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Request for Proposals



Request for Proposals No.: FIN 2017-030P

Issued: February 20, 2017

Submission Deadline: March 13, 2017

Hardcopy Document Fee: $70.00+ HST Non-refundable


PROJECT NO: FIN __________________________

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: _____________________________________________________


COMPANY NAME: _______________________________ CITY OF BARRIE – SERVICE BARRIE

ADDRESS: _____________________________________ 70 COLLIER STREET

CITY/POSTAL CODE: _____________________________ BARRIE, ON L4M 4T5

CONTACT NAME: ________________________________

PHONE NO: ____(_________)______________________

CLOSING DATE: ________________________________ DATE/TIME RECEIVED: ___________________

CLOSING TIME: ________________________________ RECEIVED BY: __________________________

File #: FIN2017-030P
Drainage Master Plan


PART 1 – INVITATION AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS .................................................... 4

1.1 Invitation to Proponents ................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Biddingo Registration as a Document Taker .................................................................... 4
1.3 RFP Contact .................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Type of Contract for Deliverables .................................................................................... 4
1.5 RFP Timetable ................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Submission of Proposals ................................................................................................. 5
PART 2 – EVALUATION AND NEGOTIATION .......................................................................... 7
2.1 Stages of Evaluation and Negotiation .............................................................................. 7
2.2 Stage I – Mandatory Submission Requirements .............................................................. 7
2.3 Stage II – Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Stage III – Pricing ............................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Stage IV – Ranking and Contract Negotiations ................................................................ 7
PART 3 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE RFP PROCESS ............................................... 9
3.1 General Information and Instructions ............................................................................... 9
3.2 Communication after Issuance of RFP .......................................................................... 10
3.3 Notification and Debriefing............................................................................................. 10
3.4 Conflict of Interest and Prohibited Conduct .................................................................... 11
3.5 Confidential Information ................................................................................................. 12
3.6 Procurement Process Non-binding ................................................................................ 12
3.7 Governing Law and Interpretation .................................................................................. 13
APPENDIX A – FORM OF AGREEMENT ................................................................................ 14
APPENDIX B – SUBMISSION FORM ...................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX C – PRICING FORM .............................................................................................. 24
APPENDIX D – RFP PARTICULARS ....................................................................................... 26
A. THE DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................................... 26
D1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 26
D1.1 Study Objectives ........................................................................................................... 27
D1.2 Study Organization........................................................................................................ 28
D1.3 Consultation .................................................................................................................. 29
D2 Background ....................................................................................................................... 30
D2.1 Council’s Strategic Priorities.......................................................................................... 30
D2.2 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 30
D2.3 Bill 196, the Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment Act, 2009 ........................................... 31
D2.4 Places to Grow Growth Plan and Simcoe Area: A Strategic Vision for Growth .............. 31
D2.5 Lake Simcoe Watershed ............................................................................................... 32
D2.6 Innovative Green Solutions ........................................................................................... 33
D2.7 Natural Heritage System ............................................................................................... 34
D3 Project Management ......................................................................................................... 35
D3.1 Project Planning and Control......................................................................................... 36
D3.2 Project Coordinator ....................................................................................................... 37
D3.3 Technical Advisory Committee ...................................................................................... 37
D3.4 Executive Management Team ....................................................................................... 37
D3.5 City Council ................................................................................................................... 37
D3.6 Ministries & Agencies .................................................................................................... 37
D3.7 Stakeholders ................................................................................................................. 38
D4 Drainage Master Plan Scope............................................................................................. 38
D4.1 TASK 1 – Study Initiation, Gap Analysis and Data Collection ........................................ 39
D4.2 TASK 2 – Identify Alternatives & Prepare Technical Memorandum ............................... 40
D4.3 TASK 3 – Complete Technical Memorandum & Initiate PIC Draft Report ...................... 41
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D4.4 TASK 4 – Public Meeting .............................................................................................. 42

D4.5 TASK 5 – Assess Drainage Solutions ........................................................................... 42
D4.6 TASK 6 – Finalize Drainage Recommendations ............................................................ 42
D4.7 TASK 7 – Council & Finalize Report .............................................................................. 42
D5 Reports............................................................................................................................... 43
D5.1 Drainage Master Plan ................................................................................................... 43
D5.2 Technical Memorandums .............................................................................................. 44
D6 Field Investigations ........................................................................................................... 45
D6.1 Topographic and Tree Survey (Provisional) .................................................................. 45
D6.2 Legal Survey (Provisional) ............................................................................................ 46
D6.3 Geotechnical Investigation ............................................................................................ 46
D7 Coordination With Other Studies ..................................................................................... 47
D7.1 Drainage Financial Analysis .......................................................................................... 47
D8 Drainage Master Plan ........................................................................................................ 49
D9 Technical Memorandums .................................................................................................. 51
D9.1 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum ........................................ 51
D9.2 Water Quality Assessment Technical Memorandum ..................................................... 54
D9.3 Storm Water Management Facilities to Reduce Phosphorus Technical Memorandum .. 55
D9.4 Phosphorus Reduction Credits/Trading Registry (Provisional) Technical Memorandum 57
D9.5 Cultural Heritage Review Technical Memorandum (Provisional) ................................... 58
D9.6 Archaeological Assessment - Stage 1 Technical Memorandum .................................... 59
D9.7 Natural Heritage Report Technical Memorandum ......................................................... 60
D9.8 Source Water Protection Technical Memorandum ........................................................ 62
D9.9 Flood Conveyance / Erosion Assessment Technical Memorandum .............................. 63
D10 Conceptual Design .......................................................................................................... 64
D11 Class EA (Provisional) .................................................................................................... 67
B. MATERIAL DISCLOSURES .............................................................................................. 80
C. MANDATORY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................. 80
D. RATED CRITERIA ............................................................................................................ 80

Appendix 1-1 Available Digital Data and Report Information


Figure 1 – City of Barrie Storm Infrastructure Map

Figure 2 – Annexation Area
Figure 3 – Sophia Creek Master Plan Update Study Area
Figure 4 – Available Archaeological Reports
Figure 5 – Borehole Map
Figure 6 – City of Barrie Rain Gauges
Figure 7 – City of Barrie Creek Flow Locations
Figure 8 – Draft Sophia Minor Drainage Deficiencies
Figure 9 – Draft Sophia Major Drainage Deficiencies

Pricing Form - Excel Spreadsheet which includes the following worksheets:
Price Form
Fees – Hours

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1.1 Invitation to Proponents
This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is an invitation by the City of Barrie (“the City]”) to
prospective proponents to submit proposals for the provision of Engineering Consulting
Services for Drainage Master Plan, as further described in the RFP Particulars (Appendix D)
(the “Deliverables”).

The project scope consists of identifying/recommending drainage improvements to address both

minor and major drainage deficiencies in consideration of climate change and new drainage
guidelines related to Low Impact Development (LID). Undertaking Phase 1 & 2 of the Municipal
Class EA process is a provisional item but scope includes a public meeting and assessing
drainage solutions. Ultimately the successful Proponent will recommend a list of minor / major
drainage improvements with associated costs and identify which improvements will be subject
to a future Municipal Class EA.

1.2 Biddingo Registration as a Document Taker

Proponents must register as a document taker through the City’s service provider Biddingo
( or by submitting a completed Document Takers Registration Form to The Form can be requested by email to, found on
the City’s website, or can be picked up in person at City of Barrie, Service Barrie,
1st Floor City Hall, 70 Collier Street, Barrie, Ontario L4M 4T5.

1.3 RFP Contact

For the purposes of this procurement process, the “RFP Contact” shall be:

Procurement Lead: Claire Graham


Proponents and their representatives are not permitted to contact any employees, officers,
agents, elected or appointed officials or other representatives of the City, other than the RFP
Contact, concerning matters regarding this RFP. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in the
disqualification of the proponent and the rejection of the proponent’s proposal.

1.4 Type of Contract for Deliverables

The selected proponent will be requested to enter into direct contract negotiations to finalize an
agreement with the City for the provision of the Deliverables. The terms and conditions found in
the Form of Agreement (Appendix A) are to form the basis for commencing negotiations
between the City and the selected proponent. It is the City’s intention to enter into an agreement
with only one (1) legal entity.

1.5 RFP Timetable

Issue Date of RFP Monday February 20, 2017

Non-Mandatory Briefing Meeting Tuesday February 28, 2017 @ 10:00 a.m.
Deadline for Questions Monday March 6, 2017
Deadline for Issuing Addenda Thursday March 9, 2017
Submission Deadline Monday March 13, 2017 @ 2:00 p.m. EST
Rectification Period Three (3)

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Anticipated Ranking of Proponents March 31, 2017

Contract Negotiation Period 7 Days
Anticipated Execution of Agreement April 7, 2017

The RFP timetable is tentative only, and may be changed by the City at any time.

There will be a pre-bid information meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesday February 28,
2017 at the City of Barrie, Council Chambers, 2 nd floor, 70 Collier Street, Barrie. The purpose of
this meeting is to provide the opportunity for bidding firms to ask questions to the City’s project
management staff. All firms wishing to submit a proposal are encouraged to attend this

Any clarification provided at the meeting will be summarized and provided in the form of an

1.6 Submission of Proposals

1.6.1 Proposals to be Submitted at the Prescribed Location

Proposals must be submitted to the following location:

City of Barrie - Service Barrie

1st Floor, City Hall
70 Collier Street,
Barrie, Ontario L4M 4T5

1.6.2 Proposals to be Submitted on Time

Proposals must be submitted at the location set out above on or before the Submission
Deadline. Subject to the process described below, proposals submitted after the Submission
Deadline will be rejected.

A proponent may, at its option, email the RFP Contact prior to the Submission Deadline with
delivery details, including the anticipated arrival time of its proposal. If a proposal does not arrive
on or before the Submission Deadline, the City may provide those proponents who have given
such prior notice one additional Business Day to effect the delivery of their proposals. The
Submission Deadline will be deemed to be adjusted accordingly for the purpose of accepting
those proposals. For the purposes of this Section, “Business Day” means any working day
between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., local time at the Prescribed Location, Monday to Friday
inclusive, but excluding statutory and other holidays on which the City is closed for business.

1.6.3 Proposals to be Submitted in Prescribed Format

Proponents should submit Five (5) hard copies of their proposal enclosed in a sealed package
that is prominently marked with the RFP title and number (see RFP cover page) and the full
legal name and return address of the proponent. Proponents are highly encouraged to use the
submission label included in this document.

Proponents should also include in the sealed package one (1) electronic copy of their proposal
saved on a USB key or similar medium. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between the hard
copy and the electronic copy of the proposal, the hard copy shall prevail.

The hard copies of the Pricing Form (Appendix C) and any other information in respect of
pricing should be separated from the rest of the proposal and enclosed in a separate envelope

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marked “Pricing Envelope”. The separate Pricing Envelope should be included in the sealed
package with the rest of the proposal.

1.6.4 Withdrawal or Amendment of Proposals

Proposals are non-binding and may be withdrawn at anytime prior to entering into a contract for
the provision of the Deliverables. To withdraw a proposal, a notice of withdrawal must be sent
to the RFP Contact and must be signed by an authorized representative of the proponent. The
City is under no obligation to return withdrawn proposals.

If a proponent wishes to amend an already submitted proposal prior to the Submission

Deadline, the proponent may withdraw the proposal and submit a new proposal prior to the
Submission Deadline.

[End of Part 1]

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2.1 Stages of Evaluation and Negotiation
The City will conduct the evaluation of proposals and negotiations in the following stages:

2.2 Stage I – Mandatory Submission Requirements

Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with all of the mandatory
submission requirements. If a proposal fails to satisfy all of the mandatory submission
requirements, the City will issue the proponent a rectification notice identifying the deficiencies
and providing the proponent an opportunity to rectify the deficiencies. If the proponent fails to
satisfy the mandatory submission requirements within the Rectification Period, its proposal will
be excluded from further consideration. The Rectification Period will begin to run from the date
and time that the City issues a rectification notice to the proponent. The mandatory submission
requirements are as set out below.

2.2.1 Submission Form (Appendix B)

Each proposal must include a Submission Form (Appendix B) completed and signed by an
authorized representative of the proponent.

2.2.2 Pricing Form (Appendix C)

Each proposal must include a Pricing Form (Appendix C) completed according to the
instructions contained in the form.

2.2.3 Other Mandatory Submission Requirements


2.3 Stage II – Evaluation

Stage II will consist of the following two sub-stages:

2.3.1 Mandatory Technical Requirements

The City will review the proposals to determine whether the mandatory technical requirements
as set out in Section C of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D) have been met. Questions or
queries on the part of the City as to whether a proposal has met the mandatory technical
requirements will be subject to the verification and clarification process set out in Part 3.

2.3.2 Rated Criteria

The City will evaluate each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria as set out in
Section D of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D).

2.4 Stage III – Pricing

Stage III will consist of a scoring of the submitted pricing in accordance with the price evaluation
method set out in the Pricing Form (Appendix C). The evaluation of price will be undertaken
after the evaluation of mandatory requirements and rated criteria has been completed.

2.5 Stage IV – Ranking and Contract Negotiations

2.5.1 Ranking of Proponents

After the completion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III will be added together
and the proponents will be ranked based on their total scores. The top-ranked proponent will

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receive a written invitation to enter into direct contract negotiations to finalize the agreement
with the City. In the event of a tie, the selected proponent will be the proponent with the highest
score on the rated criteria.

2.5.2 Contract Negotiation Process

Any negotiations will be subject to the process rules contained in the Terms and Conditions of
the RFP Process (Part 3) and will not constitute a legally binding offer to enter into a contract on
the part of the City or the proponent and there will be no legally binding relationship created with
any proponent prior to the execution of a written agreement. The terms and conditions found in
the Form of Agreement (Appendix A) are to form the basis for commencing negotiations
between the City and the selected proponent. Negotiations may include requests by the City for
supplementary information from the proponent to verify, clarify or supplement the information
provided in its proposal or to confirm the conclusions reached in the evaluation, and may
include requests by the City for improved pricing or performance terms from the proponent.

2.5.3 Time Period for Negotiations

The City intends to conclude negotiations and finalize the agreement with the top-ranked
proponent during the Contract Negotiation Period, commencing from the date the City invites
the top-ranked proponent to enter negotiations. A proponent invited to enter into direct contract
negotiations should therefore be prepared to provide requested information in a timely fashion
and to conduct its negotiations expeditiously.

2.5.4 Failure to Enter into Agreement

If the parties cannot conclude negotiations and finalize the agreement for the Deliverables within
the Contract Negotiation Period, the City may discontinue negotiations with the top-ranked
proponent and may invite the next-best-ranked proponent to enter into negotiations. This
process will continue until an agreement is finalized, until there are no more proponents
remaining that are eligible for negotiations or until the City elects to cancel the RFP process.

2.5.5 Notification to Other Proponents

Other proponents that may become eligible for contract negotiations may be notified at the
commencement of the negotiation process with the top-ranked proponent. Once an agreement
is finalized and executed by the City and a proponent, the other proponents will be notified by
public posting in the same manner that this RFP was originally posted.

[End of Part 2]

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3.1 General Information and Instructions

3.1.1 Proponents to Follow Instructions

Proponents should structure their proposals in accordance with the instructions in this RFP.
Where information is requested in this RFP, any response made in a proposal should reference
the applicable section numbers of this RFP.

3.1.2 Proposals in English

All proposals are to be in English only.

3.1.3 No Incorporation by Reference

The entire content of the proponent’s proposal should be submitted in a fixed form, and the
content of websites or other external documents referred to in the proponent’s proposal but not
attached may not be considered to form part of its proposal.

3.1.4 References and Past Performance

In the evaluation process, the City may include information provided by the proponent’s
references and may also consider the proponent’s past performance or conduct on previous
contracts with the City or other institutions.

3.1.5 Information in RFP Only an Estimate

The City and its advisers make no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy of
the information contained in this RFP or issued by way of addenda. Any quantities shown or
data contained in this RFP or provided by way of addenda are estimates only, and are for the
sole purpose of indicating to proponents the general scale and scope of the Deliverables. It is
the proponent’s responsibility to obtain all the information necessary to prepare a proposal in
response to this RFP.

3.1.6 Proponents to Bear Their Own Costs

The proponent will bear all costs associated with or incurred in the preparation and presentation
of its proposal, including, if applicable, costs incurred for interviews or demonstrations.

3.1.7 Proposal to be Retained by the City

The City will not return the proposal or any accompanying documentation submitted by a

3.1.8 Trade Agreements

Proponents should note that procurements falling within the scope of Chapter 5 of the
Agreement on Internal Trade are subject to that trade agreement but that the rights and
obligations of the parties shall be governed by the specific terms of this RFP.

3.1.9 No Guarantee of Volume of Work or Exclusivity of Contract

The City makes no guarantee of the value or volume of work to be assigned to the successful
proponent. The agreement to be negotiated with the selected proponent will not be an exclusive
contract for the provision of the described Deliverables. The City may contract with others for
goods and services the same as or similar to the Deliverables or may obtain such goods and
services internally.

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3.2 Communication after Issuance of RFP

3.2.1 Proponents to Review RFP

Proponents should promptly examine all of the documents comprising this RFP, and may direct
questions or seek additional information in writing by email to the RFP Contact on or before the
Deadline for Questions. No such communications are to be directed to anyone other than the
RFP Contact. The City is under no obligation to provide additional information, and the City is
not responsible for any information provided by or obtained from any source other than the RFP
Contact. It is the responsibility of the proponent to seek clarification from the RFP Contact on
any matter it considers to be unclear. The City is not responsible for any misunderstanding on
the part of the proponent concerning this RFP or its process.

3.2.2 All New Information to Proponents by Way of Addenda

This RFP may be amended only by addendum in accordance with this section. If the City, for
any reason, determines that it is necessary to provide additional information relating to this RFP,
such information will be communicated to all proponents by addendum. Each addendum forms
an integral part of this RFP and may contain important information, including significant changes
to this RFP. Proponents are responsible for obtaining all addenda issued by the City. In the
Submission Form (Appendix B), proponents should confirm their receipt of all addenda by
setting out the number of each addendum in the space provided.

3.2.3 Post-Deadline Addenda and Extension of Submission Deadline

If the City determines that it is necessary to issue an addendum after the Deadline for Issuing
Addenda, the City may extend the Submission Deadline for a reasonable period of time.

3.2.4 Verify, Clarify and Supplement

When evaluating proposals, the City may request further information from the proponent or third
parties in order to verify, clarify or supplement the information provided in the proponent’s
proposal, including but not limited to clarification with respect to whether a proposal meets the
mandatory technical requirements set out in Section C of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D). The
City may revisit and re-evaluate the proponent’s response or ranking on the basis of any such

3.3 Notification and Debriefing

3.3.1 Notification to Other Proponents

Once an agreement is executed by the City and a proponent, the other proponents may be
notified directly in writing and will be notified by public posting in the same manner that this RFP
was originally posted of the outcome of the procurement process.

3.3.2 Debriefing
In accordance with the City’s Procurement By-law, proponents may request a debriefing after
receipt of a notification of the outcome of the procurement process. All requests must be in
writing to the RFP Contact and must be made within thirty (30) days of such notification. The
intent of the debriefing information session is to aid the proponent in presenting a better
proposal in subsequent procurement opportunities. Any debriefing provided is not for the
purpose of providing an opportunity to challenge the procurement process or its outcome.

3.3.3 Procurement Protest Procedure

If a proponent wishes to challenge the RFP process, it should provide written notice to the RFP
Contact in accordance with the City’s Procurement By-law and procurement protest procedures.
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The notice must provide a detailed explanation of the proponent’s concerns with the
procurement process or its outcome.

3.4 Conflict of Interest and Prohibited Conduct

3.4.1 Conflict of Interest

The City may disqualify a proponent for any conduct, situation or circumstances, determined by
the City, in its sole and absolute discretion, to constitute a Conflict of Interest, as defined in the
Submission Form (Appendix B).

3.4.2 Disqualification for Prohibited Conduct

The City may disqualify a proponent, rescind an invitation to negotiate or terminate a contract
subsequently entered into if the City determines that the proponent has engaged in any conduct
prohibited by this RFP.

3.4.3 Prohibited Proponent Communications

Proponents must not engage in any communications that could constitute a Conflict of Interest
and should take note of the Conflict of Interest declaration set out in the Submission Form
(Appendix B).

3.4.4 Proponent Not to Communicate with Media

Proponents must not at any time directly or indirectly communicate with the media in relation to
this RFP or any agreement entered into pursuant to this RFP without first obtaining the written
permission of the RFP Contact.

3.4.5 No Lobbying
Proponents must not, in relation to this RFP or the evaluation and selection process, engage
directly or indirectly in any form of political or other lobbying whatsoever to influence the
selection of the successful proponent(s).

3.4.6 Illegal or Unethical Conduct

Proponents must not engage in any illegal business practices, including activities such as bid-
rigging, price-fixing, bribery, fraud, coercion or collusion. Proponents must not engage in any
unethical conduct, including lobbying, as described above, or other inappropriate
communications; offering gifts to any employees, officers, agents, elected or appointed officials
or other representatives of the City; deceitfulness; submitting proposals containing
misrepresentations or other misleading or inaccurate information; or any other conduct that
compromises or may be seen to compromise the competitive process provided for in this RFP.

3.4.7 Past Performance or Past Conduct

In accordance with the City’s Procurement By-law, the City may prohibit a supplier from
participating in a procurement process based on past performance or based on inappropriate
conduct in a prior procurement process, including but not limited to the following:

(a) illegal or unethical conduct as described above;

(b) the refusal of the supplier to honour its submitted pricing or other commitments; or

(c) any conduct, situation or circumstance determined by the City, in its sole and absolute
discretion, to have constituted an undisclosed Conflict of Interest.

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3.5 Confidential Information

3.5.1 Confidential Information of the City

All information provided by or obtained from the City in any form in connection with this RFP
either before or after the issuance of this RFP

(a) is the sole property of the City and must be treated as confidential;

(b) is not to be used for any purpose other than replying to this RFP and the performance of
any subsequent contract for the Deliverables;

(c) must not be disclosed without prior written authorization from the City; and

(d) must be returned by the proponent to the City immediately upon the request of the City.

3.5.2 Confidential Information of Proponent

Proponents are advised that the City is governed by Ontario’s Municipal Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act (“MFIPPA”) and information submitted to the City in response to
this RFP may be subject to disclosure under MFIPPA. A proponent should identify any
information in its proposal or any accompanying documentation supplied in confidence for which
confidentiality is to be maintained by the City and is advised to consult with their own legal
advisors regarding the appropriate way to identify such information. The City will make
reasonable efforts to safeguard confidential information, subject to its disclosure requirements
under MFIPPA or any disclosure requirements imposed by law or by order of a court or tribunal.
Proponents are advised that their bids will, as necessary, be disclosed, on a confidential basis,
to advisers retained by the City to advise or assist with the RFP process, including the
evaluation of bids. If a proponent has any questions about the collection and use of information
pursuant to this RFP, questions are to be submitted to the RFP Contact.

3.6 Procurement Process Non-binding

3.6.1 No Contract A and No Claims

This procurement process is not intended to create and will not create a formal, legally binding
bidding process and will instead be governed by the law applicable to direct commercial
negotiations. For greater certainty and without limitation:

(a) this RFP will not give rise to any Contract A–based tendering law duties or any other
legal obligations arising out of any process contract or collateral contract; and

(b) neither the proponent nor the City will have the right to make any claims (in contract, tort,
or otherwise) against the other with respect to the award of a contract, failure to award a
contract or failure to honour a proposal submitted in response to this RFP.

3.6.2 No Contract until Execution of Written Agreement

This RFP process is intended to identify prospective suppliers for the purposes of negotiating
potential agreements. No legal relationship or obligation regarding the procurement of any good
or service will be created between the proponent and the City by this RFP process until the
successful negotiation and execution of a written agreement for the acquisition of such goods
and/or services.

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3.6.3 Non-binding Price Estimates

While the pricing information provided in proposals will be non-binding prior to the execution of a
written agreement, such information will be assessed during the evaluation of the proposals and
the ranking of the proponents. Any inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information, including
withdrawn or altered pricing, could adversely impact any such evaluation or ranking or the
decision of the City to enter into an agreement for the Deliverables.

3.6.4 Cancellation
The City may cancel or amend the RFP process without liability at any time.

3.7 Governing Law and Interpretation

These Terms and Conditions of the RFP Process (Part 3):

(a) are intended to be interpreted broadly and independently (with no particular provision
intended to limit the scope of any other provision);

(b) are non-exhaustive and will not be construed as intending to limit the pre-existing rights
of the parties to engage in pre-contractual discussions in accordance with the common
law governing direct commercial negotiations; and

(c) are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of
Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.

[End of Part 3]

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THIS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”), is effective as of the __________

WHEREAS the City intends to:
(the “Project”) and has requested the Consultant to furnish professional services in connection therewith;
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the covenants contained herein and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are herby acknowledged, the City and the Consultant
mutually agree as follows:
1.1 Retainer
The City hereby retains the services of the Consultant in connection with the Project and the Consultant
agrees to provide the services described herein under the general direction and control of the City.
In this Agreement the word Consultant shall mean professionals and other specialists engaged by the
City directly and whose names are party to this Agreement.
1.2 Services
The services to be provided by the Consultant and by the City for the Project are set forth in Schedule A
and such services as changed, altered or added to under Section 1.9 are hereinafter called the 'Services'.
1.3 Term
This Agreement will commence on the date first written above and will continue until _____________,),
unless sooner terminated. The term of this Agreement may be extended only by mutual written
agreement of the parties.
1.4 Compensation
The City shall pay the Consultant in accordance with the provisions set forth in Schedule B.
1.5 Staff and Methods
The Consultant shall perform the services under this agreement with that degree of care, skill and
diligence normally provided in the performance of such services as contemplated by the agreement at the
time such services are rendered and as required by the Professional Engineers Act and regulations
therein, as amended from time to time. The Consultant shall employ only competent staff who will be
under the supervision of a senior member of the Consultant's staff.
1.6 Drawings and Documents
Subject to Section 3, drawings and documents or copies thereof required for the Project shall be
exchanged between the parties on a reciprocal basis. Documents prepared by the Consultant for the
City, including record drawings, may be used by the City, for the Project herein described.

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1.8 Intellectual Property

All concepts, products or processes produced by or resulting from the Services rendered by the
Consultant in connection with the Project, or which are otherwise developed or first reduced to practice by
the Consultant in the performance of his Services, and which are patentable, capable of trademark or
otherwise, shall be considered as Intellectual Property and remain the property of the Consultant.
The City shall have permanent non-exclusive royalty-free license to use any concept, product or process,
which is patentable, capable of trademark or otherwise produced by or resulting from the Services
rendered by the Consultant in connection with the Project.
1.9 Records and Audit
a) In order to provide data for the calculation of fees on a time basis, the Consultant shall
keep a detailed record of the hours worked by staff employed for the Project.
b) The City may inspect timesheets and record of expenses and disbursements of the
Consultant during regular office hours with respect to any item which the City is required
to pay on a time scale or disbursement basis as a result of this Agreement.
c) The Consultant, when requested by the City, shall provide copies of receipts with respect
to any disbursement for which the Consultant claims payment under this Agreement.
1.10 Changes and Alterations and Additional Services
With the consent of the Consultant the City may in writing at any time after the execution of the
Agreement or the commencement of the Services delete, extend, increase, vary or otherwise alter the
Services forming the subject of the Agreement, and if such action by the City necessitates additional staff
or services, the Consultant shall be paid in accordance with Section 3 for such additional staff employed
directly thereon, together with such expenses and disbursements as allowed under Section 3.4.
1.11 Suspension or Termination
The City may at any time by notice in writing to the Consultant, suspend or terminate the Services or any
portion thereof at any stage of the Project. Upon receipt of such written notice, the Consultant shall
perform no further Services other than those reasonably necessary to close out his Services. In such an
event, the Consultant shall be entitled to payment in accordance with Section 3 for any of the Consultant's
staff employed directly thereon together with such expenses and disbursements allowed under Section 3.
1.12 Indemnification
The Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers and employees from and against
any and all liabilities, claims, demands, loss, cost, damages, actions, suits or other proceedings by
whomsoever made, directly or indirectly arising out of the project attributable to bodily injury, sickness,
disease or death or to damage to or destruction of tangible property caused by any negligent acts or
omissions of the Consultant, its officers, agents, servants, employees, customers, invitees or licensees, or
occurring in or on the premises or any part thereof and, as a result of activities under this Agreement.
1.13 Insurance
a) Comprehensive General Liability

The Insurance Coverage shall be $2,000,000.00 per occurrence with an annual

aggregate limit of $5,000,000.00. The Consultant shall provide the City with proof of
Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (Inclusive Limits). The City shall be listed as
an additional insured.
b) Automobile Insurance

The Limit of Liability Insurance Coverage shall be in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per
occurrence. The Consultant shall provide the City with proof of an Ontario Standard
Vehicle Liability Insurance for both owned and non-owned vehicles.
c) Professional Liability Insurance

The Insurance Coverage shall be in the amount of $2,000,000 per claim. The Consultant
shall provide to the City proof of Professional Liability Insurance carried by the
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Consultant, in accordance with the Professional Engineers Act (RSO 1990, Chapter P.
28) and regulations therein.
d) Change of Coverage
If the City requests to have the amount of coverage increased or to obtain other special
insurance for this Project then the Consultant shall endeavour forthwith to obtain such
increased or special insurance at the City's expense as a disbursement allowed under
Section 3.2.
It is understood and agreed that the coverage provided by these policies will not be
changed or amended in any way nor cancelled by the Consultant until thirty (30) days
after written notice of such change or cancellations has been personally delivered to the
City. All insurance certificates must include an endorsement that the City will be notified
30 days prior to the expiry or cancellation of insurance.
1.14 Contracting for Construction
Neither the Consultant nor any person, firm or corporation associated or affiliated with or subsidiary to the
Consultant shall tender for the construction of the Project, or have an interest either directly or indirectly in
the construction of the Project.
1.15 Assignment
The Consultant shall not assign transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this contract or his/her
right, title or interest therein, or his power to execute such contract, to any other person, company or City,
without the previous consent, in writing, of the City’s officials, which consent shall not be unreasonably
1.16 Previous Agreements
This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements, arrangements or understandings between the
parties whether written or oral in connection with or incidental to the Project.
1.17 Approval by Other Authorities
Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, where the work of the Consultant is subject to the approval
or review of an authority, department of government, or agency other than the City, such applications for
approval or review shall be the responsibility of the Consultant, but shall be submitted through the offices
of the City and unless authorized by the City in writing, such applications for approval or review shall not
be obtained by direct contact by the Consultant with such other authority, department of government or
1.18 Sub-Consultants
The employees and/or sub-consultants who will be providing the Services are listed in Schedule A. These
employees and/or sub-consultants shall not be changed without the City’s prior approval.
1.19 Inspection
The City, or persons authorized by the City, shall have the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect or
otherwise review the Services performed, or being performed, under the Project and the premises where
they are being performed.
1.20 Publication
The Consultant agrees to obtain the consent in writing of the City before publishing or issuing any
information regarding the Project.
1.21 Confidential Data
The Consultant shall not divulge any information identified as confidential, communicated to or acquired
by him, or disclosed by the City in the course of carrying out the Services provided for herein. These
obligations of confidentiality shall not apply to information which is in the public domain, which is provided
to the Consultant by a third party without obligation of confidentiality, which is independently developed by
the Consultant without access to the City’s information, or which is required to be disclosed by law or by
court order. No such information shall be used by the Consultant on any other project without the
approval in writing of the City.

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1.22 Dispute Resolution

a) If requested in writing by either the City or the Consultant, the City and the Consultant
shall attempt to resolve any dispute between them arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement by entering into structured non-binding negotiations with the assistance of a
mediator on a without prejudice basis. The mediator shall be appointed by agreement of
the parties. If a dispute cannot be settled within a period of ninety (90) calendar days with
the mediator, the dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the
rules of the province having jurisdiction or by an arbitrator appointed by the agreement of
the parties.
b) No person shall be appointed to act as mediator or arbitrator who is in any way
interested, financially or otherwise, in the conduct of the work on the Project or in the
business or other affairs of either the City or the Consultant.
c) The award of the arbitrator, including an award for costs if applicable, shall be final and
binding upon the parties.
d) The provisions of the Arbitrations Act, 1991, S.O., 1991, c. 17, as amended, shall apply.
1.23 Time
The Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously to meet the requirements of the City and shall
complete any portion or portions of the Services in such order as the City may require.
The City shall give due consideration to all designs, drawings, plans, specifications, reports, tenders,
proposals and other information submitted by the Consultant, and shall make any decisions which it is
required to make in connection therewith within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the
1.24 Estimates, Schedules and Staff List
a) Preparation of Estimate of Fees, Schedule of Progress and Staff List
When requested by the City, and where payment is calculated on a time basis, the
Consultant shall provide, for approval by the City:
i. An estimate of the total fees to be paid for the Services.
ii. A schedule showing an estimate of the portion of the Services to be completed in
each month and an estimate of the portion of the fee which will be payable for
each such month.
iii. A Staff list showing the number, classifications and hourly rate ranges for
employees, for which the Consultant will seek payment on a time basis. The
Consultant shall relate such information to the particular type of work that such
employees are to perform, while employed on the Project. Such list shall
designate an employee who is to be the liaison person between the Consultant
and the City.
b) Subsequent Changes in the Estimate of Fees, Schedule of Progress and Staff List
The Consultant will require prior written approval, from the City for any of the following
i. Any increase in the estimated fees beyond those approved under Subsection
1.23.1 (a).
ii. Any change in the schedule of progress which results in a longer period than
provided in Subsection 1.23.1 (b).
iii. Any change in the number, classification and hourly rate ranges of the
employees provided under Subsection 1.23.1 (c).
c) Monthly Reporting of Progress
When requested by the City, the Consultant shall provide the City with a written report
showing the portion of the Services completed in the preceding month.
1.25 Waiver
Failure by either party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement or to
exercise any right or remedy will not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such provision but the
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same will continue in full force. No waiver will be deemed to have been made unless expressed in
1.26 Severability
If for any reason any term or condition of this Agreement or the application thereof to any party or
circumstance is to any extent invalid or unenforceable, all other terms and conditions of this Agreement
and/or the application of such terms and conditions to parties or circumstances will not be affected
thereby and will be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. The
unenforceable provision(s) will be deemed to be amended to the extent needed to render them
enforceable, so as best to reflect the intentions of the parties.
1.27 Counterparts
This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which when signed and delivered will be deemed
to be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed the Agreement effective as of the date first written


We have authority to bind the corporation



I/we have authority to bind the corporation.

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2.1 Services to be provided by Consultant
The City of Barrie RFP # FIN 2017-030P “Drainage Master Plan” and the subsequent
____________________ [Consultant] proposal are attached. In the event that there is a conflict between
the two documents, the City of Barrie RFP # FIN 2017-030P shall take precedence.

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3.1 Definitions
For the purpose of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:
“Cost of the Work” shall mean the total cost of the Project including all materials, equipment, sales taxes,
labour and contractor’s overhead and profit, necessary to complete the work for which the Consultant
prepares designs, drawings, reports or specifications, for which he is responsible. Where sales taxes are
not included in the cost of the work, the fee shall be adjusted upwards by the factor equivalent to the
sales taxes. The adjusted fee may be computed to the nearest one-tenth of one percent (1/10%).
Wherever the City furnishes labour or other service which is incorporated in the work, the current price of
labour or other service when the work was executed shall be used to compute the Cost of the Work.
Whenever used materials or equipment is furnished by or on behalf of the City, the fair market value of
such materials or equipment, as though it was purchased new, shall be used to compute the Cost of the
In computing the Cost of the Work, no deductions shall be made on account of any penalties or damages
claimed by the City from any contractor or on account of any other sum withheld from any contractor.
The Cost of the Work shall not include any fees and disbursements due to the Consultant, the City’s
engineering and office expenses, or cost of land.
3.2 Fees Calculated on a Time Basis
a. The City shall pay the Consultant a fee, calculated based on the hourly rates as set out in
this proposal based on the percentage of work completed to the corresponding upset limit
for each project task (and technical memorandum) as set out in this proposal.

b. Monthly progress invoices will be based on the percentage of project completed. Invoices
for fees are due upon presentation. Accounts unpaid after 30 days are subject to monthly
interest charges at a rate of 0% per annum. The Consultant reserves the right, without
penalty, to discontinue services in the event of non-payment.

3.3 Reimbursable Expenses

The Schedule of Fees listed in Schedule A includes disbursements. The Consultant shall be reimbursed
to the upset limit for disbursements corresponding to the active project and active project stage as set out
in the proposal including the cost of additional insurance incurred by the Consultant, for all expenses
properly incurred by him in connection with the project, including but not limited to: vehicle use charges,
travelling and living expenses, long distance telephone charges, facsimile transmission charges, printing
and reproductions, progress photography, advertising for tenders, special delivery and express charges,
overtime premium costs, and the cost of providing and maintaining site offices, supplies and equipment,
chemical and physical tests.
3.4 Payment
a. Fees Calculated on a Time Basis

The Consultant shall submit an invoice to the City for all Services completed in the
immediately preceding month. Interest at the annual rate of 0 percent (0 percent
monthly) will be paid on the total outstanding unpaid balance commencing 30 days after
the City has received the Consultant’s invoice.

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1. Proponent Information
Please fill out the following form, naming one person to be the proponent’s contact for the
RFP process and for any clarifications or communication that might be necessary.
Full Legal Name of
Any Other Relevant Name
under which Proponent
Carries on Business:
Street Address:
City, Province/State:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Company Website (if any):
Proponent Contact
Name and Title:
Proponent Contact Phone:
Proponent Contact Fax:
Proponent Contact Email:

2. Acknowledgment of Non-binding Procurement Process

The proponent acknowledges that the RFP process will be governed by the terms and
conditions of the RFP, and that, among other things, such terms and conditions confirm that this
procurement process does not constitute a formal, legally binding bidding process (and for
greater certainty, does not give rise to a Contract A bidding process contract), and that no legal
relationship or obligation regarding the procurement of any good or service will be created
between the City and the proponent unless and until the City and the proponent execute a
written agreement for the Deliverables.

3. Ability to Provide Deliverables

The proponent has carefully examined the RFP documents and has a clear and comprehensive
knowledge of the Deliverables required. The proponent represents and warrants its ability to
provide the Deliverables in accordance with the requirements of the RFP for the rates set out in
the completed Pricing Form (Appendix C).

4. Non-binding Pricing
The proponent has submitted its pricing in accordance with the instructions in the RFP and in
the Pricing Form (Appendix C). The proponent confirms that the pricing information provided is
accurate. The proponent acknowledges that any inaccurate, misleading or incomplete
information, including withdrawn or altered pricing, could adversely impact the acceptance of its
proposal or its eligibility for future work.

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5. Addenda
The proponent is deemed to have read and taken into account all addenda issued by the City
prior to the Deadline for Issuing Addenda. The proponent is requested to confirm that it has
received all addenda by listing the addenda numbers, or if no addenda were issued by writing
the word “None”, on the following line: ____________________________. If this section is not
completed, the proponent will be deemed to have received all posted addenda.

6. No Prohibited Conduct
The proponent declares that it has not engaged in any conduct prohibited by this RFP.

7. Conflict of Interest
For the purposes of this RFP, the term “Conflict of Interest” includes, but is not limited to, any
situation or circumstance where:

(a) in relation to the RFP process, the proponent has an unfair advantage or engages in
conduct, directly or indirectly, that may give it an unfair advantage, including but not
limited to (i) having, or having access to, confidential information of the City in the
preparation of its proposal that is not available to other proponents, (ii) communicating
with any person with a view to influencing preferred treatment in the RFP process
(including but not limited to the lobbying of decision makers involved in the RFP
process), or (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises, or could be seen to
compromise, the integrity of the open and competitive RFP process or render that
process non-competitive or unfair; or

(b) in relation to the performance of its contractual obligations under a contract for the
Deliverables, the proponent’s other commitments, relationships or financial interests (i)
could, or could be seen to, exercise an improper influence over the objective, unbiased
and impartial exercise of its independent judgement, or (ii) could, or could be seen to,
compromise, impair or be incompatible with the effective performance of its contractual

For the purposes of section (a)(i) above, proponents should disclose the names and all pertinent
details of all individuals (employees, advisers, or individuals acting in any other capacity) who
(a) participated in the preparation of the proposal; AND (b) were employees of the City within
twelve (12) months prior to the Submission Deadline.

If the box below is left blank, the proponent will be deemed to declare that (a) there was no
Conflict of Interest in preparing its proposal; and (b) there is no foreseeable Conflict of Interest
in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the RFP.

Otherwise, if the statement below applies, check the box.

 The proponent declares that there is an actual or potential Conflict of Interest relating to
the preparation of its proposal, and/or the proponent foresees an actual or potential
Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the RFP.

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If the proponent declares an actual or potential Conflict of Interest by marking the box above,
the proponent must set out below details of the actual or potential Conflict of Interest:

8. Disclosure of Information
The proponent hereby agrees that any information provided in this proposal, even if it is
identified as being supplied in confidence, may be disclosed where required by law or by order
of a court or tribunal. The proponent hereby consents to the disclosure, on a confidential basis,
of this proposal by the City to the advisers retained by the City to advise or assist with the RFP
process, including with respect to the evaluation this proposal.

Signature of Witness Signature of Proponent Representative

Name of Witness Name of Proponent Representative

Title of Proponent Representative


I have the authority to bind the proponent.

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1. Instructions on How to Complete Pricing Form

(a) Rates must be provided in Canadian funds, inclusive of all applicable duties and taxes
except for HST, which should be itemized separately.

(b) Rates quoted by the proponent must be all-inclusive and must include all labour and
material costs, all travel and carriage costs, all insurance costs, all costs of delivery, all
costs of installation and set-up, including any pre-delivery inspection charges, and all
other overhead, including any fees or other charges required by law.

2. Evaluation of Pricing
Pricing is worth 30 points of the total score.

Pricing will be scored based on a relative pricing formula using the rates set out in the Pricing
Form. Each proponent will receive a percentage of the total possible points allocated to price for
the particular category it has bid on, which will be calculated in accordance with the following

𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 ÷ 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡 ′ 𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 × 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡 ′ 𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠

3. Pricing Form
The City has supplied an Excel spreadsheet containing the Pricing Form for use by Proponents.
The Excel spreadsheet will auto-populate the Pricing Form using the Hours and Fees
worksheets. The Pricing Form and Fees Worksheet are to be placed in the Pricing Envelope.
The Hours Worksheet (no pricing information) is to be included with the proposal.

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Respondent is to provide a breakdown of pricing utilizing the Fees Worksheet and include in the Pricing
Envelope as part of their submission. Note this document auto-populates based on the Hours and Fees

Description Amount

Task 1 $

Task 2 $

Task 3 $

Task 4 $

Task 5 $

Task 6 $

Task 7 $

Task 8 -17 $

Sub-Totals $

Disbursements $

Sub-Total $

HST (13%) $

Total Upset Limit (including HST) $

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The Corporation of the City of Barrie is requesting the services of a consulting engineering firm,
experienced in storm drainage modeling to create a Drainage Master Plan (DMP) for the entire
City of Barrie.

The City of Barrie resides on a major watershed divide that separates the Nottawasaga
Watershed from the Lake Simcoe Watershed and is approximately 100 km 2 (see Figure 1).
During heavy storm events flooding resulting in storm sewer surcharges, private property
flooding, roadway inundation, erosion and unsafe hazards throughout the watershed.

June of 2005 saw record breaking rainfall events in the City of Barrie. This particular June 2005
storm was greater than the 100 year storm event over portions of the City of Barrie. Severe
flooding caused damage to infrastructure, businesses, and homes. Climate change has brought
about an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events. Current climate change models
indicate that the intensity of storm events will continue to increase (more rain will fall during
significant rainfall events) and that these storm events will occur more frequently. As a result
much of the drainage system infrastructure throughout the City is undersized because of climate
change. With the increasing intensity of storm events there is a greater risk of flooding,
environmental impacts (erosion), property damage and life threatening conditions. To mitigate
these impacts infiltrating as much water as possible through the implementation of Low Impact
Development (LID) or upsizing drainage infrastructure through and/or by the protection of major
overland flow routes the assessment of flood prone lands is to be considered throughout the

Sub-watersheds within Barrie that are part of the Lake Simcoe watershed include Sophia,
Kidds, Bunkers, Dyments, Hotchkiss, Whiskey, Lovers, Hewitts Creek, Sandy Cove Creek and
various drainage areas (see Figure 1). Sub-watersheds within Barrie that are part of the
Nottawasaga River watershed include Little and Bear watersheds (see Figure 1). Master
Drainage Plans have been completed for many watersheds/drainage areas but most are out of
date given the recent changes to drainage design guidelines from Barrie, LSRCA and
anticipated changes from MOECC.

In the past, the City’s drainage systems have typically been assessed on a piecemeal basis as
part of development applications, road detail designs or on a sub-watershed / Master Plan

The Study Area for this DMP includes the entire City of Barrie (including the annexation area)
and includes assessing the follows drainage elements:

1) Minor Underground Drainage System

2) Major Overland/Underground Drainage System
3) Creeks and Tributaries
4) City owned Stormwater Management Facilities (Quantity and/or Quality)

Using the recently developed city-wide drainage system models the successful proponent will
be required to determine deficiencies in the existing drainage systems and ultimately
recommend drainage improvements to rectify these deficiencies.

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The Proponent is required to have specialized expertise in:

 Completing Drainage Master Plans.

 Stormwater Hydrologic/ Hydraulic Modeling using Hymo, HEC-RAS and PCSWMM
 Conceptual/detail design of municipal minor and major drainage systems.
 MOECC, LSRCA, NVCA, Barrie, MNR and DFO Acts, Regulations, Policies and
 Experience in drainage. geotechnical and hydrogeological field investigations including
the required safety practices.

The successful Proponent shall manage all aspects of the study. This includes obtaining
preliminary NVCA and LSRCA approval in principal for the recommended drainage

D1.1 Study Objectives

The study objective is to identify drainage deficiencies and address existing flooding impacts
upon the natural environment, private lands, city transportation corridors and other utilities. A
Report will document the rationale behind the recommended drainage improvements. The study
is to be done in a comprehensive, environmentally sound planning manner with public,
stakeholder and agency participation to facilitate dialogue between parties with a number of
diverse interests.

The study shall address the following objectives:

 Identify properties and structures currently affected by flooding for the entire study area.
 Review and update the location, extent, and sensitivity of the existing natural
environment and establish its drainage related dependencies.
 Review the projects associated with the preferred alternative solution from previous
drainage studies to assess whether they are still relevant.
 Identify land requirements for the recommended drainage improvements including the
need to access buffer areas within the natural heritage system for drainage works
(easements and/or property acquisitions).

In preparing the Report the following objectives must be achieved:

 Recommended drainage solutions must comply with MOECC, LSRCA, NVCA, Barrie,
MNR and DFO Acts, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines with minimal disruption to the
natural environment, existing residents and business owners.
 Permit participation of relevant stakeholders in the study process to allow for sharing of
ideas, developing drainage solutions and testing of solutions.
 Satisfying City of Barrie, LSRCA, NVCA and other stakeholder concerns and issues.
 Document the rationale behind the recommended drainage improvements.
The City of Barrie has retained a consultant to develop the following city-wide drainage system
models based on the existing condition which will be accessible on the City Hall 6 th Floor during
the RFP process and made available to the successful Proponent to complete their modeling

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1) Minor system hydrologic/hydraulic model in PCSWMM

2) Major system hydrologic model in Visual Otthymo
3) Major system hydraulic model of watercourses in Hec-Ras

D1.2 Study Organization

Roles and Responsibilities

The successful Proponent will report to the City Project Coordinator. Proponents to this RFP
will identify a Project Manager who will be the main point of contact. The roles of the successful
Proponent to this RFP are as follows:

 Deliver the scope in accordance with the RFP and the accepted proposal. In the event of
conflicts between the RFP and the accepted proposal the RFP scope shall be used.
 Identify and work directly with the City Project Coordinator and City staff.
 Communications as required to complete Report including consultation with:
o Public, stakeholders and agencies (including NVCA and LSCRA)
o Landowners
o City Project Coordinator
o Other City staff
 Allow for direct communications between technical staff of both City and successful
 Attend meetings to address technical matters, as requested by the City Project Coordinator.
 Prepare technical background materials (i.e., data collection, research and compilation) for
review by others.
 Develop drainage solutions.
 Prepare a draft Report with proposed presentation boards to be made available in advance
of the Public Meeting.
 Attend Public Meeting with a minimum of three team members.
 Prepare draft final Report.
 Attend the City of Barrie General Committee meeting.
 Prepare final Report.
 Deliver all scope on schedule and budget.
 Create and maintain a study risk register.

Project Team

The City Project Coordinator will host Project Team meetings over the course of the study at the
City of Barrie. The purpose of the Project Team Meetings is to provide an opportunity to bring
together the City Project Coordinator, agencies other city department and the successful
Proponent as required. The Project Team will consist of:

 City of Barrie Project Coordinator

 Successful Proponent Project Manager
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 Others as deemed necessary based on the agenda for each meeting

D1.3 Consultation

Technical Agencies

The successful Proponent, in consultation with the City Project Coordinator, will maintain a high
level of contact with appropriate staff of key technical agencies in order to continue to reflect their
interests (e.g., City of Barrie, LSRCA and NVCA). Continued involvement of the technical
agencies is critical to the successful completion of the study. The goal for ongoing contact with
these key technical agencies is to directly involve them in an in-depth manner as the study
progresses. It is expected that the successful Proponent will engage these agencies in a positive
way and maintain open lines of communication.

First Nations and Metis

The successful Proponent for the Stage 1 archeological assessment will ensure consultation with
First Nations and Metis is undertaken in the form of separate letters or notices through the City of
Barrie which allow for feedback in a timely fashion.

Public and Stakeholders

Public consultation is important to the successful completion of this study. Gaining public input
through a public participation process that provides opportunities for learning, sharing and
responses. Individuals and/or groups who will be contacted include (City of Barrie will provide a
draft of those to be contacted):

 Stakeholders groups (e.g., nature and wildlife interest groups) who have an interest in the
process also will be contacted by individual letters.
 Residents and businesses who are directly affected due to proximity of landholdings who will
be contacted by individual letters.
 Members of the general public will be reached by newspaper notices and City website

The successful Proponent shall host one Public Meeting on this project. The City Project
Coordinator with participate in the Public Meeting. It is anticipated that successful Proponent will
review mailing lists, notices, letters and respond to inquiries. The City Project Manager will be
responsible for preparing and obtaining input from the successful Proponent on notices for the
Public Meeting. The successful Proponent will create display panels and a draft Report document
and handouts for the Public Meeting and provide professional staff to participate at the Public

The public, stakeholders and agencies will have the opportunity to learn about and provide input at
key points in the study. These points of public contact will include:

1) Notice of Public Meeting

This Notice will advise of the Public Meeting location, date and time, how to participate in the
Public Meeting, as well as present drainage solutions and opportunity for stakeholders to
provide comments and input.

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2) Public Meeting

At the Public Meeting the City Project Project Coordinator and the successful Proponent will
present the findings of the Study including alternate drainage solutions.

3) Notice of Consideration by Council

The Final Report will present the recommended drainage improvements noting how the input
from the public, stakeholders, agencies influenced the selection of the preferred drainage


The City of Barrie is a community of 145,000 persons located approximately 90 km north of

Toronto on the western shore of Lake Simcoe. Between 2001 and 2006, the Barrie Census
Metropolitan Area (CMA) was the fastest growing in Canada both in terms of population (19.2%)
and employment growth (22.9%). From 2006 to 2011, the Barrie CMA population growth slowed
to 5.6% and from 2011 to 2015 it was about 4%. With the anticipated growth in the annexation
area the growth rates are anticipated to accelerate in the near future.

D2.1 Council’s Strategic Priorities

The City of Barrie's plan for a better Barrie includes the following Council strategic priorities:

Council Goals Council Directions

VIBRANT BUSINESS  Build a global startup community
COMMUNITY  Eliminate obstacles to business growth and investment
 Attract and retain a talented workforce
 Promote Barrie’s strength
INCLUSIVE  Promote and facilitate community connections
COMMUNITY  Provide great public space
 Encourage affordable housing
 Support diverse and safe neighbourhoods
RESPONSIBLE  Embrace innovation to improve how we do business
SPENDING  Demonstrate value for money
 Improve understanding of how tax dollars are spent
 Build a community that respects both current and future taxpayers
WELL PLANNED  Improve our road network
TRANSPORTATION  Improve options to get around
 Improve road safety

D2.2 Objectives

The Proponent will possess the requisite technical skills and licensing to deal with the variety of
complex matters to be addressed in the following tasks and will be required to work directly with:
the Project Coordinator, the Technical Advisory Committee, City staff, the public, government
agencies and stakeholders in a professional manner. The Proponent, in addition to technical
qualifications, must exhibit such skills as timeliness, diplomacy, tact, and strong communication
ability (both written and verbal).

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The Proponent’s team must possess:

 Extensive infrastructure experience with comparably sized municipalities.

 Knowledge of mitigating the environmental impact of projected growth through green
infrastructure solutions.
 Environmental engineering skills normally acquired through the preparation of municipal
master servicing studies.
 Technical excellence in municipal finance.
 Experience in field investigations including the required safety practices (Successful
ProponentProponents Safety Policy to be submitted before commencing field work).
 Sufficient resources to meet the project timeline by having three teams of modelers working
simultaneously on the project. The city-wide drainage models are broken out into three
areas identified in Figure 1 (Barrie Creeks, Lovers/Hewitts/Sandy Cove and NVCA).

The City intends to start this RFP assignment once the procurement process is complete and a
Professional Services Agreement has been executed between the City and the successful

The City has received grant funding for the Drainage Master Plan. For the City to receive the
grant funding this study need to be substantially completed by March 2018 and the Public Meeting
held late summer/early fall 2017.

D2.3 Bill 196, the Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment Act, 2009

The Province took steps to help ensure that Barrie fulfils its role as the anchor urban node in
Central Ontario by adjusting the municipal boundary and adding lands to the City. On June 4,
2009, Bill 196 the Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment Act, 2009 was introduced. The legislation
extended the southern boundary of Barrie to include 2,283 hectares, or approximately 5,700
acres, of land previously in the Town of Innisfil. Bill 196 received Royal Assent on December 16,
2009 and came into effect on January 1, 2010. The area of the expanded City currently is
approximately 100 km2. (See Figure 2)

D2.4 Places to Grow Growth Plan and Simcoe Area: A Strategic Vision for Growth

The key document that shapes the Province’s vision for the City of Barrie is the Places to Grow
Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Amendment 2, 2013) and the draft Proposed
Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horeshoe, 2016 which extends the population forecasts to
2041 as follows:

Year Population Employment

2031 210,000 101,000
2036 231,000 114,000
2041 253,000 129,000

The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe identified Downtown Barrie as an Urban
Growth Centre (UGC). Downtown Barrie is the only Urban Growth Centre in the Simcoe area
and the only such centre north of the Greater Toronto Area.

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The Places to Grow, Growth Plan for the Great Golden Horseshoe, 2016 was released for
public feedback in May 2016; the final release of the plans is expected in 2017

D2.5 Lake Simcoe Watershed

As part of the Government of Ontario’s overall strategy to protect the ecological health of the
Lake Simcoe watershed the following Acts, Plans and Policies have been passed; Provincial
Policy Statement 2014 (PPS,2014), the Clean Water Act 2006 (CWA), the Lake Simcoe
Protection Act 2008 (LSPA) and the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan 2009 (LSPP).

The objectives of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (2009) are summarized below:

 Protect, improve or restore the elements that contribute to the ecological health of the
Lake Simcoe watershed, including water quality, hydrology, key natural heritage features
and their functions, and key hydrologic features and their functions.
 Restore a self-sustaining coldwater fish community in Lake Simcoe.
 Reduce phosphorus loadings and other nutrients of concern to Lake Simcoe and its
 Reduce the discharge of pollutants to Lake Simcoe and its tributaries.
 Respond to adverse effects related to invasive species and, where possible, to prevent
invasive species from entering the Lake Simcoe watershed.
 Improve the Lake Simcoe watershed’s capacity to adapt to climate change
 Provide ongoing scientific research and monitoring related to the ecological health of the
Lake Simcoe watershed.
 Improve conditions for environmentally sustainable recreation activities related to Lake
Simcoe and to promote those activities.
 Promote environmentally sustainable land and water uses, activities and development

Many of the requirements of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan have been written into the City of
Barrie Official Plan.

Sophia Creek Master Plan Update

The Sophia Creek watershed and Mulcaster drainage area are located in the Lake Simcoe
watershed and fall under the general authority of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP).
Policy 4.5 – SA of the LSPP establishes requirements for SWM Master Plans prepared in
accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.

The City has retained a consultant to update the Sophia Creek Master Plan shown in Figure 3.
This study is scheduled to be completed early in 2017. The recommendations will be included
as an appendix in the Drainage Master Plan.

City-Wide Drainage System Models

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The City has retained a consultant to create the following city-wide drainage system models
grouped into three (3) geographical areas as shown on Figure 1.:
1) Minor Hydrologic/hydraulic model in PCSWMM
2) Major Hydrologic model in Visual Otthymo
3) Major Hydraulic model in Hec-Ras.

These models are complete and are available for review at the City of Barrie by contacting the
Procurement Lead. Two (2) working days notice is required to arrange an appointment.

Comprehensive Stormwater Management Master Plan

The City of Barrie (City), in collaboration with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
(LSRCA), has developed this Comprehensive Stormwater Management Master Plan (CSWM-
MP) document in accordance with the Policies of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. The CSWM-
MP was prepared as a directive for the City to improve stormwater management with a focus on
reducing the discharge of nutrients and pollutants into Lake Simcoe and to fulfil Policy 4.5-SA of
the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP).

Salem and Hewitts Subwatershed Impact Studies

The Salem and Hewitts Land Owners Groups have developed a draft Subwatershed Impact
Studies to further define the Natural Heritage System and to develop a strategy for stormwater
management. The draft report is currently under review and will be available to the successful

Barrie Creeks, Lovers Creek and Hewitt's Creek Subwatershed Plan

In the Lake Simcoe watershed, the various land uses have had considerable impacts on water
quality and quantity, and aquatic and terrestrial habitats. In order to mitigate the impacts of land
use changes in each of the subwatersheds, and to prevent future impacts, subwatershed plans
are developed. These plans provide a framework for the implementation of remedial activities
and a focus for community action. More importantly, they prevent further serious degradation to
the existing environment and can reduce the need for expensive rehabilitation efforts.

The 2012 Barrie, Lovers Creek and Hewitt's Creek Subwatershed Plans completed by the
LSRCA provide a framework within which sustainable development can occur.

D2.6 Innovative Green Solutions

The City of Barrie has an important role to play to shape and guide how this growth occurs by
achieving high servicing standards for future growth and development that will be critical to
protecting the quality of water in the Lake Simcoe watershed. The City has implemented
sustainable development policies and practices to protect Lake Simcoe in keeping with the

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It is anticipated that these innovative green solutions will include, but not be limited to:

 Enhanced stormwater interception and treatment

o Lot level control
o Phosphorus reduction measures
 Upgraded sewage treatment technology (Wastewater Treatment Master Plan – 2013)
 Water conservation (Water Supply Master Plan – 2013)
 Increased use of Active Transportation and Public Transit (MMATMP -2013)

D2.7 Natural Heritage System

The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS,2014) contained policies that protect Ontario’s
Natural Heritage and provides guidance on what natural features and areas shall be protected
for the long term. The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan also contains additional policies pertaining
to key natural heritage and hydrologic features.

The MNRF Natural Heritage Reference Manual, Second Edition March 18, 2010 is a supporting
document to the PPS. The PPS provides policy direction on matters relating to land use
planning that are of provincial interest. Under the Planning Act, municipalities, planning boards,
ministries and other decision-makers shall be consistent with the PPS when making any
decisions that affect a planning matter. The MNRF Natural Heritage Reference Manual, Second
Edition March 18, 2010 provides technical guidance for implementing the natural heritage
policies of the PPS and represents the Ontario government’s recommended approaches and
criteria for being consistent with the PPS to protect natural heritage features and natural
heritage systems in Ontario.

The MNRF Natural Heritage Reference Manual can be found at the link below:

The concept of a Natural Heritage System is two-fold. First, it aims to identify, by using sound
scientific concepts, the important natural features of a landscape in order to preserve
biodiversity. Second, the system attempts to respect these scientific principles with the use of
direct policy tools, such as developing land use policies to implement the protection of important
natural features through municipal official plans. Natural Heritage Systems contribute as part of
an integrative land use planning approach to conservation biology.

The LSRCA has completed detailed Ecological Land Classification (ELC) mapping for the entire
basin to the Community level. This work provides for the first basin wide strategy to protect
natural heritage features which is also built on the foundation of the Provincial Policy Statement
(PPS) to ensure integration with provincial policy. Municipalities have supported this system
both financially and in terms of supporting its content and significant consultation and support
from many stakeholders has been achieved.

Staff worked co-operatively with the representatives of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation
Authority (LSRCA) and the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) to graphically
define environmental features at both provincial and local levels. Following the preparation of

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detailed mapping, an analysis was undertaken to establish levels of significance for the
following features.
Level 1 includes provincially significant wetlands, habitat
of endangered and threatened species,
watercourse and vegetation protection zones.
Level 2 includes significant valleylands, rare vegetation
communities and woodlands greater than 4
hectares in size.
Level 3 includes regionally significant life science
ANSI’s, and supporting woodlands, cultural
thickets and meadows.

The intent of the Natural Heritage Resource is to afford different levels of protection to each of
the three levels by establishing the boundary of the feature and providing protection, mitigation
and connectivity corridors for natural heritage features through the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Study (EIS) prior to development.

The three levels of the Natural Heritage Resources are represented on Schedule H of the
Official Plan.

Implementation of current and progressive Natural Heritage Resource policies is not only an
environmental consideration, but is also an important component of balanced growth. These
policies are to be considered in coordination with economic development, social and cultural
enhancements, and intensification of development. Public input regarding natural heritage
conservation will help to achieve policy goals and generate proactive support from citizens.

Natural Resource Solutions Inc. (NRSI) was retained by the City of Barrie to prepare a Natural
Heritage System (NHS) report as technical input to the Secondary Plan for the Barrie Annexed
Lands. NRSI and Dougan & Associates prepared a Natural Heritage Characterization Report
(April 2012) which provides a complete natural heritage characterization, including descriptions
of methods, background review and study findings based on field work completed in 2011 and
2012. The characterization report forms the basis for an analysis of constraints, and
development of the Natural Heritage System framework that is provided in this report.


The Successful Proponent shall provide professional services in accordance with the
requirements of this Request for Proposal (RFP).

The scope as set forth below is not necessarily final and can be augmented as required and
believed necessary based on the Successful ProponentProponents’ experience and knowledge
as outlined in their proposal, subject to the final concurrence of the Project Manager.

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D3.1 Project Planning and Control

Prepare a professional services agreement based on the City of Barrie’s format (see Appendix
A), and upon review and acceptance by the City, execute the agreement. The agreement will
include an “upset” limit related to the identified Scope of Services as identified in this Request
for Proposal and as amended by the successful Proposal accepted by the City. The Proposal
will form part of the agreement.

Coordinate a Project Initiation Meeting (include representation from the sub-consultants) to the
Technical Advisory Committee. The meeting shall include:
 preparing minutes
 reviewing scope of work
 reviewing schedule
 determining critical path
 reviewing milestones
 reviewing budget (an estimate of monthly costs are to be provided to the City for the
duration of the assignment)
 reviewing deliverables
 initiate project control plans for quality, scheduling, cost, discipline coordination, public
consultation etc.
 prepare risk register.

The City recognizes the importance of project planning and controls and therefore will be
implementing the Earned Value Project Management Approach. To this end, the successful
Proponent shall create a detailed base-line, resource loaded, activity level with hourly rates,
critical path schedule based on tasks listed in Appendix C and supplemented where necessary.

The City has placed a great emphasis on maintaining schedules and therefore the successful
Proponent must ensure that the City receives a quality product on time and within budget.

Attend a minimum monthly Technical Advisory Committee meetings addressing progress,

forecasting activities, budgets, schedules, difficulties, risk management, scope changes and
prepare draft minutes to be issued within two business days of meeting.

Meet with various Departments/Branches of the City to confirm their requirements including
Planning, Zoning, Engineering, Operations, Transit, etc.

Meet with external agencies to confirm their requirements including early consultation with
MOECC, LSRCA and NVCA. Summarize external agency requirements including the
identification of the required objectives. Confirm final cultural, natural environment, phosphorus,
noise, vibration and odour policy criteria to be specified for evaluation of the alternatives.

Advise the designated stakeholders of the commencement of the Drainage Master Plan
process. Prepare the Notice of EA Commencement including the public advertisements to be
placed in the paper by the City and a paper a letter to the EA Branch of MOE.

Recommend a communication strategy and public consultation framework. Coordinate all

communication with the City’s Communications Departments and the City Project Coordinator.
Work with engineering administration staff and the City Project Coordinator to create a project
website to be maintained by the City and provide monthly updates to be posted to the website.
Review all relevant background documentation, including but not limited to the material outlined
in Appendix A1’.

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Identify other reports, legislation, policies and guidelines that are pertinent to the studies.

D3.2 Project Coordinator

The Project Coordinator will provide the daily logistics as the City’s contact with the successful

D3.3 Technical Advisory Committee

The City of Barrie project management structure for this study will involve a Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC) potentially consisting of members from:

 City of Barrie as follows:

o Planning
o Engineering
o Operations, and
o Finance Departments.
 Conservation Authorities

The Technical Advisory Committee through regular (minimum monthly) project meetings will
provide an internal QA/QC review of the project’s compliance with Provincial, Conservation
Authority and City policies, provide comments and recommendations to the successful
Proponent and guide the tasks and functions of any other affected committees or working

D3.4 Executive Management Team

The City has an Executive Management Team (EMT) consisting of the Chief Administrative
Officer and three General Managers and a Directors Management Team (DMT). The final
drafts of the Drainage Master Plan will be presented by the successful Proponent to the joint
EMT/DMT and the successful Proponent will address in the final report any comments received
from EMT/DMT.

D3.5 City Council

The Final Drainage Master Plan will be presented by the successful Proponent and the Project
Coordinator to General Committee for endorsement by Council.

D3.6 Ministries & Agencies

The Successful Proponent is expected to engage the following ministries, agencies and
stakeholders by early consultation to obtain information needed to complete these studies and
may include:

 Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC)

 Ministry of Natural Resources (MNRF)
 Ministry of Culture (MCL)
 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA)
 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA)
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 Department of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO)

D3.7 Stakeholders

The Successful Proponent is expected to engage the stakeholders through early consultation to
obtain information needed to complete these studies. Stakeholders may include:

 Residents of Barrie
 Special Interest Groups
 First Nations & Métis Communities


The Proponent must describe how they will complete each task listed below. Any proposed
revisions by Proponents to the study tasks outlined herein must specify how a revision would
address and enhance the study.

The successful Proponent will track all comments and provide a summary to explain how
comments have been addressed.

Table 1 summarizes the overall tasks associated with the completion this Drainage Master.

Table 1 - Summary of Study Tasks and Meetings


 Data Review and Gap analysis Study Scoping Workshop / Project Team
 Study Charter #1
 Create and maintain study risk register and
1. project schedule Agencies Consultation #1
 Meet with relevant agencies to review study
overview and confirm technical
memorandum requirements
 Identify Solutions Project Team #2
 Prepare draft technical memorandum
 Technical discussions and meetings with
City staff, if required
2.  Meet with City staff, relevant agencies to Agencies Consultation #2
review drainage solutions and contents of
draft technical memorandum
 Field Investigations
 Revise and update technical memorandum
and drainage solutions
 Prepare final draft technical memorandum Agencies Consultation #3
3.  Consultation on final draft technical
memorandum with City staff and agencies

Only major meetings with agencies and city staff are noted here. Additional informal meetings amongst team members are not
included in Table 1.
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 Technical Discussions and meetings with

City staff
 Prepare Table of Contents and prepare Project Team #3
draft Report to be made available in
advance of the Public Meeting
 Review and comment on mailing Public Meeting
lists/notices/ads for Public Meeting
 Review City staff memorandum to Council
 Prepare materials for Public Meeting
 Public Meeting
 Review comments from Public Meeting and
develop responses (add to report)
 Assess Solutions
 Meet with relevant agencies and City staff
to finalize drainage solutions Agency Consultation #4
 Recommend preferred drainage solutions
 Finalize Technical Memorandum Project Team #4

 Update draft Report EMT

 Circulate final draft Report to relevant DMT
agencies and City staff for review and
6. Agency Consultation #5
 Meet with City Committees and relevant Project Team #5
 Review City staff report to General Project Team #6
Committee to present of final
7.  List of Projects Identifying Municipal Class
EA Schedule and other regulatory General Committee/Council Meeting #1
 Final Report
11. Allowance for additional meetings to resolve 6 Additional meetings
other outstanding concerns
Note 1: Only major meetings with agencies and city staff are noted here. Additional informal meetings amongst
team members are not shown here.

D4.1 TASK 1 – Study Initiation, Gap Analysis and Data Collection

Study Initiation will commence with a Project Team meeting to introduce the study participants and
confirm the study tasks and timeline. The successful Proponent shall develop a studies charter
(defines scope, objectives and overall approach for work to be completed) to be reviewed at
Project Team meeting #1 / Study Scoping Workshop. The City of Barrie will advertise the Notice
of Study Commencement in the local papers.

The successful Proponent shall create a risk register which identifies risks, their severity and the
action steps to be taken. All the risks shall be tracked, reviewed and updated on a monthly basis.

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The successful Proponent shall facilitate a workshop to assess all risks and their management.
The risk register shall include but not be limited to the following:

• Description of the risk

• Risk Type
• Project Impact
• Likelihood of occurrence
• Consequence
• Prevention Plan
• Risk Owner (who is responsible for managing the risk)
• Status of Risk
The successful Proponent will compile and review all background information available for this
study and complete a comprehensive gap analysis exercise to determine if and where gaps in the
data. If gaps are identified, and it is deemed appropriate in consultation with the City Project
Manager, data collection will be undertaken and negotiated as an extra to the contract.

The successful Proponent will review and assess all new or updated background and policy
information. This information shall be used by the successful Proponent to review the problem
statement and then update/develop Objectives and Goals. A list of Available Digital Data and
information can be found in Appendix A 1-1.

It is important to meet with relevant agencies early in the process to review study objectives,
assess the gap analysis and confirm scope/technical memorandum requirements. The first round
of agency consultation meetings will be attended by a representative of the successful Proponent.
The purpose of the agencies consultation is to ensure the agencies are informed of the study
scope and the upcoming steps in the process. At a minimum, LSRCA and NVCA shall be

The City has identified what technical analysis is required for this study. These are to be
undertaken by the successful Proponent as part of this RFP in the form of technical memorandum.
The topics for the technical memorandum are listed in Task 2.

D4.2 TASK 2 – Identify Alternatives & Prepare Technical Memorandum

The Proponent shall review the projects associated with the Preferred Alternative Solution
identified in the existing 2013 Annexation Master Drainage Plan to assess whether they are still
relevant. The successful Proponent shall assess drainage solutions to correct deficient minor
drainage conveyance systems, to correct deficient major overland drainage conveyance systems
and to reduce volume of runoff and improve water quality through the implementation of
stormwater management ponds or LIDs in former Barrie. Please note that the intent is not to
provide a ‘detailed design’ level of detail but rather to provide adequate detail to ensure that
proposed drainage improvements will function as recommended.

Drainage solutions shall consider property impacts, environmental impacts, staging and costs.
The successful Proponent shall develop preliminary unit cost estimates using Barrie unit prices
when available to assess each drainage solutions. The preliminary unit cost estimates will be used
for assessment of the drainage solutions. The drainage solutions shall be reviewed at Project
Team Meeting #2.

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As a result of the background review and the agencies meetings, the successful Proponent shall
prepare outlines of proposed technical memorandum in consultation with the City Project
Coordinator. The technical memorandums include the following:

 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum

 Water Quality Assessment Technical Memorandum
 Storm Water Management Facilities to Reduce Phosphorus Technical
 Phosphorus Reduction Credits/Trading Registry (Provisional) Technical
 Cultural Heritage Review Technical Memorandum (Provisional)
 Archaeological Assessment - Stage 1 Technical Memorandum
 Natural Heritage Report Technical Memorandum
 Source Water Protection Technical Memorandum
 Flood Plain / Erosion Assessment Technical Memorandum
During the preparation of the technical memorandum, the successful Proponent shall:

1) Undertake field investigations.

2) Consult with the City Project Coordinator and meet directly with City staff as required to assess
drainage solutions.

During Task 2, the second round of agency consultation meetings will be coordinated by the City
Project Coordinator and attended by the successful Proponent. The purpose of the agencies
consultation is to ensure the agencies are informed of the draft drainage solutions and the
proposed contents of the technical memorandum.

The draft technical memorandums will be circulated to City Project Coordinator for review and
comment. Upon revisions satisfactory to the City, the technical memorandum will be circulated to
the Agencies for their comments.

At the conclusion of this task, the successful Proponent will review, revise and update the technical
memorandum to reflect the comments received.

D4.3 TASK 3 – Complete Technical Memorandum & Initiate PIC Draft Report

During Task 3, the third round of agency consultation meetings will be attended by the successful
Proponent. The purpose of the agencies consultation is to ensure the agencies are informed of
and satisfied with the proposed final contents of the technical memorandums.

Upon completion of the consultation on final draft technical memorandum’s with City staff and
agencies, the technical memorandums will be prepared in a form suitable for publication as an
Appendix to the Draft Drainage Master Plan report.

The Report shall be submitted to the City for review and updated based on the City’s comments
prior to the Public Meeting. The Proponent shall submit six (6) draft paper copies of the Draft
Drainage MP (to be used for the Public Meeting).

At this stage the drainage solutions shall be evaluated and discussed at the third agency
consultation meeting and at the third project team meeting.

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The Draft Report shall be prepared a minimum one month in advance of the Public Meeting and
provided to the City of Barrie, LSRCA and NVCA for review and comment.

D4.4 TASK 4 – Public Meeting

In order to prepare for the Public Meeting, the City Project Coordinator will prepare drafts of the
staff memorandum to General Committee, mailing lists, mail-out letter, comment sheet, notices and
an advertisement for the Public Meeting for review by the successful Proponent.

The successful Proponent will prepare materials for the Public Meeting including the panels,
handouts or other materials.

The successful Proponent will send a minimum of six representatives to the Public Meeting to
address the contents of their study (two for Barrie Creeks, two for NVCA and two for
Lovers/Hewitts). As follow up from Public Meeting, comment sheets will be summarized by the
City Project Coordinator and provided to the successful Proponent for finalization and inclusion in
the Report.

The City shall arrange and pay for the Public Meeting venue, newspaper advertisement and mail-

D4.5 TASK 5 – Assess Drainage Solutions

With input from the public, stakeholders and agencies (Agency Consultation Meeting #4), the
successful Proponent will assess the drainage solutions in part by finalizing the technical
memorandums. The assessment will include the ability to mitigate potential negative effects of the
drainage solutions by outlining the steps necessary to reduce or eliminate environmental impacts
of the proposed projects also in consideration of capital and maintenance cost etc. The successful
Proponent shall summarize the recommended drainage solutions in both tables and figures.

Following the assessment, the recommended drainage solutions shall be presented to senior staff
and other department at Project Team Meeting #4.

D4.6 TASK 6 – Finalize Drainage Recommendations

The City Project Coordinator and the successful Proponent will meet separately with two City
committees (EMT and DMT) to obtain input on the preferred drainage solutions.

For the preferred drainage solutions, the successful respondent shall update the preliminary cost
estimates using Barrie, NVCA or LSRCA unit prices where available and provide supporting
documentation to substantiate the cost estimate calculations.

Upon satisfactory outcome of the agencies’ meetings, the successful Proponent will update the
draft Report and compile the appendices in a form suitable for draft circulation. The successful
Proponent will circulate the updated draft report to relevant agencies and City staff for review and
comment in conjunction with Agency Consultation Meeting # 5 and Project Team Meeting #5.

D4.7 TASK 7 – Council & Finalize Report

The Final Draft Report shall be submitted to the City for review and updated based on the City’s
comments prior to circulation as part of the staff report.
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The successful Proponent will update the Final Draft Report per comments from City staff. At this
time Project Team Meeting #6 will be held to confirm the study results and ensure consistency in
the documentation.

The Final Draft Report will also address implementation measures in which all the required permits
and approvals are clearly identified for each project (e.g., Environmental Compliance Approval,
Permit To Take Water, Municipal Class Schedules etc.)

The Final Draft Report will include meeting notes from the Project Team meetings 1 to 6, the
meeting notes from Agency Consultation Meetings 1 to 5 and the Public Meeting.

The City Project Coordinator will prepare the staff report to General Committee with input from the
successful Proponent. The successful Proponent shall present the final recommendations to the
General Committee meeting and answer questions. The mailing lists, mail-out letter, notices and
an advertisement will be prepared by the City Project Coordinator and reviewed by the successful

After endorsement of the report by Council the successful Proponent will prepare a final Report
incorporating the following:

1) Letter associated with recommendation to General Committee and those who want to be kept
informed of the process.
2) General Committee Memo associated with the preferred drainage solutions
3) Staff Report associated with the preferred drainage solutions
4) Direction Memo

D5.1 Drainage Master Plan

The working report files shall be either Word, Excel, ARCGIS and AutoCAD (Civil 3d 2014)
unless otherwise approved by the City of Barrie. The Final document shall be collated in a three
ring binder(s).

Draft Report

The successful Proponent is required to develop an appropriate level of detail and

documentation of results for the Drainage Master Plan.

The successful Proponent will submit a minimum of ten (10) hard copies of the Draft Drainage
Master Plan for the City of Barrie for review. Upon approval, the successful Proponent will
submit ten (10) updated hard copies of the Draft Drainage Master report a minimum three (3)
weeks prior to the Public Meeting.

PDF files less than 10 MB in size of the draft report is also required three (3) weeks prior to the
Public Meeting.

External Agency Review and Comment

The Proponent shall provide draft copies of the reports to the Technical Advisory Committee
and agencies and set-up a meeting to receive any comments and/or concerns. All comments
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and/or concerns received through the TAC and Agency reviews shall be summarized and
responded to by the successful Proponent (the successful Proponent shall include all comments
& responses in the final report).

Draft Final Report

Following receipt of comments, submit to the City for review and comment the updated Draft
Final Report. The successful Proponent shall submit ten (10) copies of the updated Draft Final
Report. The successful Proponent shall update the Draft Final Report with any comments
and/or concerns received. The Draft Final Report shall be presented to Council for their

Final Report

Upon Council approval, the successful Proponent will make final edits and submit ten (10) hard
copies of the reports complete with all drawings, including one unbound report original, and the
electronic files that make up the report organized into directories (the same as the sections and
appendices used in the report), including the working AutoCAD, Excel, ARCGIS and Word files
of all report drawings that differ from the previous report. The successful Proponent will also
make a PDF file of the Final Report, including all drawings, tables, charts, plans, topographical
survey, legal surveys, appendices, etc. Digital information shall be organized into directories
(the same as the sections and appendices used in the report).

PDF files less than 10 MB in size of the Final Report is required three (3) weeks prior to the

D5.2 Technical Memorandums

The successful Proponent shall complete a series of studies and model development exercises
that will each be technical memorandums to the Drainage Master Plan. It provides the
necessary information to assess the proposed development of alternative drainage solutions
and provides the necessary tools on which the decisions in the Report will be based.

Draft Technical Memorandum

The successful Proponent is required to develop an appropriate level of detail and

documentation of results. The Technical Memorandum must include appendices, which will
include all supporting documentation and calculations appended to the memo.

Ten (10) copies of the Draft Technical Memorandum shall be submitted to the City for review.
This Draft Technical Memorandum shall be updated by the successful Proponent based on the
City’s comments prior to circulating to Agencies.

The successful Proponent shall also provide a PDF version of the Draft Technical

External Agency Review and Comment

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The successful Proponent shall provide draft copies of the Technical Memorandum to the
Technical Advisory Committee and Agencies. The successful Proponent shall set-up a meeting
to receive any comments and/or concerns. All comments and/or concerns received through the
Agency reviews shall be summarized and responded to by the successful Proponent (the
successful Proponent shall include any comments and responses in the Final Report.

Draft Final Technical Memorandum

In consideration of the comments and/or concerns received through the review process, the
Draft Final Technical Memorandum shall be submitted to the City for review and comment. The
successful Proponent shall submit ten (10) draft final paper copies of the updated Draft Final
Technical Memorandum. The successful Proponent shall update the Technical Memorandum
with any comments and/or concerns.

The successful Proponent shall also provide a PDF version of the final draft Technical
Memorandum. PDF files shall be less than 10 MB in size.

Final Technical Memorandum

The successful Proponent shall submit ten (10) copies of the Final Report. The successful
Proponent shall provide a PDF version of the Final Report as well as all digital information that
is used within the report. Digital information shall be organized into directories (the same as the
sections and appendices used in the report).

D6.1 Topographic and Tree Survey (Provisional)

Study Areas

The topographic survey area applies to only to the areas in former Barrie (outside of the
annexation area and the Sophia Creek watershed and the Mulcaster drainage area),
surrounding the proposed major structures as follows:

 Major Road Crossings

 Railway Crossings
 Major Drainage Structures
 Locations of linear or centralized LIDs


Topographic Survey is required to create accurate drawings for the railway and road crossings
in cases where the 2016 Lidar may be in sufficient detail

Scope of Work

The successful Proponent shall complete the detailed topographic survey of the study areas to
UTM Zone 17 NAD 83 utilizing 2 nd order horizontal and vertical control monuments.

This information is to be suitable for use in the preparation of conceptual designs and for
integration with the City of Barrie 2016 Lidar data.
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Topographic survey shall pick up all surface features including elevations of above ground
Hydro Wires to the limit of area generally impacted directly by similar structure construction.

A tree survey shall be undertaken to confirm size, location and species of trees potentially
affected by the alternative drainage solutions. The tree survey can be undertaken at a GPS
level of accuracy but the survey must be added to the topographic survey base plan.
The findings will be documented in a technical memorandum.

D6.2 Legal Survey (Provisional)

Study Areas

 The legal survey area applies to only to the areas in former Barrie (outside of the annexation
area) surrounding the proposed major structures as follows:
 Major Drainage Structures


The purpose of the legal survey is to accurately determine the property requirements associated
with each alternative drainage solution adjacent to a major structures.

Scope of Work

Legal survey shall be provided in Autocad format and shall to be used to establish property
requirements. The Autocad drawing shall be in UTM Zone 17 NAD 83 coordinates and shall
show all existing right-of-way, parts and easements. Deposit of a reference plan and setting of
bars is not required.

Existing legal GIS/Autocad digital data shall be used for the remainder of the study areas
outside of the major structures.

The findings will be documented in a technical memorandum.

D6.3 Geotechnical Investigation

Study Areas

The geotechnical investigations area applies to only to the areas in former Barrie (outside of the
annexation area) surrounding as follows:

 Major Drainage Watercourse Crossings

 Locations of linear or centralized LIDs


The purpose of the geotechnical consultant is to determine the geotechnical issues that may
affect the drainage solutions surrounding the location of major drainage structures and LIDs.


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Review available geotechnical information (Simcoe County Soil Map, Source Water Protection
Groundwater Data, existing borehole information etc). Please see Figure 5 Borehole Map which
illustrates existing borehole information on file with the City (a full size map is available at the
City for review). Retain a Geotechnical Consultant to undertake field investigations to provide
geotechnical guidance with respect to the drainage solutions in accordance with standard

The geotechnical information shall be of sufficient detail to support engineering

recommendations and to determine the costs associated with each drainage solution.

Provisional costs for percolation testing at proposed LID sites shall be provided by the
proponent (assume 200 hours). Geotechnical investigation shall include Northing and Easting
UTM Zone 17 NAD 83 coordinates in meters to 1 meter accuracy.

The successful Proponent shall make the necessary arrangements with the private property
owners as required.

The findings will be documented in a technical memorandum.


There are numerous policy documents, plans, strategies and technical studies that will play an
important role in the future development and growth of the City. A listing of the reports is
included in Appendix A 1-1 and should help provide a greater understanding of the context and
complexity of this project.

Of particular importance are the master plans for other City services that may impact or will
potentially be impacted by the secondary plan and servicing strategies. It is expected that the
successful Proponent will facilitate the exchange of information and coordination with
consultants involved in other master plans, municipal studies and related projects. A similar
request will be made of those consultants to ensure a coordinated approach. An RFP is being
prepared for a Multi-Modal Active Transportation Master Plan (MMATMP). This MMATMP will
be utilizing the sizing of drainage structures recommended by the Drainage Master Plan.

D7.1 Drainage Financial Analysis


The successful Proponent shall review the 2014 Long-Term Fiscal Impact Assessment of
Growth (FIA) prepared by Watson completed as part of the Annexation Studies which is
available in the link below:

An outdated draft version of the FIA can be reviewed in the link below:

The staff report associated with the adoption of the FIA and Annexation Master Plans can be
reviewed in the link below:

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Study Area

The study applies to the lands within the City of Barrie including the annexation area.


The purpose of the drainage financial analysis is to ensure the City of Barrie’s financial policies
are sufficient and appropriate to support renewal and growth in a manner that ensures the City’s
financial sustainability, minimizes the City’s financing requirements and defers cash outlays as
long as possible and to provide financing model(s) to support decision making with respect to
both capital and annual operating budgets over the growth period to 2041 in five year

Scope of Work

The review should include, but not be limited to, comparisons with financial policies used by
other jurisdictions to manage renewal and growth as well as a review of applicable legislation.
Using updated infrastructure costs identified in the Drainage Master Plan and updated property
assessment impacts, tax & user rate impacts, development charge impacts and debt impacts
created by the anticipated growth and renewal plans and their timing to determine how to pay
for recommended drainage solutions over the long term.

The successful Proponent shall also include the following scope:

 Provides an assessment of the sufficiency and appropriateness of the City of Barrie’s

financial policies for adhering to the “growth pays for growth” principle
 Assess ways of funding non growth drainage solutions including renewal.
Assess other funding sources like a stormwater utlity
 Recommend amendments or new policies, if appropriate, to increase the assurance that
growth will not create a financial obligation for existing property taxpayers
 Estimates the property tax assessment impact, tax and user rate impacts, development
charge impacts and debt impacts of the growth plans identified by the other elements of this
study as well as information supplied by other consultants related to other master plans, and
information supplied by City staff related to capital renewal needs.
 Evaluates the degree to which the resulting property tax revenues provide a financially
sustainable base for service
 Provides a model(s) that supports decision making in capital and annual operating budgets
over the growth period to 2041 in five year increments (2021, 2026, 2031, 2036, 2041)
 Recommend BTE, growth and PPB percentages for each project.
 Provides estimates of:
o Property assessment values by property class
o Projected capital costs and their timing for the infrastructure requirements identified in
other elements of this study, or as provided by other consultants or City staff
o Projected operating lifecycle and maintenance cost impacts and their timing created by
the infrastructure requirements identified in other elements of this study, or as provided
by other consultants or City staff
o Projected development charges and their timing

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The successful Proponent shall prepare a Drainage Financial Analysis memorandum.


The Drainage Financial Analysis memorandum shall be completed by March 2018.



The successful Proponent shall review the existing drainage reports and Master Drainage
Studies (Sophia, Kidds, Bunkers, Dyments, Hotchkiss, Whiskey, Lover’s and Hewitt’s etc) and
are available for the proponent to review at the City.

The successful Proponent shall also review the 2013 Drainage and Stormwater Management
Master Plan completed as part of the Annexation Studies which is available in the link below:
Under Drainage and Stormwater Management

The Hewitt's and Salem Landowner's groups are preparing a Subwatershed Impact Study (SIS)
as a condition of OPA 38 and OPA 39 as required by LSRCA and NVCA. It is not intended that
this Drainage Master Plan would repeat this information.

Study Area

The study applies to the entire City of Barrie including the annexation lands.


Using the recently developed city-wide drainage system models the successful Proponent will
be required to do the following as part of the scope to determine deficiencies to the existing
drainage systems and ultimately recommend drainage improvements to rectify these
deficiencies including the following:

1) Identify minor drainage conveyance deficiencies, develop drainage solutions and

recommend the preferred drainage solutions. This includes assessing various LIDs and
recommending specific drainage improvements that will reduce peak runoff, volume of
runoff, phosphorus loads and improve water quality.
2) Identify major drainage conveyance deficiencies, develop drainage solutions and
recommend the preferred solutions. Recommending specific drainage improvements
that will convey the runoff from the major storm events to a suitable outlet and control
peak and volume runoff from major storm events.
3) Assess various drainage solutions associated with proposed drainage improvements to
mitigate erosion in creeks, to minimize flooding along all overland flow routes (including
creeks) and increase safety in a cost effective manner.


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The successful Proponent shall complete a series of technical memorandums to be

incorporated into the Drainage Master Plan. They provide the necessary information to assess
the drainage solutions and provide the solution to correct deficiencies in existing developed
areas. The successful Proponent shall recommend drainage improvements to control flooding,
reduce the volume of runoff and improve the quality of drainage runoff. These technical
memorandums would include the following:

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum:

 Identify minor drainage conveyance deficiencies, develop drainage solutions and
recommend the preferred drainage solutions (H
 Identify major drainage conveyance deficiencies, develop drainage solutions and
recommend the preferred solutions

Water Quality Model Technical Memorandum:

 Assessment of existing Stormwater Management Facilities to Reduce Phosphorus

Storm Water Management Facilities to Reduce Phosphorus Technical Memorandum:

 Phosphorus Assessment using the latest available phosphorus tool from MOECC /

Phosphorus Reduction Credits/Trading Registry Technical Memorandum:

 Phosphorus Reduction Credits/Trading Registry (provisional)

Under the overall scope of the Drainage & Stormwater Management Master Plan Update the
following general elements are to be met:

 Identify and review other City drainage studies and Master Plans
 Evaluate the cumulative impact of stormwater flow from existing and planned development;
 Assess the potential impact of climate change
 Recommend preferred drainage solutions, based on risk assessment for stormwater
management (SWM)
 Specify recommended size and location of all proposed SWM facilities within the subject
area. New facilities are to be located outside of natural heritage and hazard features
 Prioritize proposed works from upstream to downstream for LID and peak flow attenuation
and from downstream to upstream for conveyance drainage solutions
 Recommend policies and practices including green technologies (including LIDs) to reduce
runoff volume and pollutant loadings
 Drainage solutions shall be cost effective to implement (low capital cost) and have low
maintenance requirements (low operating cost) where possible


The successful Proponent shall prepare a City wide Drainage Master Plan report along with the
supporting Technical Memorandums.

The successful Proponent shall provide specific size and location of the recommended drainage
solutions, including land requirements and cost estimates.


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The production of the Drainage Master Plan report shall be completed by March 2018 and the
draft report made in advance of the Public Meeting.

D9.1 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum


The city-wide existing minor/major hydrologic storm models and hydraulic models provides a
better understanding of the drainage system as a whole and helps to identify areas for
improvement. The majority of storm sewer mains and maintenance holes in the City are
represented in the model however lateral pipes and catch-basins are not modeled.

Separate PCSWMM, VO and Hec-Ras models are available for each of the areas shown on
Figure 1 (Barrie Creeks, NVCA and Lovers/Hewitts) representing existing conditions.

Study Area

The study applies to the entire City of Barrie including the annexation lands for the existing


The purpose of the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling is to assess what drainage solutions
(LIDs, SWM facilities, conveyance improvements etc) are required to bring the existing drainage
system up to current City Drainage Standards and Policies in consideration of climate change
and recent Conservation Authority and Provincial Policies.


The city-wide model shall be used to assess global sensitivities to climate change and input
parameters, allows individual culverts and pipes to be more accurately sized, increases
efficiency in maintaining the model and drastically reduces the time and effort required to share
hydrologic modeling data given that the PCSWMM model is 100% compatible with EPA SWMM.
The PCSWMM models shall be used to assess storm events up to and including the 10 year
storm event. The PCSWMM models shall also be used to assess major overland flow route
deficiencies with respect to depth of flow, velocity and ability to contain the flow within the ROW
/ floodway.

The city-wide major hydrologic and hydraulic storm model in Visual Otthymo and Hec-Ras
respectively shall be used to assess the effectiveness of alternative solutions with respective to
downstream impacts during major storm events. The Visual Otthymo model shall be used to
assess storm events greater than the 10 year storm event. The Hec-Ras model shall be used
to assess all storm events.

The existing city-wide hydrologic (minor and major) and hydraulic (major) storm water models
shall be used to assess and prioritize LID, minor and major event drainage improvements
required within the former City of Barrie boundaries and within the annexation lands and
prioritized in five year increments (2016, 2021, 2026, 2031, 2036 and 2041). Please see Figure
8 and Figure 9 for some of the draft minor/major drainage deficiencies which were identified as
part of the Sophia MDP Update (SWMM was model was used to identify these deficiencies
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graphically). Maps showing drainage deficiencies in the rest of Barrie are available as separate
PDF files on Biddingo

The successful Proponent shall also update the existing models to identify and assess existing
spills between watersheds and recommend drainage improvements to prevent these spills.
Known spills include the following but there may be other major and minor spills between

1) Flows from the Kidds Creek Watershed spill to the Bunkers Creek Watershed and
combine with flows from the Bunkers Creek Watershed which ultimately spill to the
Dyments Creek Watershed along Highway 400.

2) Flows from the Whiskey Creek watershed spill to the Hotchkiss Creek watershed along
Highway 400.

The spills identified above increase the risk of flooding at the City of Barrie Wastewater
Treatment Facility. In consideration of the existing spill conditions recommend how floodplains
should be updated (with spill or without spill) in consideration of hydraulic improvements
proposed by MTO under Highway 400.

The successful Proponent shall recommend culvert sizes for all watercourse crossings including
the annexation area and the regulatory storm for each watershed and drainage area.

The successful proponent shall review the input parameters of the Visual Otthymo model
(including CN, directly connected and percent impervious etc) for the major storm events and
update the Visual Otthymo as required in discussion with the LSRCA, NVCA and the City of
Barrie. The updated major event flows shall be inputted into the Hec-Ras model.

Conceptually design stormwater management to reduce post development peak flows, volume
of runoff and address water quality issues per drainage guidelines from MOECC, LSRCA / NVCA
and the City of Barrie. The conceptual design of stormwater management shall consider all
options including conceptual design for LIDs and storm ponds.

Drainage deficiencies are to be identified and minimum three drainage solutions to the existing
minor and major drainage systems shall be developed and assessed on a catchment by
catchment basis to determine what drainage solutions are feasible and can be considered in the
future Class EA process. Drainage solutions to reduce the volume of runoff (LIDs) shall be
assessed in both linear and centralized facilities in addition to implementing at its’ source
including potentially source controls on private property.

It shall be assumed that areas identified for future growth shall only result in a 20% increase of
flows over the existing condition. In other words it shall be assumed that proposed development
will normally result in no increase in peak runoff, no increase in the volume of runoff and
assuming enhanced level of water quality treatment.

Provisional Scope

The existing city-wide minor (SWMM) hydrologic models shall be updated using the 2016
percent impervious GIS database to extract percent impervious and directly connect percent
impervious on a catchment by catchment basis. The updated model shall than be calibrated and
validated as follows:

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a) Using the previously four significant rain events identified during the development of the
city-wide drainage system models for the 2 to 10 year return interval, calibrate the
model’s hydrologic parameters to achieve satisfactory agreement between the computed
and measured flows at the gauges field events. Respondent shall specifically identify in
their proposal the level of accuracy that the model will be calibrated to associated with
rain events and how this metric will be measured.
b) Run a continuous simulation (minimum 6 months) to validate model input parameters.
Respondent shall specifically identify in their proposal the level of accuracy that the
model will be calibrated to associated with continuous simulation and how this metric will
be measured. Available rain and creek flow data shall be used for this analysis (see
Figure 6 and 7 respectively).
c) Use the provided PCSWMM design storm file (.tsb) to run the calibrated model for 4
hour Chicago, 6 hour SCS, 12 hour SCS, and 24 hour SCS design storms (2, 5 and 10
year return intervals).
d) Address SWMM errors, warnings and notes in an Appendix. Update SWMM model as

The successful Proponent shall undertake a similar update to the city-wide major (Visual
Otthymo) hydrologic models to update the percent impervious and directly connect percent
impervious on a catchment by catchment basis as follows.

a) Use the provided design storm files to run the model for 4 hour Chicago, 6 hour SCS, 12
hour SCS, and 24 hour SCS 100 year design storms. Run the model for regional events
(Timmins, Hazel). Determine the regulatory design storms for each sub-watershed and
drainage area.
b) Address errors, warnings and notes in an Appendix. Update Visual Otthymo model as

The minor event flows up to the 10 year and the major event flows for events greater than 10
year shall than be updated in the Hec-Ras model.

Present the draft model and report to the City staff and the Conservation Authorities (LSRCA &
NVCA). Update model based on comments received.


Prepare a Technical Memorandum detailing the development of the future Hydrologic and
Hydraulic modeling for the study area for the various minor conveyance, major conveyance,
water quality, LID etc drainage solutions being assessed.

The successful proponent shall update the existing condition models which account for minor
and major spills between watersheds as follows. The Visual Otthymo models input parameters
shall also be reviewed and updated:

a. Barrie Creeks
c. Lovers / Hewitts
2) Visual Otthymo
a. Barrie Creeks
c. Lovers / Hewitts

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3) Hec-Ras
a. Barrie Creeks
c. Lovers / Hewitts

The successful Proponent shall give the City the following future condition models which include
the recommended drainage solutions:

a. Barrie Creeks
c. Lovers / Hewitts
5) Visual Otthymo
a. Barrie Creeks
c. Lovers / Hewitts
6) Hec-Ras
a. Barrie Creeks
c. Lovers / Hewitts


The technical memorandum shall be complete by March 2018 and made available in draft form
prior to the Public Meeting. It also shall be made available to the public for review in a graphic
form displaying the drainage system deficiency locations and the drainage solutions for Barrie
Creek, NVCA and Lovers / Hewitts.

The final Technical Memorandum shall be updated and included as an appendix in the Drainage
Master Plan.

D9.2 Water Quality Assessment Technical Memorandum


The City of Barrie has tripled in size over the last 20 years, yet phosphorus concentrations
reported by MOECC at station K39 in Kempenfelt Bay have generally declined over the same
time period. The City of Barrie’s commitment to environmental stewardship which includes
policies, practices, technologies, and capital investments have contributed to this decline in
phosphorus concentration in Lake Simcoe’s Kempenfelt Bay.

There are currently both water quality and water quantity monitoring programs in operation
within the sub-watersheds that drain to Lake Simcoe in Barrie. These monitoring programs have
been collecting data from specific subwatersheds including Sophia, Kidds, Bunkers, Dyments,
Hotchkiss, Whiskey, Lovers (quality only, LSRCA has a quantity monitoring program) and
Hewitts (quality only) over the last eleven years and are continuing for 2017.

The City has an existing storm water quality model in CANWET for the entire City prior to the
January 1, 2010 annexation. The model was last updated in 2010.

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As part of the annexation studies the CANWET model was updated for those sub-watersheds
that affect the annexation area.
iv. Scope

The successful Proponent shall use the MOECC/LSCRA/NVCA P-Tool to assess phosphorus
impacts. The MOECC tool can be downloaded from Aurora's website below. NVCA has
developed an updated version of this tool. Scope of work includes assessing and
recommending which P-Tool to use in consultation with MOECC, LSRCA, NVCA and the City
of Barrie.


NVCA P-Tool:

The P-Tool shall be used to assess the phosphorus reduction impacts from the drainage
solutions under consideration and ultimately for the recommended drainage solution for each
study area to meet the requirements of the LSPP.

Using the MOECC / LSRCA / NVCA P-Tool to forecast where phosphorus reductions can be
achieved and develop a business model to determine the feasibility of implementing these
measures in five year increments within the 2041 planning horizon to meet the requirements of
the LSPP


Prepare a Technical Memorandum detailing the assessment of the phosphorus reduction

impacts from the drainage solutions under consideration and ultimately for the recommended
drainage solution for each study area to meet the requirements of the LSPP.


The technical memorandum shall be complete by March 2018 and made available in draft form
prior to the Public Meeting.

The final Technical Memorandum shall be updated and included as an appendix in the
Drainage Master Plan.

D9.3 Storm Water Management Facilities to Reduce Phosphorus Technical Memorandum


The City of Barrie owns, operates and maintains a diverse cross section of stormwater
infrastructures which include stormwater management ponds, storm sewer systems and other
stormwater protection facilities. These facilities provide quantity and quality control to protect our
natural and physical environment. There are currently approximately 160 public and private
stormwater facilities throughout the City. Approximately 90 of these are owned by the City and
provide some form of stormwater control (quantity, quality or both).

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All SWM facilities proposed for new development in the Lake Simcoe watershed since 1996
have been designed and constructed to meet Enhanced Protection as defined in the Ontario
Ministry of the Environment Stormwater Management Practices Planning and Design Manual.
This is the most stringent level of environmental protection for the three levels identified in the
Manual. A significant portion of Barrie was developed prior to 1996 therefore many of these
areas either do not currently have stormwater quantity and/or quality controls or have quality
controls that do not meet the Enhanced Protection level as noted above.

In 2009 Council approved a draft $19 million stormwater pond retrofit and new pond program for
the pre-annexation portions of the City of Barrie which drain to Lake Simcoe.

The previously Retrofit technical memorandum completed as part of the 2013 Drainage Master
Plan and can be reviewed (under Drainage and Stormwater Management and under
Assessment of Stormwater Management Facilities to Reduce Phosphorus Discharges) in the
following link:

Study Area
The study area is the former City of Barrie (does not include the annexation area). The
annexation area is being assessed under the Subwatershed Impact Studies (SIS).

The purpose of the study is to update the Stormwater Quality Pond Retrofit Program adopted by
Council in 2013 given that it is now preferable to infiltrate the stormwater instead of treating in a
wet pond where possible and practical.

Scope of Work

The LSRCA Technical Guidelines which came into effect September 1, 2016 fundamentally
changed the preferred approach for stormwater management. The following excerpt from the
link below explains why infiltrating is preferred over a wet pond where feasible and practical

“…In developing an effective Stormwater Management approach for any project, Better
Site Design Techniques are to be used (Minnesota Stormwater Manual, Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), 2016). Better Site Design involves techniques applied
early in the planning and design process to preserve natural areas, reduce impervious
cover, distribute runoff and use pervious areas to more effectively treat stormwater
runoff. A major difference between the traditional development process and the Better
Site Design process is that the site is designed using Low Impact Development (LID).
Better Site Design focuses on utilizing and treating rainfall as soon as it hits the ground.
The focus is not on conveying runoff, but on reducing and controlling runoff volume and
mimicking natural hydrology treatment methods including, capture and re-use, using a
wide variety of stormwater management (SWM) and treatment methods.”…

The successful Proponent shall assess whether or not it is desirable to either:

1) retrofit existing dry ponds with LIDs instead of converting to wet ponds, or
2) construct LIDs instead of new wet pond.

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The successful proponent shall also assess all drainage outfalls to determine if it is desirable to
implement a new storm water management facility just downstream of the outfall (property
acquisition may be required).


The successful Proponent shall prepare an updated Technical Memorandum outlining the
Updated Stormwater Facility Retrofit Work Plan and a Maintenance & Repair Program for
existing stormwater control and include it as an appendix to the Water Quality Assessment
Technical Memorandum.


The technical memorandum shall be complete by March 2018 and made available in draft form
prior to the Public Meeting.

The final Technical Memorandum shall be updated and included as an appendix to the Water
Quality Assessment Technical Memorandum and ultimately included in the Drainage Master

D9.4 Phosphorus Reduction Credits/Trading Registry (Provisional) Technical



The successful Proponent shall review the previously completed Phosphorus Reduction
Credits/Trading Registry completed as part of the 2013 Drainage Master Plan.

The MOECC Lake Simcoe Group issued a Feasibility Study for Water Quality Trading in the
Lake Simcoe Watershed in February 2010.

Study Area

The study area includes the entire City of Barrie including the Annexation lands.


The proponent will be required to update the Phosphorus Reduction Credit Registry which will
be used to record all phosphorus reductions in discharges to the Lake Simcoe Watershed in the
City of Barrie. The latest information associated with the Water quality Trading program is
available in LSRCA website below (some background information is available on the MOECC
EBR registry which can be accessed from the additional link below):




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The scope of work shall include:

 Summarize the drainage improvements completed since the Lake Simcoe Protection Act
came into effect in 2008 and record the phosphorus loadings reductions using the MOECC /
 Reassessing and updating the previously recommended spreadsheet to be used to record
the source points of phosphorus loadings reductions on an annual basis


The project deliverables shall include a Technical Memorandum that:

 Provide an updated expandable electronic spreadsheet that can be utilized to record point
discharges of phosphorus on an annual basis and calculate the reduction in total annual
loadings in kilograms(kg) of phosphorus in the Lake Simcoe watershed and use this
spreadsheet to quantify phosphorus reduction efforts completed since the LSPP was
 Create a similar database for areas of the City that are within the Nottawasaga River


The technical memorandum shall be complete by March 2018 and made available in draft form
prior to the Public Meeting.

The final Technical Memorandum shall be updated and included as an appendix in the Drainage
Master Plan.

D9.5 Cultural Heritage Review Technical Memorandum (Provisional)

The successful Proponent shall review and update existing GIS data which identifies built
heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes in former Barrie.

Study Area

The study applies to the former City of Barrie not including the annexation lands or the Sophia
Creek watershed and the Mulcaster drainage area.


The successful Proponent shall review the City of Barrie's Municipal Heritage Register which is
a publically accessible list of properties that includes Designated Buildings and Buildings of
Heritage Interest. The successful Proponent shall update the City of Barrie's Municipal Heritage
Register by undertaking the following scope of work:

 Background research sufficient to establish a summary of the historical development of the

Study Area including settlement patterns, agricultural activities, transportation development
and individual properties of heritage interest.
 An overview of policy goals and objectives at the Provincial and local level with respect to
heritage planning.
 A field survey and inventory of built heritage resources, including but limited to pioneer
cemeteries and cultural heritage landscapes of forty years and older located within the
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Study Area as well as any built heritage resources less than forty years of age deemed to be
of cultural heritage interest.
 A preliminary evaluation of the identified built heritage features and cultural heritage
 Provide recommendations for the preservation, enhancement and integration of significant
built heritage features and principal cultural landscapes into the development of the area.

Additional City of Barrie Heritage information can be found on the following website:


The successful Proponent shall prepare a technical memorandum that documents the heritage
resources within the Study Area. The successful Proponent shall also identify major historical
themes and activities, major sensitivities and make recommendations to mitigate adverse
effects from proposed drainage facilities on heritage resources.


The Cultural Heritage Technical Memorandum shall be complete by March 2018 and made
available in draft form prior to the Public Meeting.

D9.6 Archaeological Assessment - Stage 1 Technical Memorandum

Study Area

The study applies to the former City of Barrie which does not include the annexation land or the
Sophia Creek watershed and the Mulcaster drainage area.


To summarize available information and identify the archaeological resources of the Study Area
and provide recommendations for more detailed Stage 2 resource assessment at later stages of
the drainage improvements planning and approval process.

Scope of Work

The licensed archaeologist will undertake a Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment. The licensed
archaeologist shall review the existing archaeological assessment reports and update the
information to include any new information on file with the Ministry of Culture. Below is a partial
list of the available archaeological assessment reports completed by various studies which are
summarized graphically in Figure 4. This information will be made available to the successful

The successful Archaeologist for the Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment will ensure
consultation with First Nations and Metis is undertaken in the form of separate letters or notices
which allow for feedback in a timely fashion.

Projects with Archaeological Assessment Level

Bayview/Big Bay Point EA Stage 1
Bryne Class EA Stage 1
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Foster Drive Sanitary Servicing EA Stage 1

Harvie/Essa/Bryne Class EA (underway) Stage 2
Harvie Road and Big Bay Point New Crossing Stage 3
Highway 400 (Stage 4 – 2017)
Hewitts ESR Stage 2
McKay Road New Interchange and Transmission Stage 2
Watermain – Highway 400
Military Heritage Park New Development Stage 1
Ross/Collier/Bayfield and Bell Farm Road Class EA Stage 1
Salem ESR Stage 2

The successful archaeology consultant shall determine whether there is potential for
archaeological sites in the study area by:
 reviewing geographic, land use and historical information for the study area and the relevant
surrounding area
 visiting the property to inspect its current condition
 contacting Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to find out whether or not there are any
known archaeological sites on or near the study area.

Additional information can be found on the following website:


Prepare a Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment. This Archaeological Assessment will be

included as an Appendix in the Drainage Master Plan.


The Archaeological Assessment shall be included in the Drainage Master Plan and made
available for review in advance of the Public Meeting.

D9.7 Natural Heritage Report Technical Memorandum

Study Area

The study applies to the former City of Barrie not including the annexation lands or the Sophia
Creek watershed and the Mulcaster drainage area.


The City added Natural Heritage, Natural Hazards and Resources policies to the Official Plan
and depicted the natural heritage resources in Schedule H. The successful Proponent shall
undertake a planning level Environmental Impact study for any drainage improvements
identified within 120m of a Level 1 or 2 Natural Heritage Resource and within 30m of a Level 3

Scope of Work

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Environmental Impact Study (EIS) is a study prepared by a qualified professional biologist or

ecologist to address the potential impacts of infrastructure improvements on natural heritage
features in the study area at a level of detail that is appropriate for a Master Plan.

The scope of the EIS will be proposed by the proponent. The proponent shall confirm the scope
of the EIS in consultation with the LSRCA, NVCA and the City of Barrie (assume 500 hours).

The available Natural Heritage information can be reviewed in the following links:

 LSRCA Barrie Creeks, Lovers Creek, and Hewitt's Creek Subwatershed Plan:
 Barrie Natural Heritage Resource Policies Website:
 Barrie Natural Heritage Strategy for Natural Heritage Resources in the City of Barrie Urban
Area - Staff Report:
 Barrie Natural heritage Resource Classification:
 Barrie City of Barrie Official Plan (See Section 3.5)
 Barrie Official Plan Schedule H - Natural Heritage Resources

The successful Proponent shall include the following scope of work:

 Review and consider all relevant legislation, policies, and guideline documents.
 Summarize available information so it can be easily assessed as part of the Drainage
Master Plan.
 Identify the requirements under the Endangered Species Act in the Natural Heritage
 Recommend what mitigation measures and regular monitoring is required during
construction and following construction.
 All Natural Heritage System mapping must be developed in GIS platform. The standard for
GIS is ESRI’s ArcGIS (10.x) and therefore all GIS related products and deliverables must
adhere to this standard. All digital databases of information collected and utilized in the
development of the Natural Heritage System in ESRI’s ArcGIS must be in a Microsoft
Access or Excel format.
 Field investigations. (Allow for 80 provisional hours)


The successful Proponent shall prepare a technical memorandum that documents the Natural
Heritage Resources within the Study Area.


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The Natural Heritage Resources Technical Memorandum shall be complete by March 2018 and
made available in draft form prior to the Public Meeting.

D9.8 Source Water Protection Technical Memorandum


The available Surface Water, Groundwater, Recharge and Drinking Water Source information
can be reviewed in the following links:

 South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region Assessment Reports:

 South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region Assessment Report - Chapter

 Barrie City of Barrie Official Plan (See Section 3.5)

 Barrie Official Plan Schedule G - Drinking Water System Vulnerable Areas

 Barrie Source Water Protection Webpage

All Hydrogeological System mapping is available in GIS platform. The standard for GIS is
ESRI’s ArcGIS (10.x).

Salt is considered a significant threat in well head protection areas A, B and C.

Study Area

The study applies to the former City of Barrie not including the annexation lands.


The City added Surface, Ground, Recharge and Drinking Water Protection policies to the
Official Plan and depicted the Drinking Water System Vulnerable Areas in Schedule G. The
successful Proponent shall undertake a planning level "Threats and Issues Assessment - Water
Quality" study to allow an assessment of proposed drainage improvements that may result in a
significant drinking water threat.

Scope of Work

A Source Water Protection study shall be prepared by a qualified professional to address the
potential impacts of drainage improvements on Surface Water, Groundwater Recharge and
Drinking Water Source resources in the study area at a level of detail that is appropriate for a
Drainage Master Plan.

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The scope of the Source Water Protection study will be proposed by the proponent. The
successful Proponent shall confirm the scope of the study in consultation with the City of Barrie.

The proponent shall include the following scope of work:

 Review and consider all relevant legislation, policies, and guideline documents.
 Recommend what mitigation measures and regular monitoring is required during
construction and following construction.
 Summarize available information so it can be easily assessed as part of the Master Plan.


The successful Proponent shall prepare a technical memorandum that documents the threats
and issues within the Study Area.


The Source Water Protection Technical Memorandum shall be complete by March 2018 and
made available in draft form prior to the Public Meeting.

D9.9 Flood Conveyance / Erosion Assessment Technical Memorandum


The available hazard information can be reviewed in the following links (additional detail will be
provided to the successful Proponent):

 Barrie City of Barrie Official Plan (See Section 3.5)

 LSRCA Regulation Map

 Barrie GIS Map (Under Map Content turn on Conservation Authorities)

Study Area

The study applies to the former City of Barrie not including the annexation lands or the Sophia
Creek watershed and the Mulcaster drainage area.


The City added Flood Conveyance Management and Erosion policies to the Official Plan. The
successful Proponent shall undertake a planning level Flood Conveyance / Erosion Assessment
study to allow the evaluation of proposed drainage solutions that may result in reduced Flood
Conveyance / Erosion impacts.

Scope of Work

The Flood Conveyance / Erosion Assessment shall be prepared by a qualified professional to

address the potential impacts of drainage improvements on existing flood conveyance and
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erosion in the study area at a level of detail that is appropriate for a Drainage Master Plan. The
Hec-Ras model shall also be used to assess areas where erosion is an issue in the creeks.

The scope of the Flood Conveyance / Erosion Assessment will be proposed by the proponent.
The proponent shall confirm the scope of the study in consultation with the City of Barrie,
LSRCA and NVCA (assume 300 hours) ), noting that LSRCA will require the Huricane Hazel
peak flows to be run under AMClll conditions with the storage facilities removed.

The proponent shall include the following scope of work:

 Review and consider all relevant legislation, policies, and guideline.

 Working closely with LSRCA and NVCA.
 Recommend what mitigation measures and regular monitoring is required during
construction and following construction.
 Determine critical shear stress for each creek reach to be used to assess erosion potential
during minor and major storm events and to ultimately recommend sections of the creek
which need to be restored or stabilized.
 All Hydrological System mapping must be developed in GIS platform. The standard for GIS
is ESRI’s ArcGIS (10.x) and therefore all GIS related products and deliverables must adhere
to this standard. All digital databases of information collected and utilized in the
development of the Hydrological System in ESRI’s ArcGIS must be in a Microsoft Access or
Excel format.
 Assessing ways to minimize impact to existing flood conveyance and reducing erosion
o Summarize available information so it can be easily assessed as part of the Drainage
Master Plan.
o Field investigations


The successful Proponent shall prepare a technical memorandum that documents and
graphically depicts the flood conveyance and erosion impacts within the Study Area being
assessed for each drainage solution under consideration.


The Flood Conveyance / Erosion Assessment Technical Memorandum shall be complete by

March 2018 and made available in draft form prior to the Public Meeting.



Conceptual drainage designs rationalizes the size, alignment and land requirements for
proposed drainage infrastructure by assessing the appropriate design criteria, drainage areas,
inlet/outlet assumptions and other design considerations.

Conceptual drainage designs must be supported by engineering calculations, hydrologic &

hydraulic modelling, and must be in accordance with the standards, requirements, policies,
Acts/Regulations, and/or By-laws of the City of Barrie, LSRCA/NCVA, MOECC, DFO and

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For each drainage solution the scope includes the following:

• Conceptually design the linear drainage systems including the major and minor conveyance
systems to City standards

• Addressing floodplain/storage impacts. Floodplain and storage area impacts shall be

assessed with the goal of minimizing these impacts.

• Identifying areas where groundwater may impact drainage solutions. Areas of high ground
water shall be assessed and accurately reflected in the development of the drainage
solution cost estimates.

• Make recommendations on the best means to mitigate identified drainage impacts.

The findings shall be documented in Hydrologic and Hydraulic technical memorandum.

The proponent shall assume 1000 hours.

Culverts Scope

Scope of work includes assessing the following:

1) The need to make a culvert fish passable (high span?)

2) Determining additional property requirements to transition the creek into or out of the
3) Determining ways of mitigating blockages at the inlet
4) Assessing whether a culvert needs to be a bridge or just sized to convey base flows with
a with a series of overflow box culverts in the floodplain to convey the appropriate design
5) Assessing what return interval storm to use to size the culvert (5 year, 100 year, regional
6) Determining whether culverts needs to be sized to mitigate existing or future flooding
7) Determining whether a culvert needs to be size as a wildlife passage

Linear Drainage Scope

Scope of work includes the following:

1) Evaluating and determining the ultimate alignment for the storm sewer within the future road
ROW in consideration of the future transportation improvements.

2) Establishing conceptual design storm sewer in consideration of:

a. depth
b. distance from other utilities
c. conflicts with existing and proposed infrastructure and natural features
d. maintenance and operation requirements
f. groundwater considerations (including dewatering)
g. soil conditions
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h. construction methods
i. cost

3) Confirm recommended size of storm sewer based on road grade and minimum / maximum
velocity considerations.

Stormwater Pond Retrofits Scope

Scope of work includes the following:

1) Determining property requirements

2) Calculating property acquisition costs
3) Assessing maintenance requirements and costs
4) Assessing life cycle costs
5) Determining kg of phosphorus removed per year

LIDs Scope

Scope of work includes the following:

1) Evaluating and determining the ultimate type and alignment for the LID within the future road
ROW in consideration of the future transportation improvements.

2) Establishing conceptual LID design n consideration of:

a. depth
b. distance from other utilities
c. conflicts with existing and proposed infrastructure and natural features
d. maintenance and operation requirements
f. groundwater considerations
g. soil infiltration rate
h. construction methods
i. cost

3) Confirm recommended size of the LID using available Barrie / LSRCA / MOECC / TRCA &
CVC guidelines.


The successful Proponent shall include the conceptual designs in the Hydrology and Hydraulic
Modeling Technical Memorandum. The conceptual designs shall be used to assess the
drainage solutions.


The successful Proponent shall complete the conceptual designs by March 2018 and made
available in draft form prior to the Public Meeting.

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The successful Proponent shall follow a similar Class EA format and level of detail used for the
recently completed Sophia Creek Master Plan Update. This report can be reviewed in the
following link:

Background reports and guidelines will be made available to the successful Proponent. These
and additional documents and guidelines shall be used to support and guide the evaluation and
selection of the Preferred Alternative.

The issues to be examined as part of the evaluation of the projects subject to the Class EA
Report include, but are not limited to:

 Environmental, archaeological and natural heritage considerations;

 Social, cultural and economic considerations;
 Viability/effectiveness of drainage and watercourse alternative design concepts;
 Public safety, emergency response and municipal service requirements;
 Interface of City infrastructure and as required;
 Maintenance, operating and restoration requirements and;
 Phasing of construction of new works.


The scope below is in addition to the Task scope associated with Table 1.

Task 1

 Successful Proponent shall advise the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
(MOECC) of the study commencement.
Task 2

 Successful Proponent shall further update the previously identified drainage solutions to
comply to the level of detail normally included as part of a Class EA study and further
assess them comprehensively in the technical memorandums so that the decision
making process is documented.
Task 3

 Successful Proponent to prepare Draft Class EA Report evaluating the drainage

solutions following the Municipal Class EA process.
Task 4

 Successful Proponent to prepare an evaluation of the drainage solutions for the Public
Information Centre (PIC) following the Municipal Class EA process. Draft report shall
comprehensively review the drainage solutions in consideration of the physical, natural,
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social, cultural and economic environments using a similar level of detail used in the
Sophia Creek Watershed and Mulcaster Drainage Area Environmental Assessment
Task 5

 In consideration of comments and responses received at the PIC the drainage solutions
shall be comprehensively evaluated and the decision making process documented in the
Master Drainage Plan Class EA report as required by the Municipal Class EA process.
Task 6

 The preferred alternative analysis shall be updated in the technical memorandums and
the Master Drainage Plan Class EA report so that the decision making process is clearly
documented as required by the Municipal Class EA process.
Task 7

 The Report shall be prepared as required by the Municipal Class EA process so that a
Notice of Completion (NOC) can be filed. The City Project Coordinator shall prepare a
draft of the NOC for review by the successful Proponent.

The successful Proponent shall prepare a City wide Drainage Master Plan Class EA report
along with the supporting Technical Memorandums that detail the assessment of the


The production of the Drainage Master Plan Class EA report shall be completed by March 2018
and the draft report made available in advance of the Public Meeting.

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Appendix 1-1 Background Information & Digital Data


 City-Wide Minor Stormwater Model (PCSWMM) & background data

 City-Wide Major Stormwater Model (Visual Otthymo) & background data
 City-Wide Hydraulic Model (Hec-Ras) & background data


 Annexation Drainage and Storm Management Master Plan, October 2013 & & associated
digital data and models
 Multi-Modal Active Transportation Master Plan, October 2013
 Stormwater Management Ponds (reports, drawings and Certificates of Approvals)
 Draft Salem SIS, 2016
 Draft Hewitts SIS, 2016
 Sophia Creek Class EA, 2016
 Asset Management Plan Storm Water Management Facilities, 2012
 Comprehensive Storm Management Master Plan, 2015
 Master Drainage Studies (Sophia, Kidds, Bunkers, Dyments, Hotchkiss, Whiskey, Lover’s
and Hewitt’s);
 Outstanding issues from the 2013 Annexation Drainage and Storm Management Master


 Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008

 Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, 2009
 Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Reduction Strategy July 2010


 City of Barrie Storm Drainage and Stormwater Management Policies and Design Guidelines,
 LSRCA Watershed Development Policies, 2016
 NVCA Stormwater Technical Guidelines, 2013
 Ministry of the Environment – Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual 2003


 LSRCA Lovers Creek and Hewitts Creek Subwatershed Plan, 2012

 City of Barrie Natural Heritage Strategy, 2013
 Natural Heritage System for the Lake Simcoe Watershed, July 2007.


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 2016 Aerial Mosaic

 2016 Lidar
 2016 Contour data (0.5m)
 PCSWMM Rain Data
 2016 Rain Data
 2016 Flow Data
 2016 Building Footprints
 2016 Driveways
 2016 Parking Lots
 Official Plan Land Use Designations
 Catchments
 Provincial Soil Survey
 Assessment Parcels
 Culverts
 LSRCA Ecological Land Cover
 City Boundary
 Railway
 Road Segment Single Line
 Waterbody
 Watercourse
 Watershed Boundaries
 In Force Zoning
 Woodlot Mapping
 Simcoe County Soils Map
 Storm Water Ponds
 Stormwater Infrastructure
o Stormwater - Linear Assets
o Stormwater Devices
o Stormwater Laterals

The above City of BARRIE/LSRCA/NVCA reports (either hard copy or PDF) and digital
information shall be provided to the successful Proponent for review and use where necessary.
The successful proponent will also be required to use Provincial and Federal Government’s
Policies (e.g. MOECC Stormwater Management and Design Manual, MTO Drainage Manual,
Fisheries Act, etc.) where necessary. Prior to receiving the digital files, the Proponent will be
required to sign a Digital Data Use Agreement regarding the use of the digital information from
the City of Barrie/LSRCA/NVCA.

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Figure 1 - City of Barrie Storm Infrastructure Map

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Figure 2 – Annexation Area

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Figure 3 - Sophia Creek Master Plan Update Study Area

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Figure 4 - Available Archaeological Reports

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Figure 5 – Borehole Map

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Figure 6 - City of Barrie Rain Gauges

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Figure 7 - City of Barrie Creek Flow Locations

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Figure 8 – Draft Sophia Minor Drainage Deficiencies

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Figure 9 – Draft Sophia Major Drainage Deficiencies

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The material disclosures that apply to this RFP, if any, are set out below.

The City is committed to completing the Scope of Work. Completion of Provisional Scope is at
the City’s discretion and may not necessarily occur.

The successful proponent must obtain advance approval in writing, by the City Project
Coordinator, for any changes to the project team members named in the Proposal. Personnel
changes that are not approved by the City may be grounds to terminate the contract. Any
request for change by the successful proponent must include the reason for the personel
change, a statement that shows that qualifications of the suggested alternate are equivalent or
greater than the member being replaced and include a resume of the replacement staff.

The successful proponent will be required to work with City staff, the public, government
agencies; including the Ministry of Transportation; Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports;
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry; Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority,
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority and other stakeholders in a professional manner.

The City will review the resource capacity based on team members proposed time allocation in
relation to the typical number of hours available in a standard month to ensure that there is
adequate resource capacity to complete the proposed assignemnts by the deadline as
described in the RFP.

The pre-conditions of award that apply to this RFP, if any, are set out below.

 Executed Agreement – Upon selection and prior to award the selected Proponent
rmust execute the Agreement as per Appendix A
 Insurance Certificates – Upon selection and prior to award, the selected Proponent
must provide insurance certificates as per the requirements listed in Appendix A.
 WSIB Certificate – Upon selection and prior to award, the selected Proponent must
provide a current certificate of Clearance from the Workplace Safety and Insurance
 AODA - Upon selection and prior to award, the selected Proponent must provide confirmation of
completion of AODA training.
 Updated Project Schedule – Upon execution of the agreement provide an updated project


The mandatory technical requirements that apply to this RFP, if any, are set out below.


The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP.
Proponents who do not meet a minimum threshold score for a category will not proceed to the
next stage of the evaluation process.

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Rated Criteria Category Weighting (Points) Minimum Threshold

D.1 Company Overview and Project Team Experience

a. Company Overview and Project Team

5 3

D.2 Project Manager, Support Staff – Qualifications and Experience

a. Project Manager – Qualifications and
10 6
b. Proposed Team – Qualifications and
15 9
D.3 Project Understanding and Work Plan
a. Proponent has submitted a work plan that
clearly demonstrates the Proponents
25 15
understanding of the scope of work of the
project and the needs of the client
b. Identification of project issues and risks 5 3

c. Demonstrates a Quality Assurance/Quality

5 3
Control Process

D.4 Proposed Schedule

a. Scheduled (GANTT Chart) 5 3

Total Technical Score 70 N/A

D.5 Pricing 30 NA

Total Points 100 NA

Suggested Proposal Content for the Evaluation of Rated Criteria

Each proponent should provide the following in its proposal:

D.1 Company Overview and Project Team Experience

(a) Clearly identify the prime firm submitting the proposal. Identify any other firms that may
be involved (sub-contracted) on your behalf and their legal/contractual relationship with
the prime firm along with the expertise and respective projected costs (% only, do not
include costs in this section) of their involvement. Outline the legal structure and
ownership of the firms. Provide an overview of the firm’s office locations, staffing
(number of professional/technical, disciplines) and technical resources drawn from each
of the respective office locations for this project. Describe the approach to the project
that allows for the integrated servicing of the City’s needs for this project.

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Project team experience - Proponents to provide a minimum of three (3) project

examples that demonstrate the Project Team’s familiarity with Drainage Master Plans;
including project description and scope. The project team experience project abstracts
shall clearly indicate which members of the project team were participants and their role.
Provide a matrix that illustrates past projects and team members to clearly show which
project team members worked together on past projects. Projects must have been
completed within the past five (5) years and include reference contact details who may
be contacted by City staff.

D.2 Project Manager, Support Staff – Qualifications and Experience - General

Detail all project team members role with respect to this RFP. Proponents are to include
professional skills information for each team member. Proponents are to confirm resource time
commitment for all team members.

Note that the successful Proponent must obtain approval, in advance and in writing, by the City
for any changes to the project team members named in the proposal. Personnel changes that
are not approved by the City may be grounds to terminate the contract. Any request for change
by the successful Proponent must include the reason for the personnel change, a statement that
shows the qualifications of the suggested alternative are equivalent or greater than the member
being replaced and include a resume of the replacement staff.

D.2.a Project Manager – Qualifications and Experience

Proponents are to clearly identify the Project Manager listing their qualifications and experience
on similar projects Drainage Master Plans of a similar magnitude and scope.

D.2.b Project Team – Qualifications and Experience

Proponents are to include a CV for each project team member (including sub-consultants) that
shows their experience and role on projects of a similar magnitude and scope.

D.3.a Project Understanding and Work Plan

Proponents shall confirm their understanding of the Project Scope as provided within this
appendix (Appendix D – RFP Particulars). Proponents shall clearly define how they would
achieve same, through their work plan, including, but not limited to:

- Consultation with other agencies etc.

- Achieve the task requirements
- Provide required deliverables on time and on budget
- Achieve high levels of submission quality through detailed QA/QC processes
- Coordination with Other Studies

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Proponents must demonstrate skills in public consultation, facilitation and report preparation and
an appropriate range of the requisite skills to complete the tasks outlined and exhibit such skills
as timeliness, diplomacy, tact, and strong written and verbal communication abilities.

The successful Proponent will be required to work with: City staff, the public, government
agencies, including the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
(LSRCA), Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) and other stakeholders in a
professional manner.

Proponents shall identify Issues and Risks associated with the project, including deviations to
the project plan, and how they would will be handled and managed by the Proponent through
the course of the project. By necessity, proposed study must be prepared assuming that the
selected Proponent will receive a reasonable level of cooperation from all parties involved and
that all of the technical documentation that has been or is being prepared by the various
stakeholders will be made available promptly to selected Proponent. All submissions to the City
are required to include a two week (10 business days) review period.

Proponents are to utilize the supplied work breakdown structure table identifying staff hours in
addition to their written response to demonstrate their understanding of the time to be allocated
for all stages of the project, the Proponent shall provide confirmation that they have reviewed
and understood the City's proposed work plan that includes start and finish dates for each task,
potential dates for the PIC, other key events and for major project deliverables.

For the purposes of this submission evaluation the project plan is to be based on an anticipated
work commencement date of April 3, 2017. The project phases are anticipated to be completed
by the following dates:

Phase Name Completion Date

Public Information Session Fall 2017
Completion March 2018

D.3.b Identification of Project Issues and Risks

Proponents are to demonstrate their understanding of the project by assessing the project site,
proposed project scope of work and develop a summary of potential project issues and risks
that are specific to the projects listed in this document and include possible mitigation

D.3.c Quality Assurance/Quality Control

Proponents are to detail their quality assurance/quality control plan by detailing their firms
QA/QC process, identify person(s) responsible for review, provide sample QA/QC templates
that will be submitted as part of major submissions (i.e. Draft Report, Draft Final Report, Final
Report etc.).

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File #: FIN2017-030P
Drainage Master Plan

D.4 Proposed Schedule

Proponents are to confirm their understanding of the project by providing a project schedule
(GANTT chart) to describe the project requirements from project initiation to substantial
completion and project closeout. This is to include a listing of the tasks and activities detailing
milestones, deadlines, targets, duration, and resource assignments (for both Proponent and City
staff assignments).

Proponents are to provide a summary of team members in an appendix, confirm capacity of

each team member and % dedication in the Proponents proposal.

The City reserves the right to request additional information from Proponents to assist in the
confirmation of capacity.

D.5 Pricing

Proponents are to utilize the supplied Excel spreadsheet containing a work breakdown structure
(WBS) for each project (fee/hours). This will auto populate the pricing form. Provide an
electronic copy and hard copy in the Pricing Envelope. Note that the WBS containing
fees/hours will auto populate a companion WBS with hours only. These WBS tables shall be
placed in the main envelope (hours only). The City has made every effort to ensure the
correctness of the supplied spreadsheets. Please report any errors to Purchasing.

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