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Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to do the following:
Describe the operating and testing procedures of the ship's whistle.
Explain the requirements for performing maintenance on the ship's whistle.
Describe the components, operating procedures, and maintenance procedures
of the microfiche reader-printer
Describe the components, operating procedures, and maintenance procedures
of the cathodic protection system.
Describe the inspection, troubleshooting, and corrective maintenance proce-
dures of auxiliary equipment.
sound pressure level of the ship's own signal at
listening posts shall not exceed 110 dB(A), and so far
IC Electricians are required to maintain various
as practicable should not exceed 100 dB(A).
types of auxiliary equipment aboard ship. This chapter
will describe the components, operating procedures,
and troubleshooting and maintenance procedures of
some of the auxiliary equipment that you will be
The fundamental frequency of the whistle signal
involved with. This chapter will also introduce you to
lies between the 70- to 700-Hz range. The audibility
cathodic protection systems installed on naval ships.
range of the whistle signal is determined by those
frequencies (which may include the fundamental
and/or one or more higher frequencies) that lie within
the 180 to 700 ( + 1 percent) range and that provide
As an IC Electrician, you will be required to do
sound pressure levels specified in the following
preventive maintenance and repairs on the ship's
paragraph on intensity. The range of audibilty is for
whistle. This is a relatively simple system, but it is of
the utmost importance. The ship's whistle is used to
information, and is the approximate range at which a
signal other vessels of the manuevers your ship may
whistle may be heard on its forward axis (90 percent
be doing. It is also used, in conditions such as heavy
probability) in conditions of still air on board a ship
fog, to warn other ships of the location of your ship.
having the average background noise level at the
listening posts. This shall be assumed to be 68 dB in
the octave band centered on 250 Hz and 63 dB in the
octave band centered on 500 Hz. Values given can be
When a directional whistle is to be used as the only
regarded as typical, but under conditions of strong
whistle on a ship, it is installed with its maximum
wind or high ambient noise level at the listening post,
intensity directed straight ahead. A whistle should be
range may be reduced. In practice, the range at which
placed on a ship as high as practicable to reduce
a whistle may be heard is variable and depends on
interception of the emitted sound by obstructions and
to minimize risk of hearing damage to personnel. The
weather conditions

welding machine is not correctly made (fig. 11-8) or no

return lead to the welder is connected, you could have
following is a list of sacrificial anodes:
current flow between the ship's hull and the pier,
causing corrosion to form on the hull.
Seawater resistivity is the concentration of ions
in seawater, which acts as a resistance to current flow
between two dissimilar metals. Normal seawater gener-
ally has a nominal resistivity of 20 to 22 ohms/cm at a
Steel waster pieces
temperature of 20°C (68°F). In brackish or fresh water
this resistivity may vary.
Zinc Anodes.-- Zinc anodes are used for anodic
polarization on steel or aluminum surfaces. They have a
half-cell potential of a negative 1.04 volts. They can be
either bolted or welded to the hull. Welding is the
There are two types of cathodic protection
preferred method because the anodes will have a secure
systems, the sacrificial anode and the impressed current.
electrical and mechanical attachment.
Each system will be addressed separately.
Aluminum Anodes.-- Aluminum anodes are
Sacrificial Anode System
currently being tested and evaluated by the Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA). The use of aluminum
The sacrificial anode system is based on the
anodes requires prior NAVSEA authorization and
principle that a more reactive metal, when installed
design review. It is also necessary to obtain guidance
near a less reactive metal and submerged in an
from NAVSEA before preparing a cathodic protection
electrolyte such as seawater, will generate a potential of
system design using aluminum anodes.
a sufficient magnitude to protect the less reactive metal.
In this process, the more reactive metal is sacrificed.
Sacrificial anodes attached to a ship's hull slowly oxidize
Do not use magnesium anodes on
and generate a current (see the electrochemical
aluminum hulls. Production of an
corrosion cell in fig. 11-6 that protects the hull and its
alkaline (basic corrosion product) may
appendages). This system does not have an onboard
lead to serious corrosion of the
control of protecting current, and depends on the limited
aluminum metal structure. Aluminum is
current output of the anode. This type of system
referred to as an amphoteric material
requires anode replacement on a fixed schedule (usually
because it is subject to deterioration by
every 3 years on naval ships). The system is rugged and
simple, requires little or no maintenance, and always
protects the ship.
Figure 11-8.--Stray-current corrosion
Magnesium Anodes.-- Magnesium anodes have
Hull protection is provided at all times until the
a half-cell potential of about negative 1.5 volts. They
anode is completely consumed.
are not used in seawater applications because of rapid
loss of the anode material and overprotection due to
ODES.-- The following is a list of the disadvantages
the high driving voltage. They are used in fresh or
of sacrificial anodes:
brackish water areas where the resistivity of the
electrolyte is relatively high and a higher driving
The anode current is uncontrollable.
voltage is required to produce the proper amount of
Water turbulence around the hull increases the
polarizing current.
noise level.
Iron Anoes.-- Iron anodes are installed to
Frequent replacement is necessary when stray
increase the presence of iron ions in the water. This
dc is present (especially when welding ma-
strengthens the formation of the oxide film produced
chines are used).
on copper alloy surfaces,
Fuel consumption is increased.
Steel Waster Pieces.-- Steel waster pieces are
sleeves of mild steel installed at nonferrous metal
Replacement is usually necessary before sched-
junctions to protect sea valves and sea chests.
uled overhaul (every 3 years).
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection
Sacrificial anodes are used in small boats, mothballed
ships, and submarines. They may be installed in piping
systems, bilge pumps, valves, ballast tanks, fuel tanks,
The impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP)
sewage collection holding tanks (CHTs), sonar
system (fig. 11-9) uses an external source of electrical
domes, voids, and stem tubes.
power provided by a regulated dc power supply to
provide the current necessary to polarize the hull. The
ODES.-- The following is a list of the advantages of
protective current is distributed by specially designed
sacrificial anodes:
inert anodes of platinum-coated tantalum. The
No external electrical power is required.
principal advantage of an ICCP system is its automatic
control feature, which continuously monitors and
They are relatively foolproof and little mainte-
varies the current required for corrosion protection. If
nance is required.
the system is secured, no corrosion protection is
They are easy to install.
Figure 11-9.--Basic impressed current cathodic protection system.
Power Supply.-- The power supply performs two
functions. It converts available shipboard alternating
The following list of the components of the ICCP
current (at) to low-voltage direct current (dc) and
Power supply
provides a means of adjusting the value of current
delivered to the anodes.
Controller.-- The controller (fig. 11- 10) is used to
monitor the control power supply outputs that maintain
Reference electrode
the hull at a preset potential versus the reference cell.
Stuffing tube
The controller is a sensitive amplifier that creates an
output signal proportional to the voltage difference
Shaft grounding assembly
between the reference (electrode-to-hull) voltage and
Rudder ground (including stabilizer if installed)
the internally set voltage. The controller should be
mounted in a readily accessible area.
Dielectric shield
Figure 11-10.--Magnetic amplifier controller Mod III
Anodes.-- The anodes (fig. 11-11) are constructed
current flows into the seawater through the platinum
surface of the tantalum rods. The platinum surface of
of two platinum-coated tantalum rods mounted in an
the anode corrodes very slowly. The replacement
insulating glass-reinforced polyester holder. Anodes
period for anodes is usually 10 years or longer. Anodes
are bolted to the outside of the ship's hull. The direct
Figure 11-11.--Anode assembly.

are available in the following three sizes: 2 feet (40

Anode to anode, anode to electronic log
amperes), 4 feet (75 amperes), and 8 feet (150
equipment, and anode to reference cell
separation should be a minimum of 40 feet.
Installation of the anodes should be placed to
Anodes should not be installed within 15 feet
maintain a uniform potential throughout the under-
of a sea chest or pipe discharge.
water hull. The following is a list of anode locations:
Reference Electrode.-- The reference electrode
(fig. 11-12) is a silver/silver chloride type constructed
-- Placement should be at least 5 feet below the
of a silver mesh screen that has been treated with silver
light-load waterline.
chloride. It is bolted to the exterior hull of the ship and
One- and two-screw ships will have one set of
is insulated from the ship by a polyvinyl chloride
holder. A stuffing tube is used to pass the cable from
anodes located more than 10 feet, but less than
the electrode through the hull to the controller. The
50 feet, forward of the propeller plane.
controller measures the potential of the hull versus the
-- Four-screw ships will have two anodes located
reference electrode, and signals the power supply to
between the forward and after propeller planes,
increase or decrease current output as required. This
is to reduce the potential difference between the hull
one port and one starboard.
potential and the preset desired potential. Two
Anodes should be mounted in an area that
reference electrodes are installed for each controller.
experiences minimum water turbulence and that is protected from mechanical damage.
One reference electrode is selected for the primary
control; the other reference electrode serves as an
Figure 11-12.--Reference electrode assembly
auxiliary to verif y operation of the controlling cell and
are fitted with two brush assemblies on the silver-alloy ring.
serves as a backup if failure of the primary cell occurs.
Reference electrodes are generally located on each
Rudder Ground.-- Rudders and stabilizers are
side of the hull, about halfway between the anode
grounded by brazing a braided, tinned-copper
sites. Reference electrodes are usually replaced
grounding strap, at least 1 1/2 inches wide, between
approximately every 10 to 12 years.
the rudder stock and the hull. To permit full rotation
Stuffing Tube.-- Stuffing tubes are required to
of the rudder stock from port to starboard, a large loop
insulate the electrical wires that pass through the hull
is required in the ground strap.
to anodes or reference electrodes.
Dielectric Shield.-- The dielectric shield prevents
Shaft Grounding Assembly.-- The shaft
shorting of the anode current to the hull and aids in
grounding assembly (fig. 11-13) consists of a
wider current distribution. The dielectric shield is
silver-alloy band, ring-fitted on the propeller shaft. It
applied as a thick coating around each anode. It
is electrically bonded to the shaft and is usually
consists of a high-solids epoxy with a high-dielectric
located in the shaft alley. Silver-graphite brushes ride
on the hard silver surface of the bands, electrically
OPERATION.-- The requirements for operating
connecting the rotating propeller shaft to the hull. This
the ICCP system on ships is provided in the
assembly is necessary to permit the anode current that
manufacturer's technical manual. The system should
flows through the water to enter the propeller blades
be operated at all times, except during diving
and return to the hull. A shaft grounding assembly is
operations, equipment repair, planned maintenance,
provided for each shaft. Ships of earner size or larger
Figure 11-13.--Shaft grounding assembly.
or drydocking. The system must be reactivated within
2 hours after the activity is completed. You must
NEVER energize the system if the ship is out of the
As a ship enters a port or bay that is river-fed, the
water (drydocked).
resistivity of the water will change as the salinity
changes. Operation of the ICCP system will be
Before the reference electrode is connected to the
affected by the changing water resistivity. The
controller, check the voltage between the reference
operator will notice the ICCP system operating at
electrode and the steel hull; it should be approximately
higher voltage outputs and lower current outputs. The
0.6 volt dc. The hull will be negative (-) and the
lower current output is caused by the higher
reference electrode will be positive (+). If the voltage
is zero, the reference electrode has an open lead, or the
impedance of the water. A higher voltage output is
lead or electrode is shorted to the hull. When the
required to drive the same current in the higher-
voltage is 0.6 volt or higher, the ship is receiving
resistivity electrolyte. The operator will record this
cathodic protection from an external source, which
condition on the ICCP log. Do not take action to
could be zinc anodes or an electrical leakage.
correct this condition by equipment recalibration
while the ship is in brackish water.
Inspect the controller and power supply wiring to
ensure the unit is properly grounded. Before
connecting the anode leads to the power supply, check
operating procedures require maintaining a Cathodic
for possible shorts. The voltage developed between a
Protection Log of the ICCP system operation on
disconnected platinum anode and the steel hull will
NAVSEA Form 9633/1 (fig. 11-14, view A, and
range from 1.0 to 2.0 volts dc. This can be read on a
11-14, view B). The readings will be recorded on these
high-impedance voltmeter. The polarity of the anode
logs daily and submitted to NAVSEA monthly, Logs
is positive (+) and the polarity of the hull is negative
submitted to NAVSEA are analyzed to identify those
(-). If this voltage is zero, you could have an open lead
systems that are not operating correctly. After analysis
wire or a shorted anode. When the voltage reads
of the logs is complete, a response is sent to the ship or
between 2.0 to 5.0 volts, it indicates that the anode lead
type command (TYCOM) indicating the operational
is immersed in seawater.
status of the equipment as interpreted from the logs.
This response will recommend corrective actions to be
SEAWATER.-- The ICCP system is designed to
taken, if required.
operate automatically and requires a minimum
Output Check.-- A particularly significant value
amount of maintenance. The operator normally sets
recorded on the log is the output check. The values
the hull potential at -0.85 volt. When the voltage
recorded will range from practically zero to 1.0 volt,
between the hull and the reference electrode is more
representing 100 percent current output. If the values
positive than the voltage set by the operator, the output
of the controller increases. This causes an increase in
range between 0.3 and 0.5 volt, the system is operating
the anode current output from the power supply until
at 30 to 50 percent capacity.
the voltage between the hull and the reference
Power Supply. --The daily current output is
electrode approaches the set voltage. A voltage
recorded for each power supply. Ampere values may
between the hull and the reference electrode that is
vary, depending on the power supply, maximum
negative to the set voltage causes a decrease in
output, and current demand. Two capacities of power
controller output, thereby decreasing the anode
supplies are used, 0 to 150 amperes and 0 to 300
current output.
The optimum range of polarization or hull-to-
reference electrode potential for a ship with an
nance will be performed according to the Planned
ordinary steel hull is from a -0.80 to a -0,90 volt to
Maintenance System (PMS). Take daily meter
the silver/silver chloride reference electrode.
readings on the panel and record them on the log. A
Increased anode current will result in hull potentials
quarterly check must be performed on the shaft
more negative than the optimum amount. Increasing
grounding assembly. Every 24 months the panel
the negative potential does not provide more
meters must be calibrated according to PMS require-
protection. If exceeded, this will result in hydrogen
generation at the hull surface.
Figure 11-14, view A.--Cathodic Protection Log (front)

11-14, view B.--Cathodic Protection Log (back)

The mechanism of Corrosion
2.2 The galvanic series
The galvanic series is a series which rates metals based on how readily they give up electrons to
become ions. This is measured in terms of ‘Electrode Potential’. The table below shows the rating
of different metals. The ones with more negative electrode potential are more likely to give up
electrons and get corroded.

The two parameters for Zinc and Aluminium are listed in the table below:
Parameter Aluminium Zinc

Closed Circuit
-1.1 V -1.05 V

2000 780
Capacity (Ah/kg)
Properties of Anode Materials (Source: DNV RP-B401)
4.4.2 Current output of anode
The current output of anode is the amount of current which one anode produces. From basic
electricity concepts, the current produced by one anode when it is connected to the surface (the
cathode), is given by
IA = (Potential difference)/Resistance of anode = ∆E/Ra
Here, potential difference is the electrochemical potential difference between the anode and the
surface which it protects. For example, if the surface material is mild steel and the anode is Zinc,
then the potential difference is
∆E = (Design potential of mild steel) – (Design potential of Zinc)
Design potential of mild steel = -0.8 V
Design potential of Zinc = -1.05 V
IA = ∆E/Ra = (1.05 – 0.8) /Ra
As explained above, since the resistance of the anode is different in initial and final conditions, this
implies that the current output of the anode will also be different in the initial and final conditions. If
the resistance of the anode in initial and final conditions is represented by Rai and Rafrespectively,
then the initial and final current capacity are given by
Initial Current Capacity of Anode, Iai = ∆E/Rai
Final Current Capacity of Anode, Iaf = ∆E/Raf

DAMAGE LOCATION As well as providing indications that maintenance is, or is not, needed,
computing power can be used to more accurately pinpoint a coating degradation problem when
one occurs. Three ways fo doing this are outlined below. (1) One indication of a problem
approaching comes from monitoring the anode currents. These will almost certainly increase
slowly with time as the hull coating becomes porous, but if the current from a particular anode
starts rising faster than from others, then it is a sign that there has been some significant coating
damage or degradation in the vicinity of that anode. (2) If (say) there are four Reference Electrodes
around a structure, the information from them could only define a degrading area as being closer
to one of the Electrodes than to any of the others. If, however, the number of Electrodes is
increased further to form a grid around the structure, then interpolating from the information they
provide would result in a much more accurate estimate of the position of the problem area.
Theoretical work on this has been described by at least one organisation6 . (3) Another approach
to this has been the prototyping of an Anode (Figure 15) that would provide an indication of the net
direction of protection current leaving it7 . Knowing the magnitudes and directions of the currents
leaving such Anodes facilitates pinpointing the degraded area they are protecting (Figure 16).
In principle, sensors around an anode respond differently to electrical current passing over them,
and produce a series of signals proportional to the magnitude of the current(s). The peak(s) of
these signals can be related to the directions the currents are flowing from the anode. This has
become known as the ‘Direction-Finding Anode’, and has been prototyped and tested as a four-
quadrant device. The prototype performed well7 , demonstrating accurate angular information.
Using this information and the measured current magnitudes, it should be possible to identify areas
where degradation is taking place (Figure 16).
Optimized ICCP currents can in fact reduce the UEP signature (3.5A). Switched off ICCP system does not necessarily
produce the smallest UEP signature (0A). Overprotection can increase the UEP signature critically (16A
NOTE: Aluminum is an amphoteric metal, with a negative potential of over 1200 mV that can cause
harmful overprotection such as alkali corrosion of aluminum and possible hydrogen blistering of
paint, also known as cathodic disbondment.

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