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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani,

First Semester 2019-2020
Project: End-to-End Simulator for Analog Comm
Course: EEE F311 Communication Systems
Instructor-in-Charge: S M Zafaruddin


Lab Batches
The main theme of the project is common to all batches: P1P2P3P4, and needs to be performed on
Tuesday (10th September for P1P2), and Thursday (12th September for P3P4). However, there will
be few modifications on the objectives and task lists on the Lab day and that will shared at 2PM for
respective batches.

Project Objectives
To implement an E2E simulator for analog communications. Your simulator should consists of the
following modules:

• Information source (an audio file ’waving.wav’): use Matlab function sound to verify the infor-
mation signal.

• Spectrum analyzers (using FFT to determine the frequency content in the signal.)

• An oscillator (generates a sinusoidal carrier of any frequency).

• An amplitude modulator (use AM equations).

• An FM modulator (use FM equations).

• Model of channel h(t) = d2

• Demodulators: AM demodulator (using synchronous carrier and low pass filtering), AM demod-
ulator (envelop detector), FM demodulator (differentiation plus envelop detector).

• Information at destination: use Matlab function sound to verify the information signal after

All the above objectives you have already been achieved for past few weeks. It is time to implement
them altogether. Using real-time code we worked together would be helpful. Use of main.m as
described earlier and calling different functions will make the code easy to handle. However, you can
implement the code in whatever way, but to achieve the objectives and the project tasks. Please do
not hesitate to ask/email if more explanation is required, even it does not seem to be
crucial. It is very important to understand the tasks and objectives beforehand.

Project Task
1. Live stream the source information (the audio file ’waving.wav’) to a user at a suitable distance
such that the demodulated signal can be listened with a good fidelity in real time.

2. Transmit the source information (the audio file ’waving.wav’) to a user at a suitable distance
such that the demodulated signal can be stored in a file, which later can be listened with good

Link to Audio File

Best of Luck !

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