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Journal of Primary Education

7 (3) (2018) : 348 – 355


Pragmatic Functions of Perlocutionary Act in F-3 Leveled Reading Book

Anna Ardiyani Musriyono1 , Rustono2 & Sigit Saptono2

Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

________________ ___________________________________________________________________
History Articles Perlocutionary act is a speech act spoken by a speaker to influence the
July 2018
interlocutors and can be found in the communication process. One form of
Accepted: communication process can be found in conversations between the characters in
August 2018 story from children's reading books. Perlocutionary act is uttered with different
Published: pragmatic functions according to the context of the speech. The objectives of this
December 2018
research are (1) to describe the functions of perlocutionary act in F-3 leveled
reading book, and (2) to determine the dominant perlocutionary act function in
F-3 leveled reading book, F-3 leveled reading book. The research approach used in this research was
perlocutionary act, pragmatic approach and qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection
pragmatic function was conducted by using observation method with recording technique. After the
data have been analyzed using heuristic method, the result of the research shows
DOI that (1) 12 perlocutionary acts are found in F-3 leveled reading book with five
https://doi.org/10.15294 kinds of functions, which are the function of relieving, persuading, convincing,
/jpe.v7i3.24516 attention-grabbing, and scaring and (2) the most dominant perlocutionary act
function in F-3 leveled reading book is relieving function with total seven
speeches. This research is expected to give contributions to the academic study,
especially in the field of pragmatic study.

© 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence address: p-ISSN 2252-6404
Diponegoro 52-60 Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, 50711
e-ISSN 2502-4515
E-mail: annardiyani026@gmail.com

Anna Ardiyani Musriyono, Rustono & Sigit Saptono
Journal of Primary Education 7 (3) (2018) : 348 – 355

INTRODUCTION those of literature for adults. The vocabulary,

language structure, and phrases used in children's
Language is an important component of literature are simple (Nurgiyantoro, 2013). One
communication. Not only in communication form of children's literature is children's reading
between individuals, but also communication books. Children's reading books have power to
within a country. This notion can be seen in the shape children's character through their stories
function of Indonesian language as a unifying (Neina, Mardikantoro, & Supriyanto, 2015;
tool of society with different social and cultural Nurgiyantoro, 2010). The example of children's
backgrounds (Sari, 2015). With Indonesian reading books that have been widely distributed
language or a specific language that has been is leveled reading books published by Literasi
collectively agreed, people from various regions Anak Indonesia Foundation.
can convey their message without any The leveled reading book is disseminated
misunderstandings because of differences in in 2016 to 13,000 selected Elementary Schools in
socio-cultural background. From the description, 9 provinces in Indonesia by USAID (USAID,
it is obvious that language is a tool in the 2017). This book is arranged based on children's
communication process. In addition, a language language development and consists of six levels,
contains rules that govern the way of how from level A to F. Of the six levels available, the
someone speaks in order to maintain its user's F-3 leveled reading book is a F grade-level
interpersonal relations (Safrihady & reading book which is intented for children in
Mardikantoro, 2017). grade II to III of Elementary School who have
Speech situation and speech act occur in been able to read the most complex story which
the communication process. The speech situation involves characters most wide in it. The F-3
is a situation that causes speech (Rustono, 2017). leveled reading book consists of three books. The
A speech situation consists of several title of the three books are Kakek Melaut Lagi,
components. They are speaker and interlocutors, Delima di Pasar Ikan, and Rumah Pohon Kami.
speech context, speech objectives, speech act as a In those books, there is communication in
form of action or activity, and utterance as a the form of utterance between the author, the
product of verbal action. The speech act process reader and intercharacters communication in the
is determined by the context that accompanies presented story. The number of utterances in F-3
the utterance (Umaroh & Kurniawati, 2017). leveled reading book is more than in any other
Speech act, which is an analysis unit in pragmatic levels of leveled reading book. An utterance can
field, is an activity of making an utterance in be analyzed using pragmatic analysis (A'yuni &
certain conditions that represent an action. Parji, 2017). In conducting pragmatic analysis, a
Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that researcher should consider the context as a basic
examines the interrelationships between speech consideration to explain the meaning of utterance
functions and speech forms. Speech act in order to use language during communication
determines the purpose of an utterance uttered by (Mafaza, et al. 2018).
the speaker. This research examines pragmatic function
Language also plays an important role in of perlocutionary speech act and its dominance in
the world literature because during the F-3 leveled reading book. The perlocutionary
development of literary world there are many speech act is a speech act which is uttered in order
other languages that can be learned and used as a to make the interlocutors affected by the content
useful knowledge (Yuliarti, Rustono, & of the utterance. Leech (1983) in Rustono (2017)
Nuryatin, 2015). Children's literature as a part of argues that some verbs that mark and
literature is an imaginative visualization of child's simultaneously become a pragmatic function of
life as outlined in the form of child's language perlocutionary speech act is persuading, cheating,
structure (Yuliana, 2015). The characteristics of encouraging, irritating, scaring, pleasing,
children's literature language are different from relieving, humiliating, attention grabbing, etc.

Anna Ardiyani Musriyono, Rustono & Sigit Saptono
Journal of Primary Education 7 (3) (2018) : 348 – 355

The research on speech act had been This research data were obtained from F-3
widely done before but most of the researches leveled reading book consisting of three books
discuss illocutionary act and politeness act such with the title of Kakek Melaut Lagi, Delima di Pasar
as research conducted by Alviah (2014), Ariyanti Ikan, and Rumah Pohon Kami. These three books
& Zulaeha (2017), Lestari & Indiatmoko (2016), from F-3 level are chosen because this level is the
Nur & Rokhman 2017), Fahmi & Rustono highest level and the story is quite complex that
(2018), and Pamungkas, Rustono, & Utanto provides many utterances to be analyzed. This
(2018). The previous research about book is still classified as newly used in some
perlocutionary act had been done by Sendilatta elementary schools, so there has not been much
(2013) which data was taken from Garuda di research done related to leveled reading book. In
Dadaku's movie dialogue and found 8 addition, the book is used by many elementary
perlocutionary form in it. Musyafir (2015) also schools scattered in various regions of Indonesia
conducted research on perlocutionary act in a and contains good moral values for children.
short stories antology entitled Bibir by Bakdi The data collection method used in this
Soemanto. The research shows that speech acts study was observation method with advanced
used in the short story are representative speech technique of writing technique. Notes were taken
act, commissive, directive, expressive, and on the data card to make the process of data
declaration speech act. Furthermore, Nur & analysis becomes easier for researcher. To get a
Sabardila (2016) examined the type and function valid research result, the researcher discussed the
of perlocutionary speech acts in learning obtained data with colleagues. In addition,
Indonesian language. The research finding shows researcher increased the persistence by double
four types of perlocutionary speech acts and two checked the obtained data, read books and
functions of perlocutionary speech acts. relevant studies. Heuristic method was used in
The three studies show that research on this study to identify the pragmatic power of an
perlocutionary acts in children's reading books utterance by generating hypotheses, and those are
are still rarely conducted. In addition, pragmatic tested based on available evidences (Leech,
functions of perlocutionary acts are also rarely 1983). If the test fails, then a new hypothesis is
done. Therefore, this study aims to find and created to be tested again from the beginning.
analyze the function of any perlocutionary acts
found in F-3 leveled reading book and to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
determine the dominant function of
perlocutionary acts in F-3 leveled reading book. After analyzing the data in the F-3 leveled
reading book, 12 utterances classified as
METHODS perlocutionary act were found. The pragmatic
functions found are relieving function,
The theoretical approach of this research persuading, convincing, attention-grabbing, and
was pragmatic approach which was used to scaring function.
discover the explicit or implicit meaning of an
utterance. The methodological approach used in Relieving Function
this research was qualitative approach because The perlocutionary acts with relieving as
the data in this research were not in form of the pragmatic function in Kakek Melaut Lagi are
numbers yet, the story fragments in F-3 leveled stated as follows:
reading book which are suspected containing
perlocutionary act. This research is conducted (1) Context:
through three stages of research proposed by Grandpa tried to calm all family members
Sudaryanto (2015). These stages consist of down. He convinced them that he would be okay
providing data, analyzing data and presentation if he went to the sea in bad weather because he is
of the data analysis results.

Anna Ardiyani Musriyono, Rustono & Sigit Saptono
Journal of Primary Education 7 (3) (2018) : 348 – 355

an experienced fisherman. For him, the high The following discussion is relieving
waves are not a big problem. function found in Delima di Pasar Ikan,
“Sudahlah! Jangan mengkhawatirkan aku
lagi. Aku sudah menjadi nelayan lebih dari empat (3) Context:
puluh tahun. Sejak umur dua belas tahun Aku sudah Mother was confused looking for Delima
melaut. Aku bisa melindungi diri dari gelombang who had said goodbye to get around the market
tinggi dan badai. Percayalah padaku!” Kakek because she had finished selling. After they meet,
menenangkan kami semua. mother advised Delima that in the next time she
“Please stop! Don’t worry about me. I've would not play too far that could make her
been a fisherman for over forty years. I had gone mother worried and confused. Delima felt guilty
to the sea since I was twelve. I can protect myself and said that she would obey her advice so that
from high waves and storms. Believe me!" mother felt relief.
Grandpa calmed us all. “Ya Bu! Aku sudah disini,” kataku
The utterance told by grandpa to his family menunduk.
is meant to relieve his family from getting “Yes, Mom! I am already here,” I said
worries. This intention is marked by the sentence while looking down.
Sudahlah! Jangan mengkhawatirkan aku lagi. The utterance spoken by Delima is
Grandpa also added an explanation that he can intended to make her mother who had been
protect himself from high waves and storms confused looking for her to feel relief because they
because he is an experienced fisherman to have met and next time Delima promised not to
strengthen the reasons why his family should not repeat her mistake. The co-text shows that
worry about his seafaring. So, the utterance has a Delima feels so sorry to make her mother worry.
relief function. The relieving function was also found in
Relieving function also appears in the Rumah Pohon Kami, as follows.
following utterance.
(4) Context:
(2) Context: Hearing the sadness and regret of his
Grandpa was still angry due the condition friends, Rudi calmed his friends by reminding
that he could not catch fish for his family because them that they should be grateful that Mr Yudi
he forgot to bring the fishing net, therefore has lent his land to them, and Mr. Yudi as the
mother tried to relieve grandfather by persuading landowner has the right to sell his land.
him to go to the sea again another time. “Kita tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa. Tanah
“Sudahlah Kakek, lain kali melaut lagi,” itu milik Pak Yudi, jadi terserah Pak Yudi mau
bujuk Ibu. dijual atau tidak. Kita juga tidak boleh
“It doesn’t matter Grandpa, you can go menyalahkan Pak Yudi atau menekan Pak Yudi
to the sea next time,” Mother persuaded. untuk tidak menjual tanahnya. Seharusnya kita
The utterance Sudahlah Kakek, lain kali bersyukur karena Pak Yudi mau meminjamkan
melaut lagi told by Mother is a form of persuasion tanahnya untuk kita,” saran Rudi dengan bijaksana.
supported by co-text following the utterance. “We cannot do anything. The land
Viewing from the context when the utterance is belongs to Pak Yudi, so it's up to Pak Yudi to
spoken, the persuasion is uttered so that sell it or not. We should not blame Mr. Yudi or
grandfather feels sincere over the event he missed force him to not sell his land. We should be
when he left the fishing net accidentally, and grateful that Mr Yudi is willing to lend his land
stopped getting angry because he could go to the for us,” Rudi suggested wisely.
sea again another time. Therefore, the utterance Based on the context that follows Rudi's
does not have persuading function but relieving utterance, the utterance is a suggestion. He
function. suggests his friend to be grateful that Mr Yudi is
willing to lend his land for them and not to blame

Anna Ardiyani Musriyono, Rustono & Sigit Saptono
Journal of Primary Education 7 (3) (2018) : 348 – 355

his decision to sell his land. However, when it is The following utterance also has relieving
viewed from the context when the utterance is function.
spoken, it has a purpose to relieve Rudi's friends
who deplore and are sad about Mr Yudi's (7) Context:
decision to sell the land where their tree house is The father of twins smiled at the barrage of
located. questions from Raka about his tree house on Mr
These are several utterances which also Yudi's land. Father told that he is the one who
have relieving function. bought Mr Yudi's land, so the five little heroes
could still use their tree house and father asked
(5) Context: them to take part in supervising the fish ponds he
Mother was worried because Rudi came would build there.
home late. When mom asked him why he came “Oh begitu ceritanya, maaf sebelumnya Ayah
late, Rudi lied to her by telling her that he came tidak memberitahu kalian. Memang Ayah sudah
late because he did homework with hisfriends at membeli tanah milik Pak Yudi yang di dekat sungai
the tree house. However, actually he did not do itu. Ayah mau menggunakannya untuk bertani dan
the homework in the tree house. tambak ikan. Jadi tidak ada masalah kan dengan
“Aku di rumah pohon bersama teman- rumah pohon kalian? Pak Yudi saja merelakan
temanku mengerjakan tugas,” bohongku pada Ibu. tanahnya untuk rumah pohon kalian, apalagi
“I was in the tree house with my friends Ayah? Tidak ada masalah jika rumah pohon kalian
doing our homework,” I lied to Mom. masih berdiri di sana. Kalian juga bisa membantu
Based on the context that follows Rudi's Ayah mengawasi tambak ikan dan sawah di sana.”
utterance, the utterance is a lie. He was lying to “Oh, so that’s the story, sorry if Daddy did
his mother that he is coming home late because not tell you before guys. I had already bought Mr.
he was working on his homework with his friends Yudi's land near the river. I want to use it for
in their tree house. The lie was uttered by Rudi to farming and fish pond. So there's no problem with
relieve his mother so he would not be scolded for your tree house, right? Pak Yudi allowed your
coming home late. tree house to be on his land, why Daddy has to
Relieving function was also found in the forbid it? There is no problem if your tree house
following utterance. is still standing there. You can also help Daddy
to keep an eye on the fish pond and rice fields
(6) Context: there.”
Rudi did not realize that he had been in the In the utterance Pak Yudi saja merelakan
bathroom for a long time thinking about the fate tanahnya untuk rumah pohon kalian, apalagi
of his tree house. He was told to quickly finish the Ayah? Tidak ada masalah jika rumah pohon kalian
bath. It makes Rudi immediately complete the masih berdiri di sana, the father of the twins stated
bath and told her mother that he would finish that he did not mind if Raka's tree house and his
bathing soon. friends remained standing on Mr Yudi's land
“Ya Bu, sebentar lagi! Aku sudah selesai,” which he had bought. The utterance is spoken to
jawabku sambil mengambil handuk dan segera keluar. relieve those who are worried about losing their
“Yes Mom, in a minute! I am done,” I tree house.
answered while taking the towel and immediately
coming out. Persuading Function
The utterance Ya Bu, sebentar lagi! Aku The perlocutionary acts with the pragmatic
sudah selesai is spoken by Rudi to keep his mother function of persuading are found only in Kakek
from calling him up and scolding him for using Melaut Lagi. The following utterance is
the bathroom too long. Her mother calls him up perlocutionary act with persuading function.
because his father needs to use the bathroom too.
Therefore, the utterance has relieving function.

Anna Ardiyani Musriyono, Rustono & Sigit Saptono
Journal of Primary Education 7 (3) (2018) : 348 – 355

(8) Context: (10) Context:

In the conversation before grandpa went to Delima just remembered that she had left
sea, mother tried to persuade him not to go to the his mother selling alone, then she went back to
sea because the waves were still high. her mother's shop and called out her mother who
“Apa Kakek yakin akan pergi sore ini? was walking here and there like a confused person
Tidakkah ini berbahaya Kek?” ujar Ibu sedikit looking for something.
membujuk agar Kakek tidak pergi. “Ibu!” seruku.
“Are you sure you will go this afternoon? “Mom!” I shout.
Isn’t it dangerous, Grandpa?” mother said with After the realisation that she leaves her
a bit persuading Grandpa not going out to the sea. mother for too long, Delima comes back to her
The utterance Apa Kakek yakin akan pergi mother’s shop. Her mother looks confused. Then
sore ini? Tidakkah ini berbahaya Kek? is an she shouts Ibu! That utterance is spoken to attract
introgative but it has the intention to persuade her mother's attention who was confused to look
Grandpa. She tried to persuade Grandpa not for her and had not seen where Delima was.
going out to the sea because the waves were still The following discussion is about attention
high. It is dangerous for sailing in that situation. grabbing function found in Our Tree House,

Convincing Function (11) Context:

The perlocutionary acts with the pragmatic The five little heroes went to the twins'
function of persuading are found only in Kakek house, Raka and Riki run first and called their
Melaut Lagi. The following utterance is father inside the house, for they could not wait to
perlocutionary act with persuading function. ask the solution for their tree house.
“Ayah...!Ayah, kami mau bicara!”
(9) Context: “Daddy...!Daddy, We want to talk!”
Grandpa expressed his strong decision to The utterance Ayah...!Ayah, kami mau
Father if he would go to sea despite the high bicara! is spoken by Raka and Riki to draw their
waves. father's attention who was in the house to get out.
“Kakek ingin melaut, karena persediaan They want to ask a solution to their tree house
ikan kita tidak banyak lagi! Kau ingin kita tidak problems. Before, Mr. Yudi suggests them to ask
makan besok?” nada suara Kakek meninggi. to their father for the solution of their problem.
"Grandpa wants to go to the sea, because
our fish supply is not enough anymore! What Scaring Function
will we eat tomorrow?” Grandpa's tone rising. The utterances of perlocutionary act with
The Grandpa's utterance Kakek ingin scaring as the pragmatic function are found only
melaut, karena persediaan ikan kita tidak banyak in Rumah Pohon Kami. Here are the
lagi! Kau ingin kita tidak makan besok? is stated to perlocutionary act with scaring function,
father. It has a purpose to convince father that his
decision to go to the sea at that time is the right (12) Context:
decision because their fish stock for them to eat is Mak rodah, a close neighbor to Delima,
not sufficient anymore. He is persistent to go to patted Delima's shoulder who was daydreaming
the sea despite of the high waves. when she was leaving for school.
Seseorang menepuk bahuku dan berkata,
Attention Grabbing Function “wah, pagi-pagi sudah melamun. Awas nanti jatuh
The utterances of perlocutionary act with ke jurang!”
attention grabbing as the pragmatic function are Someone patted my shoulder and said,
found in Delima di Pasar Ikan as follows, “Gee, it’s early in the morning and you are
already daydreaming. Beware of falling into the

Anna Ardiyani Musriyono, Rustono & Sigit Saptono
Journal of Primary Education 7 (3) (2018) : 348 – 355

Mak Rodah saw Delima was daydreaming functions of perlocutionary act found in F-3
in the middle of her journey to the school. Mak leveled reading book. These functions are
Rodah's utterance Awas nanti jatuh ke jurang! is relieving, persuading, convincing, attention-
spoken in order to scare Delima. If Delima is grabbing, and scaring function. Of the 12
daydreaming in the morning, she might fall into perlocutionary acts found in the text, relieving
the abyss. With the utterance, it is expected that function is the most dominant pragmatic function
Delima will no longer have a daydream in the with total 7 speech acts.
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