D Dbms

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Conceptual Design

Is the process by which the enterprise is examined to determine entity types and relationships
among these entities. One can possibly divide this process into two related activity groups entity
analysis and functional analysis.
Entity analysis
Entity analysis is concerned with determining the entities, their attributes, and the relationships
among them.
In a DDBMS a relation may be divided into a number of fragments that are distributed over a
number of sites. Fragments may be replicated.
Logical database that is split in to a number of fragments. Each fragment is stored on one or more
computers under the fragmenting.

It can be used to cluster attributes based on usage and then perform logical or physical design
accordingly. With BEA, the affinity (bond) between database attributes is based on common usage.

This bond is used by the clustering algorithm as a similarity measure. The actual measure counts
the number of times the two attributes are used together in a given time. To find this, all common queries
must be identified.

Cost Components for Query Execution

(1)Access cost to secondary storage (2) Disk storage cost (3) Computation cost (4) Memory
usage cost (5) Communication Cost
Exhaustive search
Exhaustive search approach is often used whereby (almost) all possible execution strategies are
considered [Selinger et al., 1979].
To avoid the high cost of exhaustive search randomized strategies, such as iterative Improvement
[Swami, 1989] and simulated annealing
The query processor
The query processor in a database management system receives as input a query request in the
form of SQL text, parses it, generates an execution plan, and completes the processing by executing the
plan and returning the results to the client
Top-Down Design Process
A framework for top-down design process is shown in Figure 3.2. The activity begins
with a requirements analysis that defines the environment of the system and “elicits
both the data and processing needs of all potential database users” [Yao et al., 1982a].
The requirements study also specifies where the final system is expected to stand
with respect to the objectives of a distributed DBMS as identified in Section 1.4.
These objectives are defined with respect to performance, reliability and availability,
economics, and expandability (flexibility).
The requirements document is input to two parallel activities: view design and
conceptual design. The view design activity deals with defining the interfaces for end
users. The conceptual design, on the other hand, is the process by which the enterprise
is examined to determine entity types and relationships among these entities. One
can possibly divide this process into two related activity groups [Davenport, 1981]:
entity analysis and functional analysis. Entity analysis is concerned with determining
the entities, their attributes, and the relationships among them. Functional analysis,
on the other hand, is concerned with determining the fundamental functions with
which the modeled enterprise is involved. The results of these two steps need to be
cross-referenced to get a better understanding of which functions deal with which
There is a relationship between the conceptual design and the view design. In one
sense, the conceptual design can be interpreted as being an integration of user views.
Even though this view integration activity is very important, the conceptual model
should support not only the existing applications, but also future applications. View
integration should be used to ensure that entity and relationship requirements for all
the views are covered in the conceptual schema.
In conceptual design and view design activities the user needs to specify the data
entities and must determine the applications that will run on the database as well as
statistical information about these applications. Statistical information includes the
specification of the frequency of user applications, the volume of various information,
and the like. Note that from the conceptual design step comes the definition of
global conceptual schema discussed in Section 1.7. We have not yet considered the
implications of the distributed environment; in fact, up to this point, the process is
identical to that in a centralized database design.
What is Semi Join?

Semi-Join matches the rows of two relations and then show the matching rows of the relation whose
name is mentioned to the left side of ⋉ Semi Join operator. I am describing the more details in the
below examples. Hopefully, it will help you to understand the semi-join

What is a global query?

A global query is a query that is defined for the whole site and made available for use in projects as

A global query is defined for use with one or more global artifact types.

Definition - What does Data Localization mean?

Data localization is the act of storing data on any device that is physically present within the
borders of a specific country where the data was generated. Free flow of digital data, especially
data which could impact government operations or operations in a region, is restricted by some
governments. Many attempt to protect and promote security across borders, and therefore
encourage data localization

1 Query Decomposition

Query decomposition (see Figure 6.3) is the first phase of query processing that transforms a relational
calculus query into a relational algebra query. Both input and output queries refer to global relations,
without knowledge of the distribution of data. Therefore, query decomposition is the same for
centralized and distributed systems. In this section the input query is assumed to be syntactically
correct. When this phase is completed successfully the output query is semantically correct and good in
the sense that redundant work is avoided

query processor

The query processor in a database management system receives as input a query

request in the form of SQL text, parses it, generates an execution plan, and
completes the processing by executing the plan and returning the results to the

The Workflow

The Workflow Manager database is used to store the job and configuration information for your
work management system. ... The Workflow Manager databaseschema consists of system
tables and one feature class that is used to store the geometries for the Area of Interest (AOI)
for your jobs
Snapshot Isolation

In a snapshot isolated system, each transaction appears to operate on an

independent, consistent snapshot of the database. Its changes are visible only to
that transaction until commit time, when all changes become visible atomically. If
transaction T1 has modified an object
What is Transparences in DDBMs?

The definition of and DDBMS defines that the system should make the distribution transparent to the
user. Transparent hides implementation details from the user. For example, in a centralized DBMS, data
independence is a form of transparency it hides changes in the definition and organization of the data
from the user. A DDBMS may provide a various· levels of transparency. However, they all participate in
the same overall objective: to make the use of the distributed database, equivalent to that of a
centralized database.

Parallel database

Parallel database management refers to the management of data in a multiprocessor

computer and is done by a parallel database system, i.e., a full-fledge DBMS
implemented on a multiprocessor computer. The basic principle employed by parallel
DBMS is to partition the data across multiprocessor nodes, in order to increase
performance through parallelism and availability through replication. This enables
supporting very large databases with very high query or transaction loads.

Example 10.3. Let us return to our reservation system example. One thing we did
not consider is that there may not be any free seats available on the desired flight. To
cover this possibility, the reservation transaction needs to be revised as follows:
Begin transaction Reservation
input(flight no, date, customer name);
INTO temp1,temp2
WHERE FNO = flight no

AND DATE = date;

if temp1 = temp2 then

output(“no free seats”);
else begin
WHERE FNO = flight no
AND DATE = date;
VALUES (flight no, date, customer name, null);
output(“reservation completed”)
In this version the first SQL statement gets the STSOLD and CAP into the two
variables temp1 and temp2. These two values are then compared to determine if any
seats are available. The transaction either aborts if there are no free seats, or updates
the STSOLD value and inserts a new tuple into the FC relation to represent the seat

that was sold.

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