Hobbies Maintaince Your Happines

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“Hobbies maintaince your happines”

Hobbies are recreational activities carried out in spare time to calm one's mind. the word
hobby is an absorption word from the English language "hobby". The purpose of a hobby is
to fulfill a desire and get pleasure. There are various types of hobbies such as collecting things
(collection), making, repairing, playing and adult education (Wikipedia).
Your hobby should be a completely pleasurable activity that allows you to take your mind off
of the demands of your daily life, or negative emotions. It’s a healthy and productive
distraction from work or personal troubles.(developgoodgoodhabits.com).I think you should
use relaxation techniques. Managing stress is crucial for being happy. To ensure that you have
your stress under control, try to make time to relax every day, even if you only have a few
minutes. Some activities you could try include:Yoga, meditation, deep breathing.
What do you usually do before going to bed? If you're like a lot of people, you probably look
through your phone, watch television, or look through social media. And then, you probably
have a hard time falling asleep.Instead of wasting your time doing these things, finding a
relaxing hobby can slow down your heart rate and decrease the freency of your brain waves
at night. This allows you to fall asleep more easily.(devlopgoodhabits.com). activities that you
can do are reading a book, listening to music, keeping a jurnal.
Engaging in a lifestyle of holistic wellness involves more than just eating healthy foods and
exercising. It also includes doing things you love. Studies have shown that engaging in leisure
activities not only helps people be happier and less bored, but is also a great way to increase
one’s productivity and even help people stay in shape.(developgoodhabits.com)
Doing hobbies maintance your happiness because realese stress, help you sleep better and
keep your physicall healthy. As you can see, the benefits of having a hobby can greatly
improve your life. We recommend taking 15-30 minutes each day and devoting that time to
a new passion that has nothing to do with your career or something that you already do at
“Being active in organization lead you to be a good leader”

Leadership is an ability or strenght in a person to intwence each other in pairs of work where
the goal is to achieve the target of organization that has been determined. a good leader
cannot be seen from how many people who become followers also not visible from how long
we lead. Leadership is an important thing for the success of an organization leadership in
organization is an entity in the direction of the duties or obligations of members in the
organization intended to achieve goals.
Teach to be responsible.in organization we are taught to be responsible because eacg
members already have the respective roles in carrying out organizational tasks. than being
responsible person is very important in everyday life. (https://guruppkn.com) discuss the
duties of each member of the organization in accordance with their position.that is one of the
reasons why organizations must continue to be developed.
Practice self dicipline. Being a member of an organization can make us disciplined. In
organization we can refer to the training that a person gets to fulfill acertain task or to
improve certain patterns of behavior, dicipline is always the right attitude to promise.
(kompasiam.com) The rules in the institution or organization that is effective and efficient
and discipline in itself is a condition discipline is more important than commitment that time
should be.
Add knowledge and insight. In organizatin of course, its members must continue to show
progress. This is what will make members of an organization will be encouraged to develop a
mindset to adjust the time that continue to develop. (https//www.jurnal.id) and indirectly
will also increase knowledge and Insight each of its members. the organization that is being
Run will be more interesting and indirectly will also add knowledge and Insight to each of It's
Participating in the organization can make us become more responsible confident and more
disciplined so when we do in the organization It will certainly be there are many things we
have to take care of such events in the organization.

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