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Navigation Quick Reference

General navigation within Customer Management

Opening Menus
Press… To open… Press… To open…
Alt+A Applications Alt+L Logoff
Alt+D Device Alt+H Help
Alt+N Navigation
Opening Applications

Press… To open… Press… To open…

Ctrl+H Customer Ctrl+T Teletype (TTY)
Ctrl+F Flight Ctrl+Y Teletype Template Admin
Ctrl+S Seat map Ctrl+O My User ID Details
Ctrl+G Baggage Ctrl+P My Preferences
Ctrl+B Boarding Ctrl+M Messenger
Ctrl+D Boarding Monitor Ctrl+W World Tracer
Ctrl+K Track Ctrl+T Teletype (TTY)
Ctrl+R Reservations Ctrl+Y Teletype Template Admin
Ctrl+P My Preferences Ctrl+O My User ID Details

Navigating Between Screens

Press… To…
Alt+left arrow Move to the application tab immediately to the left.
Alt+right arrow Move to the application tab immediately to the right.
Alt+NumPad* Toggle between the current application tab and the
(numeric keypad) last application tab accessed.
Alt+number keys Move to the application tab number pressed.
e.g. if Seat map is tab number 1, press Alt+1 to return
to the Seat map tab.
Ctrl+E Close the current application tab.
Ctrl+Shift+E Close files (application tabs currently open).
Navigating Within Screens
Press… To…
Tab Move to the next selectable component (e.g. a field or a button).
Shift+Tab Move to the previous selectable component.
Left arrow Move to the closest left component of the currently selectable
component (for example, move left one character space in a field).
Right arrow Move to the closest right component of the currently selectable
component (for example, move right one character space in a field).
Down arrow Move to the closest component below in the currently selectable
component (for example, move down one row in a list or table).
Up arrow Move to the closest component above in the currently selectable
component (for example, move up one row in a list or table).
Ctrl+down arrow Displays a drop-down list from a combination (combo) box or a field
with an expand button.
Ctrl+Page Down In screens with a scroll bar, scrolls down.
Ctrl+Page Up In screens with a scroll bar, scrolls up.
Space bar Selects the highlighted option (e.g. item in a drop-down list).
Enter Selects an option or confirms the action you wish to take (e.g. press
the tab key to move to the OK button and press
Esc Closes a drop-down list or a screen.
Ctrl+E Closes the application you are working in.
Ctrl+L Signs you out of Customer Management. The Sign in screen is
displayed after you sign out.
Alt+E Exits from Customer Management. The system displays a message
asking you to confirm that you want to exit. Press Enter to exit.

Function Keys
Press… To…
F1 Access online help
F2 Toggle between standard and full display
Shift+F1 Show more options
Shift+F2 Expand
F5 Refresh the screen

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