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Feedback is an important part of effective coaching. Use these guidelines so the feedback exchange is constructive,
not overwhelming.

• Try to give coaching feedback as close to the event as possible.
• In general, focus on what’s immediately relevant, rather than revisiting
things that happened in the far past. However, if you’re coaching during
formal sessions, you may be delivering feedback on progress you’ve
observed over time.

AFTER YOU’VE LISTENED • An employee will generally be more receptive to your insights once they’ve
AND USED INQUIRY aired their own thoughts.
• Your comments will be more relevant after you’ve listened.

WITH PERMISSION • Make sure you employee is receptive and ready to listen.
• Say “I have some thoughts. Would you like to hear them?” or “Are you
interested in feedback?”

IN SMALL DOSES • Too much feedback can be overwhelming.

• Give your feedback and then check in: “What’s your reaction to this?” or
“Do you have any questions for me?”

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