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Two companies, Kodak and Fujifilm ruled the coloured photographic films world
market. After the demise of colour film business, Kodak went bankrupt while
Fujifilm saw the end of photographic business well in advance and went into
producing other products, ensuring its survival and growth. So what went wrong? STRATEGY

A tale of two

odak and Fujifilm, ruled much profitable industry was about to collapse,
the world of photosensitive as sales started dwindling and the decline was
material for half a century. sharp between 2000-2010. Did anyone foresee
At a time in 2000, the this? A collapse was on the anvil.
colour photographic film As CEO of Fujifilm Komori Shigetaka, who
formed nearly 60 per was brought in to stem the company’s slide,
cent of Fujifilm’s sale. It writes in his memoirs, “It was clear to me that
also contributed to two-thirds of its profit. At this was not the time for makeshift measures.
Kodak, it was 90 per cent of their business and Our only choice was to initiate radical reform,
60 per cent gross margin, a veritable stable including the downsizing of our photography-
cash cow for over 50 years. related businesses.” VUCA had made a sudden
But there was an aftershock. Digital strike, blindfolded them in a very short time.
photography was about to replace films. A There had to be something more than strategic


In today’s fast-changing to renew their resources and other newer business fields. Kodak missed the
and uncertain world, it is capabilities. The task was bus as it did not invest in newer technologies.
uphill with no clues in hand; What was the difference? Kodak behaved like
all the more necessary for it required deep thinking. a slow-moving organisation while Fujifilm was
the leadership to make the Kodak too had reached agile. Agility and foresight were the answer. So
organisation ready to read the fork on the road. It what is foresight? It is the ability to read the
and analyse weak signals. too had to make the same weak signals emanating from the distant future,
decision. It decided to understand its implications—both threat and
continue with business as opportunities—and envision the likely future.
usual and ultimately faced bankruptcy in 2012 Industry watchers were already predicting that
and total oblivion later. Meanwhile, Fujifilm, days of photographic films were numbered but
over a period of ten years and an investment few listened. Thereafter, each company had
of $10 billion, changed its product mix and roughly 20 years lead time to effect changes in
today, is stronger than ever. What was the their product mix to ensure survival.
differentiator? Did Fujifilm bounce back as a Both Kodak and Fujifilm were leaders in
resilient leader? collagen technology with hundreds of patents
Both were sitting over identical resources, issued in their names. Kodak allowed this
a wealth of patents on collagen, the basic resource to go waste while it chased market
Dr Aseem science and technology of photosensitive share in the colour film market, getting
Chauhan is
Founding Trustee, materials. Fujifilm took a strong decision on smaller year by year. Fujifilm, on the other
Amity Education its traditional business. It revisited its core hand, focused its R&D on seeking alternative
Group. He
presently serves as strengths. The company used its patents and products that can be profitably derived from
Chancellor Amity technologies developed around collagen and collagen technology. Over a decade, it spent
nanoparticle formulation in the cosmetic and over $10 billion in developing such products.



The world is vastly more One diversification it did was fragmented manner.
complex and unpredictable to go into the anti-ageing line All of us are used to looking for cyclical
of cosmetics, which too has a change—biological cycles, weather cycles,
than we have allowed base in collagen technology. and business cycles. Economists have been
ourselves to see and the In today’s fast-changing extrapolating past cycles to predict the future
tools we take for granted and uncertain world, it is and they have been increasingly wrong; a
are no longer working to all the more necessary for recent example is the global banking crisis of
the leadership to make the 2008. The world is vastly more complex and
predict the future.
organisation ready to read unpredictable than we have allowed ourselves
and analyse weak signals. to see and the tools we take for granted are
They may or may not emanate from your no longer working to predict the future.
industry. Infact it requires the ability of the Therefore, we must look at the future anew.
whole organisation, and not just the top How many of us are trained to look outward?
leaders, with eyes focused both on the near According to Amy Webb in The Signals are
term and the horizon, sometimes beyond it Talking, “The future doesn’t simply arrive
too. While leaders at the centre may still see fully formed overnight, but emerges step by
a stable business, those on the periphery may step. It first appears at seemingly random
already feel the pressure of disruption. These points around the fringe of society, never in
people—medical representatives, showroom the mainstream. Without context, those points
sales personnel, and vendors are the ones can appear disparate, unrelated, and hard to
who develop the foresight first, though in a connect meaningfully. But over time they fit



Suhayl Abidi is
consultant with
Centre for VUCA
Studies, Amity


into patterns and come into focus as a full-
blown trend.” Therefore, you must strategically
monitor trends and plan for the future
emerging trends, as they shift from the fringe
to the mainstream. You can begin by creating
an organisation that collects data, identify
emerging trends, develop strategies, and view
a future in which your best strategy often
requires creating as many possibilities as we
can. Too often, leaders with
narrow focus on business
For monitoring trends, the growth and quarterly profits,

organisation must cast a ignore the signals, wait too
long to take action, or plan
wider circle of talent rather for only one scenario.
than just the CEO and his/ The future does not come
her senior colleagues. suddenly. It only seems so
because developing trends are
not visible to us unless we are actively looking at the middle and junior levels. And they must
for them. Electric vehicles have been there be allowed to utilise at least 25 per cent of
since the beginning of the 20th century. Even their time—apart from the work assigned—to
in its present form, it has been in existence for future thinking. It should look for mavericks
over 20 years now and it will be another 20 to seed this group—people who are inherently
years before they seriously challenge internal curious, will question everything, are ready to
combustion engine. One should remember speak out, and do not respect authority. This
that the shift from photographic film to digital group should be
took almost 25 years.  Peer driven and free from the existing line

For monitoring trends, the organisation must and staff organisation

cast a wider circle of talent rather than just the  Self-learn and have the ability to synthesise

CEO and his/her senior colleagues. They are vast amounts of information from contrasting
so much involved in the day-to-day operations sources and make it more meaningful
and enhancing growth and profitability, that  Have the ability to think creatively and

they may miss the emerging trends if these are collaboratively. This helps in projecting newer
not within their business radar. They should ideas and pitching unfamiliar questions, which
create an anticipatory organisation as described will eventually lead to new ways of thinking
in the book of the same title by futurist Daniel and generate unexpected answers.
Burrus. Our fear and rejection of the unknown  They should be able to spot trends from those

has been an ongoing thread throughout history. are just trendy—separate hard trends that are
ABOUT THE AUTHOR We are comfortable making incremental certain to happen, such as demography, from
Dr Manoj Joshi changes and trick ourselves into believing that soft trends that might happen.
is Professor of
Strategy, Director,
we are changing the status quo as a prelude to As the group or groups mature through
Centre for VUCA moving into the future. collaborative learning, they become capable of
Studies, Amity To start with, the organisation must create a delivering better and better outcomes.
multidisciplinary future or anticipatory group This is the beginning of an anticipatory



Organisations which have organisation, which Organisations which have the first-mover
the first-mover advantage continuously fine-tunes advantage not only make informed decisions
its business strategy based but also take lead in broader context by taking
not only make informed on signals, both weak and other stakeholders along in educating and
decisions but also take strong. As more data becomes influencing the investors and legislation.
lead in broader context by available, various scenarios The digital age was destined to come and the
taking other stakeholders are filled in to make informed Fujifilm leadership viewed it not as a crisis but
decision possible. There an opportunity. Today Kraft-Heinz, the giant
along in educating and
should be opportunities food company is facing the same challenges
influencing the investors for continuous dialogue as Kodak. It did not see the shifting trend
and legislation. between the anticipatory towards healthier food and early this year lost
group and other parts of the over $15 billion from its market value. The
organisation and beyond. shares were plunging for the past two years but
The CEO must regularly interact with other the management’s total attention was focused
CEOs and senior leaders not from just their on cutting costs and boosting profit, just like
own industry but from other businesses too. Kodak. The company has now brought in a
People who are regularly interacting with new CEO. The first thing he should do is read
the external business environment such as Innovating Out of Crisis: How Fujifilm Survived
salesmen, and supply chain professionals are (and Thrived) As Its Core Business Was Vanishing, by
Dr Ashok Kumar likely to learn new trends faster than others. Shigetaka Komori.
is consultant with
Centre for VUCA By the time your competitors have worked
Studies, Amity out the future, you are already ahead in
working out your third or fourth scenario.


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