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It is a story that full of inspiration like you dont need to have an arms just to lift people and
being person with disabilities doesn't measure our aptitude in life because every individuals has
a unique personalities and aptitude in life. And we cannot judge them because their incomplete
instead the only thing that we could do is to lift them up and give them hope because their also
like us, there also a human they also feel pain notjust physically but emotionally so we must
trait them as person.

They dont need pity from us but they need respect as a human. And the right footed tells us
that we need to trust and to be with ourself despite of disability and insecurities that feel
inside. And having no hands doesn't mean that we cannot do anything, and we cannot be an
independent people just like anyone that we will always rely into our parents or into our
acquaintance but we need to be with ourself and to be indepent and also teach ourself to have
a confident in everysingle way because we need to prove to them that despite of this disability
we can do anything because nothing in our whole life disability doesn't measure out capability.
And also not all the time our parents and relatives our always their just to help us so that we
need to be indepent because we need to see if what is the limit of our aptitude and also they
just need to be free with people's descrimination.

The right footed also tells us that no matter were incomplete it doesn't mean that we cannot
help people with their needs but jessica thought us that the feet had always a use all the time
because the feet help us to know in our directionin life and the can be an arms just to lift
people. And jessica thought us that through sharing our aptitude we can help and inspired
people with same situation and also by giving the person's with disability an hope and chance to
live like a normal person that it will never be the end of their journey because its always be a
start and hope in to our journey in life.

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