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[Fixed Bugs]

- [SAI2 file] Some internal data corrupts when saved a canvas that includes wide
regions of dither pattern.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Layer] Show Layer Alone function does not work.

- [Open Canvas] A current layer is not recovered.

- [Shape Layers] When deform stroke with grabbing a curve segment, the previous CP
of the curve segment is grabbing too.

- [Transform] When the resampling mode is [Lanczos 3], an error occurs when scaling
down to very small.

- [Text Layer] Text color is not changed when select a color from Swatch.

- [Text Layer] When text has selection, the text color is changed even if the
current tool is not Text tool.

- [Text Tool] The parameters of tool are not saved.

- [Bucket Tool] Selection is ignored for the detection of a region.

- [File Viewer] Always show Desktop when save a new canvas.

And some other small changes and some small bug fixes...


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Shortcut Keys] The version that you run first is "Preview.2016.12.12", An access
violations occurs when open "Shortcut Keys" Dialog.
(The shortcut key of tools will be broken if this error occured. If you obtained
this error, please delete "settings2.ssd" in
"<My Documents>\SYSTEMAX Software Development\SAI2 Demo" folder)


[Fixed Bugs]
- [Paint Engine] Access violations occur when paint something speedy on a big

- [Floater] Image data is sometimes destroyed when used brush immediately after
transformation of cut image.

- [Floater] Selection is created from only the last layer when floater is created
from multiple layers.

- [Layer] The preview of "Outline" does not work when floater is existing.

- [Wand Tool and Bucket Tool] Does not work for layer mask.

- [Wand Tool and Bucket Tool] Does not work on translucent region when the
selection mode is "Transparent Area".

- [Marker Tool] Transparent color does not work correctly.

- [Adjustment Filter] Does not work correctly when pixels opacity of the target
layer is protected.

- [JPEG Format] An access violations occurs when "JPEG Quality" dialog is opened.

- [JPEG Format] The colors of a gray scale JPEG file are converted to magenta in


- [Wand Tool and Bucket Tool] Changed to be able to use when the target layer is

- [Create Selection by Clicking Layer Thumbnail] Changed to be able to use when

the target layer is invisible.

- [Selection] Changed to not change the visibility of the selection when the
selection is invisible when Undo/Redo selecting.

- [Brush Tools] Adjusted the pressure sensitivity for brush density when "Amplify
Dens." is 100.

- [Brush Tools] Adjusted the result of blot forms to similar to Ver.1.

- [Eraser Tool, SelPen Tool, SelErs Tool] Changed the default settings to ignore
the pressure sensitivity. (Same as Ver.1)

- [Marker Tool] Changed the default settings; "Amplify Dens."=100, "Ver1 Prs

And some other small changes and some small bug fixes...


[Fixed Bugs]
- [Viewbar] Program freezes when dragged a viewbar item and dropped to itself.

- [Layer] Clipping group in a layer folder become disabled temporarily when show a
layer folder alone.

- [Layer] Access violation occurs when try to create a perspective ruler or a

perspective grid.

- [Transform] Access violation occurs when transformed an image in selection region

and undo transformation immediately.


[New Features]

- Reordering for viewbar items.

- Layer copy to a viewbar item from layer list.

- Context menu for viewbar item.

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Separated Panel] Separated panel is able to close by Alt+F4, and Access

violation occurs when program closed.

- [View] The angle and the horizontal direction are not applied correctly for the
center mark of the ellipse ruler and for pressure CPs.

- [Layer List] Cannot move a layer list item to the bottom of layer list.

- [Layer] Change of layer visibility is not appeared on navigator and other sibling
views immediately.

- [Layer] Clipping group become not disabled temporarily when show a layer alone.

- [Layer] Bucket tool and Gradation tool are not blocked for a layer in a locked

- [Bucket Tool] Striped garbage appears when transparent color is selected and
green and blue of the current color are 0.

- [Pressure Tool] The pressure rate popup is not hidden when added pressure CP.

- [Gaussian Blur] Access violation occurs when layer image is spread outside


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Separated Panels] Buttons do not work.

- [Scrubby Zoom] Sometimes does not work correctly.

- [Linework Layer] The freezing bug fixed on 2016-11-11 version is not fixed

- [System File Dialog] Cannot open multiple files.


[New Features]

- Separation for the user interface panels.

[Fixed Bugs]

- [View] Access violation occurs when rotated a view between 180 to 360 degrees in
the following conditions;
The vertical resolution of the screen is aligned to 32px, In the full screen
mode, The user interface panels are hidden,
The scroll bars of view are hidden

- [Linework Layer] Internal order of pressure CPs breaks when moved multiple
pressure CPs.

- [Linework Layer] Program freezes for a while when erased a stroke that the above
bug occurred.

- [Selection] "Dilate Selection 1px" does not work correctly.

- [Straight Ruler] "Lock Pivot" in the context menu does not work.

- [Brush Tools] Guide line from the end of the last stroke appears in the straight
line draw mode when pressed Shift key.

- [Pen Tool] Last control point is always created as pointed CP.

- [Magic Wand and Bucket Tool] Access violation occurs when the selection source
folder is invisible.


- [Layer] "Transfer Painting into Next Layer" changed to obtain same result as

- [Zoom Tool] [Rectangular Zoom] and [Scrubby Zoom] operations added.

- [Pressure Tool] Changed to display the puressure rate on a view.

- [Brush Tool] Changed to display the guide circle and the brush size on a view.

- [Syringe] Changed the internal background color to white when the background
color of canvas is transparent.
- [Tools] Changed to assign a shortcut key as the virtual key code.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Layer] Program runs out of control when copied a layer folder that includes the
current layer.

- [Brush Tools] Pressure sensitivity trackbars do not work.

- [File Viewer] Image metrics always display as 0 x 0 in "Details" mode.

- [File Viewer] Image metrics information for *.sai files are not created.


- [File Viewer] Changed to display the image metrics of a pointed file item.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Canvas] A light grayed border appears on the edge of a canvas when created

- [Reverse and Rotate Canvas] Selection is ignored.

- [Layer] An ordinal of layer name is interpreted as an octal number when added '0'
before ordinal. Leading '0' is removed.

- [Layer] A layer name is erased when named a layer as numerals only.

- [Selection] Selection appears as broken after moved/reversed/rotated selection

and hid the selection and undo the operation.

- [Text Tool] Copy and paste does not work.

- [Eraser Tool(for Linework)] Pointed curves converted as pointed contol points.

- [File Viewer] Cannot open a folder by double click in the files list on the save

- [File Viewer] Cannot open shortcut.

- [SAI Format] An error sometimes occurs when opened *.sai file.

- [Dialogs] Some dialogs are always displayed in the primary-monitor.

- [Layer] Changed to insert the copied layers before the current layer.

- [Layer] Changed to keep the appearance(that related to opacity and effect) of the
result when merged two normal layers simply.

- [Selection] Changed to keep the invisibility of selection after

moved/reversed/rotated the selection.


[New Features]

- File Viewer

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Change Canvas Size] 'Extension for Each Side' does not work if the width and
hight was not changed.

- [Floater] Program runs out of control when decided the transformation on outer of

- [Layer] Program is frozen when apply "Select CPs in Selection" or "Select Strokes
with Selection" to a layer folder.

- [Layer] Some near layers are embroiled to the deletion in merging of a clipping

- [Layer] The visibility and the opened status is not inherited to the copied
layers and folders.

- [Layer] A merged layer is inserted as wrong level if the layer is the bottom item
of a folder.

- [Layer] A rasterized layer is inserted as wrong level if the layer is the bottom
item of a folder.

- [Layer] The order of layers become reverse when paste the layers into a layer

- [Layer] Reverse Horizontal for view does not apply to the nudge operations.

- [Layer] Perspective ruler/grid become un-deletable when create the rulers on the
parent layer of clipping group.

- [Layer] Show Alone mode does not work for the layers deeper than two levels from
the target layer.

- [Layer] The closed folders do not opened when selected a layer in those folders
by Select & Move operation.

- [Layer] Select & Move does not work if selection is existing.

- [Layer List] The scroll position is reset when changed canvas.

- [SAI/PSD Format] The ordinal of the layer is reset when open a file.

- [Swatch] The color slots do not extend correctly.

- [Tool Shift] Tool shift takes malfunction when pressed Caps key.

- [Text Tool] Nudge does not work if the text frame has key input focus.


- [Layer List] Changed the design a litte.

- [Layer List] Changed the eye icon color for the ancestors and the offspring of a
layer that showed alone.

- [Layer List] Changed to treat transparent color as black. (Canceled the change
that applied in 2016-07-30 Version)

- [Linework Layer] Changed the behavior of the perspective parameter for

transformation to similar to Ver.1.

- [Perspective Ruler/Grid] Adjusted the opacity of the guide lines.

- [Perspective Grid] Rotation operation added. (Alt + drag CP)

- [View] The setting about the scroll range of view added. (Option dialog)

- [Straight Line Mode/Gradation Tool] The snap angles for 45 degrees added.

- [Brush Tools] The operation to draw straight line added. (Shift + Click);

- [Water Color Tool] Changed the default settings to similar feeling to Ver.1
(Amplify Dens. = 0 -> 50, Ver1 Prs. Spec. = OFF -> ON)

- [Pen Tool] Changed to restrict the hook of start of stroke and end of a stroke.

- [Eraser Tool(for Linework)] The settings for Vectorization added.

- [Curve/Line Tool] Changed to back to the plot mode when undo the finish of the

And some other small changes and small bug fixes...


[New Features]

- Shortcuts for layer mask operations.

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Layer Mask] Apply button and Link button on layer list item do not work.
- [Canvas] The position of un-linked Layer mask is not moved when the canvas size
was changed.

- [Selection] Some square halls appears when dilate or erode the selection.

- [Transform] When transformed layers with selection, the floaters do not come to
be able to operate if the bottom floater is empty.

- [Text Tool] Access violation occurs when changed the scaling of user interface.

- [Brush Tools] Heavy delay for drawing occurs on some bristles.

- [Bucket Tool] Tile form artifacts appear when filling a region with a transparent

- [Color Adjustment] Preview checkbox does not affect layers other than the top
layer in the multi selected layers.


- [Layer Mask] Changed to treat transparent color as white.


[New Features]

- Cut, Copy and Paste operation for linework layer and shape layer.

- Shortcuts for layer attributes.

- Shortcuts for view switching.

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Navigator] The scale track bar and the angle track bar does not work correctly.

- [Navigator] The position indicater does not update.

- [Layer] Access violation occurs when operate an empty layer folder on the bottom
of the layer list.

- [Layer Mask] Paint color has inconsistency if the layer mask is the invert mode.

- [Layer Merge] Access violation occurs when a clipping group includes an invisible

- [Layer Merge] When merge a clipping group, invisible layers stay after merging.

- [Linework Layer] Sometimes internal selection status of paths are kept after

- [Linework Layer] After reverse or 90deg rotation, cannot operate paths.

- [Gaussian Blur] Does not apply blur correctly when pixel opacity is preserved.
- [Lasso Tool] Polygonal subtraction does not work if Alt key is not pressed when
finishing plot.

- [Bucket Tool] The regions that have same color as paint color are not excluded
from fill.

- [Pressure Tool] CCannot change the density pressures.


- [Layer Merge] The restriction about a clipping-group on multi selection is


- [Brush Tool] Changed the blending operation for size circle to same operation on

And some other small changes and small bug fixes...


[New Features]

- Create Selection by Layer Folder

- Nudge for a transformation image by the arrow keys.

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Color Mixer] Cannot register color after picked up color from Color Mixer.

- [Navigator] The scale track bar and the angle track bar does not work correctly.

- [Canvas] Layer thumbnail breaks if the canvas size is larger than 256M pixels.

- [Canvas] Reverse Canvas and Rotate Canvas does not process layer mask.

- [Layer] Cannot transfer layer between canvases by drag and drop operation.

- [Layer] Cannot apply color adjustment filters for a layer folder.

- [Layer] Apply Layer Mask button is enabled for a layer other than normal layer.

- [Shape Layer] Cannot transform shapes.

- [Brush Tools] The sliders do not accept operation on the brush tool popup

- [Brush Tools] The dot mouse cursor is not appears for Eraser, Binary Pen and Pen

- [Layer] Changed to be able to cut, copy and move images in a folder with
selection when a layer folder is selected.

- [Layer] Select and Move Layer feature is enabled even if a selection is existing.

- [Layer] Changed to be able to select a layer by click on the thumbnail space.

- [Panels] Changed to be able to open a layer property and a tool property by a

double click.

- [Fringe/Layer Paper] Adjusted the color effect.

- [Fringe/Layer Paper] "Deep" mode and "Multiply" mode added.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Recent Files] SAI stops by error when the recent files list is empty.

- [Canvas Save/Load] Canvas background color is not handled correctly.

- [SAI Floamt] Layer mask is not loaded correctly.

- [JPEG Format] Error popups appears on the bottom-right of window when try to load
CMYK colored JPEG file.

- [Layer] Access violation occurs when a sole image layer is deleted.

- [History] SAI sometimes malfunctions when undo images outside Canvas.


- [SAI Format] Changed to display a notification when try to load *.sai file that
created by SAI of the beta test age.


[New Features]

- File format support for JPEG, PNG and TGA

- File loading support for SAI Ver.1 format(*.sai)

- HSV/HSL Slider, Color Mixer, Swatches

 (Scratch Pad will be discontinued)

- Shortcuts for layer visibility

- Shortcuts for layer item selection on the layer list

- Shortcuts for syringe

- Merge Visible Layers, Flatten Image

- Dilate Selection 1px, Erode Selection 1px

- Filters
 + Hue/Satulation
 + Brightness/Contrast
 + Gaussian Blur

- Visibility option for Brush Size Circle

- Dot Cursor for Brush Tools

- Painting Mode for Brush Tools

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Recent Files] Access violation occurs about long path name.

- [Brush Tools] Rotation and Reverse of view are not applied to the direction of

- [Water Color] Blur effect does not work correctly when the brush size is smaller
than 15.

- [Marker] Marker does not work correctly when the density is not 100.

- [Linework Layer] Pressure CP creation option of Pen does not work.

- [Layer Move] Rotation and Reverse of view are not applied to Layer Nudge.

- [Perspective Ruler] Creation shortcut key does not work for Perspective Ruler and
Perspective Grid.

- [Marquee] Selection to top-left from bottom-right does not work.

- [Selection] Garbage appears around the bounding box of selection with dilation
and erosion.

- [Change Canvas Resolution] Resolution change sometimes fails.

- [Trim Canvas by Selection] Pixels outside canvas are not cut down.


- [Custom Tool Tray] Changed the behavior of item drag operations to same as Ver.1.

- [Error Detection] Changed to record errors into error log.

- [WinTab Control] Changed to ignore error about inquiry for the version

- [Canvas] Added background color options.

- [View] Changed the maximum scale to 3200% from 1600%.

- [Layer Merge] Changed to insert a merged layer to the location that the current
layer was gone.

- [Fringe/Layer Paper] Improved the color effect to avoid somberness.

- [Fringe/Layer Paper] Added "Layer Effect Color" options in Canvas menu.

("Vivid Fringe" was moved into "Layer Effect Color" options, and the name was
changed as "Vivid")

- [Syringe] Added an option to pick up color while dragging.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Marker Tool] Does not work correctly.

- [sai2.ini] "AlwaysUseTabletPcApi" is specified as "y" by mistake.


- [Tablet Input] Changed to never load WinTab API DLL when using TabletPC API.


[New Features]

- Binary Pen

- [Binary Color] effect

(This effect is added into [Layer Effect] settings.)

[Fixed Bugs]

- [New Canvas] [Preset] does not work correctly.

- [Layer] Grayed status of layer attribute controls for an invisible layer are
removed when selected an invisible layer.

- [Layer Mask] Creation of Selection with layer mask image does not work correctly.

- [Layer Mask] White(RGB(255,255,255)) is always used on "Fill Layer" function.

- [View] Access violation occurs when closed a view.


- [Brush Tools] Tuned the effect of "Amplify Density" parameter.

(If you set 100 in "Amplify Density", the drawn line will resemble Ver.1.)
- [Brush Tools] [Ver1 Prs Spec.] parameter added.
(If turn on this parameter, the calculation for brush density pressure is changed
to the specification of Ver.1)

- [Linework Layer] Disabled the rectangular selection for pressure control points
on other than pressure tool.

- [Linework Layer] Enabled the select and move function(Ctrl+Shift+Drag) on a

linework layer.

- [Panels] Changed to always show a scroll bar for the color and tool pane.

- [Gradation Tool] Improved the quality of gradation.

- [Image Transformation] Restricted the ringing artifacts about pixel transparency

for the bicubic and lanczos resampling.

- [Change Canvas Resolution] Changed to include the width of fringe and the scale
of layer paper.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Change Canvas Resolution] The canvas size turns out as 0px x 0px when changed
the printing resolution if the size unit is %.

- [Layer] SAI freezes when the scrollbar of color and tool panels switched
visibility by layer change on edit.

- [Linework Layer] Pressure contol points break when connect strokes.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [SAI2 File] Loading of .sai2 file fails if the .sai file includes perspective
ruler or perspective grid.


[New Features]

- Create canvas by clipboard data

- Recent files

- Close canvas
- Copy layer on different canvases.
(Drag layer item to other view from the layer list)

- Reset position for view (Hand tool, Zoom tool)

- Reset angle for view (Rotate tool)

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Tool] The names is switched between Lasso tool and Magic Wand tool.

- [Layer] A layer item does not scrooll-in on the layer list by Select & Move

- [Layer] Access violation occurs when transfer a linework layer or a shape layer.

- [Selection] Erosion and Dilation bring an access violation.

- [PSD File] Access violation occurs on "Change Canvas Size" dialog and "Change
Canvas Size" dialog with misusing for size unit in PSD file.

- [Shorcut Key] The change for shortcut key not apply to the main menu while SAI is

- [Gradation Tool] After creation of a gradation tool, an access violation occurs

when reverse the direction.


- [Gradation Tool] Improved the quality of gradation.

- [Gradation Tool] Always hit a nearest control point of the guide.


[New Features]

- [Canvas] Change Resolution

- [Canvas] Change Size

- [Canvas] Reverse Horizontal, Reverse Vertical, Rotate 90deg. CCW and Rotate
90deg. CW

- [Canvas] Trim with Bounding Box of Selection

- [Layer] Convert Luminance to Opacity

- [Layer] Transform

- [Layer] Reverse horizontal, Reverse vertical, Rotate 90deg. CCW and Rotate 90deg.

- [Layer] Create Selection by Layer Image

Ctrl + Click on Layer Thumbnail ... Replace
Shift + Ctrl + Click on Layer Thumbnail ... Add
Alt + Ctrl + Click on Layer Thumbnail ... Delete
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Click on Layer Thumbnail ... And

- [Ruler] 2VP and 3VP Perspective Grid

- [Tool] Gradation Tool

- [sai.ini] Add settings to avoid bugs on tablet drivers.

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Mouse] Mouse wheel does not work correctly with some devices.

- [Window] Does not preserve the window size of frame window.

- [Window] High DPI monitor breaks the layout of the current colors.

- [View] Some parts of selection border sometimes disappears.

- [View] Child view sometimes stops the window painting when switch to floating

- [Layer] Access violation occurs when fill floating part.

- [Layer] "Select & Move Layer" includes invisible layer and hidden part.

- [Brush tools] Access violation occurs when read a bristle data includes elements
more than 64.

- ["Brush" and "Water Color"] The color blending involves irrelevant colors outside
brush pattern.

- [SelPen, SelErs] Ctrl+Alt(change of brush size) does not work.

- [Text Layer] Enter key does not work.

- [Text Layer] Text outside canvas sometimes disappear.

- [Perspective Ruler] Duplicated ruler does not work.

- [Ruler, Perspective Ruler] Ruler disappears when press space key.

- [Erosion, Dilation for Selection] Erosion and dilation freezes when a layer mask
is selecting.

- [PSD File] "Layer opacity" property on SAI is replaced by "Paint" property on



- [Shortcut Key] Preserve shortcut key settings of unsupported functions.

- [Canvas] The canvas background color settings moved to menu from layer tray.

- [View] Restrict the break out of canvas from view when repeat zoom in and zoom

- [Pen Tablet] Support tail switch.

- [Brush Tools] "Ignore ruler mode" and "Straight line mode" buttons added into the
quick bar.
The effect keyed operation for these functions are abolished.

- [Brush Tools] Restrict pressure gain for start of brush strokes.

- [Brush Tools] The settings for direction and randomize for bristle added.

- [Brush Tools] The settings for scratch for brush texture added.

- [Brush Tools] The settings for amplification for brush density added

- [Water Color] The feeling for blur improved.

- [Marker] The quality for downward sloped density improved.

- [SelPen, SelErs] The internal density of 100% is amplified. (Same to Ver.1)

- [Canvas] The file extension for temporary file on saving process is changed.


[New Features]

- Magic Wand and Bucket

(Please create Bucket tool from the context menu of the custom tools tray if you
have executed a older version of SAI2.)

- Lasso

- Cut, Copy and Paste for image

- Rasterization for linework layer, text layer and shape layer

- Dilation and Erosion for selection region.

[Fixed Bugs]

- "Merge Layer" obtains malfunction with layer that moved to outside canvas.

- "SelPen" and "SelErs" obtains malfunction on the right edges and the bottom edges
of canvas.

- Selection region sometimes does not appear correctly when the selection display
mode was changed.

- Initialization of WinTab-API fails on some tablet drivers other than Wacom.

- Enter key and Esc key do not work for Curve and Line tool after the using of
Shortcut Keys dialog.
- The following layer operations do not work correctly on a canvas that loaded from
*.sai2 file.
- Open and Close for layer folder
- Multi layers selection
- Change for layer protections

- The context menu for shape layer tools does not include functions to create shape
layer tools.

- Undo and Redo for text layer do not work if the history data was purged into
storage device.


- Improved the behavior of Merge Layer.

- It came to work for multiple selected layers
- It came to merge a clipping group independently.

- It came to handle the opacity of the following blend modes as "Fill" on PSD file.
- Shade
- Shine
- Shade/Shine
- Burn
- Dodge
- Burn/Dodge


[Fixed Bugs]

- "Save" for any format obtain an internal error if the pixel width of the canvas
is an odd number and the background color is transparent.

- "Save" for .sai2 format obtain an internal error if the canvas has layer folder.

- "Save" for .bmp format output incorrect information for the existing of the

- Undo and Redo obtain malfunction after painted layer was moved to outside canvas.

- After a layer folder integrated as a layer, "Layer Paper" of the layer



[New Features]

- Syringe for merged image.

- Syringe for deactived view.

- Select and move layer. (Ctrl + Shift + Drag)

- Nudge for layer (Ctrl + Arrow Keys(Cut and move), Alt + Arrow Keys(Only
selection), Shift key increases the stride)

[Fixed Bugs]

- The brush settings popup of Ctrl + Alt is always displaying on the view created

- "Open" for any format sometimes obtain a reading error.

- [Memory Usage] does not work.

- Combination of layer moves do not update the modifying state from the second

- Memory starvation brings crash immediately.


- Renewed completely the history management for painting.

- Sped up "Open" and "Save" for *.sai2 format with the malti-core programming.

- Improved the quality of bristles instead of the speed.

- Added [Drive Space] information into the status bar.


[Fixed Bugs]

- Create PSD file that is not able to read by Photoshop if an empty layer is placed
under a painted layer.


[Fixed Bugs]

- Protection of pixel's opacity does not work.

- Can not save and load layer masks correctly in PSD format.

- RGB values of merged image of PSD file are incorrect.

- Quick combination of "MoveLayer -> Paint -> MoveLayer" bring some malfunctions.

- Deselect region sometimes does not erase selection border.

- Undo and Redo for layer name does not work correctly.

- Preserve newer version's settings even if older versions is launched.

(The path of settings file was changed. Sorry, please make your settings again.)

- Added settings to show the system menu by Alt + Space.


[Fixed Bugs]

- Create PSD file that is not able to read by Photoshop

- Can not undo Bezier handles in change of path type.

- "Transfer Painting into Next Layer" function does not erase control points of

- Space + EffectKey + Drag does not work when control points is displayed.


[Fixed Bugs]

- Access violation occurs when a menu is opened.


[Fixed Bugs]

- The save canvas function for PSD/PSB format obtains access violations.


- Added new modified statuses for a canvas.

(The statuses will appear in title bar as the following.
* ... The canvas is not saved.
! ... The canvas was saved as a format other than sai2, but some SAI specific
information are not saved.
- ... Some information not recorded into History are not saved.(e.g. Layer


[Fixed Bugs]
- Curve tool and Line tool obtain an access violation from first click.

- Can not redo the duplication of paths.

- 'Select All' obtains access violations on some canvas sizes.

- History combining is not applied for moving of selection region.

- Pressure tool for densities does not work.


- Changed custom tool set of layer folder, text layer and perspective ruler to the
set of normal layer.

- Added the prohibition cursor for unpaintable layer.

- Added specific mouse cursors for Eraser, Mask Pen and Mask Eraser.


[New Features]

- File format support for PSD and PSB

- New layer blending mode.

- Layer mask

- Background color setting for canvas

- Shortcut key for brush tools (about size, density)

[Fixed Bugs]

- Zoom and angle track bar of the navigator drop the display result when operated

- Can not create canvas when the horizontal width is less than 32px.

- Bristle brush brings broken painting. (32bit version only)

- Some unrelated closed folders are opened when using Undo and Redo.

- The visibility settings of a 'Pass' mode layer folder does not work correctly.

- Merge for a layer folder does not work.

- System ID is sometimes changed after rebooted computer.

- Brush form and texture settings is not saved if the name included other than
ascii characters.
- Combination of 'Overlay' mode and paper texture brings a broken blending result.

- Can not start program if the path of 'My Documents' was changed into a root

- Canvas is closed without the confirmation dialog if it undid all operations.

- Tooltip is displayed outside of screen.


- Suppressed the delay of the stroke starting. (Windows 8/8.1)

- Added the settings for force using of TabletPC API.

- Changed the tool toggle function to a clear behavior.

And, adjusted some features.


[Fixed Bugs]

- Loading of .sai2 file is failed in some cases.

- Can not remove shortcut key from tool property.

- Default shortcut keys are not appeared.

(Please press [Reset to Defaults] in [Shortcut Key Assignments] dialog if you
have executed a older version of SAI2.)


[New Features]

- Marker tool
(Please create Marker tool from the context menu of the custom tools tray if you
have executed a older version of SAI2.)

- Navigator

- Shortcut Key Assignment dialog

- Options dialog (Minimum features)

[Fixed Bugs]

- Eraser tool does not detect an intersection of horizontal stroke and vertical

- Access violation occurs when Syringe is used in Layer Folder.

- Brush tool and Water Color tool does not blend the current color if "Dilution" is
larger or equal 1.

- The program does not draw anything of the maximized normal view if Floating View
is existing.

- The program does not switch control mode correctly to the mouse operation from
the pen tablet operation.

- The program does not draw selection borders correctly.

- Brush tool and Water Color tool include outer pixels of the canvas for blending.

- The maximum width and height of texture 'less than 1024x1024' not 'less or equal

- The program does not detect correctly the release of multiple keys.

- The program destroys history data file in some cases.


- The program display a detailed error in initialization of data folders.

- Changed order of buttons in the confirmation dialog of the canvas closing to same
as Ver.1.


- A first English preview version is released

[Fixed Bugs]

- The program does not detect the correct vanishing point of the stroke for
perspective rulers.

- Access violation occurs when layers that is larger than the canvas are merged.

- The program hang up when particular keys are pressed.


- The execution filename changed to "sai2.exe" from "sai.exe".

(This change will avoid a malfunction of Wacom tablet driver.)


[Fixed Bugs]
- The program used uninitialized pressure data to blend for Brush tool and Water
Color tool.

- Access violation occurs when a second instance of the program is started.

- Bristle definition bitmaps are lacked from the distribution package.


[New Features]

- Linework layer
+ Imploved the curve algorythm.
+ Implemented the bezier curve mode.
+ Implemented erasing to intersection (Eraser tool).

- Shape layer(Included minimum features)

- Save and Load functions for the private format(.sai2) and Bitmap(.bmp)


- Many features is added into the base of the program from 2013-12-10 version.

- Many problems is fixed from 2013-12-10 version.


- A preview version is released.


- The development of Ver.2 is started.

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