Zt in accordance with (7) and (8). the expectation operator under the initial conditions x0 and
• Control variables, i.e., Piref for i ∈ ΩG . These variables z0 , and the superscript “>” denotes the transpose operation.
are denoted by Ut . The objective function expressed in (16) shows the trade-off
between the control performance, as measured by ACEm , and
Thus, the ODEs in (3) (4) can be rewritten as:
the cost, as measured by Ut .
Ẋt = AXt + BUt + CZt (12) For convenience, we use the following general form to
where A, B and C are matrix coefficients. This linear- represent the objective function:
"Z #
differential-equation formulation has been widely used in T
previous studies [8], [9], [12]. min J = Ex0 ,z0 f (St )dt + g(ST ) (17)
2) Control Policy: Generally, there are two kinds of control
policies: one is state feedback control [29], [30], i.e., where St represents the concatenation of Xt , Ut , and Zt :
 
Ut = u(Xt , Zt ) (13) Xt
St = u(Zt ) (18)
 
and the other is disturbance feedback control [31]–[34], i.e.,
Ut = u(Zt ) (14)
Since the performances of these two types of control policies It is clear that (17) is a generalization of (16) since the ACE
have been proven to be equivalent [30], we adopt the distur- can be expressed as a linear combination of the state variables
bance feedback control policy (14) since it will be helpful for Xt , Ut and Zt . Moreover, f and g are both convex and of
establishing the convex optimization problem. Moreover, we up to quadratic order.
denote the set of control policies by U. The set U is determined B. Constraints of an AGC System
by the information that the controller can obtain. For example,
The constraints in an AGC system [12] include generator
a centralized control scheme assumes all the information of the
output constraints, ramping constraints, line flow constraints
state variables can be obtained by the controller, while in a
and frequency deviation constraints:
decentralized control scheme, the controller of each area can
only make decision based on the information in the same area. − P̄iG ≤ Pi,t ≤ P̄iG , ∀i ∈ ΩG
3) The Itô-AGC Model: According to (11) and (12), the − R̄iG ≤ Pi,t − Pi,t−1 ≤ R̄iG
stochastic system (SS) of interest can be formulated as (19)
− P̄ij ≤ Pij,t ≤ P̄ij , ∀i, j ∈ ΩG , i ∈ Adj(j)
dXt = (AXt + Bu(Zt ) + CZt )dt −∆ ¯ f ≤ ∆f,t ≤ ∆ ¯f
dZt = µ(Zt ) + σ(Zt )dWt (15) All of these constraints are linear constraints, and according
X0 = x0 , Z0 = z0 to the models presented in Section II-A, the variables in these

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

SCP: Eq. (25)

Type Pα,β (t, x0 , z0 ) α β

Objective J f g St : Eq. (15), (18) SAF: Eq. (17), (23), (24)
Constraint Ex0 ,z0 φ> >
i St St φi 0 φ>
i S >
t St φi
Theorem 1
Constraint Ex0 ,z0 φ>i St 0 φ>
i St

et : Eq. (26) S
bt : Eq. (27) DAF: Eq. (30)
constraints can be regarded as linear combinations of St ;
therefore, these constraints can be uniformly rewritten as:
i St ≤ φ̄i , ∀i ∈ Ω
(20) SCP-opt: Eq. (45)
where Ω = Ω ∪ Ω ∪ Ω , φi is the coefficient vector
specifying the linear combination of St , and φ̄i is the upper Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed approach.
bound on the i-th constraint. Here, we highlight the differences between (25) and an MPC
The almost-sure constraint expressed in (20) can be natu- problem [9] for an AGC system. The major difference is that
rally relaxed to a chance constraint [35]: the SCP explicitly considers the probability distribution of the
Pr φ>

i St ≤ φ̄i ≥ γ (21) uncertainty, which is characterized by σ(Zt )dWt . Because the
According to [35], the chance constraint given in (21) has SCP considers the stochastic characteristics of the wind power
a tractable inner approximation: uncertainty, the controller u obtained via the SCP is a closed-
q loop controller that can be applied over time. In contrast, the
x0 ,z0
κγ var{φ> i St } + E φi St ≤ φ̄i (22) MPC problem models the uncertainty as a predicted input, and
the result obtained via MPC can be used in only one time step.
where To solve the SCP, a key challenge is to evaluate the SAFs
var{φ> x0 ,z0 >
φi St St> φi − Ex0 ,z0 φ>

i St } = E i St (23) in (25). In conventional methods, stochastic terms are usually
evaluated by means of scenario-based approaches. In these
C. Formulation of Stochastic Control Problem approaches [16], the uncertainty is expressed as a set of
scenarios, and the assessment problem for each scenario can be
Before presenting the SCP, it is necessary to introduce an
solved in a deterministic way. Once the value for each scenario
SAF to describe the objective function and the constraints in a
has been obtained, the SAF is obtained by taking the average
unified form. Specifically, given that α and β are two functions
over all scenarios. However, scenario-based approaches are
of St , we define the SAF formulation for the SS in (15) as:
Z t  time-consuming, which limits their potential for use in online
applications [36]. This is the motivation for this paper, i.e., to
Pα,β (t, x0 , z0 ) = Ex0 ,z0 α(Ss )ds + β(St ) (24)
provide an effective way to evaluate the SAFs without scenario
generation to allow the SCP to be solved efficiently.
where the subscript s is used to replace the time variable t,
which has been used as the upper endpoint of the integral. IV. C ONVEX F ORMULATION OF SCP-AGC
Via the SAF concept, it is possible to express the objective
This section presents a deterministic convex optimization
function and constraints by specifying the functions α and β.
formulation of the SCP in (25). The basic idea of this section
• Objective function: According to (17), we can simply let is depicted in Fig. 1. A fundamental result presented in this
α = f and β = g, as is shown in Row 2 of Table I. section is the series expansion of an SAF, which makes it
• Constraints: According to (22) and (23), it is necessary possible to transform the stochastic variables in St into 2
to compute Ex0 ,z0 φ> >
i Xt Xt φi and E
x0 ,z0 >
φi Xt . Rows groups of deterministic variables, namely, S
et and Sbt , and the
3 and 4 of Table I show the specific SAF parameters for SAFs into DAFs. S et , S
bt , and the DAFs can be calculated
these 2 expectation values. in a deterministic way; thus, the SCP can be expressed as
Based on the SAF formulation of the objective function and a deterministic optimization problem, denoted by SCP-opt.
constraints, the SCP can be formulated as We then prove the convexity of SCP-opt and discuss the
SCP: computational burden of the convex optimization problem.
min J = Pf,g (T, x0 , z0 ) A. Series Expansion of an SAF
s.t. Before introducing the series expansion of an SAF, we first
introduce two groups of auxiliary variables.
dXt = (AXt + Bu(Zt ) + CZt )dt
Let X
ft and Z et be defined as the solution to the following
dZt = µ(Zt ) + σ(Zt )dWt (25) system of differential equations:
X0 = x0 , Z0 = z0 dXft = (AX ft + Bu(Z et ) + C Z
et )dt
κγ P0,φ> >
i St St φi
(t, x0 , z0 ) − P0,φ>
i St
(t, x0 , z0 ) dZ
et = µ(Zet )dt (26)
+ P0,φ>
i St
(t, x0 , z0 ) ≤ φ̄i , ∀i ∈ Ω Xf0 = x0 , Z
e0 = z0

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

Let X
ct and Z bt be defined as the solution to the following formed into the computation of a series of DAFs, the com-
system of differential equations: putation of which depends only on S et and Sbt . Therefore, the
equations for St can be removed from the SCP since they can
dXct = (AX ct + B ∂u Z b + CZ bt )dt
∂Zet t be replaced with those for S et and S
bt . Moreover, Theorem 1
extends the results in [24], in which the control scheme must
dZbt = ∂µ Z b dt (27)
be given. This extension is essential due to that in the optimal
∂Z et t
control problem, the control scheme is to be determined.
c0 = 0N ×N , Z b0 = IN
x z z
B. Reformulation of the Objective Function and Constraints
where INz is the identity matrix of order Nz . Note that X
ct is
This subsection reformulates the objective function and
an Nx × Nz matrix, and Z bt is an Nz × Nz matrix.
constraints in accordance with Theorem 1. Since the series
For simplicity, let
 f   c  expansion of an SAF is convergent, it can be approximated
Xt Xt by a finite series. Theoretically, this approximation can reach
 ∂u b 
St = u(Zt ) , St =  e Zt  (28) an arbitrary level of accuracy as long as sufficient high-
e  e  b
∂ Zt
e Zt
b order corrections are introduced. For convenience, we use the
1st-order approximation here as an example, but the same
It is clear that S
bt = ∂ S
et /∂z0 . technique can be conveniently applied for higher orders of
Notably, St and St are both deterministic. In contrast, St is
e b approximation.
stochastic because Zt is determined by an SDE, specifically 1) Objective Function: According to Theorem 1, we have
the term σ(Zt )dWt . In practice, ordinary differential equa-
J = Je0 + Je1 (35)
tions can be solved simply via discretization, while solving Z T
SDEs is much more difficult. The following theorem makes it
Je0 = f (S
et )dt + g(S
eT ) (36)
possible to replace St with S et and S
bt in the SCP.

Theorem 1. Let v(t, x0 , z0 ) = Pα,β (t, x0 , z0 ). If α and Z T

1 e >
β have continuous 2nd-order derivatives, then the following Je1 = σ(Zt ) lt σ(Z
et )dt (37)
series is convergent 0 2

X where lt = ∇2z0 Je0 . lt is calculated as follows:
v(t, x0 , z0 ) = ven (t, x0 , z0 ) (29) Z t
b> ∇2 f S b> ∇2 g S
with lt = S s
bs ds + S
bt (38)
Z t
ven = αn (S
es )ds + βn (S
et ) (30) To formulate a convex optimization problem, as discussed
0 in Section IV-C, we rewrite (36) and (38) as inequalities:
α0 = α, β0 = β (31) Z T
J0 ≥ f (S
et )dt + g(S
eT ) (39)
es ) = 1 σ(Z
es )> ∇2 ven σ(Z
αn+1 (S es ), n ≥ 0 (32) 0
2 Z t
βn+1 = 0, n ≥ 0 (33) lt ≥ b> ∇2 f S
b> ∇2 g S
bs ds + S
bt (40)
Z t s t
b> ∇2 αn S b> ∇2 βn S
∇z0 ven = Ss
bs ds + S
bt (34)
It is clear that (39) and (40) are equivalent to (36) and (38)
  when J is being minimized.
where ∇2z0 ven is the 2nd-order partial derivative of ven with
2) Constraints: For Ex0 ,z0 φ>i St , we have
respect to z0 , while ∇2 αn and ∇2 βn are the Hessian matrices
x0 ,z0 > > x0 ,z0
of αn and βn , respectively. The ven are called DAFs in this E φi St = φi E St = φ>i St
e (41)
paper, as shown in Fig. 1. Now, let us consider Ex0 ,z0 φ> >
i St St φi . According to The-
orem 1, we have
The proof of Theorem 1 is rather technical and is not closely
related to the other content of this paper. Thus, we delay its Ex0 ,z0 φ> > > e e>
i St St φi =φi St St φi
presentation to Appendix B. Z t (42)
+ es )> S
σ(Z b> φi φ> S
bs σ(Z
es )ds
According to Theorem 1, an SAF can be expressed as the s i
sum of a series of ven , n ≥ 0. The stochastic term σ(·) does not
in which we use the fact that ∇2 φ> > >

exist in an SDE as in (15) but rather in a deterministic integral, i Ss Ss φi = φi φi .
as shown in (32). Moreover, since S et can be obtained in a According to (23), we have
Z t
deterministic way, each term in this series is a deterministic
var φ> es )> S
b> φi φ> S

i St = σ(Z s i
bs σ(Z
es )ds (43)
function of t, x0 and z0 ; i.e., no scenarios or expectation 0
values need to be considered when computing this function. Thus, the constraint expressed in (22) can be rewritten as
Therefore, Theorem 1 provides a means of computing the SAF s
Z t
in a deterministic way. κγ σ(Z b> φi φ> S
es )> S es )ds + φ> S
bs σ(Z et ≤ φ̄i (44)
s i i
By Theorem 1, the computation of an SAF can be trans- 0

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Transactions on Power Systems

C. The Optimization Problem and Its Convexity

According to the above discussion, the optimization formu-
lation of the SCP can be summarized as

min J : (35)
u∈U (45)
s.t. : (26)(27)(37)(39)(40)(44)
Unlike in (25), there is no stochastic term in SCP-opt. By
discretizing SCP-opt over the time t, we can solve it with
commercial optimization tools.
Moreover, regarding the convexity of the SCP-opt, if f and
g are convex and of up to quadratic order and the control policy
space U is convex, then SCP-opt is convex. Actually, according
to (26) and (27), Z
et and Z bt are constants (i.e., independent of
the function u). Therefore, (26) and (27) are convex sets of S et
and St . Since f and g are convex, (39) is convex. Moreover,
since f and g are convex and of up to quadratic order, ∇2 f
and ∇2 g are constant positive semidefinite matrices; thus, the
right-hand term of (40) is convex and quadratic, which means Fig. 2. IEEE 118-Bus System.
that (40) is convex. Finally, (44) is a second-order cone of S bt
and St and thus is convex. Therefore, SCP-opt is convex.
[(Nx + Nz )(Nz + 1) + Nc + 1] Nt +2 constraints. In practice,
Remark 1. Note that the convexity of U does not require the we usually have Nz  Nx , i.e., the dominant sources of
convexity of each u ∈ U. Therefore, there are many ways uncertainty, e.g., buses that are connected to wind generators,
to parametrize U. For example, the affine disturbance control are much fewer than the number of state variables. Therefore,
parametrization reads the numbers of variables and constraints in the considered
u(Zt ) = Ut0 + F1> Zt (46) problem are close to those in the DC problem. By contrast,
while the quadratic disturbance control parametrization reads the computational burden of MPC in one control step is equal
to that of the DC approach, where Nt is replaced with the
u(Zt ) = Ut0 + F1> Zt + Zt> F2 Zt (47) number of prediction steps Np , and the total computational
In (46), U is parametrized by Ut0
and F1 , while in (47), U is burden of MPC is equal to the one-step computational burden
parametrized by Ut0 , F1 and F2 . Therefore, U is convex with multiplied by the number of control steps, i.e., Nt . The SBSP
regard to its parameters in each case, though in the 2nd case, approach requires approximately Ns (Nx + Nz )Nt variables
u ∈ U is quadratic. and Ns [(Nx + Nz + Nc )Nt + 1] constraints, as shown in
Table II. Therefore, the scale of the MPC (or SBSP) problem
D. Discussion of the Computational Burden is approximately Np (or Ns ) times larger than that of the
SCP-opt is a convex optimization problem, which can be DC problem. Moreover, since the computational burden grows
efficiently solved. Here, we discuss the computational burden superlinearly with the numbers of variables and constraints,
of the proposed approach by showing that it is as efficient the computational burden of the MPC and SBSP approaches
as the corresponding deterministic control (DC) problems and will increase rapidly as Np and Ns increase. In practice, Np
much faster than the MPC and SBSP approaches. Note that and Ns are usually large; thus, the proposed approach is much
the stochastic control problem degenerates into a deterministic more efficient than the MPC and SBSP approaches.
control problem if σ = 0, and therefore, the constraints (37) In summary, the proposed approach allows non-Gaussian
and (40) and the square root in (44) do not exist. Since S bt stochastic characteristics to be explicitly considered while
appears only in these expressions, (27) is not needed. However, incurring a computational burden similar to that of DC.
constraints (26), (39) and (44) are still needed to obtain a
solution to the deterministic discrete control problem. The
numbers of variables and constraints are listed in Table II, This section presents a test case involving the IEEE 118-
where Nx is the dimensionality of X, Nz is the dimensionality bus system [37]. We first evaluate the effectiveness of the
of Z, Nc is the number of constraints, Nt is the number of reformulation made in Section IV-B and then compare the
time steps in discretization, Np is the number of prediction proposed approach with conventional approaches.
steps in MPC, and Ns is the number of scenarios in SBSP.
It is shown that the deterministic control problem con- A. Settings
tains (Nx + Nz )Nt variables and (Nx + Nz + Nc )Nt + The case considered is the IEEE 118-bus system [37], which
1 constraints, whereas the proposed stochastic control ap- contains 54 generators and 186 lines, as shown in Fig. 2. The
proach involves [(Nx + Nz )(Nz + 1) + 1] Nt variables and parameters of this system can be found in [37]. The base

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems


Variables Constraints
Set S
bt lt (26) (27) (37) (44) (39) (40)
SCP-opt (Nx + Nz )Nt (Nx + Nz )Nz Nt Nt (Nx + Nz )Nt (Nx + Nz )Nz Nt 1 Nc Nt 1 Nt
DC (Nx + Nz )Nt 0 0 (Nx + Nz )Nt 0 0 Nc Nt 1 0
MPC (Nx + Nz )Np Nt 0 0 (Nx + Nz )Np Nt 0 0 Nc Np Nt 1 0
SBSP Ns (Nx + Nz )Nt 0 0 Ns (Nx + Nz )Nt 0 0 Ns Nc Nt Ns 0

power is 100 MVA. The parameters of the primary control TABLE III
loop are fixed, and the supplementary control output Piref is S IMULATION R ESULTS OF S YSTEM VARIABLES

controllable. The frequency constraint is set to 50 ± 0.1 Hz. Variable MCS ṽ1
There are two areas in the system, of which the frequency ∆f (Hz) 0.0148 0.0145
bias factors are −5 pu/Hz and −1.2 pu/Hz respectively. The P77−95 (pu) 0.0452 0.0448
time step is 1 s [36], and the control horizon is 30 minutes. Average P80−94 (pu) 0.0332 0.0325
Standard L
The SCP-opt algorithm is performed every 100 s in order to P98−100 (pu) 0.0896 0.0888
Deviation L
P99−100 (pu) 0.0889 0.0892
maintain a good performance.
Different from the model in the algorithm, which is a ACEA (pu) 0.5464 0.5341
ACEB (pu) 0.4025 0.3987
simplified and linearized model, we use a realistic model
with detailed parameters in the MATLAB/Simulink platform
during the simulation in order to verify the proposed approach × 10-3

on practical settings. Such method is also widely adopted simulation

ṽ0 + ṽ1
in existing literature, i.e., to compute the control output via ṽ0

E ∆ 2f (Hz 2 )
simplified models, and to verify the control performance via 2

detailed models [11], [38]. Specifically, in the simulation

model, we assume the deadzones of the primary control loop
is 0.01 Hz, and the communication delay of the controller is 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0.2s. time(s)
The stochastic sources are 6 wind farms on buses 6, 11, Fig. 3. Simulated results for system frequency.
18, 32, 55 and 100, and the nominal power of each generator
is 100 MW. The power output of each wind generator is the be clearer, we only depict the results in the first 100 s as an
sum of a predicted power output Pwpred and a fluctuating power example. It is evident that the first-order reformulation ve0 + ve1
output ∆Pw . In accordance with [15], we assume that the wind is in good agreement with the Monte Carlo simulation, while
power uncertainty satisfies the Laplace distribution L(0, 0.05). the zeroth-order reformulation ve0 shows a larger deviation
Moreover, We use the following equation to describe the from the simulated value. This can be interpreted in terms of
correlation between different wind power sources, the concept of variance. In fact, the estimated value ve0 exhibits

∆Pw = ΣZt (48) frequency deviations based on the predicted wind power and is
exactly (E∆f )2 , and the difference between E∆2f and (E∆f )2
where Σ is the correlation coefficient matrix, as shown in is the variance of ∆f , i.e., var (∆f ). Therefore, the difference
Appendix C; and Zt is the vector of independent stochastic between the first-order form and the zeroth-order form, i.e.,
resources, satisfying ve1 , can be interpreted as the variance.
(i) (i) (i) (i) In addition, we test the accuracy of SAF with respect to
dZt = −Zt dt + (0.1|∆Zt | + 0.005)dWt (49)
other important variables, including the tie line flow and ACE.
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the For simplicity, we only list the average√standard deviation of
analytical results obtained using the proposed approach will these variables in Table III, in which ṽ1 means the square
be compared with the results obtained through a Monte root of the variance ṽ1 , which is the standard deviation. In
Carlo simulation. In the Monte Carlo simulation, 1000 wind summary, the first-order reformulation achieves a good approx-
generation scenarios satisfying (49) were generated. imation of the SAF and captures the different characteristics
B. Accuracy of 1st-Order Reformulation of a stochastic system by means of different terms, i.e., ve0 and
In Section IV-B, we used a 1st-order reformulation of the ve1 .
SAF, i.e., v ≈ ve0 + ve1 ; in this subsection, we will validate the
effectiveness of this order of reformulation for use in the SCP. C. Performance and Benchmarks
A PI controller is used here, and the test SAF is the variance of This section verifies the SCP-opt represented by (45).
the frequency deviation ∆f (t) under wind power uncertainty. The objective function is given in (16), where λACE =
Therefore, α = 0 and β = ∆2f . A simulation result obtained 1000, ΛU = 7000I, and µACE = 5000. These weights are set
as an average value over 1000 Monte Carlo samples is also to large values to ensure numerical convergence. Moreover,
provided, and the variance of ∆f is depicted in Fig. 3. To the affine control policy represented in (46) is used. An initial

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

control series Ut0 and a coefficient matrix F1 are computed

and are then used to determine the control output in accordance
with the actual wind power.
We test SCP-opt for two different cases, i.e. the centralized
control (SCP-opt-c), in which a centralized controller deter-

mines all the control variables; and the decentralized control
(SCP-opt-d), in which the controller of each area determines
the corresponding control variables. DC
Here, we use the DC, MPC and PI approaches as bench- SCP-opt-c
3500 SCP-opt-d
marks for conventional approaches. In the DC approach, an PI
3000 MPC
initial control series is computed that is not subsequently
adjusted over the horizon. By contrast, in the MPC approach, 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
the control policy is adjusted at each step by re-solving a finite- Time Delay (ms)

horizon deterministic control problem in accordance with the Fig. 4. Impacts of communication delay.
actual wind power. The MPC was designed to generate 10
steps (i.e., 10 s) of predicted values. In the PI controller, 2) Impacts of Communication Delay: Here we discuss the
the parameters are tuned via a grid search. To illustrate the impacts of communication delay. The communication delay
advantages of the proposed approach over the SBSP approach, of AGC systems is usually within seconds [39]. We evaluate
SBSP schemes with 10 scenarios and 100 scenarios, denoted the proposed approach under different communication delay.
by SBSP(10) and SBSP(100), are also considered as bench- The results are shown in Fig. 4. It is shown the impact of the
marks. In the SBSP approach, the control policy is the same as communication delay on the objective is approximately linear.
that in the SCP-opt approach, but the optimal control problem When the communication delay is close to the control step, i.e.
is solved via the scenario-based approach. 1s, the objective function, which measures the ACE and the
1) Performance of Different Control Schemes: One thou- controller output, increases due to that the controller cannot
sand scenarios were generated to verify the performance of the response to the uncertainty immediately. Moreover, although
proposed approach. The control performance is summarized the communication delay influences the control performance,
in Table IV, which shows that the SCP-opt-c and SBSP(100) the proposed approach still performs better than the others.
achieve the best control performance. The performance of It is due to that the proposed approach computes a closed-
SCP-opt-d is a little worse than that of SCP-opt-c due to that a loop control scheme, which corrects the controller output to
centralized controller can obtain the information of the entire mitigate the impacts of communication delay.
system, while the decentralized controller can only obtain 3) Computational Time: Now, we discuss the computa-
partial information. In comparison to the SCP-opt, the PI and tional time, which are shown in Table IV. Due to the different
DC approaches yield worse control performance in terms of frequencies of these alrogithms being performed, we compare
both the objective function value and the probability that the the per-step computational time in order to be fair, where the
frequency constraint will be violated. Specifically, since this time step is 1s. The computation time of the PI controller
case features high wind penetration, the PI controller cannot is not reported because this controller does not perform an
avoid constraint violation. The MPC approach achieves a optimization process and thus is much faster than the other
performance similar to that of the proposed approach, although approaches. The computation time of the SCP-opt is approx-
it is slightly worse because the number of prediction steps imately twice that of the DC approach. Although the average
cannot be too large. SBSP(10) does not perform as well as per-step computation time of the MPC approach is only 1.53 s
the SCP-opt, whereas SBSP(100) performs slightly better. In because the number of prediction steps in the MPC scheme is
fact, the models used in the SCP-opt and SBSP approaches are smaller than the control horizons of the DC and SCP-opt, the
similar, but the SCP-opt uses a series expansion to solve the total computation time of the MPC scheme is much greater
SCP, while the SBSP approach uses a scenario-based approach than that of the SCP-opt because of its receding-horizon
to solve it. implementation. Moreover, the computation times for both
Fig. 5 depicts the results of the SCP-opt, PI, DC and MPC SBSP(10) and SBSP(100) are unacceptable. This comparison
approaches for one scenario in 10 minutes. The results of the clearly demonstrates the advantages of the proposed approach
SBSP approach are not depicted because they are similar to in terms of both performance and computational efficiency.
those of the SCP-opt except for the computation time. Under In summary, the proposed approach achieves good AGC
the DC approach, the frequency exceeds the upper limit at 37 performance in a computationally efficient manner. In contrast,
s because the actual wind power is higher than the predicted the DC and PI approaches are computationally efficient but
wind power. By contrast, in the SCP-opt and MPC approaches, show worse performance, whereas the MPC and SBSP incur
the control output is adjusted to avoid this frequency violation. high computational burdens. Therefore, the proposed approach
The control outputs of the SCP-opt and MPC approaches are has attractive potential in online applications.
similar, with the difference being that the control policy is
recalculated just before 37 s in the MPC approach, whereas
the control policy and the affine disturbance coefficient are This paper presents a systematic framework for the efficient
calculated at the very beginning in the SCP-opt approach. optimal control of AGC systems. The Itô model proposed

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

TABLE IV where p(·) is a given probability density function (PDF). Then,

S IMULATION R ESULTS the stationary PDF of Zt is p.
Computation Objective Constraint Proof : According to (50),
Time (s per step) Value Violation (%) Z z
1 2
SCP-opt-c 0.09 4348.8 0.7 σ (z)p(z) = µ(z 0 )p(z 0 )dz 0 (51)
SCP-opt-d 0.06 4457.0 0.7 2 ∞
DC 0.04 4599.0 29.7 Taking the 2nd-order derivative with respect to z on both sides
PI —– 5087.6 100.0 yields
MPC 1.53 4522.8 0.5

1 ∂ 2 σ 2 (z)p(z) ∂ (µ(z)p(z))
SBSP(10) 2.16 4489.1 1.2 = (52)
2 ∂z 2 ∂z
SBSP(100) 10.42 4361.2 0.7
which is the steady-state Fokker-Planck equation [28] for
the diffusion process of (9). Therefore, p(·) is the stationary
distribution of Zt . 
actual Corollary 1. The Itô coefficients of the Gaussian distribution,
Power (pu)

the beta distribution, the gamma distribution, and the Laplace
0.1 distribution are as listed in Table V.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
frequency deviation (Hz)

-0.1 PI
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
The proof of Theorem 1 is based on the partial differential
0.04 equation (PDE) formulation of the SAF given in (24).
control output (pu)


0 DC
Lemma 1. Let v(t, x0 , z0 ) = Pα,β (t, x0 , z0 ). Given a
stochastic system St defined by (15) and (18), define the

MPC following auxiliary variables:
0 100 200 300 400 500 600  
(c) " # x
time (s)
b(x0 , z0 ) = , s0 = u(z)
 
Fig. 5. Comparison of different control approaches: (a) wind curves, (b) Bu(z0 ) + Cz0
frequency deviations, and (c) control outputs. z
Then, the SAF v satisfies the following equation:
in this paper is able to describe AGC systems with vari-
∂v ∂v ∂v
ous non-Gaussian wind power uncertainty. Based on the Itô =b(x0 , z0 )> + µ(z0 )>
model, a theorem of convergent series expansion of SAFs is ∂t ∂x0 ∂z0
1 >
 2  (53)
proven, which enables the design of a highly efficient optimal + σ(z0 ) ∇z v σ(z0 ) + α(s0 )
stochastic control algorithm of Itô AGC systems, and allows 2
SCPs to be solved with a computational burden comparable v(0, x0 , z0 ) =β(x0 , z0 )
to that for deterministic control problems without sacrificing This lemma is the famous Feynman-Kac formula. The proof
performance. Computational applications show that the pro- is omitted here; instead, the reader is referred to [28].
posed approach outperforms some popular control algorithms
while incurring affordable computational burden, and thus has Corollary 2. ven , as defined in (30), satisfies the following
attractive potential in the online applications of AGC systems. PDE:
vn ∂e
vn ∂evn
= b(x, z)> + µ(z)> + αn (s)
∂t ∂x ∂z (54)
A PPENDIX A ven (0, x, z) = βn (s)
Proof : According to (30), the expression for ven is similar to
This section summarizes the results in [24, Sec. II.A]. that for Pα,β except that St is replaced by S et . According to
Suppose that the PDF of Zt is p(z). Then, we have the (26) and (28), the equations for Set differs from those for St
following proposition: only by the removal of the stochastic term σ(·); therefore, by
removing σ from (53), we obtain (54). 
Proposition 1. Suppose that the functions µ and σ satisfy
Rz According to Lemma 1 and Corollary 2, it suffices to prove
µ(z 0 )p(z 0 )dz 0 that the v described by (53) can be expressed as a sum of a
σ (z) = 2 −∞
2 (50) series of the ven described by (54). To achieve this goal, we

0885-8950 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

Distribution PDF µ(z) σ 2 (z)
√1 exp (z − a)2 /2b
Gaussian 2πb
−(z − a) 2b
Beta 1
z a−1 (1 − z)b−1 a
−(z − a+b ) 2
z(1 − z)
Gamma Γ(a)
z a−1 exp(−bz) −(z − a/b) 2z/b
Laplace 1
exp [−|z − a|/b] −(z − a) 2b|z − a| + 2b2
a−1 a ab2 z a
b2 Γ 1 + k2 − Γ 1 + k1
Γ 1√+ k2 − Γ 1 + k1
Weibull b
(z/b) exp [−(z/b) ] Iz>0 z a
− b
ESGN [40] ESGN(z; a, b, c) −z + dz log Φ(az/ 1 + bz 2 + cz 4 ) 2

present a parametrized PDE of w(t, x0 , z0 ; ): By applying (60) to (59) and taking  = 0, we obtain
∂ n+1 w

∂w ∂w ∂w

∂ 1
=b(x0 , z0 )> + µ(z0 )>
∂t ∂x0 ∂z0 ∂t (n + 1)! ∂n+1 =0
1 >
 2  (55) ∂

1 ∂ n+1 w

+ σ(z0 ) ∇z w σ(z0 ) + α(s0 ) =b(x0 , z0 )>
2 ∂x0 (n + 1)! ∂n+1 =0
w(0, x0 , z0 ) =β(x0 , z0 ) (61)
∂ n+1 w
∂ 1
Regarding w, we have Lemmas 2 and 3: + µ(z0 )>
∂z0 (n + 1)! ∂n+1 =0
1 ∂ n w
Lemma 2. Consider the Taylor expansion of w in : 1
+ σ(z0 )> ∇2z0 σ(z0 )
∞ 2 n! ∂n =0
1 ∂ n w
w(t, x0 , z0 ; ) = n (56)
n! ∂n
Moreover, by applying (32) and (33) to (54), we obtain
vn+1 ∂e
vn+1 ∂e
then this Taylor expansion is convergent. =b(x0 , z0 )> + µ(z0 )>
∂t ∂x0 ∂z0 (62)
Proof. This lemma has been proved in [24], but here we 1
+ σ(z0 )> ∇2z0 ven σ(z0 )
provide a more concise proof. To achieve this, we introduce 2
an auxiliary vector δ = ∇z w, then (55) can be rewritten as:
By comparing (62) with (61) and recalling that Lemma 3
∂w ∂w ∂w holds for n, we conclude that
=b(x0 , z0 )> + µ(z0 )>
∂t ∂x0 ∂z0
∂ n+1 w

1 (57) ven+1 = (63)
+ σ(z0 )> [∇z δ] σ(z0 ) + α(s0 ) (n + 1)! ∂n+1
2 =0
0 =δ − ∇z w Therefore, Lemma 3 also holds for n + 1, which completes
which is a group of first-order PDEs. Then, according to the proof. 
Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Theorem, the solution of (57) can be Proof of Theorem 1: it is clear that v(t, x0 , z0 ) =
expanded into the power series of its independent variables. w(t, x0 , z0 ; 1); therefore, by setting  = 1 in (56), we obtain
Therefore, we have directly finished the proof. ∞
1 ∂ n w
v(t, x0 , z0 ) = (64)
n! ∂n =0
Lemma 3. The following equality holds for ven and w: n=0
1 ∂ n w Then, according to Lemma 3, we have v = n=0 v
en , and

ven = (58) according to Lemma 2, the series is convergent.
n! ∂n =0
Formula (34) remains to be proven. According to (30),
Proof : when n = 0, this lemma is trivial. Now, we assume Z th
that the lemma holds for ven ; it is necessary to prove that the  2 i h i
∇2z0 αn (S
es ) ds + ∇2 βn (S

∇z0 ven = z0
et ) (65)
lemma holds for ven+1 . 0
Taking the (n + 1)-th derivative with respect to  in (55)
When µ is affine, we have
" #> " #
∂ ∂ n+1 w ∂ ∂ n+1 w ∂ ∂ n+1 w h
i ∂S
es  2  ∂S es
=b(x0 , z0 )> n+1
+ µ(z0 )> ∇z0 αn (Ss ) =
e ∇ αn (66)
∂t ∂ ∂x0 ∂ ∂z0 ∂n+1 ∂z0 ∂z0
1 ∂
+ σ(z0 )> ∇2z0 n+1 (w) σ(z0 ) Therefore,
2 ∂ h i
(59) ∇2z0 αn (S b> ∇2 αn S
es ) = S
bs (67)
Consider the following equality:
∂ n+1 (w) ∂nw ∂ n+1 w A similar procedure can be applied to ∇2z0 βn (S
et ). Thus,
= (n + 1) +  (60) we complete the proof of Theorem 1. 
∂n+1 ∂n ∂n+1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2893512, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

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