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Georgetown University Running Club Code of Conduct


To mandate a safe and healthy atmosphere which facilitates the club’s mission of building a
community of runners at Georgetown University.

Adjudication Process:

Any Georgetown University Running Club member may report a Code of Conduct violation to
the club president or vice president at any time. The reporter will remain anonymous
throughout the adjudication process and their testimony will be held confidential within the
running club board.

The Georgetown University Running Club president is responsible for addressing all Code of
Conduct offenses according to the list of violations and their respective responses below. Other
board members may be asked to assist in handling Code of Conduct violations. Depending on
the perpetrator’s history and the severity of the violation, responses could range from having a
discussion with the club member to expelling the member from Running Club. Multiple Code of
Conduct offenses by the same perpetrator will have a cumulative effect when determining the
proper response.

Any Georgetown University Running Club member may request to amend the Code of Conduct
at any time, as outlined in the club constitution.

Violations and Responses

1. Disorderly Conduct:

We define disorderly conduct as any sort of behavior which makes surrounding running club
members feel afraid or exceptionally uncomfortable, including behavior under the influence of
alcohol or other drugs. Repeated instances of disorderly conduct in the absence of any other
Code of Conduct offense will result in a board member having a discussion with the perpetrator
about their behavior.

2. Bullying and Harassment

We define bullying and harassment as any sort of behavior which makes another club member
feel targeted or unwelcome in the club. This includes online behavior and behavior in the club
GroupMe. Any instance of bullying and harassment will result in a board member having a
discussion with the perpetrator about their behavior, and repeated instances of bullying and
harassment may result in the board barring the perpetrator from Running Club activities.

3. Sexual Misconduct

We define sexual misconduct as behavior of a sexual nature that is committed without consent
or by force, intimidation, coercion, or manipulation.1 Any instance of sexual misconduct will
result in immediate action from the board. In consultation with the survivor, the board will
discuss possible actions, including escalation to university authorities. Throughout the duration
of any investigation, the board retains the right to bar the alleged perpetrator from any and all
running club activities as it sees fit. At the conclusion of any investigation, the board will make a
decision regarding the alleged perpetrators right to participate in future running club events.

4. Assault

We define assault as any physical or sexual attack on another person. Any instance of assault
will result in immediate action from the board. In consultation with the survivor, the board will
discuss possible actions, including escalation to university authorities. Throughout the duration
of any investigation, the board retains the right to bar the alleged perpetrator from any and all
running club activities as it sees fit. At the conclusion of any investigation, the board will make a
decision regarding the alleged perpetrators right to participate in future running club events.

By signing below I acknowledge receipt of this code of conduct and agree to abide by all
conditions and expectations included in it.

Name: ________________________________

Signature: ________________________________

Date: ________________________________

Retrieved from University of Iowa definitions of sexual misconduct.

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