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Association Rules and Statistics

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Attribute-Oriented Induction: Association rules,
Jensen, D. (1992). Induction with randomization classification rules, and characterization rules are
testing: Decision-oriented analysis of large data sets written with attributes (i.e., variables). These rules are
[doctoral thesis]. Washington University, Saint Louis, obtained from data by induction and not from theory
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Kodratoff, Y. (2001). Rating the interest of rules induced Badly Structured Data: Data, like texts of corpus
from data and within texts. Proceedings of the 12th or log sessions, often do not contain explicit variables.
IEEE International Conference on Database and Expert To extract association rules, it is necessary to create
Systems Aplications-Dexa, Munich, Germany. variables (e.g., keyword) after defining their values
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Megiddo, N., & Srikant, R. (1998). Discovering predic-
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databases: 10 years after. Proceedings of the Confer- sociation rule are optimized in computationality cost
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sachusetts. has to be performed on the results that do not satisfy
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e.g. normal distribution of errors. These constraints
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allow to determine if a coefficient of regression equa-
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tion can be considered as null with a fixed level of

This work was previously published in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, edited by J. Wang, pp. 74-77, copyright 2005 by
IGI Publishing, formerly known as Idea Group Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).

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