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RAW Rigging Guide

Italic​ = Quote from Book

Highlighted​ = Page Reference
Spoiler​ = Non-Raw Reference

Drone Actions:
First, let’s solve a problem that has us all scratching our heads. “What skills/attributes do I use
when using a drone.” Below I have put together three tables that explain what to roll when using
a drone in multiple different ways:

Autonomous Drone Actions

An ‘Autonomous’ drone is one that has been given a command, but is not being directly
controlled by remote control or a jumped in Rigger. An autonomous drone performs the last
command given by an authorised user using the ‘​Send Message’​ simple action​(p242)​. The
drone acts on its own initiative score. Autonomous drone initiative is pilot x 2 + 4d6​(p270)
Autosoft ratings are limited by the pilot rating of the drone ​(p127 R5)​ unless it is instead using
autosofts on a RCC it is slaved to ​(p270)​. Actions by autonomous drones use the pools below:

Autonomous Drone Actions: Diepool: Opposed by:

Ranged Attack Pilot + (weapon)Targeting Defense test

Autosoft [Accuracy]​(p270)

Melee Attack Pilot(agility if drone arm) + Defense test

Melee (weapon)
Autosoft[accuracy]​(p127 R5)​.
Damage = body + weapon
(Str + weapon if drone arm)

Dodge Pilot + (model) Maneuvering Attack test


Perception Pilot + Clearsight Sneaking test


Sensor Pilot + Electronic Warfare Sneaking test


Stealth Pilot + (model) Stealth Perception test


AR/VR RC Drone Actions

To Remote Control a drone in AR, you must be in AR or VR and use the ‘​Control Device​’
action​(p238)​. When you use a ‘Control Device’ action, the drone is no longer autonomous. It
becomes autonomous again when you send a new command using the ‘​Send Message’​ simple
action ​(p242)​. When RCed, the drone no longer has its own initiative score and instead
performs its action on the controller’s initiative pass. If it becomes autonomous, it should roll it’s
initiative dice and subtract ten for each initiative pass that has already happened this combat
round, as if it was a new combatant entering combat.

The only difference between AR and VR Remote Control is the extra initiative granted by VR
and possibly the bonus to matrix actions granted by hot sim. All tests used in VR/AR use the
same pools due to the nature of the Control Device matrix action ​(p238)​. Actions while Remote
Controlling drones use the pools below:

AR/VR RC Drone Actions: Diepool: Opposed by:

Ranged attack Agility + Gunnery[Lower of Defense test

accuracy or data processing ]
(p183, 238, 265)

Melee attack Agility + Melee Skill[Lower of Defense test

accuracy or data
processing]​(p238)​. Damage =
drone body + weapon (or
drone Str + weapon if drone

Dodge Reaction + Piloting Attack test

Skill[Lower of Handling or
data processing]​(p205)

Perception Intuition + Perception[Lower Sneaking test

of sensor or data

Sensor Intuition + electronic Sneaking test

warfare[Lower of sensor or
data processing]​(p445)

Stealth Agility + Sneaking[Lower of Perception test

handling or data
processing]​(p238, 270)

Jumped In Drone Actions

The Holy Grail of Rigging. Jumping into a drone or vehicle with a control rig allows you push
past the die pool and limit boundaries of other types of drone control. Your diepools benefit from
matrix bonuses​(p266 and see below)​ and your Control Rig increases your limits​(p452 and see
below)​. When jumped into a drone you use your VR initiative ​(p270)​. Actions while Jumped In
use the pools below:

Dived In Drone Actions: Diepool: Opposed by:

Ranged attack Logic + Gunnery[Accuracy] Defense test

(p183, 265)

Melee attack Logic + Gunnery[Accuracy] Defense test

(p183, 265)

Dodge Reaction + Piloting Attack test


Perception Intuition + Sneaking test


Sensor Intuition + electronic Sneaking test


Stealth Intuition + Perception test



Rigging Modifiers:
Now that we know how to use our diepools, let’s look at the various modifiers that may affect
our diepools.
Vehicle Test Modifiers

These modifiers​(p201)​ are important for riggers and drones. They specifically apply to all
Vehicle Tests​ (which I interpret to mean any test including a skill from the ‘‘Vehicle skills’​(p146)
in the skills section.)


Noise​(p231)​ affects drones, RCed drones, and riggers as per usual. Riggers can use the adjust
the noise reduction setting on their RCC​(p267)​, Compensate for noise on the fly​(p268)(p30 R5)​,
or use programs or augmentations to reduce this penalty.

VR and Rigging

This small section of the same name on ​page 266​ is very difficult to understand, but holds a key
bonus for Jump in riggers. I will try to break it down:

● When you’re jumped into a vehicle or other device, you’re in Virtual Reality mode.

This means you must choose between cold sim or hot sim (reiterated below), and all your
actions are matrix actions.

● The control rig allows you to treat Vehicle actions the same way you treat Matrix actions,
so any bonus you get to Matrix actions also apply to Vehicle actions when you’re jumped
in; this includes Vehicle Control Tests, Gunnery Tests, and Sensor Tests.

This means that ‘Vehicle control tests, gunnery tests, and sensor tests’ can gain the +2 bonus
for hot sim, as well as any other applicable bonuses (codeslinger, specialization, ect)

● Just like in the Matrix, you have the option of using cold-sim or hot-sim while rigging. If
you’re using coldsim, you get +2D6 to your Initiative (3D6 total), and any biofeedback
damage you take is Stun. If you’re using hot-sim, you get +3D6 (4D6 total) Initiative dice,
and a +1 dice pool bonus that applies to all Matrix test (including Vehicle actions), but all
biofeedback damage is Physical damage.
As above, you must choose hot or cold sim. You also gain an +1 bonus on the tests listed above
(Vehicle Control Tests, Gunnery Tests, and Sensor Tests) ​**This is in addition to the +2 hot
sim bonus.**

The Control Rig

The Control Rig augmentation​(p452)​ gives three distinct advantages:

● CR Rating as a dice pool bonus on all Vehicle skill tests.

“this includes Vehicle Control Tests, Gunnery Tests, and Sensor Tests”​ as stated above in the
vr and rigging section.​(p266)

● CR Rating added to the Handling and Speed of any vehicle you are jumped into.

Drones are treated as vehicles in word and implication in all but a few situations. As the control
rig is specifically meant for drone rigging, this means that this applies to drones as well.

● Vehicle Test thresholds are reduced by the rating of the CR

This is specifically referring to the ‘vehicle test threshold’ table on on ​(p199)​ as evidenced in
said table. This also drops the threshold for stunts if you choose to use the Advanced Driving
Rules on ​(p173 R5)​.

Evasive Driving (Defense)

While rigging a drone or vehicle, the pilot can subtract 10 from initiative to add intuition to
defense tests, similar to full defense.​(p205)

Target Size Modifier

Drones come in many shapes and sizes. Smaller ones are harder to spot or shoot, larger ones
are adversely easier to spot and shoot. This may add a bonus or penalty to checks​(p108
RG)(p181 RF)​. (This is an optional rule in Run and Gun and part of the advanced driving rules
in Rigger 5. I believe this rule should be standard.)
Target Speed Modifier

Fast drones are harder to hit. When a person on foot targets a drone or vehicle, they must add
the vehicle’s Speed as a negative dice pool modifier to any attack targeting the vehicle.​(p181
RF)​ (This is part of the optional advanced driving rules in Rigger 5. This rule can get ridiculous
for flying vehicles/drones)


General Rules:
Here are some general rules that are important to know, and where to find them:

Drone Movement

Drone’s movement rates are determined as per the rules on ​(p202)​. You must choose the a
speed up to the drones rating at the beginning of the combat round. ​This post by the R5
freelancer explains that 0 speed drones can still move, and that 0 speed/0 acceleration drones
are immobile.

Vehicles cannot Run, and may only walk, according the the R5 freelancer in this post.

Drone Damage

Drones have 6 + ½ body (rounded up) physical damage boxes.​(p199)​ Drones have 8 + ½
Device Rating/pilot (rounded up) Matrix boxes.​(p288)​ Electricity damage causes physical
damage and half that amount (rounded down) of matrix damage.​(p170)​ Drones do not have a
stun damage track, and ignore stun damage.

Anthropomorphic drones have 8 + ½ body (rounded up) Physical damage boxes​(p145 R5)​ They
follow the drone damage rules as above.

Anthropomorphic Drones
Anthro drones come with two drone legs and two drone arms​(p145 R5)​ these limbs can accept
cyber enhancements like normal cyberlimbs. This includes cyberweapons.

Anthro Drones can pick up and use metahuman weapons. ​“When using standard or
cyberweapons, the rigger uses the relevant weapons skill instead of Gunnery and suffers from
recoil penalties as a metahuman would.”(​ p190 HT)

Anthro Drones can wear metahuman armor.​(p145 R5)​ Raw does not specify if drone armor and
worn armor stack. ​This armor doesn’t stack according to the R5 freelancer in this post.

RCC’s and Autosofts

RCCs can load their sharing rating ​(p267)​ in Autosofts/Cyberprograms. The

autosofts/Cyberprograms may be of any rating. RCCs may only use a specific list of

Drones and Autosofts

Drones can load pilot rating/2 rounded up ​(p269)​ Autosofts/Cyberprograms. The

Autosofts/Cyberprograms loaded may be of any rating that isn’t higher than it’s own pilot
rating.​(p127 R5)​ A drone can only use its own Autosofts/Cyberprograms or
Autosofts/Cyberprograms shared by an RCC it is slaved to, not both.​(p267)​ When Sharing
autosofts in this way the pilot limit to rating doesn’t apply.​(p127 R5)

in the core book specific autosofts (targeting, maneuvering) can only be used for the model the
autosoft specifies.​(p269)​. In Rigger 5, it says they can only be used on a single drone​(p127 r5)​.
Neither of these rules books specify whether the autosoft can be copied so we must assume
they cannot. Wording implies that programs must be bought separately for each individual drone
or RCC.

Drones in Melee

Drones have a few ways of making melee attacks:

● Pilot(or agility if drone arm) + Melee (weapon) Autosoft[accuracy]​(p127 R5)​. Damage =

body + weapon (or Str + weapon if drone arm)
● As normal melee attack, but calculate damage as: ½ body + speed.​(p179 R5)​ (This is an
extra vehicle action provided by the advanced driving rules. They don’t specify if it adds
the weapons base damage.)

● Ramming into people with a Reaction + vehicle skill[handling] test.​(p203 and p177
R5)​(Ramming damage can be very high for flying drones if you use the speed rules in
the advanced driving rules section of Rigger 5.)

Drone Weapon Mounts and Ammunition Capacity

Mounted drone weapons use the weapons normal ammunition capacity.​(p124-125 R5)​ The
same Page lists mods to increase ammo capacity.

Active/Passive Targeting

Passive targeting allows you use a drones sensor rating as a limit for a Logic + gunnery check
instead of the mounted weapon’s accuracy. This also uses the signature modifier table​(p184)
(Nearly all of which are -3 which is why I did not include this on the tables above.)

Active targeting requires a sensor attack​(p184)​ +/- signature modifiers. Net hits give the target a
negative modifier to future defense tests.

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