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Seat No: ______________ Enrollment No: ____________________

B.Tech. Winter 2018 - 19 Examination
Semester: 7 Date: 26/11/2018
Subject Code: 03107401 Time: 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Subject Name: Data Communication and Networking Total Marks: 60

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Start new question on new page.

Q.1 Objective Type Questions - (Each of one mark) (15)

1. A ________ is a set of rules that governs data communication.
A) protocol
B) forum
C) standard
D) none of the above
2. ______ refers to the physical or logical arrangement of a network.
A) Topology
B) Mode of operation
C) Data flow
D) None of the above
3. A ___________ connection provides a dedicated link between two devices

A) Primary
B) Multipoint
C) Point-to-point
D) Secondary
4. _________ is a repository of information linked together from points all over the world.
A) The WWW
D) None of the above
5. Digital signature cannot provide ________ for the message.
A) Integrity
B) Confidentiality
C) Nonrepudiation
D) Authentication
6. The number of layer in TCP/IP model is______
7. Routers are part of the __________ layer.

8. SMTP stands for _______________________.

9. IP4v is _______ bit address.

10. A ________ is a computer that stores the network programs and shared data files that users can
get access to.
True or False
11. In Data communications, digital data can be transferred using digital signals.
12. Ethernet uses bus topology.
13. Packet switching is a form of store and forward switching.
14. The physical layer makes routing decisions.
15. Gateways operate in the network layers.
Q.2 Answer the following questions. (Attempt any three) (15)
A) What do you mean by network edge and network core?
B) What are the various services provided by Data Link layer?
C) What is routing? Explain with suitable diagram?

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D) Write short note on File Transfer Protocol.
Q.3 A) What are the various routing algorithm works in network layers? Explain any one algorithm in (07)
B) Explain the concept of Cellular Internet Access. (08)
B) What is the principle of Cryptography? (08)
Q.4 A) What do you mean by network security? (07)
A) Discuss about virtual Local Area Networks. (07)
B) What are the major services provided by Transport Layers? (08)

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