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The performance titled “Russian Dance Summer” is a one of traditional

Russian folk songs. This is a ballet type of dance. Artistic directed by Maestro Igor
Moiseyev and music by S. Galperin, V. Zmykhov. It happened last year November 8,
2018 at Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

It reflects on different aspect of the Russian national character. Ballet dancing

is an important part of Russian culture. This dance depicts the humor, mischief,
romance and lyricism. The setting is a harvest festival, and villagers of all ages have
gathered to cheer on a young couple. The Moiseyev Dance Ensemble is considered
by some to be Russia’s greatest theatrical folk dance company. The ballet dance
was highly decorated by Maestro Igor includes bright costumes, irresistible music,
and pure fun that is very impressively. The performance contains forty-six best ballet

Ballet is an art. Ballet is a theatrical form of dance with music and a story. It is
not just a particular dance it was a form of an act of drama, coordination and
enthusiasm. Ballet is hard to perform because the dancers should communicate and
conveys to people the true meaning and the story of the act. But ballet should not be
declared pointless just because it’s meaning isn’t immediately obvious. Honestly the
ballet I watched was looks good but somehow at first I don’t get immediately the
meaning of the act. I just get amaze because the show was so entertaining. I was
impressed in the beauty and grace of the dance. The emotions ballerinas presented
with their movements were so real. The performance had different transition and
interpretations within the whole show as it was sometimes going very fast sometimes
it was slow. The stage was simply decorated but the performance was so
unexpected its one of the best. What I noticed most about the ballet though, was the
importance of music. How the music and steps work together to create an amazing
performance, creating dramatic pauses and setting the tempo for the dance. This
show deserves a standing ovation and big round of applause.

I enjoyed the video because it gave me an idea of what ballet is truly about. I
appreciated all the dancers because they put so much effort to make the show
energetic and lively. I really loved the music because if the sound beats fast the
dance moves are also fast and their are all synchronized and in unity. Ballerinas
have the ability to convey their emotion, passion and artistry even they struggle a lot
of the pain in their body and strain on their feet. I learned that with the use of body,
technique, expression, and the spirit the dancer truly converse their mood and vibe
toward the viewer. And I’m amazed how flexible the girls and even the boys that is
so unusual. Over all performance is very impressive.

Prepared by:
Ma. Luisa A. Dela Rosaqw

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