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Living Standards

Nowadays lifestyle has changed a lot, concerning all aspects. This

is mainly due to a continuous progress of technology, who let us to
do things in less time. In addition in Italy customs between young
people has changed in the last few years: while when our parents
were young they enjoyed spending time out with friends, we prefer
spending our spare time watching television, staying at the
computer or playing videogames. Concerning school I can say that
in my country teaching methods have changed, my parents always
tell me that their teachers are more demanding than mines, even if I
attend a grammar school too.

I think that unemployed people should get benefits from the state,
because the number of people without job is growing every year.
The important aspect is that nowadays you need more abilities to
work than the ones you needed 50 years ago.

I am not very keen on fashion, but I know that the colours in

fashion are pink for man and light blue for women. In spite of that, I
don’t like pink clothes and I don’t wear them, so I can consider me
a not in fashion person.

Immigration is a very great problem in my country, in fact due to its

geographical position in the world, Italy has been invaded for years
by a lot of people from other countries. The majority of people
comes from African countries, but there are even a lot of Asian
people and even Europeans, mainly Albanians and Romanians.
Politicians have recently start some campaigns to limitate the
immigration flews. After all, Italy is a small country and can't host a
lot of people.

Society and Living standards

The meaning of "society " may have a different idea depending on  place and time.
Life and customs  vary considerably from country to country, so,  what is considered
the norm in one place, may be an obscenity  in another.   In Spain, during the Civil
War, there was a feeling of community because civilians helped one another out. 
When the war ended, the Welfare State was founded. People were provided
with free eye-tests, glasses, medicines and dental check-ups . There was a sense of
the strong helping the weak.  In time prosperity became more obvious.  However, in
Spain, there was no freedom of speech, as there was a dictatorship.

By the end of the 1950s, many people were purchasing washing machines and
televisions. Some were even buying their own flats.  

The consumer society was  born. Politicians told people that the citizens had never
had it so good.  But while young people the 1960s challenged  the conventional
view of society in the Uk and France,  Spanish students could not express their
views.  If they expressed their views in public, they would be arrested.

Spain was undergoing an enormous change in the 70s, democracy came in 1978,
and with it, many freedoms, for instance, no longer was it a crime to be gay, nor
were single mothers despised.

Today, people show greater tolerance towards different family structures such
as single parent families and there is a wider acceptance of different
races and sexual orientations . However, trust is in short supply, judging by the
number of security alarms fitted to our houses and cars and the emergence
of neighbourhood watch schemes as  social institutions.

By the 1990s Spain was living a permanent fiesta, the crisis in the 80s gave way to
prosperity in the 90s.  Everyone was buying a house, banks were lending money
with hardly any collateral, people were borrowing more than they could afford to
pay back.... Spain was heading for disaster.   

And here we are, in the year 2015, still suffering the hangover of the madness of the
1990s, with salaries that are reduced by an ever increasing tax burden and rising
prices.   Serious cutbacks in education and the health service is proving too much
for the Spanish society, once again, there is a feeling of doom.   However, politicians
keep saying that the economy is improving.

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