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By: Gayani Rajapaksha
Northshore College of Business and Technology

References: Dr David Case
University of the West of England

• Most rocks made up of mineral particles.

• A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic

substance with a definite chemical composition and
characteristic physical properties.

• Can assume a crystal shape, but commonly

Mineralogy –key properties

• Colour
Not very helpful due to impurities causing

• Streak
The colour of the powder on a streak plate.

• Hardness
Vital test –MOHS’ Scale.
MOHS’ scale of hardness

10 Diamond
9 Corundum
8 Topaz
7 Quartz
6 Felspar
5 Apatite
4 Flourspar
3 Calcite
2 Gypsum
1 Talc
Quartz will scratch glass

• Hard steel 6.5

• Knife blade 5.5

• Bronze coin 3.5

• Finger nail 2.5

Mineralogy –key properties

• Taste
Only useful for rock salt.

• Feel
Waxy, soapy feel in talc, serpentine, graphite.

• Play of colours
Colour variation of colour through mineral.
Mineralogy –key properties

• Magnetism
Iron rich minerals –magnetite.

• Specific gravity
Measurement of density. Can be measured
precisely, or judged, eg. Galena (very high), most
ores (high), rock salt (low)
Mineralogy –key properties
• Cleavage
How easily and in which direction a mineral
splits. Cleavages a smooth flat repeated surfaces
• Fracture
Minerals without cleavage often have
characteristic fracture.
Fracture is the tendency of a mineral to
break along curved surfaces without a
definite shape. These minerals do not have
planes of weakness and break irregularly

• Tenacity
Do they bend or are they brittle?
• Luster
Type of reflection: metallic (ores), vitreous
(quartz), resinous (zinc blende), pearly (mica
and gypsum), silky (fibrous gypsum).

• Habit and form

Where they are found and in association with
Mineral Groups
Four main groups:
• Silicate minerals
Ferromagnesian silicates
Non ferromagnesian silicates
• Oxide minerals
• Sulphide minerals
• Carbonate and sulphate minerals

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