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1. The state of stress at B’ and B (Figure 1) are same if:

a) D=d
b) T1=T2
c) D=d and T1=T2
d) None of the above
B and B’ are on the surface of the respective sections.Give proper reasoning for your


2. The pipe is stuck in the ground so that when it is pulled upward the frictional force
along its length varies linearly from zero at B to fmax (force/length) at C. Determine
the initial force P required to pull the pipe out and the pipe’s associated elongation
just before it starts to slip. That pipe has a length L, cross sectional area A, and the
material from which it is made has a modulus of elasticity E. (Figure 2)

Figure. 2

3. The shafts are made of steel and have the same diameter of 4 in. If a torque of 15 kip
ft is applied to gear B, determine i) Reaction torque at A & E. ii) the absolute
maximum shear stress developed in the shaft. (Figure 3)


4. A horizontal bar AB is pinned at end A and supported by two wires at points D and
F.(Figure 4) Find the magnitude of vertical load P, which acts at end B.Given

Ecd = 72 GPa (Al), dCD = 4 mm, Lcd = 0.4 m, , σCD= 200 MPa

EEF = 45 GPa (Mg), dEF = 3 mm, LEF = 0.3 m, σEF = 125 MPa

Figure 4

5.Determine the angle of twist at end A for the vertical shaft shown in figure 5. A hole
of diameter 44mm has been drilled to portion CD.The entire shaft is made of steel of
shear modulus,G=80GPa

Figure 5

6. The solid shaft is fixed to the support at C and subjected to the torsional loadings
shown. Determine the shear stress at points A and B and sketch the shear stress on
volume elements located at these points (Figure 6)

Figure 6

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