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Compiled By DR.

Mazhar Hussain
Radiology Paper 2nd Shift 19-02-2019
1. In Myocardial Infarction, Type of shock is: Cardiogenic Shock

2. Most Common cause of Multiple Fractures is: Osteoporosis

3. Alveolar Ventilation by subtracting: Dead space from Tidal Volume by Multiplying

Number of Breaths (Tidal Volume minus Dead Space xRR)

4. Dicrotic Notch is due to Aortic closure

5. Blood loss for 30 minutes volume reduction in Veins

6. Raynauds Phenomenon:

a) Peripheral Vascular Disease b) Arteriolar Constriction

7. Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Alkalosis): Hypokalemia

8. Bowing of Legs Deficiency of: Vitamin D

9. Child given Vitamin A this is: Specific Protection

10. Therapeutic dose of drug in clinic is decided on : Potency

11. Protein digesting enzyme: a) Trypsin b) Pepsin

12. Sacral segment damaged: Autonomic Bladder

13. Connective Tissue cell single membrane bounded having lamellar vesicles

a) Mast Cells b) Fibroblasts

14. Parasympathetic Effect: Relaxation of Fundus

15. Muscle Shortening in response to stretch

a) Predominantly Flexors b)

16. Typhoid Fever after few days Bacilli reside in: Peyers Patches

17. Hb synthesis occurs in a) Early Normoblast b) Late Normoblast

18. Nerve Conducts One Sensation Modality at a time this is called: Labeled Line Principle

19. Mouth Ulcer & Gum Bleeding in Alcoholic a) Dec Fibroblasts b) Squamous Cell Cancer
20. 3rd Ventricle to 4th ventricle related a) Posteriorly Lamina Terminalis b) Mammilary Body

21. 43 yrs old lady with 3 children & normal reproductive cycle has less chance of pregnancy as
compared to 33 yrs old female reason? a) Lactation b) Inhibition of GnRH? c) Absence of LH

22. High Pressure in Coronary at a) Beginning of Diastole? b) Isovolumic contraction

23. In Metabolic Acidosis Renal Compensation for Concentrated Urine is

a) Inc: Glutamine secretion b) Inc: urine pH c) Dec: NH4 Secretion

24. Subarachnoid space extension

a) S4 b) Coccygeal Ligament c) Only at origin of Cranial Nucleus d) Periosteum of Olfactory


25. Squamous Columnar junction: Barrette Esophagus

26. Bicarbonate MOA in ASPIRIN a) Dec: Absorption through Tubules b) Inc: Excretion through

27. Pain mediated by: Prostaglandins & Bradykinin

28. In Dehydration Water mainly absorbed by: a) PCT b) Thick Ascending Limb

29. High Affinity for Receptors: a) Free Tri-iodothyronine

30. Most Common Feature of PE a) Sudden Death b) Silent Clinically

31. Haploid Chromatin, Haploid DNA seen in a) 2ndary Oocytes b) Spermatids

32. ICU Infection a) Hand Washing after examining each patient

33. Malignancy a) Pleomorphism

34. Virus cause Cancer by a) Alteration in Protein Synthesis

35. Plateau in Cardiac Action a) Ca+

36. Staging a) Spread

37. A 60 yrs pt. with Low Hb, mature looking Lymphocytes WBC 59x10 9 a) CLL b) 8:14

38. Activation of Caspases a) Apoptosis b) Necrosis

39. CT Scan Brain Ischemia type of Necrosis: a) Liquefactive

40. Bone removed surgically replaced by a) Periosteum

41. Lymph Flow decrease in: Hemorrhage

42. Intravascular Haemolysis Dx? a) Absent Hepatoglobin b) Increase Indirect Bilirubin

43. Liver Cancer / HCC a) AFP

44. Proton pump Gradient a) Mitochondria

45. Conductive Pathway in Heart is present in : SubEndocardium

46. Huntington Disease: 50%

47. Ventricles Depolarization on ECG present a) ST Segment b) QT Segment c) QRS Segment

48. Gynecologist with two Drugs without labels: Single Blind

49. Renal System Buffer: Phosphate

50. Surgical neck of Humerus Fracture: Post Humeral Circumflex artery damage

51. Amylodosis affect a) Kidney

52. Mode: Most common Observation

53. 60 years old female with petechiae easy bruising, no family history Hx: Thrombocytopenia

54. Corneal Opacities: Chloroquine

55. Atropine given before surgery: Decrease Bronchial Secretions

56. Antigens are present on: a) all RBC Molecules b) Equally immunogenic

57. Vasodilatation in shock, type of Shock is: Septic Shock

58. Most common skin cell Cancer a) Actinic Keratitis? b) Bowen Disease

59. Nerve arising from petrous part of Temporal Bone

a) Abducent? b) Ophthalmic c) Trochlear d) Occulomotor

60. Extreme Left Shift in a) CO poisoning

61. Ectoderm, Endoderm meets at caudal end: Cloacal Membrane

62. Most likely cause of Metabolic Acidosis: DM

63. Girl with Butterfly Rash, abortion: SLE/ANA

64. Flicking movements Lesion in: Globus Pallidus

65. Child with Vitamin B12 Deficiency Dx: Serum B12Investigation

66. Pt. with CLD & Vitamin K deficiency due to deficiency of: Prothrombin
67. DVT after Surgery due to: Stasis + Hypercoagulable state

68. Relation of Pituitary? a) Lateral Cavernous Sinus b) Anterior Sphenoid Air Sinus

69. Plastic Factory worker exposed to Hydrocarbons

a) Bronchogenic Cancer b) Urinary Bladder Cancer

70. Most Common Immunoglobulin in adults: Ig G

71. Early sign of Reversible Cell Injury a) ER Swelling b)Cell Bleb …

72. Galactosemia: Galactose Phosphate Uridyl Transferase Deficiency

73. Old patient had Surgery, now pale, Abdomen distended, Low Blood Pressure

a) Hypovolemic Shock

74. Superior Radioulnar joint a) Ellipsoid b) Pivot

75. Phrenic Nerve: Shoulder Tip

76. Alcohol Detoxification: a) SER b) Peroxisomes

77. Telomerase seen in: Germ Cells

78. Left umbilical Vein Remnant: Ligamentum Teres

79. Ghon Complex a) Primary T.b b) Secondary T.B

80. Adeno carcinoma: Barrette esophagus

81. In new born on horizontal section

a) C shaped vertebral column b) Oval Thorax on cross section

82. Behind sternum vertically seen a) Internal Thoracic Artery?

83. Nucleus Ambigus: 9, 10, 11

84. Respiratory DNA virus a) Adeno b) RSV

85. True about (R) Lung: Azygos in Direct Relation

86. Anterior relation of Hilum of R Kidney a) Liver b) 2nd part of Duodenum

87. Aspirin Toxicity a) Bicarbonates

88. Spinal Ganglia: Pseudounipolar

89. Forced flexion of Neck a) Nuchal Ligament b) Posterior longitudinal ligament

90. Ligamentum Arteriosum: left pulmonary artery +arch of aorta

91. Prostate drainage a) Internal Iliac Nodes

92. Cervical cancer stage 3 lymphatic: a) Internal iliac b) external iliac

93. Nerve injured in submandibular surgery

a) Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve b) trigeminal

94. Sociology: Behavioral sciences study

95. Psychological Stress a) Disease b) Economic viability c) Poverty

96. Renal function checked by a) S. creatinine b) Creatinine Clearance

97. Masseter muscle nerve supply a) mandibular branch of Trigeminal Nerve

98. Damage to mandible, lower teeth, chin sensation lost: Inferior Alveolar Nerve

99. Lower pole of Thyroid Surgery a) RLN Damage

100. Calories in 100 grams cereals a) 350-375 b) 400-425

101. Eye ball adducted after craniofacial trauma, lateral movement of (R) Eye affected

a) Facial Colliculus damage b) Cavernous Sinus Damage

102. A 6 years girl after circumcision, He has profuse bleeding Hx, Investigation: APTT TEST

103. Epidural Hemorrhage: MMA Damage

104. Triceps Muscle innervation: RADIAL NERVE

105. Pampiniform Plexus: INGUINAL CANAL

106. Flexor Sheath of Thumb Contents: ………Vanicula.

107. Shrugging of Shoulders Nerve Damaged: ACCESSORY NERVE

108. Fibular Injury, Foot Drop: COMMON PERONEAL NERVE INJURY

109. SA Node: 60% supply by RCA

110. AV Node supplied by: RCA?

111. Most common cause of Thoracic Aorta dissection: a) HTN b) MARFAN

112. Circumflex artery blockade: ISCHEMIA OF POST: PART OF LEFT VENTRICLE

113. INFUNDIBULUM supplied by: Right CONUS Artery

114. Most common congenital cardiac anomaly: VSD

115. In young Child Immature T cells are present in which part of Thymus:

a) Cortex b) Hassles Corpuscles

116. Foramen Cecum Remnant of: THYROID

117. Thoracic Aorta Level: T4

118. Eversion Lost: Common Peroneal Nerve

119. Deltoid Muscle Innervation: Axillary Nerve

120. Vasculitis in Female is diagnosed by: a) Fibrinoid Necrosis b) Arteriolar

121. Jejunum Nerve Supply by: Greater & Lesser Splanchnic Nerves?

122. Papilloedema scenario: Hydrocephalus

123. Gastric Ulcer Perforation pain is carried by: Greater Splanchnic Nerves

124. Femoral artery pulsation at: Mid Inguinal Point

125. Cystic Artery is branch of: Right Hepatic Artery

126. Azygos vein directly drain in: SVC

127. Left Gastric Vein drains into: PORTA VEIN

128. Mammary gland lymphatic parallel major pathway:

a) b)

129. Fluid from pleurisy Transudate marked by: Lymphocytes less than 3?

130. Child fall during cycling injured now unable to pass urine injury to:

a) Urethra b) Urinary Bladder? c) Kidney d) Urethrovesical junction

131. Scenario Arachnoids Granulations maximum damage in:

a) Superior sagital Sinus b) Coronary Sinus c) Straight Sinus?

132. Stomach pain by Nerve? A) Greater Splanchnic Nerve?

133. Short Gastric Arteries are branches of: Splenic Arteries

134. Alcoholic patient came with bleeding at base of hair, in scalp, non healing marks on body
which cell is defective: Fibroblasts?

135. Breast Cancer Axillary Lymphatic Drains: Upper Outer Quadrant

136. IUCD Device: Vaginal Discharge

137. Newborn baby intubation done, breath sounds absent on Right side of Chest what was
cause of Endobronchial intubation: SHORT NECK

138. Unilateral Hydronephrosis cause is: PUJ

139. Hypertrophy & Hyperplasia: Both seen in Gravid Uterus

140. 18 years boy radical bone fracture, multiple bone fractures, Blue sclera:

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

141. Cholecystectomy drain placed in: Right Sub Hepatic Duct

142. Sternum Body ossify at age: 21 years

143. Posterior surface of Bladder relation lateral to medial: USA

(Ureter, semineferous tubules, ampulla of vater)

144. Iron Deficiency Anemia: Inc: TIBC, Dec: Ferritin, Low MCV

145. C-section urine leaking after catheterization: Vesicovaginal Fistula

146. Right sided weakness & Left sided mouth deviation: MCA Damage?

147. Right sided weakness & Left sided facial weakness lesion in: PONS

148. Snow Storm appearance: a) Complete Mole (Hydatidiform Mole)

149. Structure pierced in paramedian approach: Ligamentum flavum

150. L.P done, headache due to a) Venous Plexus? b) Falx cerebri c) Dural basal

151. Autoimmune Pancreatitis: Ig G

152. During Pharyngeal phase of Swallowing: Vocal Cords Adducted

153. inj. Atropine given before anesthesia: Decreases Respiratory Secretions

154. Lymphatic drainage of Sigmoid Colon & Rectum: Inferior Mesenteric nodes

155. First Web Space, Thumb Abscess, lymph drainage: Infra Clavicular Lymph Drainage

156. A patient chronic smoker has history of coughing present with altered mental status &
difficulty in talking, MRI Brain shows: Metastatic Cancer

157. Primary Lymph edema: Decrease Colloid Osmotic pressure

158. Patient with left sided pleurisy while standing fluid goes to: Costo Diaphragmatic Recess
159. In large concentration in serum: Ig G

160. Anterior intercostals arteries are branches of: Internal Thoracic Artery

161. Appendicular artery is branch of: Ileocolic Artery

162. Ear pinna develops from: a) Ectoderm?

163. What should be given to Diabetic patient with complaints of Burning Chest?

a) PPI? b) H2 Blocker c) Antacids

164. Sub mandibular abscess due to: 2nd Lower molar tooth?

165. Homonymous Hemianopia: Optic Tract

166. Cremasteric Reflex Afferent: Ilio Inguinal nerve

167. Hydrocele in: Process’s vaginalis

168. Skeletal Muscle Heat: a) Shortening b) Initial

169. Women during delivery not responding to estrogen due to: Decrease estrogen receptors
on myometrium

170. 2nd stage of labor: a) Oxytocin b) Abdominal muscle Contraction?

171. After Burn Bleeding & fever is due to: DIC

172. RBC stained due to? Hb?

173. 18 yrs old pneumonia fever Temp=103 F blood agar positive for Optochin:

Streptococcus Pneumonia

174. 2ndary ossification centre is present at birth: Distal End Of femur

175. Liver Hemangioma: Vinyl Chloride

176. Structure passing above piriformis muscle is damaged after bullet injury? SuperiorGlutealN

177. Esophageal Varices from: Left Gastric Vein

178. Dull pain radiating to Back: Pancreatitis

179. Pregnant lady deranged LFTS: a) HEP E? b) HEP A

180. Defect in Interventricular septum Valve involved is: Tricuspid Valve

181. White matter is due to: Oligodendrocytes

182. Bullet injury Right of midline Linea Alba: IVC Damage

183. Azygos blocked: Right Sub costal & Ascending Lumbar Veins

184. Sacral Segment damage: S2 S3 S4

185. Granulation Tissue contain: Macrophages

186. Uncinate process has notch anteriorly for: SMA

187. Blood flow to per 100gm of Tissue: a) Kidney b) Liver

188. Stretch muscle will cause contraction of:

a) Flexors b) Extensors c) Muscle which is stretched?

189. Nephrotic Syndrome:

Decreased Colloid Osmotic Pressure & Increased Hydrostatic Pressure

190. After Myocardial Infarction, pericarditis, edema:

a) Pericardial necrosis b) Fibrinoid Necrosis c) Heart Failure

191. Aorta accompany: Thoracic duct & Azygos Vein

192. Female urethra: More Prone to Infection

193. Cardiogenic Shock & cause of edema: Right sided M.I

194. Structure derived from Neuroectoderm: a) Cornea? b) Lens

195. Pancreatic Incisura on accessory lobe of pancreas for which structure?


196. Regarding Medial longitudinal arch?


197. Posterior relation of Head of Pancreas: IVC

198. B cell lymphoma Translocation at chromosome: 8:14?

199. Answer Meckels Diverticulum

200. Right side limbs upper & lower weakness, face deviated to left dribbling of saliva on same
side, site of lesion?
 Right side limbs upper & lower weakness, face deviated to left dribbling of saliva on
same side, site of lesion? Which artery involved?

 Connective Tissue cells with lamellar secrete granules

a) Fibroblasts b) Mast cells? c) Macrophages

 Most common Heart Anomaly Congenital? VSD

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