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Reflection On “If Once Wasn’t Enough”

A. I personally enjoyed the emotion I gave off in this poem. When I started off this
the eyes being glossed and ending with both knowing it was hopeless is to me, a
powerful emotion to feel, knowing there’s nothing more that can be done.
B. The rhyme scheme is what I like least about my poem, Using the words
“Brooding and splice” are words that don’t usually come up. Plus I feel like my
rhyming could have been a lot stronger, I used weak words. For example, “Help,
felt, two.”
C. The hardest part was filling in the middle of the poem. I had the start and the end
in a pretty solid thought, but filling in and giving a story in between was difficult.
“Trying to find a way back to paradise. Stretching and grasping on strings of
nothing, Willing to throw all the bad away and sacrifice. Yet the constant roughing
and shoving Was enough to break that splice”
D. I honestly don’t rememebr what my peer editors said because we turned the
sheets in and I can not look back at them.
E. Well, this is the first piece of work wev’e done? I thought it’s pretty similar to the
things I write outside of the class. I like writing dark, emotional stories. “Deep
down, both understood, nothing could save the broken two.”
F. I would change the last words of the last stanza, I think I could’ve throiughly
improved that area. “Help, felt, two.”
G. The purpose is that not every realtionship lsts no matter how hard they try to
make it work, when the foundation or start was torn up, it’s very hard to repair
and go back to the way it was before all the chaos happened.
H. Word Choice, again the rhyming I need to work on for my future pieces of work.
I. This poem I think shows that throuigh experience I know how it feels to want
something so bad but to know it’ll never be the same or work out in my favor.
J. My next goal is to really put in figrative language into my poem, really set an
image without explaining it directly.

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