Caving Organizations - Wikipedia

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8/18/2019 Caving organizations - Wikipedia

Caving organizations
There are a number of cav ing organizations throughout the world.

The Union Internationale de Spéléologie (UIS) is the international umbrella organization for cav ing and speleology . Contents
Austria Austria
The Austrian Speleological Association, formed in 1949, represents ov er 20 cav ing clubs, with some 2500 members and about 30 show cav es in Austria, and is the Austrian member of UIS and FSE. Australia
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Australia Brazil
Australian Speleological Federation (ASF) is a national organisation formed in 1956. It is an environmental organisation promoting the protection of Australia's unique cave systems.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Czech Republic
The Speleological Society Ponir (SD Ponir) was founded in 1984 in Banja Luka. The main activ ity of the society is cav ing, finding, research, and study ing of underground karst phenomena – cav es. As a part of this Europe
SD Ponir conducted training and educating new members through courses and cav ing expeditions. Training the y oung cav ers includes theoretical courses (training in the form of lectures related to: history of France
cav ing, orientation in nature, Speleomorfology , Biospeleology , Topography , first aid, etc.) and practical training (use of cav ing equipment and mastering v erticals, topographic surv ey s and creating topografic
drafts of the cav es). During its existence, SD Ponir organized many expeditions and explored a large number of cav es in the territory of BiH. SD Ponir is currently exploring the two biggest ones on the territory
of BiH-Jojkinov ac (460m deep). [1 ]
Brazil Indonesia
Brazilian Speleological Society ( (SBE) is a national organisation formed in 1969. SBE is member of UIS (Union International de Spéléologie) and FEALC (Federación Espeleológica de América Iran
Latina y el Caribe).
Bulgaria Italy
The first Bulgarian Speleological Society was founded on March 18, 1929. This was the result of the acknowledged necessity to set up a public organization which, under the conditions prev alent at that time, Kosovo
would begin a sy stematic inv estigation of cav es, protecting them from destruction and setting the beginnings of cav e tourism. The founders of the Society were eminent Bulgarian scientists, people activ e in the Kyrgyzstan
realm of tourism, and cav e-exploration fans - office employ ees and workers. The foundation of the first Bulgarian Speleological Society marked the beginning of a new stage in the dev elopment of Speleology in
Though not v ery numerous in its membership, and despite its limited financial capacities, the Society engaged in huge-scale and useful activ ities. It made a reappraisal of all that had been done until that time in México
cav e inv estigation and in obtaining more knowledge about the country 's cav es. Organized trips and studies were carried out in certain cav es and karst regions of Bulgaria. The results obtained were published in Mongolia
the scientific publication of the Society - "Bulletin of the Bulgarian Speleological Society " - Volume One of which appeared in 1936. Activ e propaganda was also carried out for the protection of the cav es. There Netherlands
was a useful and activ e cooperation between the Bulgarian Speleological Society and the Bulgarian Tourist Union.
New Zealand
The first prov incial branches of the Society were founded in the Rakitov o v illage and the towns of Dry anov o and Lov ech. The Bulgarian Speleological Society became more activ e after 1947 . New members Norway
entered the Society , which included univ ersity students as well. In 1948 and 1949 they took part with great enthusiasm in what were known as the cav e brigades organized with the generous support of the Pakistan
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Detailed inv estigations were carried out during this period of the karst regions of Lakatnik, Karloukov o, Rabisha (near Belogradchik), and Zlatna Panega in Lov ech District. The Poland
charts prepared and the materials collected constituted an important scientific contribution.

After 1949 the Bulgarian Speleological Society ceased its activ ities ov er a brief period of time. A good deal of work was done by the speleologists in the town of Rousse and by univ ersity students organized in Romania
their Speleological Club "Akademik" in Sofia. Amateur work continued, as well as the research initiated in this field by the v arious institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and by the Sofia Univ ersity . South Africa
Howev er, there was a keenly felt need for a speleological organization in the country . Spain
Such an organization was necessary to unite the efforts of amateur speleologists and of the specialists and to promote the dev elopment of this branch of science in Bulgaria. Fav ourable conditions to that effect
were created after 1957 , with the restoration of the Bulgarian Tourist Union. At that time a number of scientists and amateur speleologists, as well as activ e supporters of the tourist mov ement, approached the Switzerland
Central Council of the Bulgarian Tourist Union with a proposal to set up a Committee for Cav e Tourism. On July 14, 1958, the Central Council decided on setting up a Commission on Speleology and Cav e Turkey
Tourism. Forty -two clubs were set up all ov er the country . United Kingdom
United States
With the generous support of the Central Council of the Bulgarian Tourist Union, the new speleological organization rapidly grew in strength and became v ery activ e. Its objectiv es became clearly formulated
and presented, and a number of enactments were passed. There were also a number of additional initiativ es, such as plenary sessions, conferences, gatherings, and international expeditions. Penetration, References

charting, and surv ey work in the known cav es and in the discov ery of new cav e sites became more activ e and on a higher scientific and technological lev el. The Commission on Speleology and Cav e Tourism took
on the task of the dev elopment and popularization of cav e tourism in Bulgaria.

After the Fourth Congress of the Bulgarian Tourist Union in 197 2, the Commission on Speleology and Cav e Tourism was transformed into the Bulgarian Federation on Speleology , which continues operating today . This new and higher form of
organization furnished a fresh impetus to the dev elopment of Speleology in Bulgaria. Its operation became more activ e and efficient. New initiativ es were undertaken with a v iew to improv ing the training and qualifications of the speleologists
in the country . The speleological clubs obtained new equipment, and their activ ity increased. International ties grew stronger and broader. The successes attained were largely due to the correct understanding and to the moral and material
support, which was and is still rendered by the Central Council of the Bulgarian Tourist Union.

Today , the Bulgarian Federation on Speleology is the only national organization in Bulgaria whose role is essentially dev oted to Speleology . The Federation represents the Bulgarian cav ers and speleologists. In this capacity it organizes
National Congresses, and within the International Union of Speleology it nominates the Bulgarian delegates at the International Congresses. The Federation co-ordinates both the activ ities of Bulgarian cav ers abroad, establishing contacts with
the corresponding Societies, and the activ ity of foreign cav ers in Bulgaria.

With 900 members in 2009, the Federation is organized on a national lev el (an executiv e committee, a board of directors, a head office in Sofia), and on regional lev el it has 35 speleo clubs. The Bulgarian Federation on Speleology , with its
members - research workers and amateurs, is the sole organization in Bulgaria working for the adv ance of speleology and of cav e tourism, and it is also the foremost unit carry ing out the requisite research and protection of cav es in the
country . Bulgarian Federation of Speleology is a member of Balkan Speleological Union, European Federation of Speleology and International Speleological Union (U.I.S).

There is no national cav ing organization in Canada, despite the existence of a national publication (the Canadian Caver, started in 1968), and the Cav ing Canada website. Regional organizations exist in British Columbia and Quebec, and cav ing
clubs exist in many of the prov inces (Alberta Speleological Society , Northern British Columbia Cav ing Club, Speleological Society of Manitoba, etc.) and cities (Toronto Cav ing Group).

Hong Meigui is an international society dedicated to the exploration of cav es in China and throughout the world.

Czech Republic
Czech Speleological Society / Česká speleologická společnost is the national organisation with many cav ing clubs as members.

The Fédération Spéléologique Européenne / European Speleological Federation (FSE) is the European organisation which federates the national cav ing federations/associations in Europe.

French Federation of Speleology is the national organisation with many cav ing clubs as members.

The German Speleological Federation was founded in 1955 and is the German member of UIS & FSE.

The Hellenic Speleological Federation is the only secondary national organisation in Greece and has many caving clubs as members. There are a number of independent clubs outside the Federation.
The Hellenic Speleological Society (established in 1950) is a nationwide caving society in Greece. With six (6) Branches and main offices in Athens conducts Caving Expeditions and Studies all over the country.

Hungary 1/3
8/18/2019 Caving organizations - Wikipedia
The Hungarian Speleology Society was founded in 1926. Our society was reorganized by enlarging its profile in 1958 under the name of Hungarian Karst- and Cav e Research Society (MKBT). MKBT carries out speleological research and
exploration in Hungary . The national y early publication is called Karszt és Barlang (meaning Karst and Cave).

The National Cav e Research and Protection Organization is the Gov ernment Registered body for cav e Research & their Protection in India.

The Indonesian Speleological Society (ISS) formed in 2015 with some 1000 members and is the Indonesian member of UIS. Their website is cav

The Iranian Cav e and Speleology Association (ICSA) is a non-gov ernmental organisation (NGO) consisting of cav ers and speleologists in Iran who are interested in exploring, surv ey ing, researching and protecting the cav es of Iran. The
International Speleology Union (UIS) helped with the foundation of the ICSA by training cav ers and supporting them. It was founded in 2010 with permission from the Ministry of Interior. ICSA now helps gov ernmental organisation (Such as
Env oronment Protection Organisation, Tourism Organisation, Univ ersities) and other non-gov ernmental organisations (like Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iranian Geologist Association, Iranian Photographer
Association) with such issues.

Note: Iranian Federation of Mountaineering and Sport Climbing is the governmental organisation of Mountain Sports which regards caving as a sport. Focused on the sporting aspect of caving, they provide training to cavers.

The Speleological Union of Ireland is the official representativ e body for cav ers in Ireland. It is also affiliated with the Irish Cav e Rescue Organisation which operates in both the Republic Of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Israel Cav e Explorers Club is the largest and most activ e cav ing club in Israel. It was founded in 2016, and the members are inv olv ed with organising international cav ing expeditions, surv ey ing, conserv ation, hosting cav er expeditions in
Israel, and helping the local archeological bodies in excav ating, mapping and finding cav es around Israel. [2 ]

The Italian Speleological Society [3 ] is the official representativ e body for many cav ers and Groups in Italy .

The Circolo Speleologico Romano was founded in 1904, is one of the oldest cav ing club in Italy . Currently more than 250 cav ing groups and clubs are present in the country , with about 4000 activ e cav ers.

The Speleological Federation of Kosov o was formed in February 2011. In 2003 the first speleo association was formed (Aragonit speleo association), independent from the mountain association of Gjerav ica from the western city of Peja
(formed 1928), where it worked as a speleo-section. It is working on completing data for all the cav es in this country , and also organizing different speleo-expeditions throughout the country . o

Foundation for the Preserv ation and Exploration of Cav es ( (FPEC) was formed in 2010. The main activ ities are: Complex Speleological Inv estigation of carst and cav es in Central Asia; Speleoarcheology ; Paleoclimate;
Biospeleology ; etc. FPEC is a member of UIS ( since July 2017 .

Speleo Club du Liban was formed in 1951. It is considered one of the oldest cav ing associations in the Middle East.

The Jamaican Cav es Organisation (JCO) is the national cav ing organisation for Jamaica, and a member of the Union Internationale de Spéléologie (UIS). Activ ities include speleological research, exploration, mapping, and pro bono assistance
to the National Env ironmental and Planning Agency (NEPA), the Water Resources Authority (WRA), the Univ ersity of the West Indies (UWI), and v isiting researchers.

Grupo Espeleológico Ajau - Ajau Speleological Group, an organization made up of enthusiasts and professionals from many different disciplines, does exploration and research mainly in and around the Yucatán Peninsula.

Mongolian Cave Research Association ( is a Nongovernmental Organization (NGO). Mongolian Cave Research Association was established in 2007 and conducts variety range of cave expeditions in Mongolia.

Speleo Nederland is the national organisation with four regional sections. The national 3 monthly publication is called "Pierk" (meaning stalactite).

New Zealand
The New Zealand Speleological Society is a national organisation with local clubs that represents the recreational cav es.

Norsk Grotteforbund (The Norwegian Speleological Society ) is the national organisation. It was established in 1980.

Chiltan Adv enturers Association Balochistan and Pakistan Cav e Research & Cav ing Federation the only National Cav ing Organization in Pakistan founded by Hay atullah Khan Durrani representativ e of Union of International Speleology (UIS),
and British Cav ing Federation (BCA) through Orpheus Cav ing Club Derby UK.

Cav ing Committee of Polish Mountaineering Association (Polski Związek Alpinizmu) represents the Polish cav ing community as a whole.

In Poland, cav ing community has been traditionally tied closely to mountaineering. Polish Mountaineering Association gathers 26 local associations whose main profile is recreational cav ing and cav e exploration.

Federação Portuguesa de Espeleologia
The Portuguese Speleological Society was founded on 1948.

The Romanian Speleological Federation was founded on 28 May 1994 by the association of all speleological structures from Romania, hav ing as goal to strengthen the national speleological activ ities. FRS is member of UIS (Union International
de Spéléologie), affiliated to UNESCO.

South Africa
Cave Research Organisation of South Africa (CROSA)
The South African Speleological Association (SASA), is the national body for caving in South Africa.

The Federación Española de Espeleología is the Spanish Speleological Association. There are also twelve Regional Associations ("Federaciones Autonómicas" in Spanish), and people must be associated with one of them so they can do caving.
GERS de l'A.E. Muntanya is a group from Barcelona focused in the exploration of new caves in Pirineos mountains and urban speleology. 2/3
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The Swedish Speleological Society is the national body for cav ing in Sweden. It was founded in 1966 by the "Father of Swedish Speleology ", Leander Tell.

The Swiss Society of Speleology was created in 1939 in Genev a.

MF (Speleological Federation of Turkey)
Cave Research Association is the oldest cave research association in Turkey. Its central organisation is in Ankara and it has a branch in Bursa. MAD arranges cave expeditions and promotes speleology in Turkey. MAD has more than 100 members with
approximately 40 of them actively working.
BÜMAK (Boğaziçi University Speleological Society) is the oldest University Club of the country. The Club has explored EGMA, deepest cave in Turkey (-1429 m. deep) and is still actively finding and exploring new caves all around the country.
BUMAD (Boğaziçi International Cave Exploration Society) is a caving society relatively recently founded but full of experienced members. Participated in ecological survey of Thrace region and still actively searching for new caves.
ESMAD (Eskişehir Cave Research Association)
ANÜMAB (Ankara University Cave Research Unit) was founded on November 4, 2004. ANÜMAB makes scientific researches which includes geological, biological and archaeological studies in Turkey, mostly Ankara and it’s surround.
İTÜMAK (İstanbul Technical University Cave Exploration Society) is a University Club that has been continuing its work since 2007.

United Kingdom
The British Caving Association is the national body for caving in the United Kingdom. It represents all those persons and groups with a genuine interest in caves, karst and associated phenomena, whether from a strictly sporting viewpoint, a scientific
viewpoint, or a combination of both.
The British Cave Research Association is a constituent body of the British Caving Association and promotes the study of caves and associated phenomena. The association encourages original exploration, collects and publishes speleological information,
and organises education events.
The Council of Higher Education Caving Clubs acts as an umbrella group for all university caving clubs to facilitate interactions within and between clubs, and to represent them to higher caving authorities within the UK and Europe.

United States
The National Speleological Society (NSS) is a national non-profit membership organization formed in 1941 with the purpose "to promote interest in and to advance in any and all ways the study and science of speleology, the protection of caves and their
natural contents, and to promote fellowship among those interested therein." Most of the Society's approximately 12,000 members belong to local chapters known as Grottos. The Society maintains an active online discussion forum to discuss caving.
Anyone interested in caving or caves is invited to participate.
The Cave Research Foundation (CRF) is an American private, non-profit group dedicated to the exploration, research, and conservation of caves.

3. Homepage of La Società Speleologica Italiana (

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