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The road toward revenue begins with leads. Whether
reaching out to your first few customers or looking to grow
your client base, your business needs to stay visible and
relevant to the people who are going to buy from you. That’s
what lead generation helps you accomplish.

But lead generation can appear daunting to most of us,

especially today when we’re faced with a dizzying array
of choices and information. In fact, study after study has
shown that the vast majority of businesses still name lead
generation as their #1 marketing challenge.

That’s why we put together this brief but comprehensive

guide to lead generation. This eBook walks you through
everything you need to get started building a strategy that
consistently brings the right kind and the right number of
leads into your sales pipeline.

We’ll start with a quick overview of what lead generation is

and how it works, then we’ll go into greater depth about each
key component of a modern lead generation strategy—from
email all the way to SEO/PPC. So strap in and hang on tight.
You’re about to fire up your revenue engine.

“You are out of business if you don’t

have a prospect.””
- Zig Ziglar
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 3


What is Lead Generation? THE BASICS

The textbook definition of lead generation

goes somewhere along the lines of: “the
process of driving and directing interest
into a product or service for customer
acquisition.” What is Lead
That’s a mouthful, so let’s instead turn to
how experts and practitioners think about
Defined By 7 Marketing Experts
lead generation in the real world:

• Demand Generation vs Lead Generation

– According to Experts

How Does it Work?

Simply put, lead generation is the series of steps that turn your target customers
(prospects) into potential buyers (leads). Here’s a rundown of how lead generation
works as well as tips and tricks to get the most out of each step.

Set your goals and identify your THE BASICS

STEP 0 target audience

Before anything else in lead generation, you need to set

clear goals for your campaigns and to refine your target
prospect profile.
Identifying Key
• The 4 Main Lead Generation Goals: What Has Target Customers
Changed & How to Reach Them
in Lead Generation
• Identifying Key Target Customers
in Lead Generation

• Where Can You Get a Good B2B Lead List?

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The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 4


STEP 1 Drive interest and awareness

Lead generation starts with raising awareness.

This is done through email marketing, social media
outreach, SEO efforts, content marketing, paid
channels, and phone calls to prospects.
The 5 Success
• Using the Psychology of FREE Stuff to Generate
Factors of Multi-
Leads Channel Marketing
• 20 Types of Lead Generation Content to Put Revealed
Behind Your Landing Pages

• The 5 Success Factors of Multi-Channel

Marketing Revealed [INFOGRAPHIC]

STEP 2 Capture relevant prospect info SLIDESHOW

Once a prospect shows interest, the next step is
to gather information that helps you figure out the
best ways to interact with that particular lead. This
typically involves collecting contact, demographic,
firmographic, and other details.
How to
• The Most Significant Information You Need to
Get from Leads Qualify a Lead
• B2B Sales Profiling Questions:
A Starting Place

• When is a Lead a Lead?

• How to Effectively Qualify a Lead

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The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 5


STEP 3 Engage and Nurture Leads

What’s it Made Up of?
Not all leads will become customers right away.
Some leads need a bit more qualifying and nurturing Today’s lead generation campaigns are made up
to determine if they’re a good fit for your product or of a lot of moving parts. Because your target
service. buyers now use different ways to find information
on products and vendors, you’re only going to get
• Classification of Sales Leads: Hot, Warm or Cold in front of prospects by being in the places where
they’re looking.
• The Best Way to Nurture – Are You Being
a Good Parent to Your Leads? That means you need to integrate different
channels to ensure you’ll be able to connect with
• Q&A: What Makes an Effective leads. These include:
Lead Nurturing Program?
• Email
• The Remedy for Unqualified Leads: Nurture
Them Until They’re Ready • Social Media

• Telemarketing

STEP 4 Test, track, and tweak • Content Marketing

Lead generation doesn’t end once you’ve handed • SEO / PPC

a lead over to sales or turned a prospect into a
customer. Testing is part of the process, too, and it’s Moreover, combining all these tools together in a
done throughout each step of the way. single, coherent strategy will require having the
right team and technology in place.
• Testing and Optimization for Lead Generation
In the next sections, we’ll go over each of
• Use A/B Testing To Improve Lead Generation these components in more detail. So keep your
seatbelts buckled. We’re only getting started.
• 5 Places in Your Lead Generation System that
Need A/B Testing

• Lead Generation Tricks and Tips by Heidi Cohen

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USA: +1 888.810.7464 NZ: +64 9.9143122 hk: +852 3.6786708 INFO@CALLBOXINC.COM
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Email is the workhorse of today’s
lead generation campaigns. No other
marketing channel compares with
its scope and reach. With an ROI
that handily beats out the rest, it’s
every modern marketer’s favorite
tactic—and it should be yours, too.
But don’t take our word for it. Check
out the email resources we’ve pulled
together in this guide.

“Email has an ability many channels

don’t: creating valuable, personal
touches – at scale.”
- Jordie van Rijn
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 7



If a 3800% ROI doesn’t convince you to pick up
email, then the following stats and charts surely will.

• 10 Eye-Opening Email Marketing Stats You Need

to Know
• 7 Stats That Prove Email Marketing Is Still The
Getting Started

One of email marketing’s biggest strengths is its

fairly favorable learnint familiar with this channel’s
ins and outs.

• A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Email Marketing All About the List

• Advanced Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics In email marketing, it all starts with the list. So, it’s
crucial to build and grow your email contact list
• 13 Business Goals You Can Achieve Through Email the right way.
• How You Can Build an Email Marketing List
as Quickly as Possible
• 105 Tips, Tools, and Tactics to Build
Your Email List

10 Eye-Opening • The Essential Checklist to Finding a Decent

Leads Database Provider
Email Marketing
Stats You Need
• 7 Tips for Effectively Managing Email Lists

to Know • How to Keep Your Email Lists Sparkling Clean

• Easy Tips in Finding and Removing Duplicate

Data on your Email List (Using Excel)

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USA: +1 888.810.7464 NZ: +64 9.9143122 hk: +852 3.6786708 INFO@CALLBOXINC.COM
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The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 8


Measuring Success INFOGRAPHIC

Email marketing is one of the most data-driven
channels in a marketer’s toolkit. From delivery to
conversion rates, every activity (or lack thereof) is
tracked, measured, and reported.
The 5 Parts of
• How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your
Email Campaigns
the BEST Lead
• Your Complete Guide to Measuring Email
Converting Email
Marketing Success

• 6 Email Marketing Metrics Everyone Should

Measure (No Excuses)

• Email Engagement Metrics: More than Your

Typical Analytics Email Marketing Resources

• Email Marketing Benchmarks Email marketing evolves at a rapid pace. To stay

informed and stay ahead, bookmark these top-
notch email marketing blogs:
Fine-tuning Performance
Both actual and test results shape email strategies.
Without thorough tracking and testing, it’s hard to
improve outcomes or fix problems.
Emailcenter lITMUS cOMPANY
• Email Testing Basics: What You Need to Know
return path vertical response
• 4 Basic A/B Testing Tips for Beginners

• The 5 Parts of the BEST Lead Converting Email mailchimp email marketing

• Statistics: 8 Effective Email Marketing Strategies,

Backed by Science

• 13 Ways to Increase Your Conversion Rate

Right Now

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USA: +1 888.810.7464 NZ: +64 9.9143122 hk: +852 3.6786708 INFO@CALLBOXINC.COM
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If email personalizes your interactions
with prospects, social media humanizes
the lead generation process. Depending
on which sources you consult, anywhere
between 83% to 91% of B2B businesses
use some form of social media
marketing. If you’re about to join their
ranks, take a look at the resources we’ve
hand-picked for this guide.

“Don’t just be selling,

be connecting.”
- Bernard Kelvin Clive
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 10


Social’s Role in Lead Generation STATISTICS

From social ads to word-of-mouth, social media

moves the sales needle. Here are specific ways
this channel helps generate leads and acquire
customers. 30 Statistics
• 30 Statistics About B2B Social Media Usage About B2B Social
• 7 Ways to Generate Leads on Social Media Media Usage
• 3 Ways to Boost Your Lead Generation With
Social Media

• Top Influencers Weigh In: Social Media’s

(Measurable) Impact on Sales

Facebook LinkedIn

Facebook has now overtaken LinkedIn as the most Social Media Examiner’s recent industry report
important B2B social media platform. That’s due says that 37% of B2B marketers rank LinkedIn as
in no small part to recent updates to the Facebook their top social lead generation platform of choice.
ecosystem that give B2B marketers more prospect That’s because LinkedIn continues to drive the
targeting and conversion capabilities. majority (about 80% for some marketers) of social
media leads for B2B companies.
• Using Facebook for B2B Lead Generation
• Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn
• Lead Generation with Facebook Ads – The
Definitive Guide • The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to
LinkedIn: 2017 Edition
• 12 of the Best Facebook Post Ideas for
Facebook Lead Generation • 7 Advanced LinkedIn Strategies for B2B
• [Test Results] What You Need to Know About
Facebook Lead Ads • Lead Gen Forms - A Lead Generation Tool For
B2B Marketers on LinkedIn
• Add “Signup Form” App to Your Facebook Fan
Page to Generate More Leads • How to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Better

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USA: +1 888.810.7464 NZ: +64 9.9143122 hk: +852 3.6786708 INFO@CALLBOXINC.COM
UK: +44 207.442.5066 SG: +65 3159.1112 SALES@CALLBOXINC.COM
AU: +61 2 9037 2248 my: +60 3.2772.7370
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 11


Google+ Social Media Marketing Resources

Though not as heavily used as the other major To help you stay up-to-date with the ever-changing
social platforms, Google+ still provides some social media marketing landscape, here’s a list of
added benefit to many marketers’ social lead blogs and resources to keep a close eye on:
generation efforts. The site’s number of monthly
active users ranges from 111 to 540 million, and
the platform remains a preferred content sharing
and SEO tool.

• Why you still need Google+ for B2B lead

Social media b2b
generation in 2017

• Is Google+ still Relevant for B2B Lead


• A Plus for your Brand: Generating Leads with


• 10 Smart Tips to Leverage Google+ for JEFF BULLAS

Increased Web Traffic

• 5 Rich Media for Enhancing your Brand’s social media examiner

Influence in Google+

• How to Grow Your Google+ Engagement

B2B marketers rank Twitter as the third most effective social media platform. Around 77% of
B2B marketers use Twitter to distribute content, and as much as 71% of tech marketers use the
microblogging site for product launches.

• A B2B Guide for Twitter Lead Generation • Advanced Twitter Marketing Techniques
That Will Help Your Twitter Account
• How to Use Twitter to Generate B2B Leads Take Off

• The Ultimate Guide To Building • How to REALLY Run a Twitter Lead

Your Twitter Presence Generation Campaign

• Small Business Twitter Guide

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AU: +61 2 9037 2248 my: +60 3.2772.7370

Telemarketing occupies a vital place
in modern B2B lead generation.
While today’s digital marketing tools
offer unprecedented targeting and
personalization capabilities, there’s
no substitute to the power of live
phone conversations at cultivating
relationships with prospects. Here’s how
you can leverage phone calls in your
lead generation strategy.

“Most people think ‘selling’ is the same

as ‘talking’. But the most effective
salespeople know that listening is the
most important part of their job.”

- Roy Bartell
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 13


Telemarketing 2020 Multi-role Telemarketing

Modern telemarketing no longer relies on From follow-ups to lead nurturing to content

the old smile-and-dial tactics of yesteryears. distribution, here’s a whole laundry list of crucial
Instead, today’s lead generation campaigns roles that telemarketing plays in lead generation
use phone calls to turn touch points from today:
other channels into relevant and personalized
conversations. • Who Says Telemarketing Can’t Drive Leads
Further Down the Sales Funnel?
• What is Telemarketing?
• Using Telemarketing – An Effective Strategy
• The Real Score Between Telemarketing for Lead Nurturing
and Telesales
• Outbound telemarketing’s place in modern
• What is Cold Calling 2.0? lead nurturing

• Ready, Set, Call: Getting the Most of • Customer Profiling Checklist in Verifying
Telemarketing in Generating Leads Business Contacts

• Going Beyond the 500% ROI: How to • Get Better Success On Trade Fairs With Event
Integrate Telemarketing with Other Channels Telemarketing

• Sales Follow-Up Calls and Emails: Why, When,


• What Is Sales Acceleration? Start By Picking

Up Your Phone

• Telemarketing: The Missing Piece in Your

WHAT IS COLD Content Distribution Plan

CALLING 2.0? • Should Cold Calling Be A Part Of Your SEO


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USA: +1 888.810.7464 NZ: +64 9.9143122 hk: +852 3.6786708 INFO@CALLBOXINC.COM
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The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 14


Dos, Don’ts, and Everything free resource

in Between

Now that you know how telemarketing fits in your
lead generation strategy, it’s time to take a look at
some tips and tools to realize its full potential.
• How to Make your Outbound Campaign
Standout: A B2B Telemarketing Guide
• Keep Prospects Glued on the Phone Like Bees
to Honey

• The 5 to 5 Calling Rule for Inbound Leads (That

Generated Over 40% Increase in Sales)

• What Makes an Outstanding Telemarketing

Telemarketing Resources
Campaign (for All Types of Industry)

For more in-depth discussions on all things

• How to Structure a Successful B2B Sales Call
telemarketing, here’s a few blogs and sites to follow:

• Be a SMART Marketer, Know the Best Time to BOOKMARK!

Call your Prospects

• 6 Ways a SMART Telemarketing Platform The savvy Marketer

Doubles Sales Productivity

• 5 Data-backed Tips for Better Phone-based Telemarketing

Sales Presentations
The Telemarketing Services
• Don’t Waste a Moment! See Sample Cold
Calling Scripts

• How to Find the Right Telemarketing Company

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It’s been more than two decades since
Bill Gates wrote his famous essay
“Content is King”, and much of what
the piece predicted has so far come
to fruition. The latest survey from
the Content Marketing Institute finds
that 88% of B2B marketers actively
carry out content marketing. That’s
because content underpins modern
lead generation, so it’s something no
business can do without.

“Great content is the best sales

tool in the world.”

- Marcus Sheridan
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 16



While virtually everyone nowadays claims to
practice content marketing, not all practitioners
fully understand the what and the why. So if you
can’t tell copy from content, don’t skip this part.
• What Is Content Marketing?
the Buyer
• What Exactly Is Content Marketing and Why
Do You Need It? Journey IDC
• Why is Content Marketing Today’s Marketing?
10 Stats That Prove It

• Why You Shouldn’t Do Content Marketing

Buyer Journey
• What Exactly is a Content Marketing Strategy?
The best content are those that fulfill a need.
To stay relevant and useful, your content should
Content Audience be mapped to specific stages in the prospects’
journey. IDC succinctly defines the buyer journey
Before creating content, you need a clear picture as nothing more than a series of questions that
of your target audience. Your target prospects must be answered.
can give you a rough idea about your content
audience but to really pinpoint the latter, you • Map Your Content to the Customer Journey
have to develop specific audience profiles.
• A Step By Step Guide To Building Customer
• B2B marketing: Do you really need different Journey Maps
content for different audiences?
• How to Use a Customer Journey Map to Create
• 4 Steps to Finding the Right Audience for Your Content that Sells

• How To Find Your Target Audience And Create

The Best Content That Connects

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The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 17


Lead-Generating Content Content Creation

Not all content types or formats work well at More than 60% of marketers rank creating quality
generating leads. Recent research shows that content as their main content marketing challenge.
whitepapers, webinars, case studies, blogs, If you happen to find yourself in this group, the
videos, and infographics remain the top lead- following links will help you get out of a content
generating content formats. creation rut.

• Content Types That Drive B2B Leads & • How to Write Content That Gets
Generate Revenue [CHART] Read and Shared

• The Types of Content that Work in Lead • Outsourcing Content: Where To Look And Tips
Generation For Getting It Done

• Generate More Leads with These 7 Content • 12 Tools to Hack Your Content Creation
Marketing Campaign Ideas Workflow [Plus Free Content Calendar]

• Using Content Upgrades for Lead Generation • 9 Tools to Help You Come Up With Content

• Top 5 Content Ideas to Inject in your Blog


• How to Identify Content Topics That Hit Home

12 Tools to Hack With Your Readers

Your Content • How to Find Content Topics That Score Big

Using Keyword Research
Creation Workflow
• 101 Ways to Source Content Ideas
[Plus Free Content Calendar]
• 13 Experts Share How to Build a Well-Run
Content Team

• The Complete Guide to Choosing a Content


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The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 18


Promotion, Distribution, and THE BASICS


The old build-it-and-they-will-come mindset

doesn’t work anymore. As content marketing
guru Andy Crestodina puts it, “It’s not
Landing Page
the best content that wins. It’s the best Basics: Making
promoted content that wins.”
Your Content
• How Content Promotion Works: 11
Strategies to Try Marketing Convert
• Content Distribution Strategies and Tools
to Drive Traffic

• Is content syndication right for your

Digital Strategy?
Content Creation Resources
• How to Reach Influencers and Grow Your
Content Audience [VIDEO] It’s a bit hard to make a shortlist of the top
sources of content marketing knowledge, but the
• Landing Page Basics: Making Your Content below blogs are a great starting point:
Marketing Convert

• A Practical Guide to Content Marketing
Convince &
Copyblogger Quick Sprout

How to Reach Content Marketing Institute

and Grow Your
Content Audience

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AU: +61 2 9037 2248 my: +60 3.2772.7370


Anywhere between 71% to 93%
of B2B buyers start their research
with search engines. That’s
why organic traffic and paid ads
consistently rank among the top
drivers of B2B leads. This section
looks at must-know resources for
integrating these two channels
into your lead generation program.

“Google is the new corporate homepage.”

- Jeremiah Owyang
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 20


Organic Search (SEO) Paid Ads (PPC)

On average, SEO leads have a close rate of Unbounce says that PPC visitors are 1.5 times more
14.6%, a number which is 8.6 times higher than likely to buy than organic visitors. This makes paid
close rates of leads from most other channels. ads a must-have (instead of a nice-to-have) lead
as a result, close to 9 in 10 marketers consider generation channel.
their SEO efforts to be very successful.
• Generating Leads with PPC
• How to Leverage SEO for B2B Lead
Generation • How to Improve the Quality of Your B2B PPC
• Easy and Quick Guide: How to do SEO as a
Beginner • PPC for B2B - Best Practices for Lead Generation

• How to Drive Traffic to Your Website • PPC + SEO = Match Made in Marketing Heaven

• Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors • Your Guide to AdWords

• How to Use SEO To Influence B2B Buyers • The Complete, Always-Updated Guide to
On Social Media Facebook Advertising

• The Complete Guide to LinkedIn Ads


SEO and PPC Resources

Easy and Quick A more thorough discussion of SEO and PPC

marketing can easily fill volumes. So we’re
Guide: How to recommending the following first-rate online
resources to extend what we’ve covered in this
do SEO as a guide:

Beginner BOOKMARK!



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AU: +61 2 9037 2248 my: +60 3.2772.7370
As much as 76% of today’s B2B buyers
use 3 or more channels for research, and
take up to 6 to 8 touches before becoming
a valid lead. That’s why modern lead
generation combines (at the very least)
email, social, telemarketing, content, and
search into a single, integrated strategy.
This “multi-channel”, “multi-touch”
approach, in turn, requires having the right
process, people and platforms.

“Great campaigns result from

collaboration, and technology should
help support that collaboration.”

- Mary Beth Parks

The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 22

PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER The Modern Lead Generation Team

As you can guess, present-day lead generation

Untangling Multi-channel, programs depend on a combination of different
Multi-touch Lead Generation skills and expertise to function. Whether you run
a one-man marketing department or manage an
A multi-channel strategy ensures that you attract entire division, the following links will help you
and retain prospects by delivering what they’re build a lead generation dream team:
looking for, precisely when and where they need it.
Meanwhile, multi-touch guarantees your message • The Top 8 Priorities for Any One-Man
remains consistent across the different channels in Marketing Team
your campaign and stays relevant throughout the
stages in your sales funnel. • 15 Skills of the Modern Marketing Team

• Multi-channel Marketing: Is It Worth Adopting? • Four Tips When Hiring Top Talent for Sales
Lead Generation
• Stats that Show That You Should Invest In Multi-
Channel Marketing [Slides] • Two Important Lessons for Managing a Lead
Generation Team
• The Ten Step Guide to Creating Your Multi-
Channel Marketing Strategy • How to Build an Outbound B2B Lead
Generation Team that Drives Sales
• How to Run Multi-channel Marketing Programs
• 4 Signs That You Badly Need a Lead
Generation Team
Defining and Refining Your Process
• 5 Top Lead Generation Companies and
Exactly how each lead generation component fits How to Choose One
into your program will depend on the buying/sales
process you follow. Outlining your process into
detailed steps or stages enables you to identify SLIDESHOW
what roles each member of your team fulfills and
which activities your lead generation platform

• What is A Lead Generation Funnel and How To

Stats that Show That
Create One You Should Invest
• A Simple 6 Step Guide to Building a Well-Oiled In Multi-Channel
B2B Lead Generation Funnel
• The Grande Guide to Lead Scoring

• Quick and Easy Guide to Managing Your Leads

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USA: +1 888.810.7464 NZ: +64 9.9143122 hk: +852 3.6786708 INFO@CALLBOXINC.COM
UK: +44 207.442.5066 SG: +65 3159.1112 SALES@CALLBOXINC.COM
AU: +61 2 9037 2248 my: +60 3.2772.7370
The Ultimate Lead Generation Kit to Jumpstart Your Business (2018 Edition) 23


Technology that Powers INFOGRAPHIC

Lead Generation

Tools like marketing automation platforms (MAPs)

and customer relationship management (CRM)
software are the glue that binds a modern lead
generation campaign together. They automate
tedious and boring tasks, leaving the exciting and
critical parts of lead generation to humans. That’s
why slightly more than 6 in 10 MAP users rank
lead generation as their primary strategic goal.

• Lead Generation Stats that Prove Marketing

Automation Works [VIDEO]

• 5 Reasons to Try Marketing Automation

Lead Generation with Callbox
• How to Choose the Right Martech and PRtech
Callbox helps you develop and execute a multi-
channel, multi-touch lead generation campaign.
We provide you with a team that puts into
• Humanizing Marketing Automation: A Three
action everything we’ve covered in this guide,
Step Plan
plus the insights and tools to maximize results.

• 10 Scary Marketing Automation Fails and How

• How Our Service Works
to Avoid Them
- A step-by-step guide to our proven B2B lead
generation process
• What is CRM and Why Do You Need It?

• Callbox Pipeline Demo

• How to Choose the Right CRM for Your Business
- A brief tour of our proprietary CRM tool

VIDEO • Lead Nurture Tool

- An overview of the Callbox’s Pipeline’s drag-
and-drop marketing automation feature

Lead Generation Stats • SMART Calling

- A quick intro to our data-driven call
that Prove Marketing scheduling and management tool.
Automation Works

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USA: +1 888.810.7464 NZ: +64 9.9143122 hk: +852 3.6786708 INFO@CALLBOXINC.COM
UK: +44 207.442.5066 SG: +65 3159.1112 SALES@CALLBOXINC.COM
AU: +61 2 9037 2248 my: +60 3.2772.7370
Now, you’re ready to drive more leads and
new customers into your sales pipeline.

Click here or dial 888-810-7464.

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