Test Examenations-2019: Subject: Haematology& Clinical Pathology

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Test Examenations-2019

Subject: Haematology& Clinical Pathology

Time: Full Marks: 70

1. Choose the right one 1x10=10

a. Reducing sugars detect by
i. Iodine test
ii. Benedict’s test
iii. Mucic acid test
iv. Biuret test
b. Fat stain is
i. Sudan III
ii. Malachite green
iii. Methylene blue
iv. Safranin
c. Sulfonamide crystals are soluble in
i. Acetic acid
ii. Acetone
iii. Water
iv. Nitric acid
d. Abnormal Crystals of Urine are
i. Cholesterol crystals
ii. Calcium oxalate crystals
iii. Uric acid crystals
iv. Calcium carbonate crystals
e. Calcium carbonate crystals of urine are soluble in
i. Sulphuric acid
ii. Acetic acid
iii. Nitric acid
iv. Hydrochloric acid
f. Pyuria means
i. Detects white cells in the urine
ii. Present low amount of protein in urine
iii. Faecal smell in urine
iv. Detects phosphate crystal in urine
g. Urine pH is Alkaline due to
i. Uncontrolled diabetes
ii. Acidosis
iii. Urinary tract obstruction
iv. High protein diet
h. Increased Specific Gravity of Urine due to:
i. Diabetes insipidus
ii. Renal failure
iii. Liver failure
iv. Acute glomerulonephritis
i. Thymol not use as a preservative in urine for test of
i. Proteins
ii. Bacteriology
iii. Glucose

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iv. Nitrite
j. Yellow-brown colour of Urine caused by
i. Biliverdin
ii. Blood
iii. Burns
iv. Eclampsia

2. Write the following question( any Four) 10x4=40

I. (a) How do you collect stool Sample?
(b) How you will prepare a smear from Stool sample for microscopic examination?
(C) What precaution you should take during the collection of stool sample suspected for Ova,
Cysts and bacteriological pathogens
(d) Write the Basic difference between 3 part and 5part cell counter
II. (a) Which changes occur in standing urine at room temperature?
(b) What is ketosis?
(C) What are the routine tests done in a sample of Urine?
III (a) Write the normal value of sperm count.
(b) Describe the techniques for sperm count in semen
(c) Write the principle of sperm motility assessment
(d) What do you mean by Oligospermia and azoospermia?
IV (a) Mention the different types of odours which are present in urine in certain specific
disease conditions
(b) How will you prepare a urine specimen for microscopic examination?
(C) What are the normal microscopical findings in urine Sample
V (a) Define and causes of polyuria, oliguri, and anuria
(b) What are the different preservatives used in collection of Urine?

3. Write the short notes ( any three) 5x4=20

a. Advantage of automation in Hematology laboratory
b. Urinary Casts
c. Urinary Crystals
d. Occult Blood
e. Bence-Jones proteins

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