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Mastering emotions.


When we born, we come with some belief system and ego by genetic of our ancestors. Also in our
childhood we suck like a sponge everything from our enviroment, family, society, without even
cuestioning. That creates our reality and personality, how we need to behave, what is right and
wrong, etc . That beliefs are proceced by our ego and create emotions when it comes to situations in
our lifes.. These emotions (Good and bad ones) are stored in our subconcious mind..

Our subconcious mind has also a link with the nervous system. Responsible for involuntaries
responds like heart beat, breathing rate and other systhoms from our emotions.

This beliefs system sometimes are toxic and clash with our reality creating traumas.. For example a
gay men who born in a homophobic family, etc.. Or being shy and fearful in a very perfeccionist
family (like our society), etc. In that situations all that energy from others is

project it to us making us to feel very shame about ourself and triggering strong emotions like
shame and fear.

These emotions stored in our Subconscious mind sometimes are very unpleasant. Even though that
emotions give us a warning of a danger situation in case of fear , sometimes this emotions can be
too overwelming that makes us suffer to ourself.

These emotions, in the case of fear will multiply and keep triggering again and again in new
situations similar to the original one. That emotion at some point will control our life without even
we undestant why.

These strong emotions normally comes from strong beliefs that crush with the reality of life we live..
This belief and ego energy from others stored in our mind will crush with the reallity making us feel
like we don’t deserve anything or we reacting to everything . So we dont accept that and try to hide
that part of us from others.. This will create conflict in our minds.

Also other emotions like anger, envy, rejection are negative energy that we dont want to feel. But
the reality is they keep getting triggered as we dont have control over it because they are stored in
our subconscious mind.

In case of anger a stuck even in our mind can multiply and spread to most of our future events. So
when we come across something we dont like, we project that anger stuck from the original to

When that emotion gets triggered , we react to them exploting in case of anger flight,fight or freeze
and avoid situation in case of fear, criticizing and feeling very bad in case of envy and trying avoid
situations, etc.

But the way we deal with that emotions is wrong. Because we reacting and resisting to them, so they
persist. As Eckhart Tolle says:
“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists”
Mastering emotions.

“Faster you try to run away from a dog, faster dog runs towards you “
“More we get scared of bullies , more we get bullied.”

So lets stop resisting and face it. Bringing awareness and insight will open doorways. There is the
freedom on the other side.


EFT allow you open up emotions to the present moment by completely and deeply accepting them.
By fully accepting them we allow ourself to feel them without any resistant. By feeling them without
any resistant they get free and a new awareness will bring to present moment.. Being here and now
free from any negative energy...

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