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Teachers Hiring Process

How does the process start?

Whenever a new cuatrimester is about to start, around the final days of the actual
cuatrimester, the chiefs of career analyze the next subjects that are going to be
taught, so they review their current teachers working, their CV s and their knowledge
in the subjects and then the chiefs decide if they are suitable for teaching that
subject, after all the analysis if there is a vacant in the subjects, the search for a new
docent starts.

How to find a new teacher?

UPRA has alliances with research centers such as: CINVESTAV (Centro de
investigation y de estudios avanzados del instituto politecnico nacional), here
Many original investigations are carried out in diverse scientific and technological
areas that allow raising the standard of living and promoting the development of the
country, here they offer around 32 master degrees and 33 doctorates in all kinds of
sciences and technologies.

COMIMSA (Corporacion Mexicana de investigacion en materiales)

It is a public research center belonging to the National Council of Science and
Technology, CONACYT. The main services offered by COMIMSA are: Research,
technological development, training and postgraduate studies, services and
engineering projects.

Once some Curriculum Vitae are recollected from graduates from this centers, the
UPRA reviews their skills and if they fit in the subject that are vacant, they contact
with the person to make them an offer regarding the hours of labor and the subject
that they are going to be imparting.
Actual Hiring process

If the person agrees the UPRA schedules an interview with the candidate, during the
interview the candidate is asked some common things and an important aspect for
UPRA is the English level, the candidate has to have at least a B2 level in English.
If the candidate gives a good impression in the interview the chiefs schedule a
sample class with a duration of 15 minutes in which they are going to be evaluating
the skills of the teacher like their fluency in their speaking or their ability to transmit
the information to the students, after the sample class is finished the evaluators get
in a meeting to comment about the teacher’s performance if they agree it is correct
they proceed to apply an English test to the candidate.

The English test applied is the ITEP (International Test of English Proficiency),
Where they are evaluated in different English skills such as reading, listening,
grammar, speaking, and the teacher has to get at least a B2 level which is
considered upper intermediate, English level B2 is the fourth level of English in
the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different
language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level
might be called “confident”, as in “I am a confident English speaker”. The official level
descriptor is “upper intermediate”. At this level, students can function independently
in a variety of academic and professional environments in English, although with a
limited range of nuance and precision.

A B2 level of English would allow you to function in the workplace in English, and
indeed, many non-native English speakers in international workplaces have this
level of English. A person working in English at a B2 level will, however, lack nuance
particularly outside his own field. He may also miss some of the subtleties and
implied meanings in conversation.

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