University of Management And: Ms Biochemistry

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SUBMITTED BY: Syeda Aqsa Noor

CLASS: MS (Biochemistry)

SEMESTER: 1st (Roll # F2018253020)


1. Write some frequently used club drugs. Also, describe the impacts of any two drugs.

The drugs, which are most common at clubs, are followings:

1. Amyl Nitrates, Butyl Nitrate, Poppers, Rush

2. Ketamine
3. MDMA (Methylenedioxyphenol-Methamphetamine Ecstasy XTC X STP)
4. Methamphetamine
MDMA disturbs the neuron transmitter serotonin inside the mind that can easily affect the
attitude. The person who is using this drug gets self-recognition with another person and wishes
to look for attractiveness and affection. That is why it is also called hug drug. Some people use
MDMA before doing sex to enhance the emotional and real affects of excitement and sex.
Ecstasy is mostly taken by mouth in the form of tablet or in liquid form. It is also inhaled smoked
and injected. Users mostly take this drug every seven days. The results of this drug include
greater enjoyment of dancing distortion of observation especially light touch and music. It also
offers artificial mental state of empathy and warmth. These drugs also used with the mixture of
other drugs like LSD DMT Psilocybin Mushrooms and 2c-b. Users mostly utilize mentholated
items while using MDMA due to the cooling effects.

2. How did party drugs develop into new era? How Australian drugs are different from

In 1970, club or party drugs were took in night or dance clubs, party groups, music events and at
raves. These drugs were used by teens and called as artificial drugs since many of these drugs
synthesized in a chemical lab instead of natural things like flowers. For instance, MDMA and
ketamine are artificial drugs and cannabis is a natural as it prepared from cannabis plants. Mostly
Australian drugs like ecstasy have wide range instead of MDMA. Some substances present in
these medications are toxic even in a very low dose. In Australia these drugs names as E Pills,
Caps, Pingers, Doopa , Love Drug, Disco Biscuits.
3. Why people take drugs during party or occasions? What are threats to human body
related with these drugs?

People take party drugs to get psychologically feelings of pleasure and empathy. These drugs
also increase the energy of muscles. The results include dissociate through the environment
allowing oneself to keep awake or party for long hours without getting any tiredness. In short,
these drugs provide following effects:

 Carelessness
 Irrational judgment
 Shortage of inhibition
 Lost sense of time

4. How amyl nitrate works on human body write some biological effects.

Amyl Nitrate was prepared to cure the Angina. It affects on human heart and its packing comes
in slim crystal vessels that can be powered or soft like vapors. When it breathes in, the fishy
smelling decreases the blood circulation and pulse rate becomes faster. This drug relaxed the
muscles and results in sense of well being and calmness. Some people use this drug before anal
sex, as its outcomes are muscle relaxing. People encounter coma, faintness and breathing
dilemmas. It is over use results in collapsing of muscle that is called as a vascular death.

5. How Ketamine is risky for users? Also, discuss how it influences the human body.

Ketamine is a sedating drug that was prepared for animals and as well as for human. That is why
its name is Cat Valium. It was used to mesmerize animals for short treatments. This drug
increases the heartbeat and lowers the human capacity to differentiate between observation and
feeling. It has same function as Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas give to human mind. If it takes in
high doses 100 mg, it results in an exceptionally fascinating feelings or even a detachment
Psychedelic State. This condition is called k-hole where an individual could find it tough to
move or talk. Similarly high quantity might result in breathing problem that would be lethal.
6. Why individuals like to take cocaine as a club drug? Also, tell alternative drugs of

Cocaine results in stressed and has its impacts from half hour to two hours. Its affect differs as
the quantity taken by users. Cocaine increases attentiveness feeling of comfort competence and
sexuality. Most important medicines that are taken at clubs include Amphetamines and
Methamphetamines. Both these drugs are taken in place of cocaine. It allows users to dance for
longer hours.

7. Briefly describe the history of Methaqualone. How individuals are using this drug?

Methaqualone was very popular in 1960s to 1970 and known as Ludes or Supers in U.S.A and
Mandis in U.K Australia and New Zealand. Those people who went to disco clubs mostly used
this drug. In 1970s, there were bars in Manhattan called juice bars. They provide alcoholic free
products to people who liked to dance on Mathieu. It is also used in Africa and in Asia and often
called as Mandrax M-Pills and Buttons. It is mostly taken through cigarettes or smoking pipes.

8. How do GHB and Rohypnol affects human body?

These drugs cause high behavior and damage the intellectual power, which cause in shortage of
attention, confusion and Obliviousness. It is also give an effect that is hangover like. More over
damaged the psychomotor functions as same as other benzodiazepines medicines provide to

9. Write a short comparison between psychedelic and psychoactive drugs. Also, point out
the popper uses at clubs.

The function of psychedelic drugs has to change reasoning and observation by severe serotonin
organs. It causes thinking and visual/ auditory modification and enhances the state of
understanding. These drugs are DMT and Psilocybin Mushrooms. Psychoactive medicines
encourage the state of changes understanding but psychedelic drugs provide spiritual ecstasy
fantasizing and even death like experience. Poppers are little vessels and can be inhaled to get
high. For example, Nitrites such as Alkyl
Nitrite initially sold as tiny cup capsules and it had been popped so it name called as poppers.
These drugs got popularity in America in Disco Clubs in 1970s where dancers used these drugs.

10. Why people use party drugs and what are their effects what would be happened if these
drugs give negative effects to human body?

People use these drugs to develop social closeness and as a physical stimulus through club
experience. Some club drugs encourage Euphoria that results in lowered shyness and a sense of
intoxication. Some medications such as Amphetamine and Cocaine provide hyper-activity and
increase the capacity to dance all night. Some people take multiple drugs at the same time like
with some alcohol or other drugs to improve the power of drug. However, drugs combination
could cause hazardous effects. Another danger with club drugs is that mostly drugs are illegal in
clubs, which can also cause dangerous or lethal effects. For example, unsafe sex or driving an

11. How do people become the victim of illegal drugs?

Sometimes club drugs are not according to those standards that a customer or purchaser had
required i.e. a dealer will inform a purchaser that he/she have legal drugs but in reality the
dealer’s pills, capsules or bags of powder usually do not include that legal chemical. For
example, MDMA ecstasy is quite difficult to synthesize in illegal undergrounds labs and
Methamphetamine is easier. It can prepare by domestic compounds and over the counter
medications containing Pseudoephedrine. In the end, what dealers offer his MDMA is mostly
made of Methamphetamine powder.

12. How cocaine addiction affects on human mind what would be any acute treatment for
such type of drugs?

Cocaine addiction is an emotional desire. Cocaine overdose may cause cardiovascular disease
and damage the brain i.e. constricting to the brain causing strokes and constricting arteries to the
heart causing heart attack. Its usage causes Euphoria and high quantity of power. Its high doses
may results in mood swings, obsession, sleeplessness, phobia, increase the level of pressure in
blood, and heart, panic attacks and major changes in character. The symptoms of Cocaine range
between moderate to dysphonia i.e. anxiety, physical weakness and discomfort.

13. What are biological effects of ketamine also describe its acute treatment.

It causes poisoning drowning traffic accidents and suicides. An acute treatment for such type of
drug is to cardiac monitoring pulse urinalysis and tries to find electrolyte instability renal toxicity
and feasible underlying disorders and preventing seizures. Some doctors use activated charcoal
and a cathartic to purify the drugs in to gastrointestinal. In order to prevent the hyperthermia
cooling the target part is way that is more efficient. Moreover, an antidote names as flumazenil
can also be used and it is the only antidote that is effective for overdosed patient.

14. Discuss the trend of club drugs among teenagers.

Studies shows that usage of club drugs among teenagers is always greater than elder people.
Many researches show that early 12-14 years old to late 15-17 years teenagers are involved in
club drugs at initial level and it is widely use among beginners or teenagers aged 18-25 years.
Moreover, most beginners or teens use Cannabis as a club drug.

15. Differentiate between MDMA and LSD with respect to their chemical effects/functions.

The effects of the MDMA remains for 3 to 6 hours and users will force to believe and touch
every person with whom they meet. It is mostly used during rave situation. On the other hand,
LSD is called as a mind changing drug due to its direct effects on the brain which results in
strong illusions and those feeling which do not in accordance with the situation or environment.
For example, a teen may experience or see those things that are not really exist.

16. Write any two most important club drugs, which are common in young adults. Also,
explore some factors that cause to be an addictive.

Club dugs, which are used by teenagers, have an impact to incorporate and improve the
experience of drugs at their leisure settings. While on the other hand, teens residing in low
conditions use medicines to deal with their hard circumstances. People in high-income countries
are using Ecstasy, Methamphetamine Cocaine, Ketamine, LSD and GHB. Other important
factors are personal behavioral and psychological neurological developments and gene
variations, which results from influences. At micro level, these factors include parental home
functioning schools and peer effects. At Macro level, these factors include socioeconomic and
real environment. The probability of jobless physical fitness complications, dysfunctional social
relationships, suicide, intellectual infection also found in teenagers. Under serious circumstances,
constantly using of medication can result in addiction.

17. How a drug supply chain established what is the role of aged or older people in
establishing this Chain Network?

Teenagers are involved in cultivation, production and trafficking of drugs. The reason is that
these adults want to make money or to increase their wages. Young adults suffering from poverty
or in other groups like immigrants can be recruited by crime teams or coerced into dugs
cultivation, production, trafficking and at local level working. In few areas, young adults get
involved in medication supply companies since they are getting excitement. Drugs usage in older
people is also increasing quicker as compare to Youngers. About 75 of fatalities among those
aged 50 years are from utilization of opioids.

18. What is the role of personality and self-medication in drugs addiction?

There are some reasons why people take drugs: To easily fit into Environment, to escape or flake
out, to relieve monotony, to seem developed, to rebel, to test personality.

Impulsivity: It is a character trait, which is identified as a risk for liquor or other substance
users. Addictive person give lower values to rewards and the choice is expensive for addictive
person to prevent himself from drugs.

Self-medication: Individuals who have deficits in emotion-regulation abilities utilize medicines

to enable them to manage negative or upsetting affective states. Liquor is normally used as being
a genuine approach to coping social anxiety.
19. Explain the usage pattern of Club/Party Drugs.

In 2001 almost 1 million i.e. 6 % Australian of 14 years old had used ecstasy drugs.

• Around 25% usage regular to fortnightly

• 52% reported ecstasy as a common medication

• Poly drug use common (average 6–7 medications used in last half a year)

• Incidence increased in the past few years.

20. Draw a molecular structure of Ecstasy, also write chemical and street names.

Methylene Di-oxy Methamphetamine.

Ecstasy is a derivative of amphetamine (shown in purple on the image). Its chemical name is 3,4-
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and it has a similar structure to methamphetamine.
Ecstasy has a variety of street names including, XTC, Adam, M & M, E, and essence.

21. Show by diagram, how Ecstasy Stimulates Serotonin in our brain? Also, discuss the
effects of this drug.

Ecstasy Stimulates Serotonin

serotonin cells
serotonin neurones
serotonin (red dots)
from axon terminals

Serotonin cells in a rat’s brain, stimulated by

ecstasy to release serotonin
Ecstasy & Party Drugs
The ‘Ecstasy Experience’
• Feel good, happy,
relaxed, open, loving
• Heightened senses
• Energy, confident,
• Decreased urine output
Coming up • Increased thirst. Coming down
• Tightening of muscles, esp. jaw • Physical exhaustion, flat,
• dilated pupils, visual distortions depressed, tired, anxious
• Smooth or sudden irritable, paranoid
nausea or vomiting • Comedown more intense
• Strong pulse, incr. temp if IDU / polydrug user
• Confusion, panic.

0 4 8
Hours After Ingestion Ecstasy & Party Drugs

The ecstasy experience includes three stages:

Coming Up: Generally, occurs 20–60 minutes after ecstasy is swallowed. It lasts 5–20 minutes.
The coming up effects described in the figure above has passed as the plateau stage reached.

Plateau: Effects may include feeling happy and relaxed, euphoric, available, understanding and
loving. Users frequently face heightened sensations, such as sight, sound and touch. The plateau
persists around 4 hours when ecstasy is swallowed.

Coming Straight Down: Users may feel exhausted, depressed, tired, cranky, anxious or

22. Compare the short term, Low and high dose effects of MDMA? Also, discuss the
problems associated with short term and long-term use of dose.

Immediate (Post-Administration): Hyperthermia, Dehydration, Over Hydration/Hypernatremia

(as a result of consuming high level of water without salt replacement and increased release of
ADH. Hypothermia may occur when ambient conditions are low).

Ecstasy along with other stimulants directly influences the body’s ability to regulate temperature,
because of stress of 5-HT2 receptors.

Short-Term Issues:

 Finances - financial problems can sometimes include searching for credit, not able to
spend rent, buy meals
 Relationships
 Work or Research
 Mood and Mental Health

Long Term:

Increased Negative Impacts: Hangovers, slimming down, fatigue, flashbacks, irritability,

paranoia, depression, psychosis.

Increased dosage:

Users report that with regular use or increased lifetime usage increases their dosage to achieve an
effect. Its side effects include hangover and depression.


Research shows that MDMA is neurotoxin to nerve that is serotonergic, disrupting serotonin and
causing neuronal modifications and perhaps damaged cognitive functioning (including memory
deficits), and possibly despair.

23. What are effects of Ecstasy overdose and what would the remedy to prevent overdosing.

Possible Affects of Overdosing:

 Fluid Retention / Renal Failure

 Agitation, Confused Mental State, Disordered Speech, Psychosis, Hallucinations,
Convulsions, Serious Hassle
 Tachycardia
 Hypertension
 Hyperthermia and Nausea or vomiting
 Excessive fluid consumption
 Muscle rigidity
 Death

Remedy for Overdose Problems

Hyperthermia: Cool Compresses, Sponging, Hypothermia Blankets, Iced Baths. Medical
intervention may consist of Dantrolene muscle tissue relaxant.

Assess and monitor urine output, guarantee moisture. If there are indications of renal failure then
it needs urgent for medical help.


Reduce Stimuli, Encourage Relaxation. Arrhythmias might need medicine.

Convulsions: Typical seizure administration, Hospitalization.

24. Write some medical uses of Ketamine. What are measures for and addictive person?

 Primarily utilized as being a short anesthetic that is acting surgery

 Especially ideal for young ones under a decade, or seniors (over 60 years)
 Its popularity grew in 1980s and 1990s



 Eat first, don’t mix drugs, limitation usage

 Take breaks from dancing
 preserve fluid and intake of food
 Develop safety plans.
 Avoid using other drugs
 Sleep it well
 Plan ‘using’ and ‘recovery’ time
 Understand the consequences related to utilizing and decreasing
 Undertake physical and psychological self-care
24. Discuss short term and long-term usage effects of Ketamine and PCP? Also, what are
dangers of overdosing?

Short-term Adverse Long-term

Euphoria Anxiety Dependence

Hallucinations Agitation Flashbacks

Pleasant stimulation Paranoia
Perceptual distortions Stupor
Numbness of extremities. Amnesia
Hostile / violent

Ketamine and PCP Overdose

– wider margin of safety
– respiratory depression possible, with complete recovery

– Acute hypertensive crisis

– Convulsions, coma, death.
Acute Toxicity – High Dose

• Distorted sensory perception and disorganised thought

• Drowsiness and apathy
• Hostile or bizarre behaviour
• Anaesthesia
• Catatonic-like muscle rigidity and convulsions

•  HR & BP
• Sweating and fever
• Myoclonus
• Respiratory depression and coma
•  Papillary & corneal reflexes.
Acute Toxicity – Low Dose
• Resembles alcohol intoxication
• Ataxia, slurred speech, syntagms, euphoria & numbness in the extremities.
Chronic Toxicity
Prolonged effects not examined and it includes personality changes, difficulty with memory,
speech and thinking.

25. Differentiate between Ketamine and Methamphetamine with respect to their chemical

Ketamine: Veterinarians use Ketamine for anesthetic purpose during painful and traumatic
processes. Due to its sedative quality, it is used as a party drug and it results in slow breathing
level even near to the death. Even though it has life threatening risks, teenagers still mostly use

Methamphetamine: This drug got popularity after the hit show “Breaking Bad” as an energy
booster. Teens like to take meth as a fashion in parties and feel like they have superpower.

26. Discuss the trends of medications usage and its trafficking in Pakistan.

One of UNODC study completed in 2000 valued that there were 500,000 prolonged heroin users
in Pakistan. According to National Assessment Report on Problem of drugs use in Pakistan
shows that there are 628,000 opiate users. Moreover around 482,000 (77 percent) are heroin

According to the 2006 National Assessment Report, the majority of opiate users (77 percent)
were using heroin while the remaining were using opium and other opiates. Opiate users are
mostly multiple users of drugs, i.e. they were using more than one drug at a time or during a day.
Trafficking Trends:

The ANF has determined the following developments in the trafficking of illegal drugs through
Pakistan. Trafficking through unaccompanied or excess luggage.
 Impregnated letters/soaked apparels
 Trafficking of liquid heroin
 Hiring of families as couriers
 Use of air courier services
 Convoys through Baluchistan
 Concealment in baggage
 Concealment by swallowing / ingesting
 Concealment by wrapping around bodies
 Heroin concealed in shampoo bottles
 Increased trafficking of psychotropic injections
 Increased trafficking using containers and boats

27. Write down penalties for drugs abusing/medications offence within the light of “the
Drug Act 1976”. Also, explain the measures while the treating these medications?


(1) Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf: exports, imports, manufactures for
sale or sells any spurious drug or any drug which is not registered shall punish and sentence for a
term which shall not be less than five years or more than ten years and fine of Rs. 500,000/-

(2) Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf— (a)imports, manufactures for sale or
sells any imitation product; or (b) gives to the purchaser a false warranty of drug sold by him that
the drug is not violating the rules of Section 23 and is not able to prove that, when he gave the
warranty, he had good and sufficient reason to believe the same to be true shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and fine up to Rs. 100,000.

(3) Whoever obstructs an Inspector in the exercise of any power conferred upon him by or under
this Act, or disobeys the lawful authority of any Inspector, shall be punishable.

28. How drugs are more deteriorating for teens as compared to adults?

The effects are much harmful to teens as compare to adults because their brain is still in
developing phase. Therefore, club drugs can easily damage their brain. These club drugs are
addictive physically as well as mentally. It is very tragically that most teenagers have even died
with abusing party drugs.

29. What is the role of Raves to facilitate club drugs?

Teens and adults become the victim of drugs mostly through party setting where drug mixing is
very common. Similarly, club drugs are also provided through clubs but Rave culture has added
expressively role in the popularity of drugs. In short, raves were a backbone of teenage life in
1990s and there are terrific changes occurred in 2010s. Old raves that were very small basements
have been changed into huge widely promoted clubs where parties continue for some days.
People enjoy loud, energetic music and flashing lights. At the end people take drugs to enhance
the experience.

30. Differentiate between Rohypnol and GHB with respect to their chemical

People take Rohypnol to experience the sedative effects that is why also called as a rape drug. It
has been proved that after using this drug teen become dependent and addicted.

GHB (Hydroxybutyrate acid) is a liquid form drug that provide a sense of relaxing that is why
also called date drug. It has same impacts as with alcohol and results in excitement and dizziness.
31. How do females become the addictive to drugs?

There is an increase in the number of women using drugs. The most important factor is the
transition of women from the traditional role of mother or house wife to an economics provider
for the family. Although to be an economics provider is a positive approach but it can result in
greater stress and which finally motivate to use drugs in the absence of other helping options.

32. What is estimated number of female drugs users in Pakistan?

In 1933, a research was conducted by NSDA’S to find out the number of female drugs users. But
the problem was occurred since the interviewing team was consist of male participants.

33. How do parents play their role to prevent their kids from drugs abuse?

Parents should set a short meeting with their children in a relaxed time. Do not use any strict
measures for young kids. They should find a time or an opportunity that should be natural and
spontaneous. For example, while watching something related to drugs on TV or news they can
discuss this subject at that time. They can ask their opinion related to drugs usage and listen their
answers carefully. Give them enough freedom to speak out their feelings and judgments.

34. What are important tips for parents to find out their children’s activities about using of

There are four important question that parents can ask to their children.

(i) Do you know what drug use can do to your body?

(ii) Do you know anyone who drinks or uses other drugs?
(iii) Do your friends drink or use other drugs?
(iv) Do you ever drink or use other drugs?

If a child gives answers with “yes” to question (ii) and (iii), then parents should appreciate
their honesty and should tell them what can happen when someone takes drugs. Parents
should encourage them to come to them for any help to solve social problems with peers or
friends without any penalty.
35. What is the ratio of use of drugs in Pakistan?

The recent data on drug use was collected by National Assessment of Problem Drug in 2006.
The research has shown the following results:

(i) Total opioid users in Pakistan was 628,000.

(ii) 77 % of total users were using heroin.
(iii) Highest number was existed in Baluchistan.
(iv) Almost 200, 000 were present in Punjab
(v) Mostly users use more than chemical at a given time with tranquilizers and
(vi) Cannabis was the mostly commonly used substance among teenager (18 years old)
(vii) Almost 125000 users inject drugs and most shocking trend is that this number has
been doubled since 2000.

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