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Early Canadian History: The Building Blocks Project 

Throughout your Social Studies class, you have been keeping a record of key events
through a timeline. You will now be using these events to demonstrate your
knowledge of history.

Your task is to create a ​visual representation​of the events we have been

studying since the Treaty of Utrecht. You will be taking the ​6 events​and
creatively representing the passage of time.

Each event section must include the details of that event:

- Who - Why
- What - Significance (why does it matter)
- When - How (optional)
- Where

The order of the events must be very clear!

You may choose to make:

- A poster
- A building block
- A board-games
- A pyramid poster
- A 3D model
- A mini book
- Or whatever you would like (but first check in with Mr. G)

The goal of this project is to show the progression of time, and how each event in
history has an effect on the next (or many of the future events). You will be creating
LINKS​ between events.

When creating a link, ask yourself:

- How does this event affect the future
- Why does this event matter?
- How does my link improve the
understanding of history?

To succeed in this project, complete the following checklist:

I have clearly identified ​6 events​ and have put them in chronological order

Each of my events has the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How (optional), and
Significance of that event

I have used extra details and events to make meaningful ​links​ between my events

I have put effort into making a creative representation

I have checked my spelling and grammar

I have double checked my work with the help of the rubric and my peers

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