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Namma Kalvi

A Market is a centre or an area in which the forces leading to exchange title to a particular product operate and
towards which the actual goods tend to travel. The marketing concept is the philosophy that firms should ­analyze
the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs, better than the competition.
­Marketing is a department of management that tries to design strategies that will build profitable relationships
with the customers. This strategy helps in satisfying the customer needs, increase sakes, maximize the profit
and beat the competition. In this chapter it is clearly examined the concepts of marketing and the marketer.

I. Choose the Correct Answers 1 b 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c
1. One who promotes (or) Exchange of goods
or services for money is called as _______. II. Very Short Answer Questions:
a) Seller b) Marketer
1. What is market?
c) Customer d) Manager
™™ The word market is derived from the Latin
2. The marketer initially wants to know in the word ­‘Marcatus’ which means trade, com-
marketing is __________. merce, ­merchandise, a place where business is
a) Qualification of the customer transacted.
b) Quality of the product ™™ The common sage of market means a place
c) Background of the customers where goods are bought or sold.
d) Needs of the customers ™™ It is a medium or place to interact and exchange
goods and services.
3. The spot market is classified on the basis of ™™ The meeting place of buyers and sellers in an
________. area is called market.
a) Commodity b) Transaction
c) Regulation d) Time 2. Define marketer.
™™ According to Business Dictionary a marketer is
4. Which one of the market deals in the ­defined as “A person whose duties include the
­purchase and sale of shares and deben- identification of the goods and services desired
tures? by a set of consumers, as well as the market-
a) Stock exchange market ing of those goods and services on behalf of a
b) Manufactured goods market company”
c) Local market
d) Family market 3. What is mean by Regulated Market?
™™ The markets which are organized, controlled and
5. Stock exchange market is also called regulated by statutory measures.
______. ™™ Eg. Stock Exchanges of Mumbai, Chennai,
a) Spot market b) Local market Kolkata etc.
c) Security market d) National market

XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 13  Concept of Marketing and Marketer
4. Mention any four differences between wholesale Market and Retail Market?

Sl.No Basis of difference Whole sale market Retail Market

1. Meaning Wholesale is a business in which When the goods are sold to
goods are sold in large quantities to the final consumer in small
the retailers, industries and other lots, then this type of business
businesses is termed as retail
2. Connecting link between Manufacturer and retailer Wholesaler and customer
3. Competition Less Very high
4. Nature of products deals with Limited products Different products
5. Capital requirement Huge Little

5. What is meant by Commodity market? ™™ For eg. Amusement park, Theme Park,
Commodity market: Mountaineering etc.,
A commodity market is a place where produced
goods or consumption goods are bought and sold. (iv) Events:
Commodity markets are sub-divided into: ™™ The event marketing aims at promoting
™™ Produce Exchange Market and marketing of special events shows,
™™ Manufactured goods market: ­exhibitions, fairs, performances, sports
™™ Bullion Market: events like World Cup, Olympics, T20 etc.,

III. Short Answer Questions: (v) Persons:

™™ The marketing of goods and services through
1. What can be marketed in the market? celebrities is a successful formula for creating
The dynamic items that can be marketed are listed a brand relationship with the consumers.
below: ™™ The endorsement for the brand of a company
can be carried down by Cinema Stars, Sports
(i) Goods: Stars, Musicians and eminent personalities.
™™ Manufactured goods are the main constitu- 2. Mention any three Role of Marketer?
ent of marketing endeavor in all the coun- i. Instigator:
tries across the world. ™™ The marketer keenly watches the
™™ Companies and individuals market goods like ­developments taking place in the market and
consumer durables, electronic products, ma- identifies marketing opportunities emerging
chineries, Computers and its software and in the ever changing market.
hardware etc., ™™ He/ she puts in place appropriate marketing
mix to capitalize the opportunity.
(ii) Services: ™™ In such a case, marketer plays as an
™™ Not only physical goods can be marketed. ­instigator and leads the business toward new
™™ Even the services of many organizations can directions.
be marketed to the consumers namely bank-
ing, insurance, finance, hospitality, tourism, ii. Innovator
professional consultations etc., ™™ Marketer seeks to distinguish his products/
services by adding additional features or
(iii) Experiences: functionalities to the existing product.
™™ The unique and varied experiences pertain- ™™ He also does modifying the pricing, structure,
ing to a place or a park or an event can be ­introducing new delivery pattern, creating
marketed under this concept. new business models.

Chapter - 13  Concept of Marketing and Marketer XII Std - Commerce
™™ The marketer as an innovator introduces 5. Explain the types of market on the basis of
changes in production process and so on. time.
(i) Very short period market:
iii. Integrator ™™ Markets which deal in perishable goods like,
™™ Marketer plays a role of integrator. fruits, milk, vegetables etc., are called as
™™ He collects feedback or vital inputs from very short period market.
channel members and consumers. ™™ There is no change in the supply of goods.
™™ He also provides products/service solutions Price is determined on the basis of demand.
to customers/consumers by co-coordinating
multiple functions of organization. (ii) Short period market:
™™ In certain goods, supply is adjusted to meet
3. Marketer is an innovator? Do you agree?
the demand.
™™ Yes. I agree with the above said statement.
™™ The demand is greater than supply.
™™ A Marketer is treated as an innovator, due to
™™ Such markets are known as short period
the following reasons
™™ Marketer seeks to distinguish his products/
services by adding additional features or
(iii) Long period market:
functionalities to the existing product.
™™ This type of market deals in durable goods,
™™ He also does modifying the pricing, structure,
where the goods and services are dealt for
introducing new delivery pattern, creating
longer period usages.
new business models.
™™ The marketers as an innovator introduce 6. List down the functions of Marketer?
changes in production process and so on.    i. Gathering and Analysing market information
   ii. Market planning
4. Why customer support is needed to
   iii. Product Designing and development
   iv. Standardization and Grading
The customer support is needed to the market
   v. Packaging and Labelling
­because of the following reasons:
   vi. Branding
™™ To exchange (barter)goods and services.
   vii. Customer support services
™™ To adjust demand and supply by price
   viii. Pricing of products
   ix. Promotion and selling
™™ To improve the quality of life of the society.
   x. Physical distribution
™™ To introduce new modes of life.
   xi. Transportation
™™ To develop product by enhancing market
   xii. Storage and ware housing.

XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 13  Concept of Marketing and Marketer

IV. Long Answer Questions:

1. How the market can be classified?

Classification of Markets

On the basis On the basis On the basis On the basis

of AREA of Goods of Economics of Transaction

Perfect Spot
Family Commodity Capital

ImPerfect Future
Produce Money

National Manufactured Foreign

Bullion Stock

On the basis of On the basis of On the basis of On the basis of


Regulated Very short Wholesale Primary

UnRegulated Short Retail Secondary

Long Terminal

Classification of Markets: ™™ The demands are limited in this type of

On the basis of different approaches markets have market. For example, perishable goods like
been classified on the basis of Area, Nature of Goods fruits, fish, v­ egetables etc.
and Economic view, Transaction, Regulation, Time, c. National market:
Volume and importance. The detailed ­classification ™™ Certain type of commodities has demand
is presented in the following chart. throughout the country. Hence it is called as
I. On the Basis of Geographical Area a national market.
a. Family Market: When exchange of goods ™™ Today the goods from one corner can
or ­services are confined within a family or close reach another corner with ease as the
­members of the family, such a market can be called ­communication and transportation facilities
as family market. are developed well in India.
b. Local Market: ™™ This creates national markets for almost all
™™ Participation of both the buyers and sellers the products.
­belonging to a local area or areas, may be a
town or village, is called as local market.

Chapter - 13  Concept of Marketing and Marketer XII Std - Commerce
d. International market or World market: III. On the Basis of Economics
™™ World or international market is one where a. Perfect market: A market is said to be a ­perfect
the buyers and sellers of goods are ­from market, if it satisfies the following conditions:
­different countries i.e., involvement of ­buyers (i) Large number of buyers and sellers are there.
and sellers beyond the boundaries of a nation. (ii) P rices should be uniform throughout the ­market.
(iii) Buyers and sellers have a perfect knowledge of
II. On the Basis of Commodities/Goods market.
a. Commodity market: A commodity market is a (iv) G  oods can be moved from one place to another
place where produced goods or consumption goods without restrictions.
are bought and sold. (v) The goods are identical of homogenous.
I t should be remembered that such types of
Commodity markets are sub-divided into: ­markets are rarely found.
(i) Produce Exchange Market: It is an ­organized b. Imperfect market: A market is said to be
market where commodities or ­agricultural ­imperfect when
­produce are bought and sold on wholesale ™™ Products are similar but not identical
­basis. E.g. Wheat Exchange Market of Hapur, ™™ Prices are not uniform.
the Cotton Exchange Market of Bombay etc. ™™ There is lack of communication.
(ii) Manufactured goods market: This ­market ™™ There are restrictions on the movement of goods.
deals with manufactured goods. E.g., ­Leather
goods, manufactured machinery etc. The IV. On the Basis of Transaction
­Leather Exchange market at Kanpur is an (i) Spot market: In such markets, goods are
­example of the same. ­exchanged and the physical delivery of goods
(iii) Bullion Market: This type of market deals takes place immediately.
with the purchase or sale of gold ad silver. (ii) Future market: In such markets, contracts
­Bullion ­markets of Mumbai, Kolkata, Kanpur are made over the price for future delivery. The
etc., are examples of such markets. dealing and settlement take place on different
b. Capital markets: New or going concerns need V. On the Basis of Regulation:
finance at very stage. Their financial needs are met (i) Regulated Market: These are types of ­markets
by capital markets. They are of three types: which are organized, controlled and regulated
by statutory measures.
(i) Money market: It is a type of market where Example: Stock Exchanges of Mumbai, ­Chennai,
short term securities are exchanged. It ­provides Kolkata etc.,
short term and very short term finance to ­industries, (ii) Unregulated market: A market which is not
banks, governments agencies and ­financial regulated by statutory measures is called un-
­intermediate. regulated market. This is a free market, where
there is no control with regard to price, quality,
(ii) Foreign exchange market: It is an commission etc. Demand and supply deter-
­international market. This type of markets helps mine the price of goods.
exporters and importers, in converting their
­currencies into foreign currencies and vice versa. VI. On the Basis of Time:
(i) Very short period market: Markets which
(iii) The stock market: This is a market where deal in perishable goods like, fruits, milk,
sales and purchases of shares, debentures, bonds ­vegetables etc., are called as very short ­period
etc., of companies are dealt with. It is also known market. There is no change in the supply of
as securities market. Stock exchanges of Mumbai, goods. Price is determined on the basis of
Kolkata, Chennai etc., are examples for this type of ­demand.
XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 13  Concept of Marketing and Marketer
Short period market: In certain goods, ™™ Large number of buyers and sellers are
­supply is adjusted to meet the demand. The there.
demand is greater than supply. Such markets ™™ Prices should be uniform throughout the
are known as short period market. market.
(iii) Long period market: This type of market ™™ Buyers and sellers have a perfect
deals in durable goods, where the goods and ­knowledge of market.
services are dealt for longer period usages. ™™ Goods can be moved from one place to
another without restrictions.
(VII). On the Basis of Volume of Business: ™™ The goods are identical of homogenous.
   (i) W holesale market: In wholesale ­market ™™ It should be remembered that such types
goods are supplied in bulk quantity to of markets are rarely found.
­dealers/retailers. The goods and services b. Imperfect market: A market is said to be
are not sold to customers directly. ­imperfect when
   (ii) R etail market: In retail market the goods ™™ Products are similar but not identical
are purchases from producer or wholesales ™™ Prices are not uniform.
and sold to customers in small quantities ™™ There is lack of communication.
by retailers. ™™ There are restrictions on the movement of
(VIII). On the Basis of Importance:
3. What is your contribution to promote the
   (i) Primary market:
market in the modern society?
™™ The primary producers of farm sell their
The following are the ways to promote the market
output or products through this type of
in the modern society:
markets to wholesalers or consumers.
™™ One of most important point to ­consider
  Such markets can be found in villages and
is the passing of information’s to the
mostly the products arrive from villages.
­customers and educating the customers.
(ii) Secondary market:
™™ Managing customer expectations from
™™ In this market, the semi finished goods
consumer advocacy groups to learn about
are ­marketed. Here finished goods are not
the various brand loyalty.
™™ It is high time the clarification of the
™™ The commodities arrive from other
­customers and the clearance of the
­customer’s doubts should be carry forward.
™™ The dealings are commonly between
wholesalers or between wholesalers and
Additional Questions:
(iii) Terminal market: I. Choose the Correct Answers:
™™ It is a central site that serves as an ­assembly
and trading place for ­commodities in a
1. __________ are the form of human needs
metropolitan area.
take as shaped by culture & individual
™™ For agricultural commodities these are
usually at or near major transportation
a) wants b) demands
c) needs d) social needs
2. How the market can be classified on the 2. Marketing is a process which aims at
basis of Economics? _______.
The following are the classification of the market on a) Production
the basis of economics. b) Profit making
a. Perfect market: A market is said to be a ­perfect c) satisfaction of customer needs
market, if it satisfies the following conditions: d) selling products
Chapter - 13  Concept of Marketing and Marketer XII Std - Commerce
3. Marketers often use the term ______ to 8. Match the following in A and B from the
cover various groupings of customers. given codes.
a) People A B
b) buying power 1. Growth in (i) Goodwill
c) demographic segment
2.Creation of (ii) Customer loyalty
d) market
3.Sustaining (iii) Development
4. Who suggested product, pricing, place,
a) 1-ii; 2- i; 3-iii
­promotion all these in a company ­represents
b) 1-ii; 2-iii; 3-i
“ Market Mix”
c) 1-ii; 2-iii; 3-ii
a) Philip Kotler b) Stephen Morse
d) 1-iii; 2-i; 3-ii
c) Neil Borden d) Neilsen
9. The marketing concepts i­nvolves______.
5. Assertion (A): Marketing is the ­performance
a) Production Orientation
of buying activities from producer to
b) Sales Orientation
­ultimate user.
c) Consumer Orientation
Reason (R): Selling is concerned with
d) All of the above
putting the goods into the hands of the
­buyers. 10. The role of the marketer includes _____.
a) Both A and R are individually true a) Instigator
b) Both A and R are false b) Innovator
c) A is true but R is false c) Integrator
d) A is false but R is true d) All of the above

6. Assertion(A): In barter system the goods

are exchanged against goods, without any ANSWERS
other medium of exchange like money. 1 d 2 c 3 d 4 c 5 a
Reason(R): Customers’ importance was 6 d 7 c 8 d 9 d 10 d
­realized but only as a means of disposing
of goods produced. II. Very Short Answer Questions:
a) A is true but R is false
b) A is false but R is true 1. Define Market.
c) Both A and R are individually true and R is the According to Pyle, “Market includes both place
correct explanation of A and region in which buyers and sellers are in free
d) B oth A and R are individually true but R is not the ­competition with one another”
correct explanation of A
2. What is meant by World Market?
7. Match the following in Column I and World market is one where the buyers and sellers of
­Column II with given codes: goods are from different countries, i.e ­involvement
Column I Column II of buyers and sellers beyond the boundaries of a
1. Consumer (i) Advantage nation.
2. Product (ii) Profit
3. Earning (iii) Development III. Short Answer Questions:
4. Competitive (iv) Satisfaction
a) 1-ii; 2- i; 3-iii; 4-iv 1. What is meant by future market?
b) 1-ii; 2-iii; 3-iv; 4-i ™™ The markets where the contracts are made over
c) 1-iv; 2-iii; 3-ii; 4-ii the price for future delivery.
d) 1-iii; 2-I; 3-iv; 4-ii ™™ The dealing and settlement takes place on
­different dates.
XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 13  Concept of Marketing and Marketer
2. What do you mean by Bullion market? ™™ For eg. Amusement Park, Theme Park,
™™ The type of market deals with the purchase or Mountaineering etc.,
sale of gold and silver is known as bullion market. iv) Events:
™™ Examples of bullion markets are Mumbai, ™™ The event marketing aims at promoting
Kolkatta, Kanpur bullion markets. and marketing of special events, shows,
­exhibitions, fairs, performances, sports events
IV. Long Answer Questions: like World Cup, Olympics, T20 etc.,
v) Persons:
1. What are all the items can be marketed? ™™ The marketing of goods and services through
(Any Five) celebrities is a successful formula for creating
i) Goods: a brand relationship with the consumers.
™™ Manufactured Goods are the main ­constituent ™™ The endorsement for the brand of a company
of marketing endeavor in all the countries can be carried down by Cinema Stars, Sports
across the world. Stars, Musicians and eminent personalities.
™™ Companies and individuals market goods like 2. What are the functions of Marketer?
consumer durables, electronic products, ma- ™™ Gathering and analyzing market information.
chineries, Computers and its software and ™™ Market planning
hardware etc., ™™ Product designing and development
ii) Services: ™™ Standardization and Grading
™™ Not only physical goods can be marketed. ™™ Packaging and Labelling
Even the services of many organizations ™™ Branding
can be marketed to the consumers ­namely ™™ Customer support services
­banking, insurance, finance, hospitality, ™™ Pricing of products
­tourism, professional consultations etc., ™™ Promotional and selling
iii) Experiences: ™™ Physical distribution
™™ The unique and varied experiences ­pertaining ™™ Transportation
to a place or a park or an event can be ™™ Storage and warehousing
­marketed under this concept.


The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote its brand or ­product
in the market. Marketing is indeed an ancient art. The traditional objective of marketing had been to make
goods available at placed where they are needed. Marketing mix involves many crucial decisions relating to each
­element of the mix. It is applicable not only to business organizations but also to non-business organizations,
such as clubs and educational institutions. The 4 Ps of marketing namely Product, Price, Place and Promotion is
the foundation model of marketing mix. This chapter clearly defines the Evolution of marketing and the process
of marketing mix.

I. Choose the Correct Answers II. Very Short Answer Questions:

1. The initial stage of marketing system is 1. Define Marketing Mix.
______ “Marketing mix is a pack of four sets of variables
a) Monopoly system b) Exchange to Money namely product variable, price variable, promotion
c) Barter system d) Self producing variable, and place variable”.

2. Who is supreme in the Market? 2. Give any two internal factors affecting the
a) Customer b) Seller price of product/service.
c) Wholesaler d) Retailer Factors affecting price product/service:
1. Marketing Objectives
3. In the following variables which one is not
2. Marketing Mix Strategy
the variable of marketing mix?
a) Place Variable b) Product Variable 3. Define Product.
c) Program Variable d) Price Variable According to Philip Kotler, “ A product is anything
that can be offered to a market for attention, ac-
4. Marketing mix means a marketing program
quisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a
that is offered by a firm to its target _____
want or a need”.
to earn profits through satisfaction of their
III. Short Answer Questions:
a) Wholesaler b) Retailer
c) Consumer d) Seller 1. What are the Objectives of marketing?
Objectives of marketing:
5. Which one is the example of intangible
The following are the objectives of marketing:
i. Intelligent and capable application of modern
a) Education b) Mobiles
­marketing policies.
c) Garments d) Vehicles
ii. To develop the marketing field.
iii. To develop guiding policies and their
­implementation for a good result.
1 c 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a iv. To suggest solutions by studying the problems
­relating to marketing.

XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 14  Marketing and Marketing Mix
v. T  o find sources for further information ­concerning 4. What do you mean by marketing mix?
the market problems. ­Describe any two elements.
To receive existing marketing function, if Marketing mix refers to two things:
­shortcomings are found. ™™ A list of important elements or ingredients that
vii. To take appropriate actions in the course of make u p the marketing programme and
­action. ™™ The list of forces having bearing on marketing
2. What is need for market and explain the
Elements of marketing of mix:
concept of marketing?
i. Product:
Need for market:
™™ Product is the main element of marketing.
i. To exchange (barter) goods and services.
™™ Without a product, there can be no marketing.
ii. To adjust demand and supply by price m­ echanism.
™™ According to Philip Kotler, A product is ­anything
iii. To improve the quality of life of the society.
that can be offered to a market for attention,
iv. To introduce new modes of life.
acquisition, use or consumption that might
v. To develop product by enhancing market.
satisfy a want or a need
The following are the points involved in the concept
™™ Price is the value of a product expressed in
of marketing:
­monetary terms. It is the amount charged for
™™ What I can sell? – The marketer has to decide
the product.
what he/she can sell but not try to sell what
™™ According to philopkotler, “price is the amount
they can make.
of money charged for a product or service,
™™ Shall I first create products? – The first aim of
or the sum of the values that consumers
the marketer is to create a customer and not
­exchange for the benefits of having or using
to create products.
the product or service”.
™™ Shall I love my products? – The marketer has
to love the customers and not the products.
™™ Who is supreme in markets? – According to IV. Long Answer Questions:
this concept the customer is supreme or king
1. Discuss about the evolution of marketing.
of the market.
i. Barter system: The goods are exchanged
™™ Who will shape my decisions?- This concept
against goods, without any other medium of
clearly describes that the customers ­preference
­exchange, like money.
shape the marketers decisions.
ii. P  roduction orientation: This was a stage
3. What are the factors affecting price of where producers, instead of being concerned
­product? with the consumer preferences, concentrated on
the mass production of goods for the p ­ urpose of
profit. They cared very little about the ­customers.
Marketing objectives
Marketing mix stratigies iii. Sales orientation: The stage witnessed ­major
INTERNAL Organisation consideration change in all the spheres of economic life. The
FACTORS Organisatin consideration selling became the dominant factor, without
any efforts for the satisfaction of the consumer
The market and demand
Competition iv. Marketing orientation : Customers ­importance
EXTERNAL Customer was realized but only as a means of disposing
FACTORS Legal factors of goods produced. Competition become more
Regulation factors
stiff. Aggressive advertising, personal selling,
large scale promotion etc. are used as tools to
boost sales.

Chapter - 14  Marketing and Marketing Mix XII Std - Commerce
v. Consumer orientation: Under this stage ™™ Marketing facilities the development of
only such product are brought forward to the ­business and creates employment of business
markets which are capable f satisfying the
­ and creates employment opportunities for
tastes, ­ preferences and expections of the people.
­consumers-consumer satisfaction.
3. Narrate the elements of marketing mix.
vi. Management orientation: The ­ marketing
function assumes a managerial role to
­co-ordinate all interactions of business ­activities Marketing Mix

with the ­objective of planning, promoting and

distributing want-satisfying products and Promotion Product

­services to the ­present and potential customers.

2. Why the marketing is important to the

­society and individual firm Explain.
Marketing is important to the society and individual Promotion Price
firm because of the following reasons:
a. To the society:
™™ Marketing is a connecting link between the Elements of marketing of mix:
consumer and the producer. i) Product:
™™ Marketing helps in increasing in increasing the ™™ Product is the main element of marketing.
living standard of people. ™™ Without a product, there can be no marketing.
™™ Marketing helps to increase the nation’s ™™ According to Philip Kotler “A product is ­anything
income. that can be offered to a market for attention,
™™ Marketing process increases employment acquisition, use or consumption that might
opportunities. satisfy a want or a need”.
™™ Marketing creates modern cultivators. ii) Price:
™™ Marketing removes the imbalances of supply ™™ Price is the value of a product expressed in
by transferring the surplus to deficit areas, monetary terms. It is the amount charged for
through better transport facilities. the product.
™™ Marketing helps to maintain economic ­stability ™™ According to Philip Kotler, “price is the amount
and rapid development in underdeveloped or of money charged for a product or service,
developing countries. or the sum of the values that consumers
™™ Marketing includes all activities in the creation ­exchange for the benefits of having or using
of utilities-form, place, time and possession. the product or service”.
™™ A reduction in the cost of marketing is a direct iii. Place (Physical Distribution)
benefit to society. ™™ The fourth element of product mix, ­ namely
™™ Marketing adds value of goods by changing place or physical distribution facilitates the
their ownership and by changing their time movement of products from the place of
and place of consumption. ­manufacture to the place of consumption at
b. To the individual firms the right time.
™™ Marketing generates revenue to firms. ™™ The qualified product will be wasted if it is not
™™ Marketing section of a firm is the source of transferred to the consumers.
information to the topo management for
­ iv. Promotion
­taking overall decisions on production. ™™ The special features and benefits should be
™™ Marketing and innovation are the two ­basic conveyed to the potential consumers.
functions of all businesses. The world is ™™ Most of the consumers become customers
dynamic. on the basis of the special features of the

XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 14  Marketing and Marketing Mix
4. What is marketing? ™™ With the knowledge of the taste and
™™ Marketing is one of the business functions that ­preferences of the consumer the product may
all activities that take place in relation to markets be designed as per the wish of the consumers.
for actualize potential exchanges for the purpose ™™ By knowing the sufficient information the cost
of satisfying human needs and wants. of a product will be decided.
™™ Marketing is the performance of buying activities
that facilitate to ore flow of goods and services Additional Questions:
from producer to ultimate user.
™™ Selling is basically concerned with putting the I. Choose the Correct Answers:
goods into the hands of the buyers for a price,
but marketing is much wider than selling.
1. After considering the following arrange
™™ “Marketing is what a marketer does,”
them in correct sequences:
™™ Marketing is one of the oldest professions in the
i. Pricing objectives ii. Pricing Methods
iii. Pricing Strategies iv. Pricing decisions
™™ The traditional idea of marketing was l­ater
a) i,iii,ii,iv b) i,iv,iii,ii
on changed by shifting the emphasis from
c) ii,i,iv,iii d) iv,ii,iii,i
­“exchange” to “satisfaction of human wants”.
™™ Different authors tried to give suitable definition 2. Marketing must be understood in a new
from their viewpoint. sense that can be characterized as ______.
™™ Some of the authors emphasis on the ­traditional a) Get there first with the most
view of producing goods and finding out b) Management of youth demand
customers, others emphasis on the modern
­ c) Satisfying customer needs
view that marketing must first find out what d) Telling and selling
customers want and then plan a product to
­satisfy the wants. 3. ______________ means classification
of standardized product into certain well
5. State to advantage of warehousing. ­defined classes or groups.
Warehousing a) Gradation b) Segmentation
Warehouses create time utility by storing the goods c) Standardization d) Specification
throughout the ea and releasing them as and when
they are needed. 4. Anything that can be offered to a market for
Advantages of Warehousing: attention, acquisition, use or ­consumption
™™ It helps in protection and preservation of goods that might satisfy a want or need is called
™™ It facilitate the regular flow of goods. _____________.
™™ Warehouses enables the continuity in a) demand b) Idea
production. c) Product d) Service
™™ The convenient location of warehouses helps 5. When a company review sales, costs and
in reducing the cost. profit projections for a new product to
™™ It is useful for small businessmen. find out whether these factors satisfy the
™™ It creates employment. ­company’s objectives, they are in which of
™™ Warehouses facilitates the sale of goods the following new-product development
™™ Warehouses reduces the risk of loss. stages?
6. How market information is helpful to a) Business analysis
­invention of new product in the market? b) Commercialization
™™ By knowing the market information the pro- c) Concept development
ducer can know well about the attitude of the d) Marketing strategy development

Chapter - 14  Marketing and Marketing Mix XII Std - Commerce
6. Highest percentage of ideas for new and exchanging offererings that have value for
­products originates from which of the customers,clients, partners and society.
­following sources? d) 
Marketing is the last step in the chain of
a) Competitors b) Customers ­commerce where a buyer exchanges cash for a
c) Employees d) All the above sellers good or service, or the activity of trying to
bring this about.
7. Marketing is a process which aims at
________. 13. Assertion (A): Customers buy products
a) Production Reason(R): Consumers use products
b) Profit making (a) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.
c) satisfaction of customer needs (b) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
d) Selling product (c) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.
(d) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
8. _______________ is the father of Modern
Marketing 14. Statement (A): Selling is important
a) Peter Drucker b) Philip Kotler not merely for increasing the profits of
c) Lester Wunderman d) None of the above ­businessmen, but also for making goods
and services available to the consumers in
9. ___________ are the form of human needs society.
take as shaped by culture & individual Statement (B): It is the process ­whereby
­personality. goods and services finally flow to the
a) Wants b) Demands
­consumers who need them and the firm
c) Needs d) Social needs
performs its function of distributing its
10. Which of the following risks are bore by a products among consumers.
marketer? Code:
a) Time risk b) Human risk (a) Statement A and statement B both are true
c) Political risk d) all the abov (b) Statement A is true but statement B is not true
Statement A is true but statement B is the
11. Assertion(A): Selling is the major ­objective ­reason of statement A
of any marketing activity in the world (d) Statement A and B are true, but statement B is
Reason(R): Marketing completes with the not the reason of statement A
real sale of goods and services bought or
acquired by the seller. 15. Assertion (A): High customer ­expectations
(a) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong. lead to dissatisfaction as product
(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct. ­performance never matches them.
(c) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct. Reason (R): Product performance is always
(d) Both (A) and (R) are wrong. customer specific.
12. Which of the following is the most correct (a) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
statement? (b) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
a) T he different activities includes in the delivery of (c) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
goods and services from producer to the u ­ ltimate (d) (R) is correct, but (A) is incorrect.
consumers or users is known as marketing.
b) Marketing is to ensure that the product is ANSWERS
­easily and effectively moved from the point of
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a
­production to the target market ensures that the
6 b 7 c 8 b 9 d 10 d
product can be easily accessed by customers.
c) Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and 11 b 12 c 13 b 14 c 15 b
process for creating, communicating, delivering

XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 14  Marketing and Marketing Mix
™™ It involves the holding and preservation of goods
II. Very Short Answer Questions: from the time they are produced to the time
they are consumed.
1. What is meant by Barter System? ™™ There is a time gap between the production and
The exchange of goods against goods without any consumption of goods.
other medium of exchange like money is known as ™™ Therefore there is need for storing so as to make
barter system. the goods available to the consumers and when
2. What is meant by Grading? they are required.
Grading means classification of standardized prod- 2. Write a note on packing.
ucts into certain well defined classes. ™™ Packing means wrapping and crating of goods
3. What is meant by Branding? before distribution.
Branding means giving a name or symbol to a ™™ Goods are packed in packages or containers in
product in order to differentiate it from competitive order to protect them against breakage, leakage,
products. spoilage and damage of any kind.

III. Short Answer Questions: IV. Long Answer Questions:

1. What is meant by Storage? 1. Explain the functions of marketing

™™ Storage is the one among the Physical Supply According to Professors Clark and Clark the ­following
function of marketing process. are the functions of marketing.

1. Functions of Exchange:
  Exchange refers to transfer of goods and services for money’s worth. This process can be divided into (a)
Buying and assembling and (b) selling
2. Functions of Physical Supply
  There are two important functions under this classification:
    i. Transportation ii. Storage and ware housing.
3. Facilitating Functions
  There are the functions which help or facilitate in the transfer of goods and services from the producer to
the consumer. They are not directly connected with the transfer of goods. Under this category the following
functions are included.

Chapter - 14  Marketing and Marketing Mix XII Std - Commerce
3. Write a note on Facilitating functions of iv. S tandardization: Standardization means
marketing: establishment of certain standards based on
i) Financing: intrinsic qualities of a commodity. The q
­ ­ uality
  Financing play a crucial role in the marketing. may be determined on the basis of various
­Without finance the activities of the markets ­factors like size, colors, taste, appearance etc.
cannot be taken place. The finance may be
­classified into the following: v. G rading: Grading means classification of
   a. Long-term finance ­standardized products in to certain well defined
   b. Medium-term finance classes.
   c. Short-term finance
vi. B
 randing: Branding means giving a name or
ii) Risk Bearing: symbol to a product in order to differentiate it
  The marketers always bear the risk. The risk from competitive products.
taking ability of the marketer makes an incre-
ment in the process of earning profit. The follow- vii. Packing: Packing means wrapping and crating
ing are the risks involved in the marketing. of goods before distribution. Goods are packed
   a. Time risk in packages or containers in order to protect
   b. Place risk them against breakage, leakage, spoilage and
   c. Competition risk damage of any kind.
   d. Risk of change in demand
   e. Risk arising from natural calamities viii. Pricing: Pricing is perhaps the most ­important
   f. Human risks decision taken by a businessman. It is the
   g. Political risks ­decision upon which the success or failure of an
enterprise depends to a large extent. ­Therefore,
iii. Market Information: According to Clark and price must be determined only ­after taking all the
Clark market information means “all the facts, relevant factors into ­consideration.
estimates, opinions and other information used
in marketing of goods”.

The market scenario in the world today is changing rapidly. Customers of today are global and they exhibit
international characteristics. Due to the developments of information technology, rapid means of transportation,
liberalization and mobility of people across the world, their buying habits has been forwarded. Hence the mar-
keters are turning from transaction thinking to relationship building and customer retention. The emphasis will
be given to Quality, Value and Customer Satisfaction. This chapter deals with the recent trends in marketing.

8. Pure play retailers are called

I. Choose the Correct Answers a. Market creators b. Transaction brokers
c. Merchants d. Agents
1. Selling goods/ services through internet is
a. Green marketing b. E-business
c. Social marketing d. Meta marketing
1 b 2 c 3 c 4 c
2. Which is gateway to internet?
a. Portal b. CPU 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 b
c. Modem d. Webnaire
II. Very Short Answer Questions:
3. Which one represents a cluster of
­manufacturers, content providers and on-
line retailers organized around an activity? 1. What is E business?
a. Virtual mall b. Association ™™ Electronic business (e-business) via, web, inter-
c. Metomediary d. Portal net, intranets, extranets or some combination
thereof to conduct business.
4. Social marketing deals with: ™™ If all the business transaction carried out
a. Society b. Social class through internet and other online tools is called
c. Social change d. Social evil E-business.
5. Effective use of social media marketing 2. What is green marketing?
­increase conversion rates of _____ ™™ Green marketing implies marketing
a. Customer to buyers ­environmentally friendly products.
b. Retailer to customers ™™ It refers to holistic marketing concept with
c. One buyer to another buyer’s growing awareness about the implications of
d. Direct contact of marketer ­global ­warming, non-biodegradable solid waste,
6. A company’s products and prices is visually harmful impact of pollutants etc.
represented by ™™ Green marketing is also known as e ­ nvironmental
a. Shopping cart b. Web portal marketing, ecological marketing eco-friendly
c. Electronic catalogue d. Revenue model ­marketing and sustainable marketing.

7. Green shelter concept was introduced by 3. What is service marketing?

group: ™™ A service is any activity or benefit that one party
a. ACME b. Tata can offer to another which is essentially ­intangible
c. Reliance d. ICI and which does not result in the ownership of
Chapter - 15  Recents Trends in Marketing XII Std - Commerce
anything like business and professional services ™™ The customer buys the product by paying
insurance, legal service, medical service etc. through credit card or other methods mentioned
™™ Service marketing is a specialized branch of at the shopping website.
marketing. ™™ The customer receives the product at their
™™ Service marketing denotes the processing of ­preferred address through courier service.
selling service goods like telecommunication,
­ ™™ E-tailing is a business to consumer (B2C)
banking, insurance, car rentals, healthcare, ­transaction model.
­tourism, professional services, repairs etc., ™™ E-tailing is also called online retailing.
™™ The service products are mostly intangible,
6. What is Social marketing?
­inseparable from service provider .
™™ Social marketing is a new marketing tool.
4. Define E-Marketing. ™™ It is the systematic application of marketing
“E-marketing is achieving marketing objectives ­philosophy and techniques to achieve specific
through use of digital technologies like ­internet, word behavioral goals which ensure social good.
wide web, email, wireless media and ­management ™™ For example, this may include asking people not
of digital customer data and ­ electronic customer to smoke in public areas, asking them to wear
management systems (E-CRM)” seat belts or persuading them to follow speed
5. What is E-Tailing?
™™ It helps to eradicate social evils that affect the
™™ E- tailing or electronic retailing refers to selling of
society and quality of life.
goods and services through a shopping website
(internet) orthrough virtual store to the ultimate

III. Short Answer Questions:

1. What is B2B and B2C type of E-Commerce?

Sl.No B2B (Business To Business) B2C(Business To Consumer)

1. The selling of goods and services between two busi- The transaction in which business sells the
ness entities is known as business to business goods and services to the consumers is called
business to consumer
2. B2B starts when the raw material is purchased and When the product is purchased or the service
ends till it is distributed to the showroom is obtained it comes to an end
3. Focus to be given to the relationship between busi- Focus will be given to the products
ness entities
4. The business relationship will be last for long period It will last for only short duration
5. Volume of merchandise sold is large Volume of merchandise sold is small

2. Explain the importance of social marketing.

™™ Social marketing is a new marketing tool.
™™ It is the systematic application of marketing philosophy and techniques to achieve specific behavioural goals
which ensure social good.
™™ For example, this may include asking people not to smoke in public areas, asking them to wear seat belts or
persuading them to follow speed limits.
™™ The primary aim of social marketing is ‘social good’ such as anti-tobacco, anti-drug, anti-pollution, ­anti-dowry,
road safety, protection of girl child, against the use of plastic bags.

XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 15  Recents Trends in Marketing
™™ Social marketing promotes the consumption of ™™ Expansion of market share
socially desirable products and develops health ™™ Reduction of distribution and promotional
consciousness. expenses.
™™ It helps to eradicate social evils that affect the ™™ Achieving higher brand awareness.
society and quality of life. ™™ Strengthening database.

3. Discuss the objectives E-marketing. 4. Elucidate how E-Commerce differs from

™™ The following are the objectives of E-Marketing E-Business.

Sl.No E-Commerce E-Business

1. Trading or merchandise over the internet is known Running business using the internet is
as E-Commerce known as E-business
2. It is a subset. It is a major component of e-business It is a superset
3. It includes transactions related to money. It includes monetary as well as allied
4. It requires a website that can represent the ­business It requires a website, CRM and ERP for
­running the business over the internet.
5. Internet network is used Internet,intranet and extranet are used.

5. Explain in detail about Niche marketing

Niche marketing:
™™ Niche marketing denotes a strategy of directing all marketing efforts towards one well defined segment of
the population.
™™ Actually there is no market in niche market.
™™ It is found by company, by identifying the need of customers which are not served or under served by the
™™ The company which identified niche market develops solution to satisfy the needs of niche market.
™™ A niche market does not mean a small market, but it involves specific target audience with a specialized
™™ It aimed at being big fish in a small pond instead of being a small fish in a big pond.
™™ For example, there are various cinema halls across India, but there are few which have recliner seats to offer.
™™ Not everybody wants to watch a movie by paying 5x-6x times the cost of a normal ticket. T
™™ he sports channels like STAR Sports, ESPN, STAR Cricket and Fox Sports target the niche market of sports

IV. Long Answer Questions:

1. Explain in detail how traditional marketing differ from e-marketing.
Sl.No E-marketing Traditional marketing
1. It is very economical and faster way to ­promote It is very expensive and takes more time to ­promote
the products. product.
2. It is quiet easier for promoting product globally It is very expensive and time consuming to p
­ romote
in the short time product/service under traditional marketing.
3. E-business enterprises can expand their It needs more man power.
­operation with minimum manpower.
4. In this marketing product can be sold or bought That is not possible in traditional marketing.
24*7,round the year with minimum manpower

Chapter - 15  Recents Trends in Marketing XII Std - Commerce
2. Explain advantages and disadvantages of Disadvantages:
e-tailing. ™™ Creating and maintaining an e-tailing website
Advantages: can be expensive
™™ E-tailers are convenient whereby consumers ™™ Infrastructure costs can be substantial if
can shop from the comfort of their homes at warehouses and distribution centers need to
any time of the day. be built to store and ship the products.
™™ Buy online and pick up in the store allows con- ™™ Consumers may have a lack of trust with
sumers to have the best of both worlds. shopping on an e-tailer’s website
™™ Infrastructure costs are lower for companies ™™ E-tailing doesn’t provide consumers with the
that operate electronic retailing versus physi- experience shopping that brick-and-mortar
cal locations. stores offer
™™ Companies can move products faster and ™™ Describe the various strategies pursued in
reach more customers online compared to ­recent day’s marketers.
physical locations. ™™ There is a developing generic competitive
™™ E-tailing allows companies to close unprofit- strategy followed nowadays.
able stores boosting their profitability. ™™ It consists of three aspects: they are Superior
skills, Superior resources, Superior positions.

4. Compare the concept of social marketing with service marketing.

Sl.No Social Marketing Service Marketing
1. It places emphasis on the long term well being of society It is the action of doing something for
as a whole someone or something
2. The focal point is society The focal point is those who are all in
need of service
3. It is a combination of consumer wants or needs, company It is intangible in nature. It is a
requirements and the long term good of society. ­combination of consumer wants.

5. Discuss any two new methods of ­marketing then shared on Facebook, Twitter and other
with it’s advantages. channels.
1. Viral Marketing: 2. Ambush Marketing
™™ Viral marketing is marketing technique that ™™ Ambush marketing technique is a new
impels the users to pass on a marketing mes- technique whereby a particular advertiser
sage to other users, creating a potentially seeks to connect his product to the event in
exponential growth in the message’s visibility the mind of potential customer without paying
and effect. sponsoring expenses to the event.
™™ Viral marketing is able to generate interest ™™ In other words it is a method of building
and the potential sale of a brand or product brands in covert ways.
through messages that spread quickly like a ™™ For example X has sponsored a football event
virus from person to person. to promote his brand.
™™ Messenger message and the environment ™™ Every time camera zooms on reference, a
are vital element indispensable in ­spreading group of people sitting on the bench wearing
message widely across various ­ distance ‘Y’ company brand name imposed shirt comes
Hotmail Company owned by Microsoft into focuses.
promote the services and advertisement
­ ™™ In this case ‘Y’ company promote its brand at
message instantly. X’s companies expenses.
™™ The most widespread example in recent ™™ Bigger companies engage in ambush
times is the creation of moving, surprising ­marketing tactics to undermine official event
or spectacular videos on YouTube, which are sponsors.
XII Std - Commerce Chapter - 15  Recents Trends in Marketing
II. Very Short Answer Questions: in turn creates buzz about the brand on shirts it
create a memorable experience in the mind of
target audience which triggers good responses
1. What is meant by referral marketing?
to sales.
™™ Referral marketing is the method of promoting
™™ It is suited to small companies which cannot set
products or services to new customers through
apart big advertisement budget.
™™ Referral marketing is refer to spreading the word
about a product or service through existing
IV. Long Answer Questions:
customers of business enterprises rather than
through traditional advertising. 1. Write about Multilevel Marketing:
™™ Word-of-mouth marketing, which occurs when ™™ Multilevel Marketing is the marketing strategy
others tell each other about a business, is also wherein the direct sales companies encourage
considered to be a form of referral marketing. its existing distributors to recruit new distributors
to facilitate the sale of goods and services.
2. What is meant by content marketing? ™™ The recruits are called as the participant’s
™™ Content marketing is said to be the art of “Downline” or distributor’s “Downline”.
communicating with customers and prospects
­ ™™ Example, Tupperware, and Amway are the
without selling. direct sales companies that use the multilevel
™™ The Content Marketing institute calls it marketing.
­non-interruption marketing. ™™ The multilevel marketing is also called as a net-
™™ Under this concept products/ services are work marketing, referral marketing or pyramid
­presented impressively to target market which selling.
respond to the content delivered in the form of ™™ For instance ‘A’ sells to ‘B’ a product.
good sales response and greater loyalty. ™™ In these sales ‘A’ gets commission on sale to ‘B’
who in turn sells to ‘C’, D, and E.
3. What is a commodity Exchange?
™™ A gets certain percentage commission on B’s
™™ A commodity exchange is an organized and
sales to C,D, and E.
regulated market that facilitates the purchase
and sale of contracts whose values are tied to
the price of commodities (e.g. crude oil, natural
gas, copper and gold).
™™ Typically, the buyers of these contracts agree to
accept delivery of a commodity, and the sellers
agree to deliver the commodity
III. Short Answer Questions:
1. Discuss Guerrilla Marketing:
™™ The concept of Guerrilla Marketing was invented
as an unconventional system of promotions that
relies on time, energy and imagination rather
than a big marketing budget.
™™ Guerrilla marketing represents an advertisement
strategy to promote products/ services on streets
or other public places with monkey like shopping
malls, parks beach etc.,
™™ Consumers/ customers are taken by surprise to
make a big impression about the brand which


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