Manga Drawing An Painting PDF

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FANTASYSCLF DIGITAL ART sine: TS Dey RO OETA) mone en nrcaran eon DD Tere PM TRS Sa 39 WS “TT cade avd tay d Leam to paint fantastic mange (OTS Ole Om RO) \ VEN | EAN y) ~ = yes J AY » AEN Ds y A } N é \ yD : « Z . s Ay oN Fy (i J Z AL A Li IN 9 y = ( = ——ro¢ HOW TO DRAW AND PAINT pee=— g @ Welcome... Manga is one of the world’s most popular art forms, and has inspired artists and illustrators around the world to pick up a pen or pencil and start drawing. While many argue about what ‘manga is or isn’t, whether true manga can only be created by H Japanese artists in Japan is a debate for another time. Here we celebrate the popularity of the genre, its accessibility and its unique and enduring style. ‘To enable you to appreciate and replicate the style of manga, we've brought together some of the world’s best commercial manga artists and illustrators, including Chester Ocampo, Saejin Oh and Joanna Zhou, to share their secrets and show you how to design characters, paint and draw in a variety of styles and create both stunning illustrations and comic book pages. In our beginner's chapter, starting on page 16, Saejin Oh strips away the mystery of making manga characters and shows how to paint faces. In our style chapter, beginning on page 42, Aileen Strauch demonstrates how something as simple as a marker pen can create fantastic manga. There also chapters that focus on sci-fi, fantasy and character design in manga, before you take everything you've learned and apply it to artist Jamie McKelvie's workshop on how 0 lay out pages for ‘western’ comics, on page 96. Throughout this special issue of ImagineFX, you'll find advice, help and insight from professional artists. If you enjoy this issue, why not try the others in the series? See page 115 to find out more! From the makers of Claire Howlett, Editor asinelX We're the only magazine dedicated to fantasy and sci-fi art. Ouraim is ta help artists to “improve both their traditional and digital art skills. Visit to find out more! lin: ‘SCI-FI DIGITAL ART Mmacmen The finest artists in the world offer you the best guidance, share their techniques and offer Inspiration in our manga art workshops. Workshops Practical advice from professional artists in 16 step-by-step guides Discover this brilliant style of artwork 18 Manga character tips #) sential manga tips 28 Create your first t manga-style illustration Breathe life into the the stars of your manga art 32 Create a future racer in rubber fabric 36 Paint an action pose using special effects Explore the many ways to create manga art 44 Ukiyo-e manga 50 Painted manga 52 Marker-pen mi 58 62 Japan-style illustration Colour your line art Create worlds full of magic and wonder 70 Create amanga-inspired Explore the future, Japanese-style 82. Create and render ‘a robot concept design 86 Paint a manga-style mech pilot Discover how to tell astory ona page (RE 94 Draw and ink amanga Ni. © 96. Eraate'a Comic ready Ag ‘comic D for print Subscribe to ImagineFX today and save money off every issue! sand Canadian readers: ase to page 57 6 Art spectacular! Brilliant manga artwork by up-and-coming artists from around the world “Artist Q&A Real-world manga issues solved. Emma Vieceli ‘This freelance illustrator hel bring punch to blackand-whie line art, make the most of fat colourin illustrations and add gradients to anime-style cel shaded artwork. Michael Chang Ting Yu Create better manga comic pages as f ‘you find out how to make a manga page flow and choose better angles. Joanna Zhou Discoverthe ight way to colour hair inmanga, apply pastels for shoujo ‘manga, draw manga mouths, create chibi characters and letter comics. Saejin Oh This concept artist helps you draw characters in the manga style, create dynamic lighting and apply ine art witha brush in Photoshop. Michael Chomicki Draw characters that feel alive, recreate the feel of Japanese ‘woodblock prints and integrate logos and graphics into your images. ON YOUR FREE DISC Secrthceniohe tot as De et Lerten 20 minutes of step-by-step PCr i ae na Videos showing key workshop PS rrr Brushes for manga painting Senne Pee atc The Gal ee MANGA-INSPIRED FANTASY ARJ The Gallery [John Staub ‘ssp cevantartcom ‘Soaletsomatcom ‘hotochon, Pater The Gallery z, The Gallery -Sotey de 9 ‘nana ncn tenses” press Discover the ideas inv el bernie MUS tae oti about manga... It's avisual style that makes an instant Poon ltaat Riv BT ORY ions Rect Ve) warts 2 manga mastercless. Workshops Journey into the heart Ps ‘manga 2 18) Manga character tips 2 ween oetin RO nvainethe sere that wil help you Fx. draw bona fide manga characters 24 Essential manga tips with Joanna ZI ec areca SAB that’s unmistakably manga 28 Manga-style illustration wittoanne Zhou }! Discover the basics of creat an illustration in a manga style MANGA has some invauiable advice that will ecceecces without a muscular structure to Fictional people can't bre ree AWA Acc eer ec ere | eos ote) EES es eaceieereer_perere at eed mixing mont, Wei ume net ee Y pe ail Perea went’ ro gue hth eee pty araeg pep neem U(r comers peeve ern | fo rab peta eee ee! way of dealing with r Manga for beginners Hi } plist ESSENTIAL MANGA TIPS Joanna Zhou reveals 26 gems of wisdom for creating art that’s unmistakably manga Ithout a doubt, manga is ‘one of he fastest ‘growing art forms among young people across the ‘lobe. Most artists discover this ‘hobby in their teens and face the challenge of self-directed learning alongside school or university. Te never seen manga as work, but ‘a fun refuge rom the actual stressex ‘of daily if. hope that other aspring mangokas (manga artst9 wil se it inthe same light because with this attitude artistic improvement wll become an enjoyable and efortoss process. Dont Isten to people who fy thal manga ea useless hobby Ary form of visual creativity is Infintely more prockictive and satistying than many other pastimes that spring to min. Despiteitsstyisation, manga techniques incorporate perspective, sok proportion and colour theory, wich benatit a huge variety of ‘carsers ore tuations. Hoosfuly ‘hese toe wilinspre you to delve ‘deeper into the Faseinating wor (of Japanese comic art —— LEARNING FIGURATIVE | PROPORTIONS Inmangasstyle, the human body is cten usec metaphorically to express ramaticor comedic impact. Take a | look at any manga comic and you finda figurative fluctuation between | ody shapes - even of the sare character between ane image ard the newt. Mastering each proportion creatiy enhances your Hebi a8 | sieual storyteller You may even end up adopting a certain body type as your signature sve. 2 SUPER c | DEFORMED STYLE ; | ovesonctononn care | Shoat you sno coca trenng ra oncn recone rotenone eats pastel colours are wel suited for chibis because they enhance the ‘dynamism and cuteness of a 3 GUIDELINES ARE VITAL Use guidelines wherever possible! They only take a second to draw and can drastically reduce the amount of unnecessary mistakes, such as eyes not being level or hair not following the shape of the head, ‘Ball joint’ bodies enable you to see at a glance if certain limbs are the same length, Guidelines can also be used to denote the ‘twist’ of a body posture in a dynamic scene. 4. FROM ROUGH TO DETAIL ‘Always work roughly to begin with ‘and gradual bud up the level oF 9 BE CONFIDENT WITH 12 QUALITY OVER ‘ YOUR MARK-MAKING CONVENIENCE 66 Experiment Agood piece of advice Ivehadis totum my, | Sanetieststertnatostard | tO challenge the scruffy pencil sketches into a single beaut fdgot ovr animage mst ot line. Angle nein the night place Can prolect | \isuaiorntemes aaraine | stereotype of what beauty and power, whereas amass Of scratchy | endofthesy.youvewastecmoe Heople imagine outlines only reflects hesitance. With rare time trying to fix it yourself = anc Stylist exceptions manga orawings should | chancesaretstibowswoneor, = Mangacanbe 99 always contain crisp, confident contours. Itonly takes a second to take a ‘photograph of your own hand or ‘16 FEMALE BODIES Yours weareg acortain garment | Manga ferale by proportions are mth doting fobs Youvallearn | usualy very peta rflecting the rmucnmere by conn coreetly beauty ical at lasanese vor, than by ee-stying incoreety Depietng defined muscles oran Amazonian bubs aesthetic 13 THROUGH THE and definitely less mainstream. It's LOOKING GLASS ‘common, however, to add voluptueus Holding your drawing up toa mirroris | breastsin order to cifferetiate anefectve way of spotting mistakes. | women from gis “The results are often cuite sobering - what leaked perfect duringsketcring | 17 BUFF BISHONEN! could have hideously asymmetrical Male bodies fluctuate ‘eyes and other anatomical mistakes. between heavily muscled Keep correcting the mage untiyou forms and an almost ‘are happy withthe reflection. androgynous beauty. Ironically, the latter is more 14 IN YOUR FACE! popular with female artists. ‘The face is where you can make or breakan _Bishonen (beautiful boy) ‘emotional connection with the viewer. The face style simplifies the male is 2 good place to express style. Maybe you body into a slendle: form, have a certain way of drawing eyes or mouths with 'graceful indications that will eventually become your trademark. of muscle and a notable Think about how the mouth, eyes, pupil size _ lack of nipples or body hair. and eyebrow position express a certain | emotion. If in doubt, look at yourself in the mirror and notice which areas of your face 10 THE SECRET OF move. Practice making as many expressions as ELEGANT LINE ART you can = just make sure no one’s watching, ‘Always vary your fine width when ‘hung ta create an appealing, ‘dynamic image. Use thicker Eres to ‘emphasis contours suchas the face shape) and thinner ines to sugsest stance (bilowing hair strands) Having the same line with everywhere creates a static and Slightly sloppy effect. Manga artis troditonally need using a pen {@ssoon on the mage above) Fine= ners and cata inking are viable ateratives, as long as you tke care toalter theline went < ‘HOW DOI DRAW HANDS? As with the human body, you have teoee profiles are usually tobe thoroushly familar with their nose and mouth jutting further Co | ‘drawing an eye from the Seaccrercs ey || dbondremembertopeionieinine wan | ‘3nd draw your own han! the ears and the ‘dip’ between nose and Understand sit length. how thay forehead. Males have a more pronounced ‘bend and whieh fingers tend to ‘and angular jaw ine than females. ‘roup togatner in certain postions l also affect the profile of i Manga hands place emphasis on face, ieee oeyau need {grace so detailed nails anc wenkly | first ensures the correct placement of hai. bnucides are usually blended out MF cree 3 ‘The fastest isto know your own strengths and weaknesses, through critical selfanalysis and constructive opinions of others, Create a eax mental pian of areas youneed to tackle, as well as areas in which you do well ‘and can develop to your advantage. Doing wall is more moral boosting than always aiming (@nd failing) at unrealistically difficult tasks. 21 COMIC CONVENTIONS. (NOT THE SMELLY ONES) There are mary rues and icons specific to manga styl when it comes to expressing crtain moods Cr situations. For example, sees lines can be used iterally for movernentor guratively for ‘emotional nak Study various mangas to denty these narrative ‘devices and try to incorporate them into your own work. Manga page layouts area lot more dynarnc than the box paneling of mary western lot a complicated layout hinder the reading ow. 22 THINK BIG, BUT DRAW SMALL “Thumbnails provide a vital overview fof your page and enable fast ecting fof varous elements (panel shape, speech bubbles and £0.07) Not only leths much mere etfoant than making large-scale correction, also ensures that your frol comic sheets subject to far les easing and redrawing, which could afect the finalimage cuaty, Bright bubbly colours and chibi characters can deftly hide the fact that an image Gee images above) does not involve advanced knowledge of the various postcar proportion or perspective. ‘19 THE JOY AND AGONY OF CLOTHING FOLDS ‘Copying from fashion magazines is a great way of traning your eyeto ‘ferertiate visual important fs from nsignifcant erumples, Youll get aninherent understanding of hw dlfferent garments drape over the ody, whieh a vital foundation for designing your own clatnes using ‘a variety fabrics and cus, When indoubt,t'sbetter to havea fo simplistic lines inicating folds rather than ajumbled mass of incorrect 29-2095 ust forthe sake of deta 20 DRAWING OLD PEOPLE The standard manga face is poorly suited to adding wrinkles. In order to create @ realistic older person, you have to alter the entire facial outline to correspond with the sagging and wrinkling that occurs with the ageing process. The eyes become smaller and the distance to the mouth increases. ‘Your thumenais can be as rough or as cetales as you fe! ‘appropriate But they must show the panel arrangement, speech bubble 23 NARRATE, AMUSE ‘AND ENTERTAIN! Manga style isnt always about creating a glossy-eyed pin-up. Try using character interaction to create a dynamic snapshot with ‘one or many punchlines. This works well with chibi style but can also be done with regular proportions for a darker narrative. Imagine yourself as a manga journalist, not a fashion photographer. The more detail and narration, the longer someone will want to look at your image... and that can only be a good thing! Manga art tips 24 WORK IS PLAY The only way toimprove isto practice, and you can only practice alot # youerioy it Drawing a therapeutic hobby, and you should do whatever makes youfeal good. IF you only craw to beet others, then Yyouttend up frustrated success ossnt come 25 RULE-BREAKING “There ae ules to manga, but youre not obiged to follow them. In manga style, creativity i often forgotten in the drive to craw things realistically or leaming to colour lke a certain artist. 26 DO YOUR OWN THING Experiment with meek and technique tochallenge the stereotyne ‘of what people image manga can be, This mage isa Photoshos collage (of a soft pastel backaround ane two manga characters, The effect is entice unite the sick CG effect that yourmight usually associate with manga istration. @ Manga for beginners nga artwork often suffers from the unfair stigma of appearingall thesame Although thereare general ‘creating ahost of distinctive tyes, The ‘move you draw the faster you will liscover your own style bot in ‘harater design and colouring “This tutorial guides you through the process of rinsing and colouring 2 manga picture. The colouring ‘echinique outlined here was done in a Reinter &Y THE CHE BLOSSOM GIRL Joanna Zhou explains the basics of creating an illustration in a manga style using Photoshop and Painter Vy oloshe | Photoshop and Painter also used | gape hich nan iva | cal franyone pong into digital at. | Wacom abltsofen come wha fie | vein of Piner Esenals Although y. | itsnotas good asthe full version the sffects demonstrated in this tutorial | can be recreate (with bit of practice) | in Painter Esentals [7 Tike to ketch and ink by hand thea [scan the outlines and colour them on | thecomputer Great care shouldbe taken aver the sketch becaise it forms the backbone of your work ven the RRY ‘est colouring technique won't beable vosalagea poor, out-of perspective drawing When sketching | check for mistakes by holding the drawing up ‘amirtor.Inkingis dane in black ink, ‘witha thin finedineror nib pe, When working digitally, ny files will most key bein PSD format to support layer. The final images then flattened saved asa TIFF or PEG (atleast 300dpi) TIFFs beter quality for prin, but has biger ile szes. [PEG hasavery small filesize, maldng it saab for pictures on the web Style conventions Tegin by sketching out the age using a 28 mechanical pen sea putty rubberbecause regular erasers can damage the paper surface and leave dust. A good trick for creating An instant, dynamic composition isto tasea simple pose but dest withthe paper tte ‘Some manga guidelines to bearin ‘mind are the conventions for mouth, tyes and hair The mouth is hep very small likea rosebud, particularly when youte drawing female characters Eyes ‘Me defintely the number one manga trademark They shouldbe large and expressive, with graceful eebrows and lashes. keto draw hair as thick almost thre-dimensional srands: find va lot easier to colour ater on iff can see where the separate livers of hit begin and end Female manga body proportions are usually peti. with skinny writs, ay ‘waists and thin legs albeit frequently ‘with ange breasts! Scan the image “Theshetch isi with a thin in pen and drawing ink Toften vary the thickness ofthe ines to crete 2 feeling of depth. For example, the contrast between the git’ thick outline and the thin cherry bosoms {immediately indicate foreground and background. Aer inking, scan the image at 300i and open tin Photoshop to adjust the contrast. Sometimes ifs enough 0 gato Images Adjustments Auto Levels. "Togain moe control, Ithen select Levels 30 that can manally weak the ‘contrast. Ideally, you should have a ‘rsp black outline but nt ovety jagged), with no traces of pencil. This iso ready fr colouring in. Outline work Theoutlinesare opened in Painter like to copy and paste the ‘outlines toa neve layer, and set this Multiply This enables meto colour feeely bur sil retain the back outlines, ‘which show through. Lalso keep a ‘completely white layer under the ‘outinestoactasa backsrop. Gather your tools Before beginning wo paint, 1 dag my choi of wols into acustom palette so that Flalways have them on the screen. For this projet choose Digital Waterolour> Broad Water Brush, Blenders>Grainy Wate, AlrbrusheesDigital Airbrush, and GGousche> Opaque Smooth Brush 10. Colouring eg by colouring the face using Digital Watercolour First cover ‘everything with alight skin tone. then ineoduce shadows with a medium skin tone and create some depth with avery datktone. The mice plete in Painter ‘enables you to pain swatches of a ‘chosen colour so that you aways have the right hue at hand, The shading canbe rough and scribbly, as that's where the Blender Tool comes in handy fore using it, Thaweto dy the watercolour (Layers>Dry Digital Watercolour, (Cul+Shifts). Then take the lender and smooth over what ve just dawn, tw ceate perfectly blended shadows. Airbrushing ‘The rest of the image f coloured imusing exactly thesame technique The Arash canbe used to create blush on the cheeks, add highlights to clothing or correct mistakes. Gouache work The Gouache brush is used foe zig-zag har highlights, which are another typical feature of manga ilasration 1 ale ike to add single, wispy stands ofhair in which ase T work above the outline ayer Final polish ‘When the colouring process is complete, save thefilein Painter and ‘open it again in Photoshop, You can ‘he the lustraciona final polish by ting the Hue/Saturation/ Colour Balance editorsin Photoshop, coloring the outlines (ee the Pro Secrets boxto the lef), or resizing and ‘cropping. Once everthing looks good Flaten (orMerge Visible and discard hidden layer). Oekiniacas creation Find out how to breathe lifg into the people in your manga images Ay Nea chon . / Siete , / aN af X . Caren narul omeiettet: Devo ree Res IeT elt Ceol Ome km teed if Co terrane ret ted Your guide to the stars of manga Your character can tell a story ., 32 Create a future racer C with Michael Chomicki Learn how to paint unique manga 7 style fabricon you characters 36 Paint a fantasy mage with Chester Ocampo = (Create a manga-inspired, special effects-laden character image Character creation Pho Costs THE GREATEST WAVERACER Michael Chomicki shows you how to paint and colour rubbery fabrics in your character art ‘clean linear fe this workshop, '™m going ta shove you how to cestea manga-esque character illustration. mainly focus ‘on specific rendering techniques that ‘while painterly, enable met preserve “Throughout the workshop, I'also study the diferentiation between material types aswell asthe relationships between coleartones, lock at how to succesfully make use of shadows, lighting and flected light, inorder to achieve a thre dimensional form from 2 flat ine drasing ou should keep the “ecisive use of dark vers ight in mine {throughout the workshop in oder to achievea shapely, yet comfortable look to the artwork: Although Ill be ‘working ona flat, white background, Tilkeep a vital atmosphese i min, and sally push bounced ligh fing to achiewe this mainly by sharing ‘colours between materials and objects ‘Ofnno lesserimportance willbe my focus. maintaining avery apanese ispived look and fel othe Scanning the line art Tstart by seanning my ine atin a abigh resolution inthis case 0dpi When is scanned, [reduce the image to somewhere between 200 and ‘400d, depending on thesize and purpose ofthe artwork clean up the scanned line work, and remove the ‘white background space after using Selects Colour Range to highlight. This will later help me in painting over Next, Icolourise the linet a desired tone using Image>Adjustments> tue! Saturation [continue by importing, some slid graphic and logos fom Mustard place them inthe artwork (beneath the line art layers), ‘mainly using Edits ree Transform and [ditsransform>Warp. set the Hine art. layers lending mode to Multiply: this willenable me to maintain theline. ‘while place all de colour beneath i Teanchade by organising and naming I any layers. as someting sensible, ‘whatever sce it Organise your layers ‘Once have all the asics set, 1 begin creating colour separations for thevaris sections of the anwork character art Asa result, Tm going 10 be very deliverate in how I shape sch areasasthe eyes and hair— always ‘stint points in manga llstration Tim going to keep lapanese animation in mind, specifically the way tha shadows (or ‘cuts reshaped, its are used in animation allover the world, but the Japanese havea very specific way of shaping them. Since 1m takinga painterly approach in this workshop, my cuts wil be alot more Painterty than those found in most ‘dassical style animation For example, place the skin tones in their own layer, the red ofthe bodysuit in its own layerand soon, ‘Tmnot too cancemed about achieving colours that ae absolutely Spot nat his stage, as find that ‘often go ack sid reacs tonaities Jater. Most of my colour separations are Within the mid-tone ange also make sure that namethe colour layers accordingly, for exsy organisation. ‘Working with mute layers enables sme to aller specific ections ofthe artwork ata ater stage without isturbing the resto the piece. | @}Aad some volume | SP caregiving the image some ‘volume, mainly through the use of | Shadon ad flected iin, Having | asigedal my colour separation to | separate aye, Ive mace my workflow | rthe es the panne process | much simpler and cleaner Tslecta | colour layer and while holding Cmd fona Mac or Cislon aPC, lckon | thethumnbnail within that ayer The | Selection Marquee fin my way. 30 1 lntick Views Show Selection Eder, | As begin to paint fuse a softer Brush | forroughing Sections in, and a harder brush for tightening things up. | @} complementary | otours | hile pckingand choosing my colour | tones. im always mindful t push my | lighter tones in a relatively warm dtetion, and my darker tes and reflected lighting ina cooler divection. This stems directly from some basic art | principles: warm lights should be | complemented by cool shadows, while ‘coal lights should be complemented by [ear shadows The ident pas or ‘opposites in tonalite, in order to achiewea significantlevel ofcoaast, And therefore volume | @QPefining |S) shadow areas [wane to give certain shadowy areas defined look. ryt stay away frm | workinga singlearea too much. | Although it often very tempting just | goin and finish off section its aways best to work the entire painting at once | Foreeftected lighting, Husuallytend to choose tonalite af greys. Character creation Material girl nce fel that ve completed blocking’ the shadow areas, start adding the ight, aswell as some ‘detailing, At this evel Lalo want 0 concern myself with the material types that im working with, and their teflectve properties Areas such asthe character’ kin will ever match the high specular values ofthe motorcycle red plastic bodysuit Since fm aiming togive the red significant amount of los, have to focus on high contrast Dberween ts values. achieve this by Placing the ight right alongside the darks. To wp cif that plasty look, [rosea sharp brush ith a presse: sensitive ip to ad some precise areas of ight speculaiy Lovely rubbery For the rubbery areaso the suit, thespecularvaloeismuch lower than that of shiny plastic, which means the hotspots tend tobe gradual. no longer requir that high gloss lourising ‘As Fcontinue dealing the artwork, make another layer over the top ofthe line art ayer. is ging wo be indi ayer that paiatoverand ‘olourise ny line. Depending on what eels appropriate forthe situation, 1 ‘ether freehand some colour over the Tine art or alternatively, may select all the line inthe same way that I dowith the colour separations, and then paint io thesekection This selection procedure will only ‘workf the whiten the background ‘was emote from the line ar layer in the fit step, Forsctions where want toberid of fine art completly, Luse aalayer maskon that layer, which can bbe activated by licking the third ian. from the eft inthe Layers palette Tolling this upby painting white imo the layer mask, Tm then able 19 ‘easly hide sections of theine at my convertence, without actually removing it permanently Manga features "When adding colourto the face, {have te keep in mind its manga/ anime origin. Everything here comes down wa sftlook and selective simplification. Atthis stage, fm mainly concerned with slings ‘comfortable sense of volume. [want avoid flat look, although youll find thay a aresuk of ts simplified nature, ‘a manga/anime face style wil tend vo look fater when compared tather ‘contemporary styles. Look into my eyes Since the viewer’ eye will abways Deattacted to the character's face frst, TThave to make sureto refine it appropriately. This is especially Jmportantto me since Im ryingto achieve that Japanese look I paint over theline art, throw in some loss on the nose lips and cheeks, and pay alot of attention to the eyes, which, alongwith thehai, ae of umost importance Finishing touches 1 finish up the artwork by adding some inal coloursto the hoverball, Although Iwant the tones to remain ‘oloueil, also want to makes that they dont compete with the colours on the character but rather that they recede into the background In order tovwrapitall up, make any final adjustments the areas of the artwork that Ym not quite satisfied with. @ Hair care When approaching the hair 1 don wat to be overwhelmed by 3 strand-o-strand approach. 'do add some random hairstrands with asharp, pressure-sensitive brush, but fake the ‘majority ofthe hair with some slid teas ofcolou, always making sure ‘maintain the Japanese-style fe finish ap the hairy ading some anime gloss to it 4 THE SPEAR AND THE SPELL hows yo how to crgate a manga- ieee elias laden character image f Crees cere Peer cer ers teraed perenne terre er eee eset pee estes Se ener ere evenness reeset ere eee ee ee een oe Peer et ee ee erect a arated eee een corer eeeremnee ery eee eee Pee eae oe rireany meester een eter eerste aes ee eer pee ener rene es Seeger Sees re erent eee eee Piaet erene erent pe eeneceetter ast Perret ere) ro eae start strong eee Pavement Serene ery pay or enn eee Retort ater enero eet eeel end eet ee Serer een heen ats ae Se ee ee eee See ee sen ery eens PC OE I Rear iaicg (eerie enter fest eee er ee Peres rei FOR Tepe er ner es eee ee ee see Reeve ere eetny peter eery ene er neces orem tee oes) Peer ee retry ere eee tee cis Se eed Coreestg eeu n ce inenorearererir een ener ie eee nes ees Peano tet eee ee eer er Pees eee ets ‘rete a master copy From this make Peer cnet (stray erred oot Peeters r foregiound ad background, above and below te charac group sespecivey, Bee rien oe ere ea neu eet Deen anes oe reeee seer re Penney reer ee ee pe ee Pee eens ernest ee ener het ee pee ee (ete eet et eet te Pree te creeaennes corre eee coe reese ete ‘Transform on the magi runes ater eee eer Dey Benner reeset Tes Serer ener norenere pra orenene ws eto fenver eee nerarons {eatherson separate layers sing elie Ped SECRETS Action poses enue ea catg piece tt tis Pee ne eee te ts Pees eater rere erent een ener enon ares eee eet) Pee ere een ee ets ent eect ey piercer reg ie ees ety ee eat Beta eae] vennerceeten ig tren etree coed et et eee eae eee ty Peer nen ners ere erect ee en ee en eee nt eae ea eer oe ncoue ss (Guelgh) fom the bottom ight The Pere eerent Ty eee met eee poner Its good to vary the intensity ofeach Ce Pent a perenne enna rene ear ry reir a Character eed ere see eee ets eee es a een er Perea eres Pane eee eect torent feet scout aes eee Po ere oe ers Perea err Pere a aos cen ena er ety Preteens oer Porn teneaier teeta eer eee ty part ofthe background clout layer (ihe eer ent etree Mati) render thetightingon exch Jaye inside che slight group, using parte ner ees Pere ert! ice eet ners eres etry Ee coe saat oer eee seat Ee sapere vane rvs Seen Rea’ Petre eeer ts ee a ce es ete eas Pere cere ees Preeneneeee ie enrcterd Ecorepesrsnsvir ern otsapri ee ee Cre es ees Sore eke te ets Pe Bea’ P| Ce et ee ee eT Peer to ert ober eres fieenteereert nti Pompe eee ont Beeson orn me ener ZN (ii | a eee uae) combine the skylight, relight, ee eee eee eee Pra eh eran een Pr eeert aeeseet sty Pe en etn eatery Peery eee ee ey ee eee ee ea Peart en Leet pero sere wer iery PRT eer reenntn repenrenrn brush. checchow the elements interact eet ee es ents oe erate) errr eet sereer et eet Ese Cae eee Action poses OMe aac \_ [teepenehier serra Deters *~) eee ee eeeretens eeaperenen serene Pee eats ewe Cmte eae eter eer re cs Depth and focus , _ Jae hepato Seen Cerny ea mer ’ 4 , i a cena ers anes df SE oem. ae He ee af Cee ee re ‘Bree 5 ree Your guide to defining a style There are any visual elements that are ‘essential to camenting 2 true manga style. but theres stil plonty of scope for exoressing yourself and fring your ‘oun style Explore the variations available wathinmanga at with our workshops Workshops Create manga your way 44 Ukiyo-e manga ‘Create a painting inspired by the famous Japanese woodblock prints 50 Painted manga with Joanna “Sh Abandon tine art and create a rich painting style that stil all manga 58 Jopan style art with & Bring the vital a of manga into your illustrations 62 Colouring manga images with Madeleine Rosca “Takea piece of line artand transform it with digital colour Photosh h ey THE PAINTED ‘ PRINCESS Create a unique style using proven techniques in Photoshop, as Hoang Nguyen demonstrates his angle on the floating world... 7 tconsieanekosonl | pinecuko-canrimaigand complemen heb as starts will | paatng technique that oes back define the ighcsoure tobe eal fectheicown | centuries andimade famous > theelemens Sneha at ess pots bi nti slice et a asda ge steal sed ‘mothersmighttakeawile Butwhatis | Hiketostart set up my composition with important isthatthe arts artic vision | by focasing Ziyi themes that ike opin. suysuncompromisedandtuetotheir” | oncteating Wy) « Andsincethetbeme of dive Tmafim believerin rowingand | asimplified “_/ Jearningasanartis andeven an amateur | background, so ‘anteach a potessionalathingortwo. | thatitdoesn', Inthis workshop (explain how to_| overwhelm the ‘awand dire viewers intoyourown | main theme ‘wor focus on usingsmple | then titexplone ompositionanddsign wo captuethat_|howtocreatea eeting moment Thisismytakeon | ealourscheme_/ this wodkshop iste | ullyowesye ts ihe ‘upmyalley. tm abig | fanof old apanese art, é Se PY cencciayHokas, LN Simpecctice Ae Composition asthe subject mater isthe ukigo-e ‘syle Tn going tory and mimic those Japanese paintings, but with a modern. twist to make ita bitmoce interesting. LUkiyo-e at akind of woodblock | Pocangapicingeonngwet- | erect i Ea aaa ee ‘keto keep my composition simple Steere img) \ comets = ckae wane tench mcrae” LS actbeawes » ys ae . ian fects ey | ite finishes background | MSR po tirana | done, start experimenting The pencil | ljerisatd per cene pac wth the Ss Making a background | ending mo set astineat Burn The aoe mond afbarboo forex There | brown ayers at 5 percent Opacity, isacalmnesthatharabways dwn me | ing Overy asthe lending mode Aothem,andYdtikew capturethatin | The ue wexture lye iat 100 pet ‘hisworkshop start with usta pencil | cent Opacity again using Oveay and aper tminga vellum Beal aed | To epee the fined chron (Gecnieofthesmonhnen)focmen | atari apptied in chrmalogial ‘lockingin the bamboo. aaystyingto | one achieve final ok. Texture eepitsimpe- Once happy withthe the image more depth anche teal ecan tin 300d grec | Seeameraioarsne y Eyes, face and skin Meoevert itt RCD mode when start want to put move emphass on the scureayabibusy buconce | @y Face details eyes and fae todraw the viewerin The || athe layers are composed, simply | Qi Now dat have the background ‘oe old so mich inewen moe. | inplace, tn going ofc he fice. | emotion ha yon Reet newest [Teteas eee ace Salta testing fm more concerned with big | uesanvapply shapes. usually keto nappy orsadjust by shapes andoouctaierthn worrying panne stat can ust toot tae cue. eeg ot] ety cetera ~ 4 poise pes on pace Mpa ean eee ecg wa aoe ol Ladaiodianesc tines mae | qinebitiediiepcyita || A Ae aici ge locke atl | Wee tot cts ei and i 39 tie ng Drape cra ee andres thing thee a TMheNobe-Depece Tisgies |" Atissage-Lheepeveythng prety rushand sein rshsiae ete ‘emage hat oldtextured ook. ‘rapdsinpleIihink abouwherethe | 41o 10 pixel, Ideal inert falad Someimesceatesaminptem, 0 ighsounetscaningtion, ana io playa wi aes shadows Jeatmightwaniobecieitofina | ghethefomsomelihtsnd shadow fine formated he fil at Painting ukiyo-e The hair and light pt more details into the hai nl start to focus abit more attention on how the Iightbounces off her At thi pon, m prety happy with her fc, s0 I mow on for now Madd more details ike ghtand shadows, once near the ed Tattoo details Herel reateaserpentike dragon ) uatng fom the ocean. My id show the dragon breaking fe ofits Shackles The ocean represents the ies Y pushingitback andthe dagon represents redo then oat the || Ep kimono details Imari th per ine % || son: Noe that have the bamboo ayer 8 | ites ie ace cee omyiningce Uangitli Ne stoning cg siya bc caring mI ‘i heute plinth fn ‘undteserpere Net a me sodsape ingot geal Tse tore dear and color anne eter area ‘cai pn a clr shoulder to fs on the ttioo, an composition owen out help the tatoo sete ono the skin Adding colours fee ee withthe ett thinking faving et ody Bend ito || thebackgrund wih he primary oso ere Fin senng icles cbining he be lyr nd she enrages aD efter likes Ws prtogcm tinge ea ict en ds ikehorens nee a le Blue work perasring with blue hue overlaying ontop of the ato Test the sn color see how the tatoo works withthe otberekements, ‘Notice hater shoulder i blending the background, whichis what was planning make someminartouchps nd moveonto the next sage: Combining elements Ac this stage im ready to combine ‘vats elements and start to fnaie the pining {drop the acgrou in aa ‘maskaroud thefigure then paint in the light source and ry w soften he look abit im getting dose finalising the pulnting=I ast need 0 combine the foreground and background, Peeters Working the skin ase ld up layer fakin woe aa aa variety of aes ~ mort purples and tues beneath theskin lye. This process ery impoctantin building up reaitie skin shades since til give oredepth and for slight bounces ‘off the akin surfce, certain elements ‘willbe lighterthan others. Areas under the eyes around her eels and the ‘beat eon are very thin and wil reflect ight and shadow move Usinga much warmer alte, 1 experiment with afew diffrent colour schemes, Lacivally ke this ook, but feel thatthe impacts ot suong enough. Because want al he atention 1 go toward er ae the warm colour chee mig not woe. Final details Finishing Igo backto the cooler scheme: it itall off stems forthe image, ince help to | pat insomebith maeks Take herfecestand ot. sara focus | and moles to give her mere rmoreon her fice adding highlightsand | realistieskin- These laws mascara The background and foreground | helpto deine who we re, Dlendatber nicely Atthisstge. tm very | and ate quite aatve. | close to finshing he paining lst need_| also add some handwvten tog inand add the final deals, text to marry the images, Oaadiferent Muliplylyer apply togubee The background tore make-up around hereyes Using | ends nicely with the uted ove green, Lapplyathin layer | characters makingiook orecandarcund hereyeils 'malso | somewhat worn dwn, ‘softening around her eyessothari’s ess | Lastly adda Kan layer Inens, and add highligh to reflec tie | and make iy fal pss, Tight source coming fom thee. | andi all ished. @ MIF etm Exclusive introd lm: SCI-FI DIGITAL ART magine Subscribe to ImagineFX magazine and a year! ImagineFx is the only magazine for fantasy and sci-fi digital artists. Each issue contains an eclectic mixture of in-depth workshops from the world’s best artists, plus galleries and interviews, community news and product reviews. Never miss an issue: have the magazine delivered direct to your door every month Stay up-to-date with all of the latest fantasy art news and techniques DVD with videos and workshops with every issue Get exclusive word-free subscriber covers! £13.62 Save 30% a year £54.47 Save 30% £84.00 Save 53% £96* Subscribe securely online today: Or call our order hotline: Outside the UK? Call +44 1858 438794, quoting POS52 Live in the US or Canada? Please turn to page 57 Deintom SHE DREAMS ; OF LILAC « Joanna Zhou shows you how to create an atmospheric manga painting without relying on outlines ‘ne ofthe greatest challenges ‘of painting is being abe to produce realistic contours sing only colour and shade. Manga styeis pool suited for this style of painting, since details are always rendered as inked outlines fist. Wetend to thinkof colouringina ‘manga drawing rather than painting ‘one, This tatoral introduces an ‘unusual manga technique which {volves painting directly on top ofthe sletch, fsa great way to experiment ‘with ighting colour combinations and Sn | atmosphere ana thocoughly | sathout xine alo encourages 0 | loosen up your syle and | exert contol overthe fit of This isan ideal crossover technique | tocmanga artists wishing to vermure | into realistic fantasy painting, or vce | vers, Bearin mind that mang | Shaacers are syscall quite | siferent fom real humans so standard painting conventions need to be tated ‘with discretion. The distorted facial feaqutes mean thatthe Tone across the eyes and down to the noe and ‘oath need tobe treated with partcularattention, A manga faves ‘ite latso you cant make features meld with the bone structure as you would on a el face “Theley isto heep shading nice and subtle, and carefully layer on shadow until you have your desired result. OF ‘couse this image is still quite comic like, but you are fee to rweakyyour own style between mangaand realism 10 ‘create something rly unique o you, Stop the white wash With a painterly technique in rind, pay close attention tothe imerpay of light and shade when sketching. try 0 viualise the final mage without any outlines, and block in appropriateareas of shade scan the sketch and setit toa Maiply lye. ‘A good trick winen tempting a Adjustmens>Levels The White and Black Siders at either : it cient pt cod ofthe Ln gaph vet os RI wN hyena portant ade em deo, v salle nan in hedwnga tomer so the 20-210 ark / Sketthing the ood then rece that to 300dp10 ‘Thispot ony males my drawing sharper / thumbnail once ad bole bt et out ayy ls (iad keein cto |" Bven acne nage, 00 oka Stet ced dig cig ‘hag wh pee dace one || tinea sl nel preening in steed Characes poss andthe poner the ommend pang any we Waa Aw tbacard white aes concise tacgrod icep betertohie mor rca han yo | cea forthe att the al ‘eecingio hs thoughout process. needa hanes inora ipchanel m, Creating an alpha ‘channel for line art Usinganalpa chancel in Photoshop tables metal line aby tal ‘wth background and. This bee dear the Tos thescvs ined hang rain lack ne wich give my ete {seme of depth ones pts method o many oft theremin saysofcloringline ar Deeieaesneachpine eens vss cho SkerAlwselect the we ict then pes i/o tocopr it TheChannes plete shuld be Eoteerdetneelee alee: pen and alec New Chanel free the drop-down en, Nowe new chao call Apa Wiha ‘hanel sled pres Cem e0 ponte nt my Layer mem once ain aro anew ae ging the tie “ine Ars Cling Skee Lod Selection ties ee ae tne oe ‘Chana em ec Apa as eee Se aeioaeti ae swith background ceed. | [linea dohecite make sue | ty Sngound cloriblack hen | pot Flat colours ‘Now comes the most time-consuming part of the conte ithe flats. The lat colour deterine the ove colour scheme of ny picture plus they come in handy for making selections. Using hard brush a 100 percent Opacity and changingthe'size depending on my eeds get to work on this process Organising layers im placing many ofthe differentelements inthis pleture nto separate ayers to further help me with selection | usually organise them by character so the names of the ayers are charicter Ai sin character Ba ded, and soon, With this many lagen, its important organise thers no groups that don't get lot in my Layers ment and sper five minutes hunting for anette blob of colour ona particular layer! ‘The importance of background colour Unless youtintend vo end up witha ple fenuringa igure strode by ablankexpanse of white never colour s | against a white backdrop: thisoften | makes itmuch handerto dop ina | background liter on. beer colour | ma pl dy eal = hich ‘ve putan thelowes layer ere. Colouring line art Starting on the background border Well ourmanga gis arelargely finished, | sonowe we have some lovely, dete looking ads siting in fontofa bland. ‘arblue expanse.’ time wo putin the tener aurtycening anaes | a pannedlialy ortetatgoing. | ROME enaES Creating highlights | P=, Adding colour Then dw ina ctangleningthe Shape | | ind shadows Oto theline art Tool-thissjttogve meaauhguie | |= Sea With coloursneayonnised | Witte clorall lane ined He tho the bodes polioned eae UnkermeatmylineseLeinaowan | now'tinetousethealphachaneltmade | Ialoopenupafieofanaherink | [ob = | Ieprcesofaddinghighlgsand. | caller Withee art lyerhighlghed, _ dawing ve scanned andcomveredtoan | ojo se {Batwa thelmage which ealybogin | TehnoreSlersLoa Selotion eng” | alga chanel egingine wih jae | BUSES tobeingout the formsand shapes ofthe | ‘Alpha Tin the drop-down menu and Finesand no background. Irsapicutetve | [Eaten bd ‘characters. This isafaity simply process. | selecting Invert once more, Ivenow got scrawled ofaskeleon andsomeflowers, | | Forthis tendo usethe MagicWand | that handy eat selection going hide which think wil ook greataspartofmy | oo) teucetthecenesotspuriarajer | Scone sndaarcsiutag, bake Theikeonaidsslmiebeee | = thenhidetheselecion Marquee by | inthelines Genesally,Ipicka darker | edpines and mystery while the flowers tuticing ViewsShowsSelection Eiges. | version of the said colouring, ‘xe acommon motif in artnaunearayle (Choosinga suitable darker ucof the | surrounded by that parsiculararea line onlers copy the skeleton over othe base colour, [begin aldingshadowswith | art ForexampleIpicka darkmauvefor | imageand find aposiion rit. => | soft brush, usuallyat30 percent | the cena figure’ ‘Opaciyorlessblendingthecolous. | pinkishuedhair Using [apply asimilarteehniquewhen add | abard brush set at 100 highligh, using lighter ae | percent pacity | coda the ine Tis The little things | partotte work can For some particular effets soch as ‘wrinkles in clothing or highlights in hag, Tusethe Smudge Toot Usings small soft | concentration. ‘rush at about 90 per cent Suength, However compare this | beanitefiayana | Teatefilly drag smal details ancl | effec (when done with I tedious and requires eet a eres cre cee ale Tvant Reding tego the | ering meade Smudge Tok enaesyotocetemone | mighthae risa piniececs bashomatest bane. | youcaneay set how isl pirrnitretb yet) Caltestclee se Selindsringthageryuandetem | endghes the ccc etches aM evecdan Style PRO. SECRETS ‘Shaping the background ‘When puting this kind of ackground together, the Shape Tools are your fiend Thisstye of background can look quit tedious, buts realy just mater of drawing ‘withthe tools Here, | adda semis arch bend the skeleton, plus acre thats _9ing o contain some mow shapes. put more ofthe borders and shrink ny orignal ‘sigs border to smethingnarrower and neater, | 6 Defining the | © background $7] | With mostofthe grunt work outofthe YARN) | oc ing ie = | the shape oot by drawing shapes and | them ning Etre to define hem Lethe | potaome al sapesino | Mebackground arch | Onc ve posoned em | beep want ene the unngsay pansot | he tine wot deine te | border rounding tbe ‘kground by adding some yell | sascealien oercerel | god court theo (Chang his | to sit your background, ofcourse) Finishing with flowers Keeping wid prienary colour Scheme, import the drawings ofthe flere. make the colt roe pattern ‘behind the skeleton a pastel pink, but leave the other, intertwining os vines ‘Blue w avoid overpowering the composition. Keeping oa pastel colour rangemakes the foreground figures stand out nicely. Since the colouring of thebsckground isso simple, ater than ‘aneningall the background line art own and cating. new alpha hanna, [use Image> Adjustments nef ‘Saturation o colour the finer ayers, Final touches Allthat'sneeded now ae the finishing touches: gradient forthe Inalground to add depth and some highlights onthe foreground character, Ieatea new lyerjst under the foxegoundfineart and use selections 1 add alight yellow haze to parts ofthe Toreground pictuse~ most notably nthe characters hae Thisghves the pete a lie more warrh and depth Finally I've noice that the background i overpowering the onepiound with sheet eng. wasa manga cover image wich s where Fe uilly sed thisssle of arora the pas ati loge ‘would probably cat out partof his problem, For this image howeves, decide to reposition the background by dag itdown and maviog the sleleon up slighty. «easy when you Tock Iayerstogether. Now the ‘composition hasabeterbalance. and Ive ‘getan image that look bellantand ‘right in pri, which stands otto the tant SCI-FI DIGITAL ART a alae fais =9 >) eer PR eee ed ay TRADITIONAL ART | SOFTWARE REVIEWS VIDEO WORKSHOPS | AND LOTS, LOTS MORE... The ultimate magazine for digital artists Subscribe today! DIGITAL PAINTING * GAME ART » DRAWING SKILLS » COMICS & MANGA Beautiful female fantasy characters/are a pleasure to create and look at Cris de Lara, page 70 The serialised nature of ‘manga comics creates a superb opportunity forteling epic-length stories, where magic. creatures and soaring mountains meet the people whose lives are shaped by these forces Start creating your own fantasy visions todey. Workshops Create visions of fantasy worlds 70 Create a fantasy warrior with Cris de Lara Use Japanese comic drawing styles todepicta fighting female Poster art with Michael Chang Ting Yu Evoke an entire fantasy story though ‘a montage-style cover or poster Fantasy manga E THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR By making use of manga references, how to fuse Japanese comic drawing with fantasy themes \ Coes arene peter cet Parent at See See ea eer Sees Serato Bee) Coen ee Gpinitial concepts re ate ean ety Se eee ee eee acre ieee eee ee ae swarsior with an attractive physical Dera nenpee et fener) Ae eee Cc eee Pee ee eee Penta seen ones ot er eee Speer eer) a ee re Pere artes coerce teres concentrating on rendering lighting aed y @) !nking and scanning pees mere Petherton Eee emer ete eee pete aren See eS Se ee ee eee est peeerte eee et at Ra en roe) ees erent ey fee nae CLS eno eo eee! pr neers peer rer renner pre’ shows you Forthe background, 'm thinking eer ee ea! Pe ee ee ere eee ety Pe eee ers oes eerie try eer tr ed eee eet are ea Ae ene Pee ney See ar eee ee Ea See es eee rece ny Paneer eer een my initial painting worleand eee enn es Se end ceed Sires Fantasy manga ae i) pcepeatesersiearierina pot hegre orien Shadows and lighting in thesame way Eire retention ee es and background willbe avery Shee eee tn ered ete eno eee) eae pa Uy metre oe eet eee Peete red he Lasso Tool to seletal the areas of eRe Mean en se ny — AW 4 Sr Pere nr ny eae Pe Se ee ets eee ta ing my softer brush, ay eerericneg Preeti aos Sed faery Perens Setters ene ae on the volumes do this Se earene rere Vf | ~ eee eee eri Poe eer! eerie c oe ty cre eter Det Sees See et Bere rries feel Painting a magical warrior Mere riued ike the idea of my warrior et eens ieee) cone a another layer over the scanned sketch, Tselectan area forthe clothes and fil it eet eae er ae ee eee ee ey Pere ery Pee anaes Peer een re fer use Pearce enc) where can paint its shadows, playing wih the sft brisket est To eee peta Eoeeenene pera ——7 | ne Ei a a Yi eA fe | a Leather texture fossrneree renter Peace ees oflight points into the clothes. want ree ees res eee forces Cerys cote nr Petree nny ene ery eens ieee iresener senna ease cee eo) Ene eer) ee ee es eros ee eed Seen eae Tener Eo Caer are ane Sees poee eee sere Loreen tee nt serpents = a eke Peer teene Pee ees ee eee! ee ee er eer) ss perciveinnn ene oem Seer ‘worrying about the shapes, with a wide ee eee cope ren eae ee ‘With the Brush Tool in Distortion eee eter eee eee Cte! ie eee es pi nearer ecsne oe Fantasy manga THE SAGA OF THE SCOUT Michael Chang Ting Yu explains how you can evoke an entire fantasy story though a montage-style cover or poster men cvennent cea pein e ‘expression and pose the outline the more it wil for colouring wel » 3 Creating a poster ©pPainting the git SD There ae many characters with D séectbeasiestructte ofthe man HIE sre renin n> ¥ LY ts Se Zp — Shortouls ee Bader Vetere Sketched layout this isthe ine workcforthe Full size desig, and il be caved forward {othe ined artwork fom ere This closely mimics the thumbnail es possible fr youto actally blow up your thumbnail ansferingitto paper workover ortacingitona light table ‘his can preserve the properion and stare ofthe orginal sete, bat ean also Prevent you foe itdicing more visual sophistication inthe age epition, Occasionally, wen switching fullsize ‘youmay become avateof possible ‘modifications or improvements lempoctant oto become bogged oven bind earying forward specficadns without giving these some thought. Points of interest New points of visual interest can be Incorporated ino the design atevery step along way, hich helps ate a ie layering of dep. Cersin element that read ncing the age sockets on the easpate section, willbe worked cu in detalles ~ atthe moment, they look Alte ice eye, By thistage, the major dean tements othe oot ae solid wit ly minor detailsto be ade during, farther endering The wal impression ofthe fined design shouldbe flly apparent at thisstage, and any areas that faito please you nee tobe ied before yn owe on fr hee WE di Scan the line work "Now Im going to sean the pencil Tine work in, as the rest of my work will be done digitally Ws important thatthe penel work meets your standards at this ‘stage because it won't relly be possible to ‘rectly modify this line workwithout renuningto the drawing, rescanning it and wansplantng into the digital stage. becomes whole jo ofits own, 4a good idea to sean aa resolution higher than you plan workingon. Clean Lup this seanned image and then convert itdown tothe working solution. Dependingoon the | type of mediam and | paper, tay be ‘advantageous toscan incolour and take advantage ofthe = | ambient hue vasiery. Greyscale value doa maskot the characte the case ofan artwork depicting asene, frery majorlement may haves own sash) made with ayer and a colour fil, ‘which then set to an Opacity of per ‘ent You can return to thismaskby using ‘the Magie Wand on the layer, an any ‘modifications can quickly be made by easing or adding tthe clout fil Shadows are loosely aid in with an Altbrsh. [sea whe filet to Mulily fon a nes ayer above withthe Buen Tool e110 Highlight Remernberto keep the shang basic and conssent—itshould ‘ot appear perfetly shaded at this stage because this processis more intended to designate ares of shadow. Canvas ground Now Ilayan undercoat or base texture overthe shaded Tine work The nue ofthis base wil fc the unity ofthe finished piece 50 opt for awarm earth tone Thisspeiicteuure isa composite cof several layers of eacked leather and pet like to compose my ow {ndvidal textures an bud them up with use Your choice oftexutes wil help iveauniqueness 10 every piece of srwodkyoucreste. Parry Highlight value flatten all he layers together and as over the entre work with the Dodge Taal seo Milones (in the tp toot) Some ight Fixes using the Butn Tool, also setto Midiones, are worked in during the proces. This stages as much about drawings ploting with ighlighs being applied inline to support the exiting blackline work An obvious Variation ofhoe is sartingto develop and will affect the colour glazes that follow. I you want, you could work upto this point completely in greyscale then use the Colour lance menu to warm that with red and yellow in the shadows before Proceeding the glazing stage Initial glaze coat "create folder the Layer palette set 10 Soft Ligh with individual ayers within acting a8 color glazes over the shaded drawing below. Each maln hue hasis own named ayer and each coat is flat laze ofeout wat the ony variance Degli adjustments co the indivi layers Opacity setting Remember that sing this echnique wilactally change thevalu ofthe rescaleunderpainting, potentially towing the composition and ‘ial hlerrchy out of whack Creating a robot concept Final glaze coat Next enetea secondary set of glace layers that compound an additional alow to the previous glazes adding warmer hue in highlighted space, ora coolet hein the shadows ‘Additonal caeate a series oflayers ‘outside ofthe Soft Light folder. These new layers are sto Muliply and are used to introduce a sees of es of oplatired pin specially rated o simulate the mud rst and mould on the bot. sine to take careon herbi, 30 that ‘complex, multi-layered coats create, ‘which conforms othe curving surfaces RETS Elaboration “Teenie work's latened again apd adil pases wid the Bure and Dede Tals deepen shadows and being ut focal pins Ano piece of papers prepaed and scanned asa hackliop and worked in ‘behind de artwork. Take care that this backdrop supports the artwork without onninating or lashing with ‘Whatever method yeu wsein the cconeepaual stage of your projet bet ‘numberof sketches or ne focused design, make sure you getitup to scratch before going digital rllmake your subset work mich ese. — Sci-fi manga Photosho e MECHA’S HEART Saejin Oh explains how he created this stunning image, from concept sketch to the final rendering hen you paint scene fction, | nothing to wory about. dott know any you dontcreate something, | morethan you dois how you use your out of nothing Instead, | Kas thatcounts.Paimingsci(Senables {yourimaginaton creates | you tounleash your creativity, binging Ed somethingnewbased on whatyou | life anything tom wend aliens to hulking already now Inasense your atwoukis | robots The lipsdeof this isyou need to [Amossicofthe knowledge youpostes, | know how to paint diferent materials pt cgeter in a certn der orate’ | a crane foie desig ‘Something vibrantly original alluhat | Before geting stared, ike w have a ‘ight sound daunting but then’s | clear idea what | want o dra, Tinkof itasa tee -you can hen with focthose branches to sem frm, You can develop ideas an fnishingtouches ‘yeu draw but youl need wold direction ryour ideas to grow int, Forthis workshop chose the subject of female ech pilot in abrght, ‘colourful sit $, lets sce where out imagination nd that opi takes very painting do starts with thumbnail, outing the goal fr the finished piece. You don't nee to pata lt ‘of detail in yoruba: justiryt0 lasify in your own mind whatyou'te striving t achieve ith the image. Atths stage i’simportantto keep it simple and display your idea leary +, your sketch does have wo ily eranatomicallysound | can be mended ayo) | | » Inking Background inks fo ink use Rapidograph pense ‘and blacks saving thickness I gencraly ike ovary Vakethe pane hackgrounds next lineweight depending on how close an Generally peaking, these hae thinner objet isto he camer. Theclener lesan the igure so thatthe somethings thethickerthe linework, | characters stand out alghogh his ule specallyon the boundary ines that canbebbentifan objects ser tothe form theoutside edges ofancbjec or camera than the characte. Amr component ofan object ‘Once allthis done, fl inthe large Tseartbyinkingallthethinnestlines _blackaveaswith a Pentel rush pen. con thefigures witha 18 nb and then witch toa thicker 35 pen, and work on Scanning hehesve inework.Buiklingupthe Many ling comic artists think nesby using thinner pen than thefinal | thatacanning page in greyscale and neweight gives me greater conta, then daskening the line via rightness] Soh isdn acsioggs | Connotea Wl tol ie Themmctanlhsmakarcost | Tole apes eline | yoann nina mode Howes mat fw dothae fomtGemiiicpanciroieypiiie | athewbeapucbucrantte | Gpuntcsannens smn goo sant fe cheap ene Sit nro ne pa ge yan gran cxpenarecannes’ | copper sw gd a (NC prreinor tomatic byw hc orice acton Sotqucsy cout Mg SARAL SON tants inp aig om hewmen peta ten ik eps ieee gr Resizing Fant to en andbwhite linear. size. resize the image. istby changing the dp fe 1200 to 409 (Lage mage Size) wih Resarple Image eked and then untckingResampe Imageand changing the dp frm 400 600. Doing this seus ina inal image that’ 9o- thirds the size ofthe original sania teem of actual pinsize, but at 6004p instead of 1200 Clean-up Invariably, I needto do some clean-up on te mag, eect the Background Laer wth the Threshold layer ail above fyouused my cheap scanner technique), and we the Ease Teal (2) 0 get sid ofan marks Some the inework, and especialy the large blackareas, might bea litle broken up due toinconsitent nk, 10 ixthese areas nun the Bur Tool (0) over them, Seto Midiones and an Exposure of 30 per ‘cen. This darkens and evens out the ‘eesary aes ofthe ag “Once al his i done, flatten the layers. also draw theimagescon Asis posters using the Pencil Too (8) Converting to CMYK Nextcomes ton ating This saying down the Mat blocs of colour on the page ready forthe colours {odo their work Fist theimage needs tobe comverted to CMYK (Image> Mode >CMYK Colo). Howeves, the problem is thar tachievea darkblack o screen, Photoshop defaults to ablack made ofall font inks -75€ 68M G7¥ 90K. This locks reat onthe mentor, bt ifthis wae sent totheprinteritwould case a mess in Indusryscale peiting. i common for the colour plas to slip. Making a print-ready comic CBS STRESS Sic Get flatting {goto the Colour Picker ane change the CMYK settings 90 0M OY 100K; then the il ool (6) to make the inework black (making sue the (Contiguous buton i unticked), Then Tduplie the Background layer (LayersDupicate Lye), before hiding the duplicate inthe Layer window: On the Background layer ili the basic colours using the Fil Tool (thei et to Contiguous) Nest use BPets Mull and Hatten plugins (www.bpeltcom), ‘which remove the black new ad 20V 0K. Contracting the selection before ‘expand the colour areas ual they eet. doing this ill ensues that ifthe plates [Now fthe platesslip you won't end up slip the blue won't shove. Fly ‘with white gap between the ines and the the image ‘colour. ake the newark ayer vse ‘again and setitto Daten Colouring and trapping Heres where cheat nd send the file offto ny colouiet tfyutecolouting youself this is where you apply the ‘comet colouss and shading, taking into account light source anu mood, Yel ‘ote that nthe mile pane, ny ‘Colour has opted fr dramatic coloring ‘onthe background, to heighten sect, ‘Once he’ finshed colouring he aps the image ~ another vital step to ensure ood printing. This ie where he backs tindelad with Beto give a nce, dak ‘okt. ty select the iework ‘sing the Magic Wand (W), then contrat the selection by two pies (Selet> Modify>Contrac). Move tothe loner Colo layer, eae the selection then 8 with strong be consting of OC 40M Lettering Unfortunately, ering would require whole separate woeksop 0 99 Ieuoitin any depth! Ther are, however, ‘many workshops availabe online iy want investigate farther. Lettering usually done in Adobe Hlusuatr, but today's Photoshop has many ofthe same vector tons, sean function peletly adequately 0 letting pogeam. @ Artist Q&A Artist Q&A Learn from the professionals as our pa nel of aes experts tackles real-world manga artis issues uestion low do you effectively use large areas of flat colour in an illustration? —\ Answer Emma replies stop and having bigger iskor an roach han tis such Takashi Saka 1 apptoaches, but inthis a ‘ep-by-step: the rest will follow ‘Begin with those allimoortant ins In this example, I've used Manga Studio. Consider how you want your finished piace to fect leaving a few messy areas can realy add life to Mat image, Otherwise, keep things crisp and smooth, paying attention to width variation and fine points. ‘Separate out your line art and colours uncerneath using the Fil Tool Beginning with a base colour wil hele side your pate, This i where that Confidence comes in: don't be tempted to paint underneath. Trust the lines to form the picture once theyre coloured /At this stage, the ine artis about to be recoloured or removed, enabling that base colour to take the lead, Choose what you want to keep and what you ws to match up with the image colours. Here, the black areas were dispensed of and the remainder was coloured to match the hair Ste Perfect the line art and Core skills advice (tee can I make ay eos like? look more manga- Saejin replies The way that characters look ane el PRD 209 she simpson PRI ad exaezeration of tira feautes However that doesnt ‘mean the syle sloose or unstructured. fs tually quite the epposie, and equtes yt tornaldown exact postions fr echine sora Hew area ew pointers Firs minimise the complicated suruturesof the nose and lip and reduce ‘hesiae ofthe sidewall ofthe nose as ‘much as possible The nasal ridge mst beshallow or fa. Remave the upper ip andthe simplify or sub dite the ‘oto fp with simple shadow xaggtate he eyes They don thave to be large butyoudo wantto make them aesthetically ‘leasing Minimise the white ofthe eye while pi iy, make the ead bic anger than area ‘enon’ in eation othe character’ souls, Thinis especialy tue for drawing female vetlel charac You should also completely remove wee eee epee oes, eclinliiee Gali oening Sonpnnasie youthfulness dhe character Stiteras bose The only thing that ally separates manga and ‘ore realistic styles is ther fail features. Beyond that manga characters an be quite elisic G Artists secret ba cipelonr etree i do I achieve that classic odblock anese, Wor rint pened jook in my aftwork? Answer Casal fapanese woodblock pins, also knovn as ‘ukivo-, poses certain elements that make thers *c) very dtc Resides the obvious unique drawing "syle the ukiyo print possesses very fine inework, ‘beautiful texture anda application of lt, washed-out pigment Nes thes things pay special attention to ‘When lereate the line at forthe character aleys keep leanliness and ines in mind. Fmalieayspayingspecal attetion to keep thelines fie an flowing while atthe same ‘ume making sure to aveid any random sktchinss, which ‘would ultimately detract rom the desived look and feel ofthe ‘lusraton Upon scanningtbe completed drwinginto Photoshop, proced to cleanup thelinework, and then ‘obriei using HueSaturation, ‘Nex, I moveon to texture and colour Fo texture wotk, [tend to do two things, the fist being the use of aston patterns, such 2 those found in the background and on the characters. ‘usualy ereate these apaneseingpred paterns by ether using Protosop or lssteto, depending on the comply the ee Seep ee ames tice wget ioe” ciceea 6 Eee fonestpiay wim Rear | Soe Ai Joanna replies When dating eis Labways between one and three ead i heighstall Guidelines are suconsciouly if away fom such «compres proportions. octet an emotional connection withthe ‘ewer 30 tendo put mostefot in make sure thebody stays indispensable since ise 10 "ee thatthe purpose ofthe chibi styles _ataning the right fail expession and Row ou use black and white and make it look finished? Emma replies the inking stage olds ge importance nla and whe rman image Thefinsh of exis wl tatters ce image so doe tine over width ‘aration and making ends nce and sharp Foenifins rent ging beebauy ible the end ofthe mag, they act a 3 famenor or yuri Bese o hat isgnod eosat any manga imageby completing the line rt fly Start with the ages ae of sl lack eich il guide you through the est of he image Thissep especial import blacks tobe your sounding bare clot Sometimes, an efletve tpt eave a ‘ie "halo between outlines ad the tif The ik then | sing on fares aren ofthe image th {wo thigsin mind Fit balance ty 0 soil ofyou backs cg bunched up in coe pce and vcs ena. Make sue hat black and white are bie blaned Sond is promi shoul you need w puttwoureascl Hacer toes othe da whe divider {Welly however no so black fies st ddl netioeach aber inthe age) Is there a foolproof technique to creating a cute e chibi Character? body language Non-emotinal details sich aris ankles and eet often get streamlined inthe process, something doesnt look a cate ait ‘could be, ry moving the eyes further apart or the mouth higher up, shortening the eyebrows oerasngthe nose. Lalo lve incorporating cute design details such a. ‘ules, bows, hearts or lowers. This gets bow clout ‘rtended iva pastel scheme with ts of shiny bist Core skills advice wi I try to draw manga, I find it hard to flow the From panel paaeinod cant ataprowe Maron es Answer. Michael Chang Ting Yu replies Whenyeniretrying wo show scr sometinesishard toch what toda In ft drawing mangas similarto shooting move or making an animation you have to choose the tight hing dw in deta shou the contnaanee ofthe sory In ane its vem hander because yu neo pick nly afew ames out ofthe whole scene | toconvey the story. Buthewayto | connect thems pesmi | Forexample fyouhavea person ‘who'lookingat somthing he pnd, {uytothink aboutwhathe reader would ‘xpectto ee inthe next pel Fd Sstume tat the eer ae curious about what the person looking a So Tnthenest panel Tdmvwthe objector | ew of what they ate looking at but not {he person with the objeto the view “Ten. nthe next panel, maybe yeu want ofthe objet. Then Forcosing.youshow | beloethswouldbejustsomesmadts Yemen yeatare to show something specific such asthe theeaction ofthe person afterthey sw | coming fiom fa away. When eaders e110 fatal ernest sor distance ofthe objec. theobje is ota eal dosing'iftsin | thebig panel the huge group bees wil waar i Insory wring [fie low the themiddlet the son Wasa sopping | ally tnd ow oe wing strc are suppor, | patoreaden ogo eri = ~ tanto, sing Thisistheway of anion, Now you've built upthe SS 4 2 ‘keeping the flow ofthe story ging atmosphere that attracts the readers to | se S ™ smooth use this wriingstrucure at goon tothe next page. | " ‘reference io draw manga Sometimes you wantto show impact of Artist Secret Foreample youmighstar with | thesony Thenyouchoseiohave bi | emanion apenon wb islnolingatsomthing, | panel hut wha shuld ys dbo tha? FINDINSPRATION 6 Spe eeesne, Nes ee ernie | : piping nase tial Uipaas atime een etal sr Bae : imaybeinthe nextpandyeu canshow — Forexample say wanttoshew age | ron smote supporting deni suchasthesize groupofbeesinabigpanel the panel | Step-by-step: Creating a chibi illustration ¥ start with a ough sketch ofthe head + @¥ tlike to vary the line widths quite a lot. ga Ghibtilustations are fun and bubbly tnd body proportions, shown herein © wheninking because tis makes line” uo tove using a baht palette astl reg. The head is avirtually perfect sphere: arf visually stimulating, which in turn shades, rosy cheeks, shine and sparkle aso 1 simply dip the reflects the ‘enhance the outine at the ‘emotions state cuteness of the front inwards Bk of a chibi picture, $< image, Slack slightly tocreate | © Sx | ithelos make outines often 2 facial profile, ZS}. | them cuter to ‘pcear slightly Tonly begin look at. When harshin ths adaing details srawing more context, 30 "ve ones Im > | tnan one Coloureds them in completely es character, also tocreate a sense happy with the C avoid ving any of 30. Fora body language u 25. | two the same twist, you can and dynamics of facial expression, Put cute chibis in the image for variety a scary setting Rieti low do I create a dynamic li; environment in manga-styl eset) al ree ueetials hat's a good way to rendera manga-style mouth and lips? ae do I pick the best angle when drawing manga? Answer. ‘ Michael Chang 'Ting Yu replies The ayo pick an aig fn manga sillartoa tant to pickthe ane shove wat you wan the ears focus on Diferent ‘ngs coney flee atmoephers For example But personal style andthe tory are alo factors to consider ‘when choosing the angle My final ip isto seeifthe angle of «eich panel loks good before you sat adding any deals Core skills advice | TS low do I give my oa) characters ER herr B i oymeritirlcoem eeleed Ques How can I render semi-transparent materials such as latex convincingly? Chester replies Latex presen several hale is lee BB coniormingtotheshape ofthe abject wraps over There ae sk diferent nse fom los oma Latexcanbe fully opaque or semi- ‘eansparent showing the ealous of the object underneath ve chosen to ender Atypethatisflexble, glossy and semi- ‘eansparentItmay seem challenging to paint al these effects on single objet, but ‘the payoffs definitely worth t. Layers ely ageat dal her 20 P program of choice. Latex has suong highlights because of thereflectiveness ofthe mate, Crease Py el THE OTHERS. AND LEAVE TOMORROW SUNDOWN, stion low do | add text to manga’ ? Are there special fonts or typographic conventions to look out for? Answer Joanna rey Tenisnotonlyananatve | aspositlewithou scfcinglebily or tea butsnimporsmviaal lesrnaraon ‘cement thepage When" Photoshop the mos cenit cing toa pee program tote Sle te orzo Type Tool and clicknsie the speech Dubble where you want your text Lalays ‘copy and paste my writing trom aWord document. set my textalgnmentto ‘Center and open the Character plete via ‘Windows Character Fist Lads the text sizeso the writing fis neatly inside a speech bubble. hike the Horizontally scale option: it makes familiar font mow intersting. Te orizontal Type Mask Tool is ideal for sound effect you can stroke and illaseection, English-language manga aleays capitalised aconventon derived from western comicsrather than fpanese manga Tor convenience, choose afont that'suppercase by default. Keep away from fonts with ert (elt bisa the end of eters on fons suchas Times New Roman): these are difcultto read whens ‘capital, Avoid Comic Sans despite the ‘name ifs not suitable fr tring, Good the text ook el with the eter ‘manga fonsincade Digital Srp and ‘Yogowpysipddbe ty esteoerbanse, Anime Ace, which yo can downlod a Samet Showacrard Anime ce which ye Core skills advice é ‘an I do Photoshop line art with a brush instead of paths? Answer Sagjin replies etistartby doing rough drawing you ‘now, the usual Sart with simple steuctres: head, neck chest, ‘nd limbs in rough cylindrical fms. Next, create another Jaye ontop filiewith white, ‘change the Opacity so that yourrough lines faindy show through then merge the ayes. Aeenatively you cane bre fonce =a do = by enlarging your {ou fnal line at, youran fade out ‘your lineforthe hastuime. \ ‘When yousart ‘yur final line at ry hard not to beak the ines and keep them coatinious Ifyou deaw the lin oolong, ease the end where istics ot Curvature, too, is something you just have to petit in ‘defor yourpctureso lok decent, so use the Unido funtion {berally unl youda. Remember, persistence required fora good result Iti ake some effort the fist time around but i You practise then youl beable a do a masterpiece ao time! lve heard that gradients can be used within a cel-shaded image. Any tips? Emma replies ‘There ata sonts ofwaysto apply satiens 1020 Shaded image and ‘one of them ar to ky. Working in ayer is highly secommended tou want to main flexible Tnusing Photoshop in this example butyou can use the ough proces in other appliations. Novice hat use an ade sadien ayer to amplify the Fret source butalso wo ald an atmosphere of froin Iscketeverythingoutie of smyimage. iver the selection anderetea mane Once this is done, then ad abacao- ‘white rae. Some points nt: Fr whem appinga gran it Important toma it work with height soure in the Image and not against ean also ake diflrence where $e choose ost your radient layer n thin pve for exam Light being mode changing or sraiientsisontopfallofthecolour | gradient ayer to Had Light or Overy, and layers but below thelineart nsomecass, Joule the dference immediate though itcan be more eee keep the Lastly you want play around wth our sraiientbelow yourshadowand highlight Tue/Sauraton stings onthe gradient Inyer Rememberthatthe kind oflayer” layer gust the right feel. Why sffctyouchoosewllalsomakeabye __eauringyour gratin fr some realy Alierence inthis image Tvewsed aot funkyeffecst as rr sh ipti esicn MAF cs rennin Joanna replies ‘The wou shoo describes any manga das pwimarlyatmed ata emaleauience (as opposed toshonen which smale-orenel). Within shoujo manga. theres apopularsyleof diate ‘tines andsoft amos rasluent colouring Defoe the {ays fC, thes images were rendered using watery inks ot soba bse mater: Howeve no isaac east twachiew tbe sane ele with programs sch as Painter. “Theshouosplebegns at inking The ine shoul be thin and tapered with each oa iced separate foe ‘xample The easiest way to do thsi with din ib pen (@ekindyou dip inink). Afr scanning Topen the imagen Painterandsctitas 3 Mui ayer “The best rush to uses igial Watercolour thisappes lsyerof tanstxcent colour am can bu yp subesading jst by applying pressure onthe pen tablet. The ey isto keep ‘thecolours quite pale so they complement the dicate ‘outlines. Always remember to sleet Dry Digital Watercolour (Cul/CommandShift+L): this enables you to use other tools, suchas the Hlender, fr Finishingtouches. ‘Notice thatthe geshinebeen eft blankeduring inking Thisis done lotinshowjo itstration: a sold black pupil gives an ‘unveate evel of shade ofthe itis colour as inthe lacs in thisimage, resuksinamore rt low can I mak iw big mechs colliding feel more powerful? eee replies usta foto act lie at high peed and palate pinto impact in going paint box clidig inthe middle of abate Tye aay fn toda beemie you cat make ther ut shoutanythingand not worry about ‘wheter ornoitsbased on harden. In nny opinlon they ankas on ofthe most fanasiccharacertypesyoucan da fom, In scenes fein and faa slong with wizards ad abies. The rst thing odo isto conceptualise hw you wane wo robot going head to bead to lok Make alist of ineresting things that only bots can door iterating suibnes hat ony robots pees Some ‘oo things that come to mind are energy ‘ilu anyouwancandsilmanapeso F a ppealto the squeamish. The atl could reac crazy levels f violence without showing blood and gee ‘Afteryouve made thelist choose which of those imteresting elements you wantto ‘ighlight. Giving them ll equal emphasis snakes everything compete foratiention andl the emit nage loki Mat bits best to priors usta tan show smaterings ofthe 1's Way to compose this scene wing Photoshop. ): How to paint the point of impact... cifferant eoloure as Now you can add special D eneray blasts, sparks, alo Looking fe strongest lig rate ow err Creme) ersten anita ioe Stowe duet bets st tana se andSoM pss gate at's the best method for colouring manga hair? Joanna replies {reese the mow common approaches to manga tebelow The ayes pape the owt popular IWinolves atest thee shades antiga hale Inghlights gadly incest (Sah i) shading owards thes of the head hat away rom the ght source is important tha the highlights llow and accentuate therounnesof tae head, Since mangabalr on har sands fing ofl inal devon, seas lise tackot heel Shape: So when ang highligh check that tye cortecthy aligned with indvial standard the head aa whole “hesecon styles asin curve highligh. This ‘when presed or ime The hid stleswapssolidhihlighs fora padi This techniques eflecine you peerpalety images rer cetayic ones. The ast example ues rants fora Stine ete Ue the jedroperto ck upa fa colo sade that you wantthe gg highligh fade ina sed carefully, gradients area fantastic way to cheat on manual shading work, eszeyevaenceranguenceonte Roe can I achieve proper smoothed- out shadows in my manga pictures? Ai Chester replies Crete has colour aso determine the As itsuallyte cae tere | image colour scheme aed clr conta Ei Senanemsprarn | Oncyuie mised vah ieeabur Ibis buts bestosickto scheme, begin adding dette coloue Ccenly shaped brushes and | fas inthis the ape on bere avoid tested betes ahopeher Ths | sub thelogo on her Isvoensre thatthe shadows ar io ye aly opal Use a Soft Thocitoptcreaetisieage with anode shape and depth heat Zeuplecfwelultpsiiedbdow, | shadowaichardstadoms pode hen 3) 4) youline ina ihed oi every single Some oceasional gradients hereand there pee, i’slldonefiom thestart~Which help to add move depth to the forms and ae ee aaa twill cake things mucheaserinthe || blend the colour fora harraonious, rian tincnsieg warnsnahans owcomn corona longeun cohesive image Sn tie, and s00n oie ee, Se ee how to combine on 2 with illustrations? Michael Chomicki replies oly ee ene 4 soaps nate to se them subyorextensively the cet of rapicshapes, comming witha tong ilysuation can go aon way ‘One effective and very skin way using s1aphics in artworks to echo thee shapes ‘thoughout an lusuation. In thigpartculae ‘example | decided wo create abe called HARTY The spe ofthese along the Tine of something haul be found on ship fashion poster or magazine ad Thefirst step to creating clean and erisp raphicsis hough the use of the Pen Tool This HART! thelist al a in site rersarets question to hel ‘handy tot canbe found in various graphics applications: peer Photoshop or is weir ‘based sibling Mhstator, ‘Thenextsepistoarrange the graphic elements within your compostion Jost ie with any ewig o paging importa thatthe raps in the backglound areitustrandomly scattered flow with the tet of the iasttion nally, is a ideato te gaphic ‘nackground elements into the foreground ofthe Asteaton to bing together Her, Ive taken alg and somestrpes rom the background and ade them asa design to the character's ‘costume The Wap Tet in Photoshop helps you toblend these elements with the three ‘imensional form ofthe characte. Core skills advice Step-by-step: Add some graphics to your art ig ee ‘The fst step isto create all the [graphic elements in a piece of software such as Photoshop oF Hlustrator, ‘by making use of the Pen Tool. I's 2 powerful option that uses paths and fills to generate clean and crisp shapes. ‘with al of the graphic elements finished, it's time to integrate them in {the illustration. It's very important to sive seme thought regarding the placement of allthe graphic elements being used to create a strong composition nr / In the Final step, I reuse some of the graphic background elements by adorning the character's costume with them. Making use of Photoshop's Warp Tool is very helpful in adjusting the graphic tlements to the form of the character. @ ED oS Reo ret a anh teens on eng we see nr eee cat Rea ate eno eC ee LAL G On your disc On your disc ** To support our workshops, your disc includes a wealth of resources to aid your creative Huet process. From how-to videos os to step-by-step workshop images, you'll find this disc essential Highlights include... Sinad Jaruartjanapat Videos showing key workshop stages, plusa manga line brush ep val created by Sinad retells) Madeleine Rosca A files to on / 20 minutes of step-by'step 5 Neer) workshop vdeo, plus handy si reference sketches Li NaS twork Chester Ocampo ‘Work in-progress sage images, plus brushes for manga-style painting in Photoshop Saejin Oh Images from Saejin’s workshop, plus brushes to accompany his ‘manga character tips ‘And more... Images o accompany al the worlshopstn the gode GiNEIX Presents Manga FOUR SPECIAL EDITIONS TO COLLECT We've gathered together our finest workshops by th Peering cece eo Ren emia eed rny A fa S é ad WHSmith © Borders ® Barnes & Noble ® £7.99 een ar Conc citskc et ya) TT ER aan II ae stunning manga comics and characters in easy to follow steps Improve your EVaep term enaceke a1 ieee Retake RTO mom ecTLnS is a fun way to develop your digital art skills. In this collection of workshops, the world’s best manga and comic artists share their for painting brilliant manga art. erento ee a ieee crete ii 781858'703268'>

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